Join Pastor Joseph Prince as he shares about his book, “Eat Your Way To Life and Health” on TBN’s Praise program with Matt & Laurie Crouch. Be encouraged as he answers some pertinent questions about healing and the holy Communion.





I’m praise from Newark City from new

creation Church

Joseph and Wendy friends



long and one of our favorite things in

the whole world to do is talk about

Jesus talked about his finished work

talk about the gospel of grace and

Joseph Prince is here come on


sitting here I just feel it how they say

what do they say that behind every great

man is a woman rolling her eyes let’s

talk about first of all just kind of the

we love waking up to hope and grace we

love the opportunity that the gospel of

grace has changed us has helped us for

Laurie and me often times we said it

just makes you forget about yourself and

go in the power of what God wants us to

do is to think about him not ourselves

and so ultimately that is a message that

it’s always fun my mom has now been in

heaven for a number of years whenever I

sit here I think of her because see that

purple color kind of in the sky light

back there that’s kind of like the color

of her hair you know I mean I always

think about her when I’m here but but

the other reason is because you did a

message a number of years ago I’m gonna

call it 20 years ago on Holy Spirit the

Holy Spirit and somehow we found that

videotape I think my mom played it on

TBN enough to where some of the oxide

off the tape and and that’s how we got

introduced to a young vibrant still

young still vibrant Joseph France and

and my mom like wendy was kind of the

neck that turned the head and ultimately

was still working

what’s happening right now and so

ultimately what I can’t help but think

about my mom and her love for your

teaching in your hair and everything I

just loved your hair and I go yeah

without the color yeah exactly

so basically it felt like I always say

the name of the book that you wrote long

time addressing your ring destined to

ring it felt like somebody got that book

to me and it felt like it was I was

reading what I felt inside that you had

written a narrative of the way that that

I was hoping the kingdom of God works

you know I mean at some point so you put

words on paper to my feelings and that’s

why we’ve been brothers ever since so

ultimately thank you for what we do with

you all right so the question I love to

ask all the time is why did a few years

ago the gospel of grace and really this

why did it feel knew what had happened

to the way we were getting taught to and

preached to that made the gospel of

grace feel new what happened I really

believe that it’s a fulfillment of Bible

prophecy in Jeremiah 23 where God says

this will happen during the times when

the Jewish people will come back to

their homeland okay Israel from the

north now it is not like when they came

out of Egypt this way eclipsed the

exodus from Egypt he says that when this

happens when they come back from the

north this is the name of the Lord in

those days the Lord our righteousness

okay just grace totally grace which

means you are not your own righteousness

and we cannot produce our own

righteousness the Lord is our

righteousness which means in his eyes if

he is our righteousness it is sure it is

secure it is eternal yeah you cannot

lose your righteousness your

righteousness is in heaven

the other ones to check out you’re

standing with God go check him out now

he is my righteousness so I’m always

stable I’m always secure regardless of

my fluctuating emotions and I think what

is happening in these days is that it’s

God God it’s not behind it it cannot be

the work of man the way it resonates is

so many heart you said it so well just

now you said it when I wrote the book

destined to reign it it resonated with

you it put words through what you’ve

been experiencing yeah your your head is

playing catch up you know because

religion has a way of messing up your

head but but your heart is saying yes

this is what I believe this is the God I

believe in you know and I think the God

is doing this revival and it says this

that in those days when this is his name

the Lord our righteousness the people

will fear no more nor be discouraged

neither shall they be lacking Wow our

raised up Shepherds to feed them and the

Shepherd will feed them with a message

the Lord is your righteousness

I love that answer okay I love that

answer but you did not quite but you

didn’t quite answer what my real

question was what was being taught when

I was young because the gospel of grace

and the fulfillment of this prophetic

word felt new right was that what what

what was wrong that was just in our life

well no but he’s the preacher he has to

it is true all over the world I think we

have been steeped into legalism okay and

and I thought I’m not the the teachers

of the pastors that that taught them

because many of them are sincere you

