#DavidWilkerson – #propheticword #revelation #throneofgod #fyp #christianfyp #warning #feed #jesuschrist #christian #Christ #LastDays [Must Hear] Like & Subscribe – @ahavajerusalem For more about this sermon visit: https://ahavajerusalem.org/?p=570
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About David Wilkerson David Wilkerson was the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. He was called to New York in 1958 to minister to gang members and drug addicts, as told in the best-selling book, The Cross and the Switchblade. In 1987, David Wilkerson returned to “the crossroads of the world” to establish Times Square Church. As a pastor of the church, he faithfully led this congregation, delivering powerful biblical messages that encourage righteous living and complete reliance on God. David Wilkerson had a strong burden to encourage and strengthen pastors throughout the world. From 1999 to 2008, he traveled around the globe holding conferences for Christian ministers. Posted with written permission of Time Square Church Copyright © 2016 Times Square Church, 1657 Broadway, New York, NY, 10019, USA. T: (212) 541-6300 F: (212) 541-6415 About Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up. MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) Like & Subscribe – @Ahava Jerusalem today to stay updated. #fyp #forgiveness #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #sermon #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #Kingdom #HolySpirit #JesusChrist #God #Holy Spirit #Bible #Word #Love #Grace
would you go to Revelation 14 please
14 nobody comes to Times Square Church
without their
Bibles so let me hear the rustling of
the leaves
please Revelation
14 my message this morning without fault
Before the Throne of God without fault
Before the Throne of God verse four
beginning to read verse 5 also these are
they which were not defiled with women
for they are
virgins these are they which follow the
lamb withersoever he goeth these were
redeemed from among men being the first
fruits unto God un to the lamb and in
their mouth was found no gu for they are
what without fault Before the Throne of
God now folks the first three verses
don’t let that bother you about
144,000 that really is is not a good
interpretation it’s multiplications of
12 meaning endless numbers of 12 it’s
the whole host of God has nothing to do
with Israel this has to do with the
Israel of jerus the Holy Jerusalem which
is us who are Redeemed by the blood of
the Lamb We Are The Virgins that stand
before him without fault may God
encourage you by what you here this
morning my wife and I were dining with
uh a friend of ours this past week and
she voiced what I
believe uh is the feeling of so many
Christians in these perilous times that
we face she said my husband’s an oculist
he makes and and uh places glass eyes he
fits glass
eyes she said we’ve worked very hard all
our lives and we’ve saved money and we
have a few additional retirement funds
but things are getting very scary Pastor
Dave we see Nations falling into
depression all around us we hear of
possible computer disaster coming in the
2000 we see terrorism on all side we
hate to listen to the news or pick up a
newspaper anymore because every day some
new awful thing is
happening and she said I know Christians
are not supposed to be afid but it’s
very hard not to I personally struggle
with fear about our mortgage and our car
payments because who’s want to who wants
to buy glass eyes when the economy goes
sour so he said I have to fight off
these human fears daily and I feel bad
about having these fears because I know
that as a Christian I should be trusting
the Lord and resting in his keeping
power but she said frankly in my flesh
it’s very scary and it’s hard to fight
this in Their Fear and I believe she’s
voicing what is in the hearts of
multitudes today who struggle to Keep
Their Fear out of their hearts as they
hear these terrible reports and the
struggle to rest in God’s keeping
power and most Christians that I talk to
really don’t feel prepared physically
for an economic collapse or the things
that we see happening around the world
and of suddenly things go apart very few
feel prepared for that and and uh they
do see something in the Horizon
intuitively something is happening to
the nation that it’s disintegrating that
things are falling apart and there there
is that human
fear even the government of the United
States is preparing last week uh
Secretary of Defense said there are 120
special trained units now they’re like
uh large SWAT teams that have been
prepared to move into 120 of our major
cities in case a breakdown in the year
2000 in case of riots and looting if the
if wall street
collapses and uh on August 20th just
this past
week in all the newspapers I hope I
trust you’ve seen that the Federal
Reserve has announced that it’s uh
preparing to put $50 billion more into
circulation because they anticipate a
run on the banks because of the year
2000 the Y2K problem
