“When you were little in your own eyes, you were of great value to me” -1 Samuel 15:17

welcome to another day of fasting in

prayer I just agree with you today for

God to do something mighty in your life

you know when you’re talking about

fasting fasting is a way of humbling

yourself the scripture said humble

yourself in the book of James humble

yourself before the mighty hand of God

and in due season he will exalt you if

you humble yourself God will exalt you

the hand of God will exalt you one of

the greatest stories in the Bible

happened here one of the greatest

lessons that I think on pride happened


scripture talks about in Proverbs that

pride goes before a phone let me tell

you the story of a man that that was

that ended in in right behind me on the

mountain that you can see behind me

that’s Mount Gilboa his name was Saul he

was the first king of Israel the Bible

said he stood head and shoulders above

all the other men in Israel and when he

began he was extremely humbled the

reason I know he was humble was when the

Bible said that they called for him to

be anointed the king of Israel he was

hiding among the staff he was so humble

and so feeling as though he was unworthy

of that high lofty position that he was

hiding feeling his own insecurity

feeling his own insufficiency and the

Prophet poured all on King Saul and the

Bible said and he was turned into

another man I love that about Solace a

powerful verse when the anointing of the

Holy Spirit comes on you he can turn

your weakness into strength he can turn

your defeat into victory listen to this

the Bible said that Saul was born on

Mount Mizpah Mizpah in Hebrew means to

be bent low he started out in humility

he started out love he started out


he started out meek hiding among the

stuff that’s the kind of leader God can


but he died on Mount Gilboa and the word

Gilboa means to be exalted to be exalted

now you think about that a man started

on Mount miss but being bent low totally

depending on God totally humble hiding

feeling like if God doesn’t help me I

can’t do this but the more that God

raised him and the more that God blessed

him and actually one of the most

powerful verses in the Bible in the Old

Testament is God before he removed salt

from office and replaced him with David

said these words over Saul when you were

little in your own eyes you were of

great value to me what a lesson that

that when you become big in your own


God says pride is is something that will

cause your downfall pride goes before a


when you were little in your own eyes

there’s nothing wrong with good

self-esteem and believing in yourself

but don’t ever get to the place that you

feel like you can do it your talent is

enough your education your gifting you

need the anointing you need God’s

presence the more he raises you the more

you need to seek Him one time the Lord

spoke to me about our ministry and he

said it’s dangerous

we were really growing and I was getting

so busy I didn’t have time to pray and

read the Bible like I needed to and the

Lord said to me it’s dangerous to have a

growing ministry and a shrinking passion

for me some of you have growing

businesses growing families growing


don’t let your passion shrink because he

ended up on Mount Gilboa the mountain of

pride the mountain of being exalted and

they hung him and his sons on that


the whole story of a man’s life can be

told by the two mountains one he was

born on in humility and the one he died

on in pride it cost him everything

costing his family

cost him his children and it cost him

the kingdom so what’s powerful about

fasting is that as you fast you’re

humbling yourself you’re humbling

yourself before God and you’re saying

God use me again God filled me again

God blessed me again God I I’ve grown

I’ve come a mighty long way I started

out with little to nothing and your

presence and your power and your favor

has raised me but I need you more now

than I did then that’s the right spirit

I’m more desperate for you now than I

was then

now that you’ve given me much than much

is required of me and I need you like

I’ve never needed you before and there’s

nothing that says that more to God

people don’t understand why we do this

every year people don’t understand those

of you who are watching this right now

you know you you you I’m sure people

have said you’re crazy why are you doing

that but it’s our way of saying one of

the big themes of fasting is so

consistent throughout the scripture is

it’s um it’s a way of humbling yourself

it’s a way of saying I don’t want pride

to get a death grip on me in my life and

you don’t know pride as insidious’ pride

is pride is there and you don’t know

it’s there

you know that the first sin and the

Bible was pride the first sin in

creation was pride pride got turned an

angel into a devil because Lucifer was

was according to the scripture an arch

angel that was in an exalted high place

read it in Ezekiel and it’ll tell you

about it and Isaiah 14 he said I will

ascend above the throne I will be like

the Most High

it’s all about me it’s all about me

that’s pride and he was cast out of


think about it pride can turn an angel

into a devil and I don’t want pride to

get a hold of me I don’t want it to get

a hold of you and it certainly has I

mean if we would be honest we’d all have

to say there are times where we begin to

become self-sufficient more than God

you know desperate and that’s why

fasting is so so so powerful it’s us

coming again at the beginning of a new

year and saying Holy Spirit I need you

Holy Spirit fill me again and I humble

myself there’s there’s only two ways of

being you know you got a choice he said

humble yourself before the mighty hand

of God that’s what you’re doing in

fasting or God will humble you so you

can humble yourself or God’s gonna

humble you and that’s why when I fast

and when I pray thousands and thousands

and thousands of people are doing it as

we’re on this fast one of the greatest

things God will do is humble you you’ll

see it you you you won’t you you’ll

think I can’t I can’t believe I was

thinking that way I can’t believe I was

acting that way I can’t believe I talked

to that person that way because pride

can can blind you but when you fast God

will show you those areas of your life

that pride is creeping in and you know

just humble yourself a speed let’s be

people who give God the glory nothing

wrong with succeeding nothing wrong with

being super successful but give God the


that’s humility

humility is not putting yourself down

humility is lifting Jesus up now I just

said something right there a lot of

people think that humility is is just

you know putting yourself down all the

time that’s not humility humility is

lifting Jesus up not putting you down

and so God I give you the glory God I

you you deserve the honor you deserve

the praise every achievement every

success in my life to God be the glory

for the things he has done father in the

name of Jesus we learned from King Saul

and his sons the deadly deadly trap of

pride it has taken out so many leaders

in the body of Christ it is destroyed

marriages and homes and families and so

today we humble ourselves and fasting

and prayer in seeking your face we say

cleanse us again do a work in our heart

again we humble ourselves before the

mighty hand of God and in due season you

will exalt us in Jesus mighty name god

bless you