know and that’s in searly wrong but but

they were sincere yeah they were doing

their best and the louder they shout

against sin usually they have a secret

sin that they they are ashamed of or

they’re trying to become so so they they

try to preach an ultra holiness so you

know I believe in holiness but but

holiness means being uncommon it doesn’t

mean you know you gotta you gotta tie

your bun so tight you know and when you

blink your eyes you know the hoping

shakes you know and it’s like no makeup

on your face and that’s what been taught

for years and there’s a lot of struggle

a lot of self effort in this kind of

religion but but when grace comes in

when you realize God’s grace is all done

there comes a rest you just let go and

in fact the Hebrew word for for healing

is rapha jehova rapha but the root word

of Rafa is Rafa

we were hey which means relax so when

you relax it promotes healing in your

bodies and minds the the you are very

kind in the way you explain this it’s a

it’s a very appropriate way to knock

some preachers oh no I don’t

literally I just I what what what scares

me sometimes is to think that someone

could think the gospel of grace is some

kind of new twist yeah it’s it’s really

the root of what but it was just felt

new and that’s just a really really

strange thing that we got so far off in

regard to this because this felt like a

breath of fresh air but it’s it’s sad

that somebody would ever think the

gospel of grace oh this new young

preacher from Singapore doing this

message it is the message it is the

message you know I did I remember my

daddy my daddy would have loved you

and he didn’t get a chance to meet you

before he passed away but he back in the

day preached preached grace in an

amazing way he was always kind of ahead

of his time and one of my is I wish he

would have got to meet you because he

would loved it but I remember okay

I remember my cousin’s they were all

raised in a certain denomination as my

father was same denomination but they

were going to the College in the Bible

school from this denomination and I

remember a big busload of kids came to

our church this was years and years ago

and my cousin they all sat around my dad

and he started preaching grace to them

and it was in such a way that I remember

these kids all just weeping and crying

the same but we’re taught that every

time we sin it’s like climbing a ladder

yeah and if you sin you just fall to the


and then you’ve got to start all over

again you got to try to climb your

ladder and then you fall and I remember

my dad ministering to them just grace to

them and it just changed their life

because if if if that’s the way it is

and then there is no hope for us yeah

you know and I think the message of

grace absolutely transforms your life

into a life of love and service how many

have been changed by the gospel of grace


nation just is amazing without would you

say something because you speak so good

nd well I think for me the the point

about grace is that it brings rest no

rest for your conscience yeah you know

and when we have rested in our

conscience we can come before God

without that fear without thinking that

he’s going to judge us yeah we make when

we stumble when we make a mistake and I

think that it it tears down that barrier

you know a lot of religion has set up

many many barriers to God but grace has

down those barriers and when we come we

can call him Abba yeah you know he’s no

longer God but he’s ABBA

yeah and rest in our conscience knowing

that the finished work of his son has

paid for our conscience to be at rest

and so you know there’s nothing to fear

anymore when we come before him I can

tell him all all my worries my concerns

I know he’s not gonna judge me for it I

feel loved because he knows all my

weaknesses and failings but he still

loves me

yeah and that gives me rest and I think

that’s the most wonderful relationship I

think that’s what you planned all along

for us to have they’re so beautiful and

a lot of people I think if the truth was

known they are they are not secure

comfortable in God’s presence as they

would be for friend all right they can

meet a friend at Starbucks and they

spend an hour or two and before they

realize it that the hour just pass right

but when it comes like let’s have an

hour prayer and it’s almost like they

come in real father throwing their

requests lest they sin in this presence

you know thought were deep and then it’s

almost like a trauma request real fast

so that he knows my requests and I’m

gonna run out well at rest

yeah you know and I don’t think the

father appreciates that kind of

president but when you when you come to

him knowing that even you commit a

4-part you know you sinned or you you

have a wrong talk erroneous total

unbelief or whatever you can be in his

presence just like the sinners were in

Jesus presence and never receive any

condemnation from him here who in fact