and there’s a fear that over $150
billion in cash reserves now on the bank
most of your know local banks have 5% of
their money in the bank they have very
little cash so they’re going to put 50
billion more to the 150 billion there
because they believe that most American
70 million households will withdraw an
average of
$450 to pay for Necessities such as food
and gas should there be a crisis or a
collapse now folks these are in our
newspapers this is something you read
day now no matter how righteous you may
be here this morning no matter how much
you pray How Deeply uh instilled the
word of God is in your heart humanly
these things do affect us they affect me
I write about it I prophesy about it but
it is in a personal lever people say
well brother wson aren’t you concerned
yes and folks I’ve learned a few secrets
that have have absolutely helped me uh
to focus on not on the problems that are
coming not on the hard times that are
coming but he’s put something in me and
he’s he I I I I’m a student of the of
the Puritans especially John Owens and
and and uh I got this secret from them
because I’ve got ex I have uh extremely
good news for you this morning I’ve got
incredible news for you and if you keep
your eyes on this news I’m about to give
you and focus on it every day when you
get up none of these other evil reports
or these news reports from around the
world are going to phase you at
all are you ready for the good
news we’re all going to
die better yet we’re all going to the
Judgment good
news say you’re losing a
pastor at all it’s appointed under man
wants to die after that the Judgment one
minute in
eternity you’ll know how insignificant
all of these things are that they never
really did matter that he was there all
the time in his keeping saving power and
it didn’t make any difference whatsoever
one second into
eternity I can imagine someone thinking
this morning Pastor
how can this be good news I’m trying to
just rid my heart of the fears about the
coming depression and you’re and the
rioting and looting you say he’s going
to come to this
city and now you tell me I’m going to
stand before God and give an account of
every thought and every deed because he
said every thought’s going to be brought
into captivity every evil deed that I’ve
I’ve ever committed in my life I’ve got
to give an account of all the good and
bad in my life that’s a fearful thing
what are you talking about Good
News folks if you understand your Bible
if you understand the word of God you’re
rooted and grounded in this book you’re
going to find that if you keep your mind
focused on the New Jerusalem state of
mind if you keep your mind focused on
the day you stand before almighty God
and it’s a time of joy and Thanksgiving
and that’s what I’m going to prove to
you this morning that it’s your
coronation day it’s a Time preceding the
marriage supper of the Lamb where God or
whether Jesus Christ the lord himself is
going to embra you
Hallelujah wonderful news that if you’re
trusting in
Jesus and you are under his cleansing
blood if you’ve been sprinkled by the
blood of Jesus Christ you are submitted
to the lordship of Jesus Christ you are
going to stand Before the Throne of God
fault you’re going to stand before him
without fear and you are going to be
acknowledged before every sinner before
the devil and every demon in hell as the
Bride of Jesus Jus
Christ let me tell you that you will not
face a single sin that’s been against
you you will not be exposed for any
failure you will be there without spot
or blemish in fact on that
day all your bad Works will have been
done away with only your good works are
going to be expressed or exposed to the
multitudes of the the Nations that are
gathered now I’m not going to get into
discussion this morning about the
Judgment seat of Christ or whether
there’s one General resurrection and one
General great white Throne judgment the
Puritans and many many theologians down
through history believe in one General
Resurrection others believe that there
are two that the Christian goes to the
Judgment seat of Christ
first let me tell you this that on that
great white throne judgement the Bible
says we are all going to be there and
and and I I’ll tell you before I’m
finished where I stand on that because I
I I’m going to prove to you I believe
from the scripture that if there is a
judgment of Christians separate it’s
going to be a one by one one at a time
judgment not before the crowds and if
there are Works to burn it’ll be between
you and Jesus and nobody else I can
prove that powerfully here and then I
believe there’s one great white Throne
judgment where all stand together you
see but doesn’t the Bible say God shall
bring every work into judgment with
every secret thing whether it be good or
whether it be
evil you say how can it be then that the
Saints are going to stand before God
without fear if all of the bad works are
going to be brought into the
light now keep in mind that the great
white Throne judgment there are two
classes of people are sheep and there
