Travel back in time and catch a glimpse of what really happened at the cross in this breathtaking animated video. Witness how Jesus bore your sins, condemnation, curses, sicknesses and even death at the cross so that you may experience divine protection and the abundant life today. See how Jesus, through His death and resurrection, has defeated the devil, conquered death and secured victory forever more for you.

excerpt from

He took your place and my place
He who knew no sin, He did no sin

In Him is no sin

Bore the fullness of God’s anger

But this time the sacrifice was unlike
the sacrifice of the Old Testament

that all point to Him anyway

In the Old Testament
there’s a story of Elijah

who called fire down from heaven
before the prophets of Baal

and he built an altar of twelve
stones representing the twelve tribes

and he put his sacrifice on top
of the altar

and then he told the people

Put barrels of water
Three barrels of water in full

was poured on the sacrifice until
the water started overflowing

And then he prayed
and God sent fire

And when God sent fire
my friend, it consumed everything

Not just the sacrifice
even the twelve stones disappeared

Nothing was left
Telling us that under law

the judgement was greater
than the sacrifice

And when Jesus hung on the cross
under grace for you and I

Listen my friend, He absorbed
all the judgement of God

All the curse
All the condemnation

Stroke after stroke
and then He absorbed it all in Himself

and shouted

Not a drop left
And you know what?

He was still alive
but the judgement was gone

and then for the first time
He looked up and said

Father! He called God Father again

Father! Into Your Hands I commit My Spirit

He put down His head
by the way it was a loud voice

the bible says He cried with a loud voice

He put down His head
That’s power

and then He breathed
Dismissed His Spirit

Friend, this time
after consuming the judgement

The sacrifice remained

Under grace, the sacrifice is greater
than God’s judgement

For years now
And I’m going to close with this

For years now church

I have seen in the Spirit alright
What happened at the Cross

Nothing is more real than Spirit
Listen, this is the best part

For years, I saw this in the Spirit

Because Spirit is more real
than material things

It’s a Spirit, God Himself, that
brought out all these material things

Nothing is more real than Spirit

When you see Jesus hanging on the cross

You don’t see what’s happening
in the Spirit

But you have eyes to see
One day I was praying many years ago

and I saw this
Like a whirlwind

A cyclone in the clouds above
Him, gathering momentum

The storm increasing
and then it broke over His head

being absorbed in His person
and I saw like

Sin, I saw condemnation
I saw curse, I saw sickness

all of them just being absorbed
into His very person

Like a whirlwind
and I told myself

One of these days
I’m going to have this kind of

video presentation

To show the people

So I waited and waited
and waited for someone else

to do it

Then the movie “The Passion Of The Christ”

One of the best movies ever done
and I still think it’s the best

But unfortunately right after the movie

I met some people who said
“Terrible, what those people

did to Jesus”

They didn’t understand what happened
in the Spirit

It wasn’t what those people did

It was our sins

It’s not a matter of getting
angry with the Jews

Whether Jew or Gentile
we are all sinners

He came for us

It was our sins that put Him on the Cross

So people didn’t understand

Some people said “Wah terrible
What the Romans did to Him”

Except to see
He carried our sins

So I realised that
It’s not enough just to have a

portrayal, a movie
about Jesus

So one day, I told God
about this and I felt like

God telling me,
“I put it on you to

produce this video presentation”

I said, “God, You give me the
resources and I’ll do it”

That’s been a number of years ago

Guess what?

I’ve asked my creative team
to come up with the video presentation

and they tried their best
to translate on video

What I saw in the Spirit
So I kept on sending them back

to the drawing board

Because it wasn’t satisfying to me

I kept on sending them
and in fact I think I’ve never send

them back so often

Because it must be exactly
what I saw

Even the music
Even the special effects

that would have taken place during the
time of Jesus

I want it to be exact the way I saw it in the spirit
So finally they came back to me

after being sent back to the drawing board

And this time I looked at it

I even picked the music
because I heard that kind of music

in the Spirit
and even the clouds and all that

and they tell me,
“Pastor, how is it Pastor?”

Just a few more things that can be
improved but I… you must be merciful

So anyway, we came up finally
with something that came really close

to what I saw in the Spirit
and we have it ready for the first time


You’re the… You people are the first
today, to watch it

Before anyone else watches it

Sit back church, let’s go back in time

to that day when Jesus hung on the cross

From God, with love

Father, Forgive them

For they know not what they do






My God, My God
Why have You forsaken Me?


Father, Into Your Hands

I commit My Spirit

Praise God

My dream fulfilled

I want the world to see

Instead of someone just preaching

See what happened in the Spirit

Friend all that He did

is because of His love for us

The devil out there wants God

to appear in a religious setting

But Christianity is not a religion

Jesus didn’t say “I come to give
you religion”

I come to give you rules and more rules

He said, “I came to give you life
and life more abundantly”


Some people, they are
not happy when you don’t

have a cross or you don’t
wear a robe

or you don’t have the trappings
of religion

but Jesus didn’t come to focus
on all these things

He came to make us righteous

You can be righteous
by the blood of Jesus

wearing just a T-shirt

Friend He loved you

And that was a demonstration
of God’s love for you

All that He has done

will be in vain
if you don’t receive it

See God will never force on you
His forgiveness

God will never force on you
His love

God will never force on you
victory over death

He won’t force these things on you

even though He loves you
He respects your free choice

But He loves you and He is saying

Come home,
come home to love

Come home to forgiveness
Come home to victory

If that is you wherever you are
that’s watching this

You’re going to put your trust
in Christ

and all that He has done for you

Then pray this prayer with me
right now

Every head bowed
every eyes closed

Everywhere that’s watching this

Say this from your heart

Say, “Heavenly Father

I believe in Your love for me

You loved me
even when I rebelled

When I went astray
and I didn’t care about you

You loved me still

Thank you for the gift of your Son

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

He died on the cross for my sins

He took my place
bore my judgement

And died instead of me

And Father I thank you
My sins are forgiven

The law is fully completed
and fulfilled

The devil is defeated

And Father You are glorified

You are my Lord Jesus
now and forever more

In Jesus’ name

This excerpt is brought to you

To get the full message,

In the theme of the year
This is what God said to me

It’s going to be the year of Greater Glory

And that’s what the Lord
impressed on me really strong

As I was preparing this

to tell you all

All of you have glory, alright
but it’s a year of manifested glory

Greater glory means
people are going to see

the glory in your life

All have sinned and forfeited
the glory

which means we come short
of the glory

We fall short, we are lacking
of the glory

But Jesus came to give
us back the glory

I said Jesus came to give
us back the glory

And its the year of
greater glory

Wow! Praise the Lord

So when darkness comes
the bible says

His glory will be seen upon you

The first result
Your family is blessed

The second result
They will all come, alright,

They will all come to you

Did you hear that?
You are blessed this year

No man can reverse it!

Stay tuned for the latest message