his presence transform them right and

everyone that you heal not a single one

of them

what believers hmm at that time he has

not yet died so all of them were people

that were not deserving of healing

he never categorized them all of you or

want to be healed you get right with

your wive’s here okay you’re in this

category and all of you who have

unforgiveness in your heart you stand

over here

all right I’ll pray for you later get

right first all right I forgive even

neither forgive and then he never did

that all came to him all receive I’m

sure they had there are all kinds of

problems you know we need to see Jesus

again yeah

the real Jesus of the Bible beautiful

Wow okay we are first of all welcome to

the United States we are here

you’re doing a bit of a tour across and

I don’t know exactly when this is airing

but basically all the informations on

the screen so come see Joseph in person

if if there’s any chance you can so

you’ll be in New York Washington Dallas

in California in Southern California so

now with this appearance first of all

let me just say that to you and the

viewing audience here in a in a bit in a

half hour so we’re going to actually

take Holy Communion together all of us

here in the audience and you watching so

is there any rules can you take it with

you no wonder bread and water if if

that’s all you have is that okay know

what Eiffel thing about God is that the

things of God available for everyone

yeah you know and if anyone comes to you

and say that you get my package my stuff

you smell religion okay you smell con a

con artist but in the things I’ve got up

free just like air yeah you know and

anyone can do communion at home yeah

with a cracker and water if that’s what

you matter yeah okay got it

so except for noodles no no don’t so eat

your way to life and health is is pastor

Joseph snoo book and we’re gonna get

into this subject now and I want to I

want to talk about this but we have a

little bit of a bio that we’ve done for

someone that hasn’t been waking up to

hope and grace you need to but this role

in concerning pastor Joseph and when he

watch this they’ll be with us all night


hear you pastor and New York Times

bestselling author Joseph Prince has

dedicated his life to proclaiming the

gospel of grace his sermons which focus

on unveiling Jesus and his finished work

are broadcast in over 10 languages to

millions of homes around the world on

both secular and Christian television

networks while his books and other

resources have been translated into more

than 20 languages since he became the

senior pastor of new creation church in

1990 the church congregation has grown

by more than 33,000 attendees he

continues to transform many lives by

sharing the truth of Jesus Christ

through his books including bestsellers

the power of right believing and

destined to reign and his newest book

about the Holy Communion eat your way to

life and help

please welcome Joseph Prince



we are in New York City


if you’ve never been to the studio

audience we’re just a few steps off of

Union Square what street is that right

out here 15 15 15th Ave or Street or

15th Street just right out here just off

Union Square and yeah welcome there’s so

many new timers here tonight them so and

they’re all going to Joseph’s service

yeah okay start first of all and just

kind of introduce the subject the way

you want to introduce it we got a couple

of questions and and a few things but

start Joseph and by the way the 800

number on the screen is available if you

want to get this book there’s somebody

standing by right now it’s so nice

because these 800 numbers are different

for everything so when you call that one

on the screen I can see it because I can

read it off the screen here 201 and 5200

that is for this book and by the way

when you do this your gift doesn’t just

get you the book it helps get Christian

TV around the world in multiple

languages and we thank you for what you

do to get these books get it order it

now brand-new book okay how do you want

to kind of introduce it the subject

matter in general I want to say that

this book eat your way to life and

health is not another diet plan there’s

not a another exercise regimen or

something that you do right it’s

something that you received from the

Lord all right every day if you are able

to do you think about it the early

church broke bread from house to house

daily came in like I come over to your

place and we break bread and then we go

to Bob’s house and then we break bread

again got it

they were radical and in x20 it says

that upon the first day of the week

which is Sunday they came together to

break bread hmm and who was the guest

speaker Paul Paul was in town and yeah

it doesn’t does not say that they came

together to hear Paul they came together

to break bread so we are just coming

back to the original plan of God Jesus

says do this in remembrance of me

so about 20 years ago when I first