are goats there are the faithful and
Unfaithful there are the Saints and the
Sinners the sons and the
slaves the Bible says there’s going to
be wise and foolish Believers and
unbelievers and at the great white
Throne judgment every sinner is going to
face his book every sinner is going to
face every evil thought that he’s ever
thought Millions upon millions of evil
thoughts every sinful deed every
rejection of every scripture every
sermon he’s ever heard every sinner will
stand before God and give an
account of everything that is bad
everything that is
evil but listen to me Saints when you
stand before him you stand complete in
Jesus Christ you stand complete and
nothing you’ve ever said anything you
have done that is under the blood of
Jesus Christ will never again be
mentioned never brought before the
crowds of
that this same judgment Christ will make
known to the
devil to the Demons of Hell to the
fallen angels and all the wicked of all
ages he will bring to the open every
known every prayer that every Christian
has every pray prayed every heart cry of
the righteous he will remember every
tear every
fast every groan of the spirit every
trial every suffering every word of
praise and thanksgiving
he will remember even the cup of cold
water that you gave to the Thirsty every
morsel of bread to the hungry every
piece of clothing to the cold and the
naked he’s going to bring it all out in
the open you say how would there ever be
time well time shall be no
more folks he could do this in in in in
in a situation where we are not even
aware of time in in our time element
could last for ages and yet go Jud like
that because we’re in eternity we don’t
understand that but he’s going to he’s
going to bring before the devil and
throw right in his face every worship
Every Praise every groan of the spirit
every time I’ve been alone with Jesus
and poured my heart out it’s going to be
rehearsed before the devil and all the
crowds of
Hell there’s nothing you’ve done to his
glory that will not be expressed on that
day there will be no condemnation for
the righteous none of all verily verily
I say unto you Jesus said that he that
Hearth my words and believeth on him
that sent me have everlasting life shall
not come into condemnation and in the
original Greek shall not come into
judgment but is passed from Death unto
life you shall not come into judgment
but to
everlasting life glory be to God God
said through through Isaiah I even I am
he that blote out thy transgressions for
my own sake and I will not remember thy
sins again Isaiah
43:25 Isaiah
44:22 I have blotted out as a thick
Cloud thy transgressions and as a cloud
all thy sins return unto me for I’ve
redeemed thee Paul the
Apostle for I will be merciful to their
un righteousnesses and their sins and
their iniquities will I remember no more
Hebrews 5:17 this is the Covenant I will
make with them after these days those
days sayth the Lord I will put my laws
into their hearts and in their minds I
shall write them and th sin and
iniquities will I remember no more you
know that all encompassing
scripture in Micah 7:19 he will turn
again he will have compassion on us he
will subdue our iniquities this is good
news for everybody who’s sweating in
their own flesh trying to kick and
mortify the Deeds of the flesh how many
bullets have you tried to bite how many
promises you made how much sweat have
you sweated trying to please God and
walk in Holiness and fight your own lust
and your own habits my Bible says God
through the Holy Ghost will subdue
them you can’t do it in your own
strength and your own power but then he
says if you allow the Holy Ghost to do
it this is the
promise and thou thou God will cast all
their sins into the depths of the
sea not only does he cast you want to
tell you want to know how he does it he
takes your sins and flips them over your
shoulders this is what it says Thou Hast
in love to my soul delivered me from the
pit of corruption for thou Hast thrown
all my sins behind thy back
38:17 all through the scripture God said
when I forgive you I forget every sin
every transgression all iniquities I
forgotten why can’t you and
I why do we allow the devil to dig up
something in the uh muck and mire of our
past that’s already under the blood oh
folks one of the biggest sins on the
face of the earth is to doubt the
cleansing forgiving power of the blood
of Jesus Christ what an awful sin it
is Bible says on that
day the books are going to be
open would you go to Revelation 20
please it’s going to
read let’s let’s start with verse uh
10 and the devil that deceived them was
cast into the lake of fire and
brimstone thank God he has everything
under control the devil’s time is
limited where the Beast and the false
prophets are and shall be tormented day
and night forever and
ever and I saw a great white throne and
him that sat on it from whose face the
earth and the heaven fled away there was
no place for them
no found no place for them and I saw the
dead small and great stand before God
