Receive amazing restoration from God for all that you’ve lost! Join Joseph Prince in Barclays Center, New York City, as he reveals from Scripture why and how you can receive restoration for anything that has been stolen from you by the enemy. Whether it’s health, relationships, finances, or wasted years, because Jesus became your trespass offering and restored that which He did not take away, God can restore to you all that you have lost greater in quality or quantity! See His heart to demonstrate His superabounding grace toward you and learn how to activate His 120 percent restoration today!

stay tuned for the latest message

excerpt from Joseph Prince calm alright

so this guy has done something he has

stolen he has robbed the Bible stays

what he needs to do is on the day he

brings his the RAM of trespass offering

he needs to restore its full value

whatever he has stolen where is a cow

well it’s chicken whatever it is he has

to restore its full value say full value

add one-fifth as 20% so full value is

100 percent twenty percent more is 120

percent and give it to whomever it

belongs on the day of his trespass

offering so the man that brings the RAM

for his trespass offering four things

that he has done wrong whether it’s

stealing or swearing falsely or he

promised his friend or someone that he’s

gonna do something and then instead he

he did not do it he has sworn falsely

the Bible says not only must he bring

the RAM he must also bring a hundred and

twenty percent restitution for what he

has done wrong in other words he was

stolen from the person he has to restore

120 percent more if he has stolen a cow

he has to restore restore the full value

plus 20 percent more now listen before

you get worried this is not about you

God putting the trespass offering here

it’s not about you it’s about Jesus

because he would take our place on the

cross he will take the place of the


he will restore that which he took not

away do you have scripture for that I’m

glad you asked some 69 tells us is a

messianic some Jesus a day that hate me

without a cause

not this day they hate me without a

cause was quoted by our Lord in the Last

Supper in John 15 jesus said this this

happened Jesus is talking here that the

word might be fulfilled which is written

in their law they hated me without a

cause now go back to something

nice so just to show you that this psalm

is a messianic son Jesus is talking here

and then look at the last line then I

Jesus I restored that which I took not

away I restored that which I took not

away in other words you and I are

suppose we are the in Juris we have

injured dogs glory we rub him a praise

and worship another place view his name

we are the insurers and only God is the

injured party but we have wronged man we

have sinned against men we have injured


we have lied to them we have stolen from

them we have stolen what belongs to them

even emotionally we can steal the

comfort the emotional well-being from

our children and you say those days are

gone past the priests I wish I can turn

back the clock listen Jesus can restore

that which he took not away in other

words at the cross when he hung there

the Lord Jesus took your place in my


we were the injurers he took the place

of the injury he became liable to

restore got this tiny to be so that he

became liable to restore that which he

took not away and that’s the reason why

the teeth there was crucified about

tootie’s crucified on either side of

Jesus he was in the midst the father

always sees to it that he’s in the midst

when he was 12 years old he was teaching

that the temple leaders in their myths

where to watch we are gathered together

in my name there I am in depth

in the book of Revelation John heard a

voice saying behold the Lion of the

tribe of Judah he turn around install

lamb the lamb is the lion in the midst

of the throne in the he saw a lamb as if

it been slain always put Jesus in the

center in the midst of your life because

Jesus the father makes sure that in

these days and I believe we’re the final

generation that the son will be in the

mids mids of the house mitts of the

family myths of a marriage let me tell

you this science will tell you they

cannot tell you beyond the Adam how like

repels like opposites attract they can

tell you how come the Adam is held

together that’s as far as science goes

well the force that holds the atom

together is found in Colossians chapter

one in him all things are held together

if he’s in your life he will hold you

together he’s in your marriage he will

haul your marriage together he’s in your

relationships he’s in a hole together

amen the teeth teeth means they are

stolen based on some theology today if

you have stolen you better go back to

the person and do restitution what if

the person is dead man well you got to

do something

Jesus never thought the man the man says

Lord remember me when you come into your


jesus said I will son but first do


and the guy says I would love to Lord

but I’m kind of stuck it’s not about you

this passage is not about you

in Leviticus is about our Lord Jesus

becoming our trespass offering he

restored that which he took not away now

go back to Leviticus

how does he restore to you as if you are

the injured party he took your place in

sin that you might take his place in

righteousness in other words he became

liable to restore the hundred and twenty

percent to you let me take towards God

God must always have his portion first

towards God at the cross Jesus restored

to God on our behalf on behalf of you

and your families one hundred and twenty