started preaching this I was a young

pastor with a growing congregation and I

was concerned because many of them were

not able to exercise that kind of faith

you know 11:24 and I believe right now I

receive I receive it no doubt no

wavering nothing key that waiver if

we’re not received and it’s too much

pressure for them and I noticed that

many of them are coming down with

age-related illness some of them chronic

problems some of them incurable

sicknesses like Alzheimer and cancer and

such and I began to seek the Lord I said

there must be a provision in grace it

cannot be that you brought the people of

Israel out with silver and gold

Sam’s 105 and there was none feeble

among them two to three million people

mind you and there was none feeble and

God does not exaggerate so if that is so

in the Old Covenant how much more the

New Covenant yeah you know and and I

think to myself there must be an answer

here so I sought the Lord and he brought

me to first Corinthians 11 verse 37 for

this reason singular reason for this

reason many I kind of wish he said few

but Palmer the spirit said for this

singular reason many are weak and sick

and fall asleep or die prematurely Wow

so the verse before that says those who

partake unworthily not discerning the

Lord’s body it is not the problem the

cup it is that people are not

distinguishing between the bread and the

cup it’s like a one lump sum they take

it you know as to remember the Lord and

you’re not discerning the advantage of

what the body has accomplished for them

so when not discerning the Lord’s body

is the reason for this reason of not

discerning many are weak so if we

reverse that if we discern the Lord’s


every time we partake will become

instead of weight strong instead of sick

we’ve come healthy instead of falling

asleep before the time we’ll live long



I I want I want to ask first of all we

windy we want you to kind of weigh in

because you have a personal story an

injury situation what happened earlier

this year and what did you see in regard

to communion yes so while this book was

being written early this year our son

Justin just started first grade in

school so one day the school called me

and said that he had a fall and I went

to pick him up and I saw where he fell

from it was from a height quite a tall

place a high place and he had a bump on

his head so I drove him to the hospital

we got it checked out and all we he went

through a CT scan and they found that he

had a fracture behind his expression his

skull behind his left ear and he had to

be water immediately so he was in

hospital and the next day he started

throwing up and having very bad

headaches you know he was in pain and

they rushed him in for a scan again and

they found in the second fracture so he

had two skull fractures behind his left

ear and at that moment you know what

could we do we there was no medicine

that the doctors could give except for

just simple painkillers and then we just

started taking the Holy Communion one

day we took like three to four times

actually and and I would give him a pain

scale I would say so how’s the pain now

or 1 to 10 you’d say it’s a 9 before we

took the communion and then we will say

okay let’s let’s take the communion and

then after we took the communion you

know we thank the Lord that he was

healed he was well and then I would ask

him again how’s the pain and amazingly I

mean he’s seven he’s not gonna lie to me

he told me it’s come come down to maybe

a five you know and that’s the second

day and and each time we took the

communion the pain scale went down low

and it was it was amazing

because you know to see him in pain that

was really it was hard for us but to see

what the communion did for him in such a

tangible way that we knew that the Lord

was in charge I know we kind of said

okay we’re just gonna trust the

communion we’re not gonna do any more

scans we didn’t want to put him through

the scans again we said we’re just gonna

trust the communion trust that the Lord

is doing the work to restore Justin to

restore his skull and by the fourth day

he was out of hospital and this is a

double fracture you know and he was out

of hospital actually with no hardly any

pain yeah so you’re right in the book at

the end you’re home writing so did it

give you I was at fuel for your fire

well oh my god I sort of like make me

angry we share almost like that right

just the roaring lion is roaring really

loud yeah and saying don’t don’t write

this book it’s like a warfare kind of

thing it’s almost I could hear you know

the hissing you know of that snake and

saying don’t write this book and so I

believed by it by the devil saying that

I know that these boys are made a lot of

difference in the lives of multitudes


one thing you mentioned a minute ago

that you noticed in your young ministers

and your young growing church that it

was difficult for them to think let’s

teach that the communion is going to