and the books were open and another book
was opened now notice there are books
every sinner has his own
book can you imagine the sinner standing
before the judgments answer for every
deed every thought everything if you’re
here this morning and you are rejecting
Jesus Christ outright you rejected his
offer of Love you’ve heard his appeal
you’ve been convicted by the holy spirit
yet you go your own selfish stubborn way
oh the day comes when you stand before
his throne and you answer that book will
be opened and every deed and every
thought will be opened and
exposed would be
incredibly frightening to hear Hitler’s
book opened in the name of every
Jew that he
murdered can you imagine what it’s going
to be like when the transgressors stand
before him all the mass murderers and
all the politicians and all the lies
that they’ve covered everything that
they’ve done and it’s all brought out
into the open everything until they’re
screaming no no no enough enough and
it’s only the beginning and everything
is brought into the
light all those numbered among the
transgressors what a time all of the the
kings of of Israel and kings of Judah
from the all the way back the murders
and the rapist and the books are opened
and sinner your book will be opened the
Bible says and the books were opened but
you see there’s a a in comparison to all
books now I don’t know if these are
literal we’re not talking about literal
books God go God listen I’ll tell you
what if if they can put a whole library
on a little floppy
disc can you imagine what God’s mind can
do when you talk about books being
opened but there’s one book for All
Saints all believer One book there
nothing in it but your
mind soul and spirit and folks your name
is written in the Book of
Life the books were open which is The
Book of Life and the dead were judged
out of those things which were written
in the books according to the works
according to their works the scripture
says glory be to
God now you that are here this morning
listening to me who were guilty of
Starlet sins now there are Scarlet sins
I mean they are blood red with this with
the stench of Hell drugs alcohol
homosexuality prostitution you name it
there are some of you that sit here this
morning you don’t even want to think
about your
past and folks you don’t have to think
about your past but you are told to
remember the pit from which you were du
and there are some of you sitting here
right now you blush to think of what you
were how close you came to falling into
hell and you really should be dead I
mean physically you should be in hell
right now stop and think about that you
could be in hell now but for the work of
the holy spirit in this good
book but I want to tell you something
I’ve got a scripture for you that can
take you to the Judgment seat of Jesus
Christ it can take you to the briway
throne judgment with exceeding great joy
Hallelujah because when you under the
blood you don’t he does not look at you
anymore as a piece of Filth he doesn’t
look at you as a junkie or a prostitute
he looks at you as a spotless precious
bride Isaiah 1118 though your sins be a
Scarlet they shall be white as snow
though they be red like Crimson they
shall be as wo white as snowy
wool are you under the
blood you had the sprinkling the blood
on your heart you sit here now with
every right to say I am
clean all my sins were crimson red but
they’re as white as
wool my name is in the Book of Life
Hallelujah let’s talk about that moment
you stand before the great white Throne
judgment how can the
bridegroom charge his own
Bride on that day with iniquity H how
how does the husband to be look at the
wife to be and charge him in front of
all the
impossible he’s your judge yes he’s your
judge to the wicked but the Christ who
called you the Christ who say saved you
the Christ who interceded for you all
these years who cleansed you who
purchased you with his own blood who
branded you on the forehead as his own
beloved he your Christ will be at the
Judgment your husband your Redeemer your
friend your Advocate your intercessor
still he will be all of that you will be
complete in him without spot or wrinkle
or without fault before his
throne how do you sit there with without
saying at least a big amen I
incredible and you being dead in your
sins and the uncircumcised
uncircumcision of your flesh hath he
Quicken together with him having
forgiven you all your
trespasses now unto him that is able to
keep you from falling present you
faultless before the presence of his
glory with exceeding joy and if you’re
faultless how does he condemn you
faultless I want to get out of your mind
once and for all that the great white
Throne judgment for Christian is a
fearful thing it is a it is something
that should bring the greatest joy
possible to your
heart glory to
God bring out the handwriting of
ordinances that was against us which was
contrary to us and he took it out of the
way nailing it to the
Cross folks the Bible said we are the
body of Christ and he is the head you
