Ever wondered if you are praying “hard” enough for God to hear and answer you? Does God want you to pray long, pleading prayers with your head between your aching knees? Join Joseph Prince in this most enlightening message on what God considers as earnest prayer. Get a fresh revelation of the love and goodness of the One you are praying to, and be encouraged to know that “big” problems are no problem for God to solve. This message will surely change the way you pray, and position you to receive your answer every time you pray!

This is the power of ordering.

Elijah did it.

Elijah commanded.

And that has happened.

See Jacob 5: 17-18.

It is said that Elijah prayed enthusiastically.
What is an enthusiastic prayer?

It is a prayer to command.

It is a declaration of faith.


Some people have
repeatedly asked us to further realize that we are already God’s will.

And if there is no response, if it is not

realized immediately,

God will not want it.

The fact is that we are in a real spiritual war and
we must be aware of it.

There are
spiritual powers and enemies that you do not want to be blessed with.

They try to stop the blessing of God. We try to stop

God’s wealth, blessings, and healing from happening to you
and your family.

So the problem you have is not God.

God is on your side and on your side.

The problem you have is the devil.

The problem is his opposition.

you have to say to the problem.

In Luke 17: 5-6 Jesus said:

The apostles said,
“Increase our faith.”

Do you want everyone to increase their faith?

How many of you want to increase your faith?

We all hope that our faith will increase.

The apostles did that … By the way,

they were usually called “disciples,” but

here they were called apostles.

Do you know why the Holy Spirit called it that way and paid homage to it?

Before Jesus died,
they wanted to “increase their faith.”

The Lord is pleased with that word.

The Lord is about to show the revelation of the apostle’s faith.

“Increase your faith.”
What did the Lord answer?

If you say, “You
have the faith of a mustard seed,”

“in this morus alba,” and

“uprooted (pulled out) and
planted in the sea,” you say, “It’s exactly what you’re


So the way to increase faith is

to learn to command.

With the little faith you have.

even small seeds of faith, such as mustard seeds,

can uproot the tree.

By the way, this mulberry tree showed the fig mulberry tree a

few years ago
when I preached about the plants and trees

in the Bible.

The fig mulberry tree, or mulberry tree,
has a thick trunk and

its roots are deep in the ground.

Even if it is a few meters away from the tree, it
is still rooted there.

It is a very strong rooted tree.

Jesus’ view of the problem is, ”
Did the doctor say that this disease is an incurable disease

?” “Did you say that this problem has no solution

?” “Can your bankruptcy help?”

So you need mustard-type faith, even if you can’t think of it in theory or reason.

To order. What do you order?

orders the mulberry tree to “pull it out.”

Command your illness or tumor.

Pull it out of my body.

Pull out the roots and plant them in the sea.

In the name of Jesus.

In the sea of Mariblade (Singapore coast) or so.

I still remember, a few years ago, before I got married.

I was very sweaty. Before I got married, I didn’t mind

taking a shower even if I sweated

I preached in a youth ministry and
sweated a lot.

Therefore, there was a problem with the skin on the back.

And it was quite widespread.

I remember, after getting

married, Wendy also noticed.

But I didn’t really care.

Only when I sweated, I
noticed itching.

A few years later,

one day the Lord said.
“Do you want to leave it?”

“Or do you reject it?”

I didn’t care at all, but

the Lord asked me, ”
Do you want to leave it as it is?”

That’s been the case for years.

“Lord, I want to get rid of it.”

“If so, every time you take the sacrament
, say it out.”

“As one of the things you receive from my crushed body.”

“The second is Command it every day. “I

learned how to do it from this passage

and said to it. “Skin
problem, you’re pulled out.”

“You’re pulled out!”

Because you don’t know what’s causing the roots,

“You’re rooted out and planted in the sea!”

And I’m always Imagine
off the coast of the Marine Parade (Singapore’s coast).

Is it okay, in the sea, “plant in the sea”.

In natural logic, such a
possibility is unthinkable, but

God says,
no matter how small your faith,

start commanding with it.

So I did that every day.
Order the sacrament, order the sacrament.

I don’t know how long it will take, but maybe a few months later

, there are records of this healing.

After waking up one day, I looked in the mirror with my upper body naked

and heard a voice as I was washing my face and hands.

I heard a voice and it said, “Check your body

When I looked into the mirror and looked behind me

, I was surprised to find that
the map of Australia was gone.

Even Tasmania didn’t have any left.

Everything was clear. “I do
n’t know what it was, when it disappeared.” It wasn’t

as dramatic as others would experience

“Ah, do you feel it, Ah”

Some people feel it very much
and become “Wow Wow”.

I felt shaking, my body moved, but

in my case, I didn’t know healing at all.