instantaneously heal somebody let’s

teach that this is going to be a

progressive healing you saw that happen

that way with Justin in the hospital

earlier this year and so circle back to

that that seems to be a key here that we

should expect what when we read and know

but then when we partake what what is it

that we should expect well every chapter

of the book there’s a testimony of

healing and most of them are from

America right and the testimony is most

of the testimonies that we receive

people receive healing incrementally in

other words every time they partake of

the Lord’s Supper they’re believing

they’re getting stronger not everyone

has the faith of mark 11:24 to see I

believe I receive right now and from now

on amount of doubt I’m already you know

make negative confessions yeah it’s

kinda hot for some people but they can’t

believe with what little faith they have

every time I’m partaking I’m getting

better every time I party I’m getting

better and we have testimonies like two

testimonies of Alzheimer being healed

one of it is spectacular one of it it

was incrementally the first one was a

lady with testified the mothers been

diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and she

degenerated to the point where she gonna

recognize the names and the faces of the

family members so the daughter got hold

of this message and adhering my sermons

on on the Lord’s Supper and then what

she did was she took communion for the

first time with the mom the mom fell

asleep the very next day she woke up she

could name all of them the man was

completely restored beautiful now that

is spectacular but we have another

testimony of a lady who had a husband

who was told by the doctor he has

Alzheimer get ready you know you need to

resign from your work and prepare for

the worst and they took communion every

day they got hold of teaching to come in

every day but four and a half years they

went back to the same doctor and look at

the scan and the doctor says you say I

cannot believe the same person

I don’t believe I said it I’m rewriting

the the diagnosis right you you have no

Alzheimer and Alzheimer is not a

condition that can be reversed so get

worse and worse God heals both ways yeah

but that for example is just not you

can’t you come in with a street name

just now yeah the first time is 15th

Street 1 1 1 15th Street New York ok so

don’t ask me what the telephone number

is ok so the look ok do some people say

well ok then that’s my work so I’m doing

that and that’s just becoming a

religious practice of taking communion

how do we in fact uh we have a mutual


Samuel smudge ah we did in Israel and

Matt knows him really well and he was

diagnosed with bladder cancer a rare

aggressive form of bladder cancer early

this year and I was in Israel in March

and I saw his you know his countenance

he was so downcast he was so discouraged

and the doctors told him with this kind

of cancer is an aggressive form rare

rare form of cancer even with treatment

you have 20% success only 20% of success

all right

he went to a treatment but at the same

time he took communion every single day

at least most of the days he took

communion and he says that my teaching

on the first pass over of Israel why I

thought that got to God instructed

Israel to put the blood on the doorpost

yeah and on the lintel you can see the

cross but what were the people doing in

the house they were eating the roasted

lamb eating and the Bible says the very

next day when they came out non feeble

among the tribes hmm so something

happened they partook of the roasted

lamb roasted means the land has been

judged with the eternal fires of

judgment falling on the Underland

so they partook it and the next day and

not a single one was feeble and I

sheriff with my friend Samuel I say that

if the type can do that in the Old

Testament how much more the substance

that we hold now how much more the

substance this is the body of the Lord

Jesus and he began he said it was a

revelation that really incited him and

he’s being the Pontic almost every day

then he start telling me well pastor

prays and he’s into grace he understands

grace and Wendy’s become legalistic I

feel that sometimes I’m doing

legalistically I said not if you see the

Lord waiting for you the elements every

day he’s waiting on you so even though

your hands are preparing the elements

you must see the lot bringing the

elements it was not his attack a type of

Christ that brought the elements through

Abraham what was an Abraham preparing

the elements Abraham received the

elements so I don’t I told him not to

see communion something that you do but

something that you received you receive

your daily bread today what he’s waiting

with the elements you must see it that

way he’s waiting with the elements your

daily bread is there have you done it

how you’re receiving and that’s really

just to remember him so it is it’s