think for one minute he’s going to sever
his head at the Judgment Day from his
body in front of the
wicked Bible says he’s the Cornerstone
of the church is he going to bring the
whole B building down at the Judgment no
now I want to bring the hammer down the
hammer of God’s
word and completely
smash once and for all any fear you have
as a True Believer of standing before
Judgment in that great day of
accounting so that you can anticipate it
from now on with great joy and
Thanksgiving I’m going to give you a few
irrefutable Bible reasons why you have
no reason to fear but every reason to
Rejoice Hallelujah I told you that I see
all these things coming in the earth and
don’t bother me because folks the Bible
makes it clear that this life is just
grass it’s just fading away it’s grass
it’s here and gone Bible said your life
is like you’re been on a frosty day and
just the vapor that heat vapor from your
he said it’s your
life why
worry you don’t have time for
it and you don’t belong here anyhow and
live or die you’re the
Lords folks it’s it’s it we’re it’s all
pointing to the marriage supper of the
Lamb we’re going to a feast but before
that we’re going to the
Hallelujah all right reason number one
why you need to rejoice
fear is not compatible with all the
wonderful relationships he’s proclaimed
to us in his relationship to us in other
words God himself has defined who he is
to us and it’s not compatible to fear
listen to what he said he is to us he
said I’m your father I’m your brother
I’m your friend I’m your bridegroom I’m
your head I’m your husband I’m your
Advocate I’m your kinsman redeemer I’m
your provider your Refuge your Shepherd
and much much more now God himself
established that relationship that’s how
he defines himself in relationship to us
I didn’t Define it that way you didn’t
God said this is who I am to you and he
is not going to change at the Judgment
he’s still your father he’s still your
friend your Advocate you’re
you think for one moment in front of the
devil and all the Raging pow of Hell
he’s going to deny his relationship to
no put the hammer to It smash
it another reason how can you
fear on the day of your restitution and
coronation he hath not dealt with us
after our sins he has not rewarded us
according to our iniquities as far as
the East is from the
West so far hath he removed our
transgressions from us anybody tell me
how far the East is from the
West he said that’s how far I’ve removed
sins he said why do you call it your
coronation day because Isaiah said of
that day as the bridegroom rejoices over
the bride so God shall rejoice over thee
and he was speaking of that very day as
a bridegroom rejoices over his bride and
there you stand before him and he has
eyes for you he is just reaching out to
embrace you in front of the whole
multitudes of transgressors that’s my
bride on the right the goats on the left
the bride on the right
Hallelujah when the Bible says the
nation of the world be separated sheep
and goat that’s peoples not countries
can you name me any country on the face
of the Earth that would fit the
description of feeding and clothing and
housing and all of these things there
not a nation in the world never will be
he’s talking about
peoples how can you fear when the Lord
is gazing on you with love and
Hallelujah is still the apple of his eye
Hammer the Lord will do n the Lord will
do on that day no less than it requires
of us today he will not require
something of us that he would not be
willing to do himself on the Judgment
Day I want you to listen closely and
folks if if you got any remaining fear
let this end it once and for
all the
lord requires of us to hide and cover
and forgive the sins of our brothers and
sisters the scripture said If thy
brother offend thee go and tell him his
fault between him and thee alone if he
shall hear thee thou has gained thy
brother now if there’s going to be a
separate judgment for Christians this is
where I get it the Lord saying if you’re
going to forgive your brother you’re not
going to bring it before the whole crowd
and unless there is it
they they reject your offer you bring it
before the church yes but that there
there’s a process there but first it’s
one to one it’s one to one you go to
your brother listen to it tell him his
fault between him and thee
alone now folks if there going to be
works that burn it’s going to be Jesus
in you Jesus in me in a private
conversation with his bride when he says
lovingly I cannot bring this baggage
with you I can’t bre I want to show you
what you missed and how it could have
been there’s Glory nothing but Glory
you’re my precious bride you’re under
the blood there’s no spot there’s no
wrinkle but let me remind you let me
speak to you it’ll be one on
one it’s not for
restitution no it’s to show the glory of
Christ himself and his forgiving power
so that the bride will understand the
glory of this
God is offended when
Christians point out the weaknesses and
infirmities of other
Saints the Lord will deal with
