Disappointments, frustrations, closed doors, difficult colleagues…or just finding yourself behind a slow driver every time you drive! Trying to make sense of these constant struggles? Then hear this enlightening message by Joseph Prince and be blessed to see how God may be lovingly correcting and refining you to develop greater character, resilience, and strength in you. Learn also the truth about Hebrews 12—how God chastens those whom He loves, not with sicknesses and tragedies as often taught, but through His Word and for their benefit and longevity. Instead of being frustrated and confused, begin to see how much God loves you!

Stay tuned to the latest excerpt of the message from Joseph Prince.com

Is there frustration in your professional life?

Is there frustration in your married life?

There is something happening, and you say “I am asking, I am asking”.

Maybe it’s not a question of asking for, or trying to declare, Psalm 91.

In many cases, Psalm 91 remains real, amen?

but God is wanting to develop your character.

He is the God of Abraham, the God of faith

who responds to faith.

Then it is the God of Isaac, the heir who receives everything,

this is what we also experience.

But then it is the God of Jacob

who deals with a person’s character.

And God desires to deal with our character, but He

will never blame you for sin.

He does not punish you.

In dealing with you, God does not punish you.

The Bible says that this blessing … look,

“Also we had our fathers for correctors.”

Now, in the ancient version of the (Bible) King James,

it says that we had fathers according to the flesh.

I like it, I prefer it.

Now I will tell you why.

“Besides, we had our fathers according to the flesh for correctors.”

Human fathers, fathers according to the flesh, okay?

“And we respected them.”

“Will we not submit ourselves much more to the Father of spirits …?”

Indeed, it is a contrast

between the fathers according to the flesh, who would be our natural fathers,

and the Father, the Father of spirits.

So what does this tell us?

God doesn’t want to deal with your flesh.

He will not put diseases in your body.

God doesn’t deal with your flesh.

God deals with your spirit.

And many times the correction comes from the pulpit.

I agree.

You know, I know the teaching of the Word of Faith which says that God corrects with the Word.

But many times those who need the Word

don’t go to any church.

Those who need the Word don’t read the Bible

, so how does God correct them?

Disappointment, frustration, closed doors.

Like punching, punching, punching, and eventually seeing your hands bleeding.


And in the meantime, God is there who loves you.

Even as you cry out to God, He is there loving you.

God does not mind being misunderstood as long

as his will is done in your life,

bringing development in you, so that all those impurities of the gold (that you are

) dissolve, and you become like refined gold.

Maybe that colleague you have, is God’s “dishwasher”.

You have in mind, the ones that bother you all the time,

or the boss you have,

Because the Bible says – God once used this language in Psalm 60 –

” Moab is the basin in which I wash “.


By the way, Moab is the place Ruth came from, okay?

And God says “Moab …” – literally back then, back then

, these people didn’t have dishwashers,

but they had a specific pot, okay, for water

where they washed their utensils, and

cutlery and stuff. like that, and dishes.

And God says, “Moab is my basin”.

Moab is what always, ok, has been a

thorn in Israel’s side, always bothering the people of Israel.

And anyway Ruth was from Moab.

Which is the Jordan area today, okay?

And they (the people of Moab) were always, you know, a pain in the back.

They were always – do you have colleagues like that?

“Pastor, don’t say anything.

Right now he’s sitting next to me.”

Family member, family member.

Or – sometimes I feel “I don’t know what, what’s going on in my marriage.

it’s as if … ”- hey you have been washed.

Laban, the father-in-law,

was Jacob’s basin, Are you


Jacob had to learn his lesson the hard way,

but God never left him alone.

But when you see God speaking to Jacob, there is no reproach.

In Bethel, what did God say?

“I will be with you, I will protect you,

I will bless you”, no correction.

But in his life, in his actions, there was correction.

Are you listening?

Same thing for Abraham.

When God said to Abraham – we just read that Abraham

believed in God, and he counted it on him as righteousness, right?

Well, guess what?

This happened when he was 83 years old.

Three years later, he listened to his wife

and lay down with the servant and gave birth to Ishmael.

Now, he had already been justified by faith, in Genesis 15.

Genesis 16, which is about 3 years later, he committed the act of his own effort, to

make a son, an heir.

And after that, for 13 years, 13 years, you won’t find any record

of God speaking to him.

Was God angry?

No, I don’t think God was angry, okay, but God was dealing

with him, and He did it until he was 99 years old.

When he was 99, when nothing could work,

OK, the Bible says that

when his body was completely out of order, his wife’s was from the very beginning, when she was young.

She was sterile, so now she was doubly out of order,


The Bible says that God came and said “I am Almighty God.”


“You saw me as powerful.

You do some things, I do others.

But now I want to be the Almighty.”

And guess what?

The following year, Isaac arrived.

Therefore, it is a deal, a relationship.

You know, sometimes you find yourself getting so frustrated,

because you’re still trying, like a drowning man, as

long as he has strength, don’t try to save him.

Will you both go down, amen?

You have to wait until, finally, he is exhausted,

then you can save him, amen?

Of course, don’t wait for it to get exhausted and go down, and wait some more,

“Wait, that’s cool, wait guys, wait.”

And after you realize something has happened, run away.

Ok, that’s not the point.

God knows when to arrive at the right time, amen?

Perhaps your frustration right now may be

knocking on the wrong door.

God doesn’t want that door to open.

Amen, God actually wants to open a bigger door for you,

and you are knocking on the wrong one.

God loves you, you understand, God loves you.

This excerpt was submitted by JosephPrince.com

To get the full message visit JosephPrince.com

The Revolution of Grace is here.

It’s time to step out of fear, addictions, defeat

and enter a life of security, freedom and constant victory

From the international bestselling author “Joseph Prince” comes a new book

“Grace Revolution”

In this book, Joseph presents 5 Powerful Keys

To Help You Grow In Confidence

Build A Solid Foundation For Constant Breakthroughs

And Receive God’s Abundant Refreshment.

“The amazing thing about Joseph’s Ministry is that he delves so deeply into the

scriptures that sometimes I sit there in amazement and I say – Wooow! – I don’t know where he gets them from

but I go back to the scriptures and I say – Yes, I got it – and it’s a real blessing.

And he continues, again, to bring us back to Jesus Christ, and not to ourselves,

to our benefits. , to something we have to do,

just our faith in Christ,

and so this is what allows us to always go back. “

“Honestly, of all the messages I’ve

heard, Joseph Prince’s, on grace

, was the biggest breakthrough that my whole family and I have ever heard.”

“He enlightened me that we are His righteousness

Every time, no matter what happens in our life

we are His righteousness. And i

has been a blessing to me.” “He

was talking about grace, he was talking about the finished work of Christ,

things I had already heard

but … it was something that revolutionized my mind, my heart.

And it’s like … a dense cloud that literally He took altitude

and it’s like I wanted to run to the Lord.

Before I would have told him things like – Oh Lord, I don’t know if I can come to you –

But it was like I literally wanted to run to the Lord and say, – I love you, Dad , because I’m your daughter,

not because of something I’ve done, but because you’ve already done everything for me. –

And that’s just amazing. “

There is a great revolution that is spreading all over the world today.

This revolution is not a movement, nor a doctrine, nor a teaching, it

is something that concerns only Jesus Christ.

When Jesus is preached, lives are transformed first inwardly and then outwardly,

and God’s precious people begin to experience breakthroughs in every area of their life.

Experience the revolution of grace today.