really to receive it reminds me of your

last revelation about living the let go

life or the more or hanging on – you

have to let go so that you have a

receiving that he is a constant flow to

you as work and our worry chokes off

that so this this is a way to get to a

point to receive from Jesus so you’re

not doing you’re receiving yeah okay

beautiful what does it mean to you nd

well what does it mean to me it is um I

love it that God’s things are so the

God’s ways are just so simple but so

powerful you know we don’t have to climb

the highest mountain we don’t have to be

to give you know thousands of dollars to

find some to find something to do get

our healing you know it’s just so simple

it’s just a simple path taking it makes

it so easy for us

and and I love that about him I love

also that it is not just about

instantaneous although the the

spectacular miracles that we hear of it

so it’s wonderful we are all happy about

that but you know God understands where

we are he knows at what level of faith

we are at and he allows us to go through

that journey with him and by partaking

we go through on that journey with him

and he makes it so easy

beautiful we’re gonna partake together

eat your way to life and health is not a

diet book it is a communion book we’re

going to do communion prepare yourselves

at home

the in case somebody is new to

Christianity where does the partaking in

the communion even come from where what

what part of the story of Jesus does

this come from let me just finish the

testimony I just remembered my friend

Sam was my girlfriend yeah he partook

and a few months ago he called me up and

he says pastor Prince he was so excited

that he was weeping on the other side

the doctors just had me checked and they

found no trace of cancer


he says like I feel like a new man I got

a new lease of life now yeah you know

and he appears in your program often as

a host you know on the balcony the

beautiful balcony yeah and and he’s now

he’s not a new man he’s raring to go and

serve the Lord when he says something

very profound just now also it’s a

simple act of eating when someone says

what a simple act of eating can can

bring such tremendous healing when you

think about it the fall of man happened

because of a simple act of eating Wow

men ate his way into the curse into

sickness into death a simple act of

eating so is it like the Lord to say

that now you partook of the wrong tree

you’re right the tree of life has not

been partaking Wow all right but a

simple act of eating we can eat our way

into the blessings


so what was that question I just asked

you were talking about before I talk to

you know where I come from yeah where

did it come from

I said in case somebody wasn’t you know

in new to the whole thing where did the

story of communion even come from yeah

it’s definitely in the Bible you know

from the Word of God like I said in the

early church they practice it from from

house to house they broke bread daily

Paul broke bread you know even when

there’s a storm and the Seas and the

high seas and he broke bread they came

together in Ex Twinkie to break bread so

the purpose for meeting back in those

days is to break bread and the losses as

often as you do this you do this in

remembrance of me if Laurie were to tell

you you know I’m going away honey and

every week only the stand under this

particular tree right it’s not our line

were love language that we need be

concerned about is his love language he

says dude is this how he wants to

remember to be remembered and we think

in terms of like you know if I if I do

the treatment and if I go through this

thousands of dollars medicine treatment

or whatever maybe Debbie results yeah

men things pens have been that way

God says the children’s bread is healing

yeah it’s not right to take the

children’s bread number there and a

simple act even in the ladies it’s even

the crumbs that fall from the master’s

table the loss it’s all woman great is

your faith yeah

so we take the crumb even and we think

to ourselves even a crumb can drive

cancer out of your body

that way coughing God is the weak things

of the world to confound the put were

not the things that are mighty yeah

whereas the world things of expensive

treatments you know the more expensive

got to go to Switzerland you go here and

there in fact this is the Fountain of

Youth Wow the more you partake the

younger you become there was a couple of

thousand years ago there was a Thursday

night when Jesus got together shortly

before he was arrested and then

ultimately tried and killed he sat with

his disciples and kind of showed this

ceremony and as an act of remembrance of

that Last Supper Jesus really basically

said at that time to remember me so it’s

a it’s a remembrance it Jesus did this

was arrested tried died creuza crucified

and rose from the dead and here we are

two thousand years later and the

ultimately what we’re gonna do is we’re

