Lift up your head because Jesus is coming back for you! In this exciting and revelatory message on the end times, Joseph Prince shares about Jesus’ prediction of great earthquakes, tsunamis and nuclear power, and how they all signal His imminent return for us. Discover how God’s protection, glory and goodness will be unveiled in these last days. Our part as believers is to be beacons of light in these difficult times, so that the nations of the world will come to know the true hope and salvation found in the person of Jesus Christ.

Go to Luke 21…… Praise God.

We will return to Psalm 65 in a little while. I will show you
something that will fascinate and bless you. So the

disciples asked him, saying: Teacher, when will this be?
And what is the sign when this happens?

He said: Look, do not be deceived. For many will come in
my name, saying, It is I, and the time is near,

so do not go after them.

We saw this in the seventies and eighties,
many false Christs, people like Jim Jones,

David Corach, many of whom said I am the Christ, and
also the sun and the moon. People called them

all funny names. They are the Messiahs
or this or that. This happened in our generation

, the third thing that Christ said.

If you hear of wars and disturbances, do not be alarmed, because
this must be first, but the end will not be quick.

Then he said to them: Nation will rise against nation and kingdom
against kingdom. Watch this

and be great earthquakes Not only earthquakes but
great earthquakes, more than 6 on the Richter scale and

also higher, what happened last week
was a great earthquake 9.0

Jesus said: Great earthquakes, you need to understand
some things, earthquakes are with us since the days of the Garden of Eden

tomorrow falls Man, the earth groaned and labored
for the return of Jesus Christ, listen carefully.

Great earthquakes. Never before
have there been such great earthquakes as in the past 20 years,

do you know this? In our generation we saw this

Jesus says – and there will be great earthquakes
(not only earthquakes) in different places,

famines (there is not enough food – lack of food)

and epidemics – diseases that may be related to the
great earthquakes and there

will be great fears and signs from heaven

, then, as if Jesus kept silent for a while – And before all this –
notice this, he was talking about the end of days, and

suddenly he stopped and then continued, addressing his speech to
those Jewish disciples who are still in Jerusalem and

before all this happened – but we are
in the time that comes after all

this and before all of this they lay their hands on you ( He tells them
there will be some suffering for the Jewish believers) And he

spoke all the way from verse 12 to verse 24,
he told them when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies and

there is a Roman heritage tale when
the Roman army led by the commander Titus besieged

this Jerusalem when Jerusalem fell in the year 70 AD and
Jesus had prophesied With that and he said to the believers, when you see all

this happening, flee to the mountains, all this is mentioned in
verses 12 to 24 in

other words he spoke of the end of days –
great earthquakes, signs in heaven.

Then he stopped and said, but before these things happened he
spoke to them about their present situation , a

You will understand that you will not be thrown into prisons, this is not for you,
but about the days when Jesus was on earth

and about the time after Jesus left the world

and then went all the way to what actually happened to the
Jewish people after the Romans came and destroyed the temple,

and after that there is a scattering of the Jewish people
in the verse 24 He says

and they (the Jewish people) fall with the mouth of the sword, and
curse all nations…

This is why to this day after 2000 years
you will find Jews in all nations

Singapore we have Zion Street and
David Marshall, anywhere in the world

you will find Jews, in Iran you can To find Jews
in the Middle East You can find Jews

in China You can find Jews in India
You can find Jews, in all the world

When did this diaspora happen, 2000 years ago,
exactly as Jesus prophesied, then he said,

and Jerusalem will be trampled among the nations,
until it is completed The times of nations,

Jerusalem, since the Romans came and burned the temple and
scattered the Jewish people. It remained under the rule of the

Romans all the way for 2000 years
until the Turks came and ruled it.

Then the British came and liberated Jerusalem.

Allen B. One day Israel will

return to be a state again, and he believes in that, now
he is a general and he said to his men, I do not deserve to walk

towards Jerusalem on a horse, because my Savior went to it
on the back of a donkey, so he got off his horse and walked,

you can see his picture in black and white as he
walked Seriously, this was in 1917

he called all the Jews to go back to Jerusalem, this
British officer called them to come back

but they felt safe and many of them
had a prosperous life in Poland in Europe

If they had come back at that time they
wouldn’t have had the Holocaust

but God always gave A new era of grace
50 years after 1917, which is the year 1967,

50 years is the jubilee number, what happened in 1967
The Six-Day War is something that did not happen before

the Jewish people regained Jerusalem in the
Six-Day War, the only similar event is

Joshua and the walls of Jericho, six days and in The seventh fell
on the seventh day in the year 1967, Jerusalem returned

to their hands after 2000 years


We are this generation. I said we are this generation.

When this happened in 1967, I was
4 years old. Now you know my age.

Next command, and there will be signs in the sun, in
other words this is like a sentence in parentheses, go back to verse 11

verse 11 talking about the future, there will be
great earthquakes, then he opens parentheses in which he speaks to his present Jewish disciples

in their present circumstances, verse 12
through verse 24 are all words In parenthesis,

then Jesus completes his talk about the future, saying, and there will be
signs in the sun. This is the reason for his saying at the end of

verse 11, and there will be great signs from the sky, then he continues
in verse 25, so there will be signs in the sun, the moon,

and the stars, and on the earth there will be the Lord of nations, you see – signs in the sun
this is a city The sun…. I play with you,

and there will be signs in the sun, the moon,
and the stars, and on the earth the distress of nations, a lake.

