Find yourself worried about the current situation? The lockdowns that have affected your job, local businesses, your ability to provide for your family? Wondering how you’re even going to make it through the rollercoaster that 2020 has turned out to be?

While it seems the “new normal” is for fear and worry to riddle our hearts , we want you to know that that doesn’t have to be the case. Fear is NOT your new normal, child of God, and it cannot have a hold on you.

We’ve put together a compilation of reminders that we believe will bless you. Allow God’s truth and His promises of peace to anchor you even in the midst of any challenging circumstances, fear or bad news that might be keeping you up at night with worry. We’ve put together a compilation of reminders that we believe will bless you. Allow God’s truth and His promises of peace to anchor you even in the midst of any challenging circumstances, fear or bad news that might be keeping you up at night with worry.

you might have fear about being left

alone fear of losing someone you love

fear of losing your money

fear of the future fear of not being

able to accomplish something fear of

losing someone’s good opinion fear over

your health fear over your child’s

health fear over a lot of the things in

the future whatever it is Jesus

appearances peace Shalom be unto you

peace is not just peace of mind it’s

please in your body you are at ease

everything in your body there’s no

disease disease is all at ease

everything is integrated everything is

in its place

that is Shalom if you want God to work

in your life then just know this he

wants your life full of peace full of

well-being full of health

how do you see your problems you see

your problems is something that stress

you out that depletes you that makes oh

no not a response we are no no I

another consoling section huh how do you

see your problems amen do you see them

as something to make you stronger

something that God used alone brings

along your way for you to feed on they

are food of the champions

that’s how calop and Joshua saw problems

they saw their Giants as food in the

story we have before us we have the city

of Jericho Joshua is not a leader

it’s just cross the river Jordan and

he’s in front of Jericho he remembered

when he crossed the river Jordan this

was a dream the longing of the people of

Israel for 40 years they wanted to enter

the land and they could not because fast

forward 38 years before that they were

excited for Nia they sent 12 spies into

the Promised Land to spy out the land

but they came back with negative report

ten of them came back saying the walls

are so great but people are too strong

too tall and we are like grasshoppers in

their sight two of them Joshua and Caleb

came by and said no problem their

defense is deposit from them not a word

about the big walls not a word about how

big they are the enemies just say the

defense is deposit from them and the

Lord among the ten spies only two of

them among the 12 two of them said the

Lord is with us and I love this fat and

I believe this is a secret of their

great faith Joshua and Caleb they say

that the defense is departed from them

and they are bred for us the first 10

days will be eaten by them the other 2

says no will eat them up

I remember when Jessica was about three

or four years old her first time to

Disneyland you know her eyes were like

saucers she look at all the the first

right we took what exactly the sauces

except in you know a spinning top and

after one experience she was like whoa

what did I get myself into

so I saw a bit of the tinge of fear in

her eyes and she was any young girl all

right this is quite daunting you know to

be at a big playground of all kinds of

rights so I pulled my wife I’ll take the

rights first I’ll take the rights first

so I’ll take the rights first and I’ll

see like ah sure like this it’s very

cute for her at her level her age all

right oh this not this right is no good

this frightening this is Harry you know

I’m saying so daddy will go first to

clear the way for her the Lord will go

before you so God can be in any place

right so he’ll be in front of you to

clear the way and don’t worry the

enemies come from behind you he’ll be

your real God don’t worry about Cara God

will be your rear guard

God loves you God wants you well the God

wants you well why must he go via the

scourging and then the cross wedding God

just set him straight will cross wide in

Pilate just sent him to the cross

because by His stripes we are healed are

you listening

TJ macrosse1 says if Jesus was beaten

the stripes on his back left slivers of

flesh though would in the Greek should

be plural stripes but if they beat Jesus

until there’s no motionless which the

Bible says in Psalms I look and I can

see my bones which is actually what

happened to Jesus there’s no more skin

left then the singular should be used by

his entire stripe we are heal with the

first stripe your hamster died come on

your blood pressure is gone ah

your disease in your heart cleared out I

told you he loves you he didn’t have to

go to them he loved you

I thought God hey Finn look at the cross

even Jesus his beloved son the son that

he loved died a terrible death on the


that’s how much God hid sin but I

thought God loves the sinner look at the

cross it wasn’t you and I hanging there

it was his son it’s the love of God the

first woman that saw him rise from the

dead is not Mary his mother but Mary

Magdalene most likely a prostitute the

Bible doesn’t say that but the Bible

says Jesus cast Seven Devils out of her

a great sinner was the first woman all

right they saw Jesus rise from the dead

and she went you turn around she saw

Jesus standing there but she did not

know it was Jesus jesus said to her do

not cling to me for I’ve not yet

ascended to my father but go to my

brethren and say to them I am ascending

to my father and your father and to my

god and your God so for the first time

he’s saying used to say my father my

father now he says my father and your

father my god and your God people

because of what Jesus did at the cross

his father is your father and my father

his God is our God hallelujah

the same God of miracles the same God of

Moses that open up the Red Sea the same

God was the father of our Lord Jesus

Christ who anointed him the Holy Spirit

who went about doing good healing all

the oppressed of the devil and stopping

deaf years these same God is your God

I’m gonna give you five words of grace

for you to use every time there’s a

battle it’s a difficulty say this under