I didn’t even know he was healed until God said, “Check your body

So when asked “when was healed”,
I can’t answer.

But it happened.

No matter what happens to you,
whether it’s a simple acne or a tumor,

tell it, command it, and

pull it out … it’s uprooted.

Uproot … and plant in the sea.

If you have the faith of mustard seeds

, when you went to Israel last year,
you passed through the land of teldan steles.

It’s not a tree, but it grows like a tree, and the
big ones are over 3 meters.

The trunk is like a tree, but it is actually an herb.

A tall, fast-growing herb.

This is a picture of the seeds I took there.

This hand is the hand of one of the party.

This is a mustard flower. Can you see the pods?

The seeds are in the pods and are not yet harvested.

Is that okay? I will show you the seeds.

It is about 1 mm in diameter.

You can see how small it is.

This is an Israeli yellow mustard flower.
Jesus said,

“If you have the faith of a small mustard seed

, you can start commanding, even if it is so small. Honor

Start giving orders.

You need great faith.” Don’t think about it.

Is that okay? That’s why I showed you earlier.

God uses simple things to disgrace the strong ones. The chinbone of a

male donkey,

the stone throwing of an armen shepherd boy. Two stones.

God uses simple things. Five breads and two fish

feed many people.
This is God’s way. The

devil can say by faith that you are overly self-conscious and moody.

don’t forget the counsel of the Holy Spirit.

“Elia was the same person as us.”

think you can’t do anything about yourself.”

“To make it happen.”
Can you tell me? Look at yourself. “

But Eliya
had the same nature as us.

And he declared his faith.

And that’s right.

Are you listening?


Tell your body. “Body, regain
youth in the name of Jesus.”


Wrinkles, disappear in the name of Jesus!

Hair, in the name of Jesus. Head


don’t be a fool anymore.

In the name of Jesus.

Would you like to say amen?

Sounds good. Honor God.
Faith as small as a mustard seed.

Return to Chapter 17 of Luke.

I have something to show here.

If you had as much faith as a mustard seed,”

or a mulberry tree. “Pull

out” “Pull out”
(aorist passive imperative form) In

Greek, “pull out” and “plant” are imperative.

What is imperative? It’s an order.

aorist passive imperative

imperative is the Greek imperative form.

passive, why is it passive?
This is because the roots cannot be pulled out by yourself.

Faith is pulled out. Do so.

aorist is the Greek past tense.

In other words,
it’s being done at the same time you say it.

Say “Pull out” in a command tone.

I command you.

“Morus alba,”

“Can you go over there?”

This is no good.
Command in the name of Jesus.

Please say amen. Don’t go around


same problem, the same difficulty, the same healing, like singing
around the mulberry tree.

It orders the roots to be pulled out.

In the name of Jesus, he commands him to be abandoned in the sea.

“But Pastor, I don’t have that kind of faith.” All

you need is a mustard-like faith.

This is a way to increase your faith.

If you have as much faith as the mustard seed

, use it to command, and that will increase your faith.

“I heard the teaching that once you say it, don’t say it again

“Really?” “Yes, if you say it again,
it means that you have no faith.”

I disagree. ..

In this passage, Jesus
teaches his disciples how to increase their faith,

he said. ”
If you had as much faith as the mustard seed,”

“I can say.” I used to

say that Greek has tense.

The meaning
cannot be repeated in some cases.

Once completed, it cannot be repeated.

For example, Jesus shouted “completed” on the cross

This is the perfect form in Greek.

What that means is
that the effect is once and forever.

You see, it’s done once and
never again.

In the perfect form, the effect is eternal.

If it is an incomplete form, the operation will be repeated.

It is a repeated operation. please look.

It’s a blessing for you to study Greek.

The church here is like a Bible school.

you are learning more than a Bible school.

It is the glory of God. Not

all Bible schools,
so don’t get angry.

He says, “Speak to this mulberry tree.”

The word “speaking” is imperfect active indicator.

What that means is not to say it only once, but
to continue.

You can tell the problem over and over again, and you can command

the condition over and over again until it is pulled out

I did so for my skin problems.

I said every day, almost every day, sometimes
more than once a day.

But it’s always “pull out”, the past tense,

and the imperative.

Be uprooted. Pull it out. You know.

What I mean today is that God calls
that prayer an zealous prayer.

Some people don’t think of it as prayer.

Interestingly, it is not written that when Elijah prayed enthusiastically,

he put his head between his knees.

That was three and a half years later
when I prayed that it would rain.

But God just called it “prayer.”

When a person thinks of it as a mere prayer, God is called an zealous prayer, and when a person thinks of
it as

a zealous prayer,
God is just a prayer.