Look at this… The sea and the waves are
roaring. Skip the verses that we said are in brackets.

Go back to verse 11 He says, and there will be great earthquakes,
then the one between The parenthesis then in the original verse 25 says the

sea and the waves are roaring (roaring) because of the earthquakes,
it is a command that the sea is there, it is always there,

but another thing when the sea and the waves are
roaring (roaring) this is a tsunami

now I want you to remember this Greek word
if you can for a short while and you will understand Why did you say this

all The word of the waves is the word of Salus Save this
somewhere in your heart Salos say Salus

because the New Testament was written in Greek,
save this somewhere the

waves Salus roaring like a roaring lion
roaming seeking someone to swallow it and

people fainting with fear and waiting for what is to come,
people’s hearts will get tired, Heart failure of fear

and waiting for what is to come in the future, this is happening now
my dear people, people are hoarding things and they are so afraid they are

driven by their fear though the great fear they
should be afraid of is fear itself… Amen

if you continue to eat salt it will protect
you from radiation but you will die From high blood pressure

because salt raises blood pressure you know this

after the sea and the waves are roaring There
is a comma that is not a dot but a comma and

people faint from fear and waiting for what is
to come on the world, because the forces of the heavens are

shaken now There is something about the forces of the heavens shake
which will frighten People’s hearts so what

do you know when the Bible was written the King
James translation by the way this year we will celebrate the

400th anniversary of the publication of this translation
when it was first written the technology

of atomic bombs had not yet existed, when they wrote
this passage – Heaven’s Forces Wat – They used the

word heavens because the Greek
word Uranus and the Greek word Uranus is the origin of the word uranium.

What is atomic energy? It is the energy that comes out
when uranium atoms are divided. That is why countries work

to enrich uranium.

The forces of the heavens

and the word forces is the Greek word for dunamis,
and dynamite is dynamoa in English from the word

dunamis. The uranium dynamite will be shaken
and the word shaken is the word salio. Remember

when I told you to keep this word equivalent to the
word waves, but let’s know the meaning of the word salio to

know the meaning of shaken and it is not a word
that expresses a simple movement

Saliu in Tiyas Dictionary, its meaning: 1- A movement that occurs
by means of winds, storms, waves,

the first cause is material, tangible, the
second is related to feelings, and we will see this some few. The

first is material that occurs by winds – storms –

A – stimulates or shakes B – Causes a stagger
C – completely shakes a full bowl by moving its contents together

2- The second use of this word relates to emotion
Stimulate – stimulates the mind

Removes a person from his happy, safe state,
let’s go back again Salio, say

Salio The forces of uranium – Uranus – will shake
I told you now that Remember the word – waves –

great waves roaring – roaring – salus.
If you look at the word salio, the origin of this

word is salus, which means that this uranium
will be shaken by the waves

, then, it all refers to our generation, to what just happened
people faint with fear, Do you see this

atomic reactor destroyed by tsunami
and earthquake as well as infrastructure destroyed because of that

It is amazing how accurate the Bible
people faint from fear, so do not fear

God has promised that he will protect you… Amen Let me tell you
this, the food that You eat it and you’re worried about the

radiation’s effect on it, do you know the people at CSI
will tell you if they can, they don’t want to

eat out because they know, do you know the amount of
germs on any plate? People talk over a plate

in the kitchen and you don’t know that when we thank for
our food we don’t play in these last days

how many people understand, some might say what if
our food or drink was exposed to radiation, then let me tell you

forget about radiation, how do you know that the plants
we eat From it I got the same amount of food

as it was 20 years ago, the earth is declining
until organic food is no longer the same organic food

that I ate last time

I tell you this, always keep eating the
Lord’s supper, always keep eating the Lord’s supper

when the sons of the prophets cried and said In the pot, the
days of the prophet Elisha were poisoned. Elisha said to them, “Put a handful

of flour into the pot, and this flour is a picture of
Jesus Christ for the Lord’s Supper.” And the Bible said

after this, there is no longer any poison in the pot.
Keep eating the Lord’s body and blood, and the word of God

will remove the effect of any Something harmful
in your body…. Amen Church,

you do not know that there are bacteria
running around us, all kinds of harmful bacteria and

viruses around us, may God protect us, it is from
God’s mercy that he does not allow the death of many people

People like to blame God, they say
if it is God is omnipotent, so why? !

Get the sermon I preached in October
entitled – If God is love, why all these disasters I

will not repeat this sermon, it took me
an hour to preach that sermon!

Here we go to this point – the powers of the heavens are
shaken – the next verse and

then – Hallelujah – what will happen? They will see the
Son of Man coming in a cloud with great power and glory

now, when these things begin to happen, do
not wait for them to end

when they begin to happen. What do you do?!
Look up, hold your head up, why?

Look – cuts – of course not. What will they look at?
Why raise your heads, why?

Shout out – why – because your deliverance is near….

Hallelujah And when these things begin to happen, do not look down
look up Jesus is back for you….. Amen

because your salvation (your redemption) is near, now we are already
redeemed and forgiven, so what The meaning of (your redemption) here

is the redemption of your bodies. In the blink of an eye,
your bodies will change into supernatural bodies, like the body of Jesus,

a physical body, but it does not perish. A body like Jesus’ body
can penetrate obstacles such as cement

. At the same time he can break through obstacles
he is at a level higher than the level of the earth

and the book says we will have this body forever