Grasp the secret to happiness and find out how you can close the door to sickness as you discover the healing power of a merry heart! Joseph Prince shows you from the Scriptures what triggers sickness and what triggers healing and health.

Proverbs 17:22 says:

“A merry heart doeth good
like a medicine.”

“A merry heart doeth good
like a medicine.”

Do you think God is joking?

It is a medicine that
is not chemical.

There are no chemicals.

It is a medicine that
has no side effects.

“This will cause blurry vision
and dry lips and”

“your head to turn around

It’s medicine!
Literally “medicine” is there.

A merry heart, and the word
“merry” is “sameach”,

a heart that is “sameach”,
“celebrating, rejoicing, happy heart.”

“Now, I just don’t like this
idea of being happy for no reason.”

Your reason for “sameach”,
your reason for joy is not scriptural.

If you are waiting for
things to happen,

happenings that happen
to happen the way

it’s supposed to happen,
then you are happy,

you will never be happy.

Because happenings
don’t happen to happen

the way you want it
to happen, okay?

So you will never
be happy all the time.

But if it’s independent
of happenings,

it’s a joy from within,
the Bible says it like this.

You know, Paul wrote from
his prison cell the most joyful letter.

You can ask any
scholar, alright?

Bible scholar who knows
their New Testament

and you can ask them:

“What is the most
joyful letter of Paul?”

They will tell you: “Philippians.”

The word “joy” appears more
than any other book

that he wrote.

And yet, where was
he writing from?


And he wrote this:
“Rejoice in the Lord,”

and again I say: ‘Rejoice!’”

“Do you know why
this happened to me?”

“For the furtherance of your joy.”

“Hey guys, rejoice.”
And then he wrote again.

“Rejoice in the Lord
and again I say: ‘Rejoice!’”

Then he says this.

I am paraphrasing this,
let me quote to you first

what he says.

“For me to write again
these words to you”

“is not grievous for me.
But for you, it is safe.”

How do you rejoice?
He kept on repeating

so much that he
must apologize a bit.

“I know guys, it’s not
burdensome for me”

“to keep on repeating this
but for you it is safe.”

“Rejoice in the Lord and again…”

Rejoice where?
In your happenings?

No! In the Lord.

In the Lord.
In your good Shepherd.

Even when things go wrong,
rejoice in Him.

Keep a merry heart.

I tell you this, when you
are flowing with the Lord,

the Lord wants you
to be happy.

He looks at you and says,
on the night He was betrayed,

knowing as He was betrayed,
Judas just left,

knowing that as
He was being betrayed,

He was saying this:

“These things I have
spoken unto you”

“that My joy might remain in you
and that your joy may be full.”

Imagine! He was being betrayed
even as He spoke those words.

“Hey guys, I have spoken these
things to you.”

“My joy, the joy that You see me
operating in, might remain in you.”

And by the way, the word “joy”
is from the word “chara.”

from the Greek.

“Chara” is the noun.
“Kairo” is the verb of “chara”.

Notice, “chara” comes from?

“Charis” is grace.

So we rejoice not because
we got a promotion.

We don’t rejoice because
our bodies are all well.

We don’t rejoice, alright,
because you know,

there is a promotion coming, okay?

We rejoice because of grace,
because of God’s grace in our lives.

Because of what we see in Him,
in His grace. Alright?

“Chara” must be tied up
with “charis.” Amen?

So the joy that comes
because of God’s grace.

And the Bible doesn’t say
“rejoice” only,

it says, “rejoice in the Lord”.

“A merry heart doeth good
like a medicine.”

But watch this: “A broken spirit
dries your bones!”

And so many medical conditions
are caused by bones

that are dried up.


All the “i-is” “is”
is inflammation and

there is no more moisture.

What is growing old?
Moisture gone already.

Why do you put moisturizer?
Moisture has gone.

Now, I am going to
show you something.

You all laugh.

A broken spirit dries the bones.
What dries the bones?

A broken spirit.

Do you know where
your blood is manufactured?

In your marrow, in your bone.

So think about it,
blood needs water.

Drinking water alone
is not enough.

This is spiritual.
It’s telling you it dries your bones.

Whatever comes in sort of like,
absorbed everything and it’s gone.

Moses, when he was
120 years old,

something very interesting
you read, it says in

Deuteronomy 34
before he died.

“Moses was 120 years old
when he died.”

“His eyes were not dimmed
nor his natural vigor diminished.”