percent more worship praise honor glory

than all day we have robbed God off and

not only that towards man the Lord Jesus

has restored to you whatever you have

lost whatever has been stolen from you

I don’t care where this wasted years

even the Bible says in Joel 2 I will

restore to you the years the years the

locust has eaten his I’ll restore your

health but listen listen when God

restores it’s never the same as it was


he always restores greater in quality

and quantity always I had to say that

because his item quality or quantity

because if you’ve lost a husband he’s

not a gq7 husband yo buy don’t he go

seven full husband Amen when you open

his shirt seven four

have you lost someone have you lost a

relationship do you treasure have you

done something stupid well Jesus took

your stupid place and he’s gonna restore

all the years the locust has eaten when

God restores it’s not like the way man

restores you know a man restores a seat

for example it’s never as good as the

original when man restores is never as

good sometimes you’re better off buying

a brand new product for the money you

pay when God restores I think when God

restores is always greater in quality or

quantity and where have we lost our

health our other good things of God

where have we lost it relationship is

strange relationships when God restores

he won’t just give you a place in the

family he’ll give you a position I’ve

seen that happen all over the world when

God restores is greater in quality and

quantity have you lost your health hey

it’s gonna be restored and you’ll be

stronger and better than you ever were


is there an area of your life where

you’ve lost something or someone with

God is not over if you lost a child

you can believe God for a sevenfold

child coming your way like what happened

to me Amen is gonna happen to you lost a

spouse a sevenfold spouse coming your


lost your health in some areas of your

body doesn’t restore health in that area

not just restore listen 120 percent more

than what you had before lift your hands

up to the Lord Father in heaven right

now we thank you that our Lord Jesus

Christ is our trespass offering there is

no time limit with you Lord you can go

back in time

and see what your son has accomplished

for every single one under the sound of

my voice and right now father as they

are looking Lord to you for restoration

you know the areas Lord of loss in your

life where they’ve been defrauded where

they have lost years wasted time wasted

years father in heaven

nothing is lost with you father God you

are the one who can restore and not just

restore but restore much more much more

much more so right now in the name of

the Lord Jesus let every single one

under the sound of my voice everyone is

watching right now at home wherever they

may be let restoration come their way

father a hundred and twenty percent more

greater in quality and greater in

quantity in the name of Jesus not just

thank the father just ain’t a father

tanka father is on its way amen Penge

father as you receive that restoration

please write and let me know write to

the ministry hey man this excerpt is

brought to you by Joseph Prince calm to

get the full message visit Joseph Prince

calm Jesus says I come that you might

have life and have it more abundantly

so man was created to enjoy life

men was created to enjoy everything that

God has provided but what does the devil

do the teeth comes to steal every time

you have your joy stolen

you have your health stolen whatever is

is never never thought

majority of the people have no doubt God

has the power a man the only doubt is

that whether God is willing the leper

did not say lot if you are able he did

not doubt his ability he says what if

you are willing I know you are able but

I’m not sure you are willing to use your

power on my behalf

just like the woman in the issue of

blood she came trembling all right and

she touched the hem of His garment he

never says things like this you think

for one moment my garment has power

don’t you know it’s me and because you

only go for my examine you will not be

here he will never say that he’s a lot

like this you really believe your finger

on my garment will heal you then your

finger on my garment will heal you he

always comes down to our level according

to your faith be it unto you

so at the cross Jesus Christ bore your

sins and watch this you also bore your

diseases you must come to a place where

you know that God hates sickness that’s

why God put it on Jesus at the cross

just as Jesus bore our sins that God

hates Jesus for our diseases that God

hates Jesus advocated this chapter here

because he says even as Moses lifted so

shall the Son of Man so he expects us to

study this passage and learn to receive

all that he has accomplished for us at

the cross now what is brought servant

that means the snake has been judged

when Moses lifted up the pole he was not

a licensing twirling around he was a

bronze snake

and Jesus said that’s him he became your

disease he became your sin he became

your problem and not only a problem he

wants you to see your problem judge in

his body on the cross


the Bible says if you discern the Lord’s

body how he was beaten how was better

you have healing for your body the body

was broken for your health for your

healing amen

look the blood was shed for the

remission the forgiveness of your sins

if you have a condition your body why

can’t you just take that as your

medicine and basilia and see the result

and receive more life and more

abundantly amen
