You don’t need perfect faith to receive from Jesus! Even if you have doubts, if you reach out to Him, He will forgive your doubts and reward whatever faith you come to Him with! Be uplifted by this powerful message from Joseph Prince, as he shows you biblical examples of how our imperfect faith is never a barrier to God’s grace. Learn also how seeing the Lord’s grace in the Word imparts life and health to every part of your body. Whatever you need from Jesus today, don’t let your imperfect faith stop you from running to Him to receive!

every time you come with imperfect face

to take communion and you have doubt in

your head faith in your heart that’s

what you’re taking you still have faith

but you are wondering well I well well I

received not let me tell you this just

like the woman in the issue of blood she

came trembling all right and she touched

the hem of His garment okay and and the

thing is this it’s not the fullness of

faith it’s an imperfect faith

she didn’t she she didn’t want to know

him she has her faith was selfish and

ignorant it’s selfish because she

wouldn’t steal a blessing and she don’t

care about a healer

she cannot for the healer all right so

it’s selfish let’s see it that way all

right it’s imperfect because she came by

the back alright when actually can come

to the front even leper can come to the

front and ask him so he is passing her

by OD alright she coming behind the

crowd multi kids strong she touched

there’s a difference all right but she

touch with trembling hand by now her

hand is so skinny for 12 years she’s

suffering this disease and she’s

emaciated but she pick up all she can do

is touch he can’t pick up higher maybe

and she can do just touch the hem of His

garment one thing about a lot is this

all right

he’s a wonderful Savior he says he never

says he never says things like this you

think for one moment my Garmin has power

don’t you know it’s me and because you

only go for my examine you will not be

here he will never say that he’s a lot

like this you really believe your finger

on my gum and will heal you then your

finger on my garment will heal you he

always comes down to our level according

to your faith be it unto you this is our

Lord all right don’t let anyone tell you

otherwise all right when you come

believing to him believing that’s all

you come yet doubting there are people

teach because there’s doubt in your

heart you cannot come or you won’t

receive let me tell this we are funny

creatures all right we can be a

persecuted but not forsaken you know

that kind of thing we can be believing

yet doubting your heart believes you’re

hit what if what is you know but come

because when you come believing yet

doubting he will forgive the doubt and

answer the faith

he will forgive the doubt and


he’s the kind of Jesus amen come to him

don’t be afraid don’t be afraid now the

things that every time Abram laughs is

not recorded in God’s book every time

Abram believed God is recorded every

time Sarah la is not recorded when Sarah

believe God is recorded we are the same

instance the same statement in Sarah

says shall I have pleasure she was


shall I have pleasure my lord being all

also you know God record in first Peter

tree that Sarah called Abram my lord

when she did write d’autricourt down

when she laughs is not recorded and

later on she IQs you gotta know by the

way I don’t have time to show you if you

yeah I didn’t laugh cuz you laugh I

didn’t laugh she said no you laugh you

can go back and read it so the thing is

this every time you used you stop

talking nonsense don’t hear you the

praise god I’m healed in Jesus name

Jesus is my healer praise God haha none

of that Monday you wake up you tell why

are a few horrible a pray for me areia

even go to your for your pray for daddy

you know and but no one sees and you are

the pastor of the church you no one sees

that and you’re wondering but God sees

now lastly receive my miracle well those

days God didn’t record those dos mundos

those actions got the record you talk


God did record it down well pastor

Prince having you rat Jesus said in the

Gospels every idle word that men shall

speak they shall give account thereof in

the day of judgment we won’t be in the

day of judgment I tell you why because

that was written before he died every

man in the world will give an account

for their words their toes and

statements we don’t have to because our

sins are past present and future

forgiven ok I’ll close I must close la


okay watch this what he’s saying is this

by the way that woman want to steal a

blessing away her faith was imperfect

it was weak it was selfish but genuine

and Jesus arrested her she thought of

stealing a blessing away she wanted to

receive from his hand many people really

from his hand they’re not interested in

his heart he’s more interested that she

knows his heart so that she won’t feel

that she stole a blessing but that it

was given freely so he asked who touched

me another story she onna he wasn’t

trying to embarrass her all right but he

says she’s the only woman in the gospel

you can check it out

only woman that Jesus says in Hebrew era

my Betty which means my daughter

literally because a daughter be of good

comfort your faith your faith not your

fingers your faith make you well go in

peace because if she does everything in

the duck is like a plan you put in the

dark room we become weak and sickly but

if you’re a Christian testify openly and

that plan of faith will grow become

flourish best fruits flowers amen and

give sweet fruit you understand amen so

he says don’t be afraid of your unbelief

when you come to me don’t be afraid of

your needs I know all your needs don’t

be afraid of your doubts in your heart I

know all about it

be afraid of one thing not coming to me

be afraid of one thing be afraid that

when I pass by to bring life health and

blessing to other people you are passed

by be afraid of that all right but never

be afraid to come in spite of your

misgivings in spite of your doubting in

spite of your disbelief just come