I studied 1 time, the word
“natural vigor.”

I just wondered:
“What is natural vigor?”

“His eyes was not dimmed
nor his natural vigor diminished.”

120 years old, y’all!
Hey 120, you know!


“His eyes not dimmed.
His natural vigor not…”

So I asked: “What is natural vigor?”

And I looked it up and
it’s the Hebrew word: “Moisture.”

“His moisture was not fled.”

Do we have the
Young’s Literal Translation?

Young’s Literal says “nor has his
moisture fled.”

So how is the spirit broken?
How is the spirit broken?

And there’s some
people that say:

“Well Pastor Prince,
I have a merry heart.”

You know, in ancient Britain,
when the king arrives back

into the castle, the flag is always
at half-mast when he is out.

When he’s not in residence,
there is no flag, okay?

Not half-mast.
No flag.

But when the king is
in residence, the flag is up.

“Joy is the flag flown high
from the castle of my heart,”

from the castle of my heart,
from the castle of my heart.”

“Joy is the flag flown high
from the castle of my heart,”

“when the King is
in residence there.”

Go on.

“So, let it fly in the sky,
let the whole world know.”

“Let the whole world know,
let the whole world know.”

“So, let it fly in the sky,
let the whole world know.”

“That the King is in
residence there.”

“So, let it fly in the sky,
let the whole world know.”

“Well, Pastor Prince,
that’s a flag.”

“But I tell you.
Don’t go by my face.”

“I have a merry heart.”

No, you cannot say
you have a merry heart

and it doesn’t notify your face.

Your face is the pole,
the flag, okay?

“Well, well, well,
I will not believe that.”

“Show me Bible.”

Okay. Don’t ever challenge me
with the Bible. Alright?

Proverbs 15:13:

“A merry heart makes
a cheerful countenance.”

Hey! Cheerful face!

So you know, it takes more
muscles to frown than to smile.

“I don’t want to smile,
because beauty.”

“I want to preserve my face.
I want to preserve my face.”

“I don’t want to
grow old too fast.”

“So the moment I smile,
I will have laugh lines and all that.”

“I won’t look good and all that.”

Do you trust God?
That God says:

“When you smile,
you have a merry heart,”

“it will be moisture to your face.”

It will be moisture everywhere.
Don’t worry, you will look

younger and younger. Amen.
Are you with me so far?

Okay, many of you
partake of the Lord’s Supper right?

Right? Alright, I’ll give you
this last verse in Ecclesiastes 9:7.

“Go, eat your bread with joy.”

How do you eat your bread?
With joy.

Okay let’s finish.

“and drink your wine with…”
How? A merry heart.

“For God has already
accepted your works.” Amen.

“Let your head lack no ointment.”

“And let your garments
be white and your head lack no oil.”

“Live joyfully with the
wife whom you love.”

Now the first part there,
we all know is Communion

in the context of the
New Testament, right?

And yet, the communion
is called what?


How many times have you
attended a Communion service

and it’s very sombre?
It is very heavy?

“Search your heart.”

By the time you finish
searching your heart,

you don’t want to take already.

You are afraid, right?

It is called “Eucharist” or
Thanksgiving. It’s joy.

It’s thanking the Lord.

So eat your bread with?

And drink your wine with?
A merry heart. Amen.

I think that’s where we
are missing it.

That’s why it’s not flowing
in people’s lives because

they look at the Communion
as a very sombre time.

And it is like we rejoice:
“Praise the Lord!”

“Joy is the flag flown high,
let it fly in the sky.”

“Now it’s time for Communion.”


“Eat your bread with joy,
drink your wine with a merry heart.”
And then what?
“Your garments are always white.”

We know that we are
the righteousness of God in Christ.

“Your head will lack no oil,
anointing.” Amen.

“And you live joyfully
with your spouse.”


If you need to take medicine,
take both. Amen.

You won’t think of neglecting
your medicine, right?

Don’t neglect the Lord’s Supper.

Rejoice. Amen.

“For the joy set before Him,
He endured the cross.”

He loves you, man.

And for the joy set before Him,
He endured the scourging.

No wonder He fell
and He got up and fell again.

All because He loved you.

But He saw you that’s why
He got up again

and He went on all the way
to the cross.

He will not die until
He’s on that cross.

Because there is another
payment on the cross.

On that cross, He redeemed us
from the curse. Amen.

“He was wounded
for our transgressions.”

Can I have a good amen,