your breath look at the problem and say

this under your breath okay before I

give it to you let me show you a story a

very famous story they happen in Israel

when the Philistine looked about and saw

David the Goliath has been standing

there challenging the people of Israel

to challenge to fight him he disdained

David when he saw David he despised

David because David was only a youth

ruddy and good-looking so the Philistine

said to David am i a dog then you come

to me with sticks

Davey said a Philistine you come to me

with visible sword with a visible spear

and a visible javelin then all this

assembly shall know that the Lord does

not say with what is visible with sword

and spear for the battle is the Lord’s

and He will give you into our hands

right now

memorize this learn to say this under

your breath the battle is the Lord’s

it’s not mine it’s not mine Amen I pass

the Prince David still went to meet the

yeah but how do you go dressed in an

armor no dress as a shepherd boy with a


no with flame so obviously he believes

this battle is not mine the battle is

the Lord’s so learn to look at your

problems now and that was it what are

you going to do about it see the battle

is not mine it’s the Lord’s Lord this is

your battle Lord it is you’re better

throughout this year Lord this is your

battle and the Lord loves it his arms

are bigger than yours Lord this is your


but lyov his name means to strip – strip

so when when Goliath is shouting at

Israel don’t forget all these are really

real real events real characters real

people real persons David’s a real

person Google I the real person but for

us today the enemy is not a person the

enemy is what he represents and he

represent the enemy it comes to you and

say you know you don’t have this you are

dirty you unclean trying to strip you of

that righteousness consciousness all

right then tell you that you see if see

all these things happening God doesn’t

love you your Frost again no one cares

about you anymore you know to make you

feel and love but you you gotta this is

war I said this is war and if I Satan’s

name is thought the accuser Jude 21 keep

yourself in the love of God

now keep here is to protect from loss

and injury in the grip keep yourself in

the love of God

it was always feel that God loves you

you must always practice the love even

though you don’t feel it say it God

loves me say it say it right now God

loves me

say God gave Jesus for me say Jesus

loved me died in my place say I am loved

I want to show you a verse from some

study one look at this from New Living


for he will rescue you gamma rescue from

every trap and protect you from daily

disease say Amen all right this way

Israel did Amen means bid unto me Father

all right he will rescue you from every

trap every trap and protect you from

daily disease

he was cover you with his feathers see

the imagery he will shelter you with his

wings his faithful promises are your

armor and protection do not be afraid of

the terrors of the night nor the arrow

that flies in the day or you can see the

mosquito that flies in the day do not

drag the disease that stalks in darkness

you never know you never know no my

friend in the menu had this disease not

when you get me checkup also and you

know I do not know I don’t live that way

do not be afraid not dread the disease

that stalks in darkness know the

disaster that strikes at midday but it’s

a bomb or whatever it is do a thousand

fall at your site cause the Prince are

you saying these things won’t happen no

door a thousand fall at your sight at

your sight that’s very near then go ten

thousand are dying around you these

evils will not touch you hallelujah will

not touch you

what if I tell you right now the enemies

that you are afraid of is afraid of you

so here Joshua was before the city of

Jericho he sent two spies and the two

spies went in at night and the Bible

tells us that the entry was actually

discovered by somebody so the soldiers

started looking for these two spies and

they found refuge in a prostitutes house

her name was Rahab the prostitute she

said oh man I know that the Lord Yahweh

has given you the land that the terror

of you has fallen on us and that all the

inhabitants of the land of faint heart

that because of you think about it 38

years ago when they sent the 12 spies in

the 12 spies were afraid of the people

they were afraid of them and and the

people of Jericho heard about how God

dried up the Red Sea for the tune of

Israel they were trembling in their

boots and they were all the time

wondering when will each will come and

conquer us amen

yet they never came forty years they

never came we are afraid of those that

are afraid of us you’re afraid to pray

for the sick because that you tend to

like feel like uh-uh unhurt voice in the

in the spirit realm telling you if you

pray for the sick I’ll put the disease

on you hey listen what if I tell you

that disease is trembling because you’re


it’s afraid of you long before you lay

hands amen

not because of who you are but because

of the name that you bear in your lips

you have the you have the power of

attorney with you amen it’s not who you

are is who you are

this is the most powerful 9 mono

syllables as he is so are we in this

world he said as he was it’s good enough

but no the Bible says the Christ that

bore our sins bore our diseases in his

own body on that tree rose without them

amen and the father said him at the

right hand the father says sit on my

right hand until I make your enemies

your footstool hallelujah that means

what as every day passed one more enemy

under his feet as each day passed

another enemy under his feet all the

enemies have been defeated at the cross

but they’re all been gradually brought

under Jesus feet every day can look

forward to one more enemy under his feet

one more enemy under his feet things are

getting better and better for the church

when I say church I don’t mean building

ok I mean all of you Hebrews 9 phase

he’s now in the presence of God for us

in Crete Hooper on behalf of us so we

are seated with him how about this had

the same attitude that he has right now

at the Father’s right hand have the same

trone attitude

and what’s the attitude sit on my right

hand rests until I the Father make your

enemies your footstool and you are in

him how about this you still have those

symptoms in your body you still have

those challenges besetting you you still

have those adversity all right screaming

and your face but the father says to you

sit sit until I make all these enemies

your footstool