that he will do no less for us when we
stand before him the Bible said the
discretion of a man defers his anger
it’s a glory of a for a man to pass over
transgressions Proverbs 25:2 it is the
glory of God to conceal a
thing the glory of God to
conceal that which is under the blood
Hallelujah Christ is hidden he’s covered
pardoned he’s absolutely wiped Away The
Sins by his own blood all his
transgressions that he hath committed
thou shall they shall not be mentioned
unto him Ezekiel 18:22 they shall not be
mentioned unto him they’re blotted out
by the blood of Jesus
Christ hall now I’m I’m bringing you
this message this morning that it be an
anchor to you in the days the dark days
ahead there many many dark days coming
incredibly confusing
days but all I remember what Martin
Luther said Martin Luther this was
shortly after he was
ejected from
his ministry he was
penniless he had
no nothing to look forward to in the
future he was castigated he was
considered a heretic by
multitudes and Martin Luther made a
statement at the height of that he said
dear Lord now that you’ve forgiven all
my sins you can do with me as you
please and what he’s saying this is the
most important thing I know that if a
god if I have a God who can forgive and
cleanse me of all my sins and bring
peace to my soul why should I fear what
man can do to me why should I fear if
everything collapses around me because I
serve a god who’s able to forgive and
give me eternal salvation why would I
not believe him to keep me while I live
here on this
Earth can you say that this morning Lord
now that I’m forgiven now that I’m
pardoned now that I’m able to stand
before you on the Judgment with
exceeding great
joy do with me as you
Hallelujah I want to give you something
further but I want you to stand before I
do if you will
please I know there’s been a short
message but I’m I’m not in a habit of
dragging anything out just to put in
time this gives us more time to praise
Lord I want you to
listen I I got to read it because I
wrote it down and I Lord just blessing
me if
if would you say that
if I’m going to tell you this if God can
seal us eternally by the blood of his
own son if he can translate these bodies
and change them into new bodies like his
own if he can melt the very elements
with fire and create a new Heaven and
new earth if he can send angels on that
day to claim us when Christ appears
again if he can come again with tens of
thousands of Chariots to display his
glory if he can present me to his son on
Judgment Day with exceeding great joy if
he can build me a golden house in glory
if he can pave his streets with gold if
he can give me eternal life and
everlasting Celestial food to feed me
all through eternity and if he can even
now feed a world full of fowls of the
air it doesn’t say fouls of the Earth
the chickens that we feed the fouls of
the air that God feeds he can even now
feed every animal the millions and
millions of animals in the oceans if he
can do all of this will he not take care
of you all ye of little
faith really not care for his
own now while you’re up your Bibles and
go to Matthew 6 and this is where I
close Matthew
6 you can read better standing
anyhow all right here we go chapter 6:
25 beginning to read right to the end of
the chapter ye shall know the truth
truth so set you free Hallelujah God
bless this to our hearts help us never
to forget it in troubled times therefore
I say unto you take no thought for your
life what you shall eat or what you
shall drink how much thought should you
give no thought nor yet for your body
which he shall put on is not the life
more than meat and the body than rment
behold the fowls of the air they s not
neither they reap nor gather into barns
yet your heavenly father Feth them are
you not much better than they which of
You by taking thought can add one cubic
unto a statue why take you thought for
rment consider the lilies of the field
how they grow they toil not neither do
they spin and yet I say unto you that
even Solomon all his glory was not a
raid like one of these wherefore if God
so clothe the grass of the field which
today is and tomorrow is cast into the
oven shall he not much more clothe you
oh ye of little faith therefore take no
thought what you shall eat or what you
shall drink or where withth all you
shall be clothed for all these things do
the Gentile seek you said that’s that’s
Gentile faith for your heavenly father
knoweth that you have need of these
things but seek ye first the kingdom
read it with me folks that seek you
first the kingdom of God and his
righteousness and all these things shall
be added unto you
take therefore no thought for the moral
for the moral shall take thought for the
things itself sufficient under the day
is the evil thereof Hallelujah to God
more now lift your hands and just tell
Jesus you trust him right now Lord I
trust you I believe you I rest in your
promises you will never leave us you
will never forsake us you will go with
us to the very end Glory Be to the name