gonna partake together so what how do

you want to it in a minute we’re gonna

actually start the service what do you

want to get out concerning the book what

else is in here

that we haven’t been able to cover

tonight before we actually do a service

together you know especially America in

the world we live in today with the

advancements of medical technology and

there are a lot more people who are sick

you know I look at your television

program in between all kinds of

advertisements for you know medicine and

things like that now we thank God for

all the advancement we thank God I

believe God is behind all the

advancement of Harrison and all that but

but again many of the books out there on

health plans and exercises and all new

new names of exercises different forms

and all that they are well and good I I

observe my diet and and and I try to

exercise as much as I can but again all

those books have one common team what is

natural but the problem of sickness is

that it is supernatural

you cannot use what is natural through

fighting or combat that which is


whereas communion is supernatural many a

times people who are oppressed with

sickness they oppressed by the devil not

in every case but many cases Jesus went

about healing all they were oppressed of

the devil so the devil is involved your

your exercise your dumbbells I’m gonna

help you you know your your your your

eating not help you many of those people

that Jesus heal and it’s day they were

on a Mediterranean diet you won’t be

caught alive eating pork hot bacon yeah

they were all on a Medicare diet yeah

there was six yeah you know I saw I

loved Mediterranean diet I try to

observe as much as I can you know I try

to we try to eat healthy but even

organic food the earth is falling man is

trying to get help from creation but

creation has fallen even the nutritional

value of the good food you are eating

like carrot for example compared to 50

years ago it’s all it’s not dead anymore

all right

but communion is a supernatural way out

of this world it is a gift from our

loving father to remember his son by

okay and in in case somebody tuned in by

the way the 800 number on the screen is

for this book this is available now so

just call that number on the screen make

sure that you talk enough I’ll give you

another chance

in case you feel like you want to add

something to it is that this isn’t

becoming some kind of religious act that

it isn’t you know some kind of

repetitive thing there was a very

popular book that sold a whole bunch of

copies back in the day is called the

prayer of Jabez and some people loved it

and other people’s criticized it that it

was some kind of ritual that you were

doing or some kind of religious act and

that that you were doing so make sure

you’ve said everything you want to say

about this

of how many times that three to four

times a day when you were with Justin in

the hospital that this wasn’t some kind

of repetitive thing you were doing here

you were receiving so just talk about

that make sure you’ve nailed that

I love the chaplain site there where

talks of Revelation brings victory okay

revelation brings results I love that

because it talks about it’s not enough

just to hear the testimonies tonight and

you go off saying that Oh activate out

the communion no you must have the

revelation okay it’s gonna be fresh yeah

you listen to the teachings again and

again and again and have a fresh

revelation the Bible says that about the

peace offering in the Book of Leviticus

one of the offerings called peace

offering is a animal offering the lamb

the lamb is roasted and after that the

priests partake of the breast of the

lamb so today that speaks about a lot

Jesus and we partake of his love the

breast speaks of his love right

but Danny says on the third day you

can’t partake of it he must be partaking

on the first day and second day on the

third day everything must be burned what

is God saying he’s saying keep it fresh

stick close to the cross let the

freshness be there will you partake the

Lord’s Supper take it as if the lamb

just died in the book of Revelation

I saw the land as if he had just been

slain Hebrews 10 tells us boldness to

enter the holiest in a new and living

way check out the word in the Greek for

the word new new is freshly slain

freshly slim just lean so when I take

the Lord’s Supper say Lord I received

this as from you from your hands and

Lord is just now is I think like just

now you bore my diseases just now your

bother scourging just now and by your

stripes I am healed

yeah Amen so when I partake I have that

sense of freshness

there’s no way you can get into legalism

because you’re looking forward every

time to partake of the Lord’s Supper

where were you again get your elements

ready at home where were you when the

subject of this hit you you knew you

wanted to take on this subject matter

yeah you know I’ve never written a book