of our
Lord glory be to God
forever yesterday today and forever the
same never
changes you will keep us by your
Hallelujah we bless your Holy
Name we glorify you by your word thank
you for your word Lord that holds
Hallelujah Lord we truly worship
you some of you were uncomfortable in
this message this morning because of a
sin and when there’s sin that’s not
forsaken robs you of
Peace brings guilt fear and condemnation
in the presence of the pure word of
God and in in all of the auditoriums in
annexus and here in the main Auditorium
and downstairs in little rotunda
wherever you may be watching on
screen let me tell you the holy spirit’s
here when his word is brought forth as
he declares it as anointed of his
Spirit he doesn’t intend for it to just
drop at this stage right in front of me
he intends it to accomplish its work and
some of you were sent here by the Holy
Spirit you’re not here by accident
you’re here today right now and the Holy
Spirit is dealing with you about a sin
sin Bible said we’re to confess and
forsake our
sins you see brother WS there’s a
problem in my life that I’ve confessed
over and over again but I have not been
able to forsake it I’m telling you
there’s power to enable you to not only
confess but forsake your
sins and you have to want that if you’re
flirting with your sin you’re
comfortable with it you you’ve grown
hardened in it already God help you it’s
going to take an absolute miracle of God
if I were in that position I would run
out of my seat I’d say God I’m on the
I’m on the brink of getting hard in this
thing and not be able to be convicted
again God help
me God help you if you toyed and played
with it so long and you you shunted off
so much conviction of the Holy Spirit
and you’ve heard message after message I
would get out of my seat quickly I would
come down here and make it right with
God those of you that are hearing me now
say Pastor Dave I’ve got a sin problem
I want to stand Before the Throne of God
with exceeding great joy but right now I
am not ready to stand before him and
enjoy what you’re talking about this
morning no one’s going to put a
microphone on in your face and ask you
any silly questions or embarrass
you but it’s life and death with some of
you on the balcony go to the stairs on
either side hear the main onor step out
and in the annex if you will go to the
lobbies the officers will show you how
to get into this building you come down
the stairs and meet me right here and
I’m going to pray with you and I’m going
to believe that Jesus sends you out of
this place free cleansed absolutely
clean uh there should be something your
heart says Pastor I want to be clean I
want to look God in the eye I want to be
able to stand before the judgment and
look Jesus right in the eye and say
thank you for your blood you’ve not only
cleansed me but you’ve empowered me by
your spirit to live a Victorious Life
get out of your seat and come and join
these that are coming wherever you’re at
all over you hear me downstairs you come
upstairs upstairs you come downstairs
come into the main Auditorium while
we’re singing I need thee Oh I need thee
come and join the move in tight please
for those that will be coming again
while they’re coming from the annex and
the other building the other auditoriums
Lord bless you we’ll wait for you God is
no hurry and we’re in no hurry look
don’t be afraid to cry that’s it’s all
right don’t be afraid to cry let it
out let it out that’s all
right God said he wants he he he will
not reject a broken contrite heart and
spirit now tell him why you came forward
talk to him right now and everybody came
forward to tell Jesus why you came ask
him to cleanse you and forgive you right
now and say Jesus I come to the blood
the sprinkling of the blood everybody
speak right out to him right now nobody
will hear you nobody going to think
anything about it Lord I have a sin
problem I need to be pardoned I need to
be cleansed Jesus I come to hide nothing
I come to open my heart to you I hold
back nothing back I hold nothing back
from you Jesus I bring it into the light
by your Holy Spirit Holy Spirit dig
everything out that’s hidden in my life
bring it to the surface expose it Lord
to my heart that I may deal with it
through your
spirit now I want you to pray this
prayer with me Jesus Jesus I acknowledge
I acknowled I admit I admit I have a sin
problem and I want to be
free I confess it to you Lord
Jesus I can’t get victory in my own
strength but you have promised me the
holy SP Spirit to come into me and abide
with me and give me Authority and power
over sin flesh and the devil and devil I
believe that I believe that and by Faith
by faith I submit to the lordship the
Lord of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ now
and here now in Jesus name in Jesus name
now I want you just thank him for his
faithfulness to you right now I want you
to thank Jesus I give you thanks I give
you thanks I give you
Hallelujah God I thank you I give you
hallelujah this is the conclusion of the