don’t plan to but I assume they’re hard

to write so this is something you had to

really get revelation for when when was

that and how did that come to you that

was about 20 slightly more than 20 years

ago when I first started preaching on

this and again it was because I was

seeking the Lord asking a lot for my own

congregation and I’m a dream that one

day the will will hear that sermon yeah

right but it was just for people and

when I found where it says for this

reason singular reason now we have so

many reasons why people are not healed

yeah all right but the Bible says for

this singular reason many are weak and

sick and fall asleep so that became my

task to find out what’s happening here

you know that we have miss about the

Lord’s Supper and and I think that many

times we have really hit it too you know

once a month that kind of thing and also

people are afraid because of erroneous

teachings that if you have sin in your

life you cannot partake because you

bring judgment on yourself but that’s a

misinterpretation of the passage as it

is the worth under sentence this ever

since Adam sinned the sentence of death

is there already

sickness weakness death you partake the

Lord’s Supper so that you will not be

condemned with the world you will not

suffer the condemnation there’s already

in the world it is not the you partake

with sin it comes on you you know it’s

already there you put it your way out of

it fearful all right and and and the

word they’re unworthy me talks about the

action do not partake of it unworthy ly

it’s not referring to the person it’s

the manner by which you protect God and

I was if I if I remember the Lord went

to suffer by the way the Levitical

offerings in the Old Testament

none of the lambs and sheep were killed

or tortured before they were put on the

altar they were all slain in a humane

way and put on the altar they were not

tortured only the Lord Jesus Christ was

searched and tortured before he went to

the cross so why why did that happen

why didn’t God allow that happen because

by His stripes

we are healed here so when I partake

with that realization it does something

you need to hear the revelation of it

you need bit fresh beautiful okay



a video that kind of shows a little bit

more about the book brand new book eat

your way to life and health unlock the

power of the Holy Communion watch this

when we come back let’s have a service

together audience you’re all set

TV audience get ready we’ll do a service

when we get right back from this clip

watches for centuries man has tried to

get healthier get stronger and live his

best life by changing what he does I

told you there was a series of foods

Tran – quietly sweeping the country

changing our outlook on what we need but

how can we tell truth from trend in

joseph´s latest book eat your way to

life and health you’ll discover how the

Holy Communion releases the health

giving power of the Lord’s finished work

into your body

you partake my friend the Wilkin offered

diet plans and nutrition tips and I’m

all for eating well and exercising but

the Holy Communion is so much more than

that is not just another diet plan

it is the very power of the Lord’s

finish work release into our bodies

every time we partake

ever since I started preaching strongly

on the communion about 20 years ago

people from all over the world have

written to me to share their healing

testimonies an elderly man suffering

from Alzheimer’s disease with no hope of

recovery was completely healed the Lord

restored his mind to the Holy Communion

and his wife is overjoyed to have him

back another brother wrote in to share

that true the partaking of the communion

his youngest son who had a 17 degree

curve in his spine was completely healed

latest x-rays show no trace of his Folio

sis he used to have a spine is now


these are just two of the many

testimonies that ashamed is being my


I’ll invite you on this journey as you

party on the Holy Communion I pray that

you experience the Lord’s healing and

restoration law and God bless you

Joseph princes latest book eat your way

to life and health is now available

today we are in New York City talking

about one of the greatest subjects there

is in the whole world

okay it is how to receive from the Lord

Jesus we we if this was something we

were doing it could be a religious act

if this is something that we’re

receiving that’s the way we need to look

at it right and so one of the most

amazing things we can do together is to

just simply partake pastor Joseph let’s

pretend we’re at your beautiful Church

in Singapore and you’re 40,000 people

are out there now and and will our

studio audiences is prepared and I know

that those at home around the world it

doesn’t matter what they use with us

does it

and so just anything something liquid

and something that could be like a

cracker or something like that and

participate with us this is a very

special beautiful time here in New York

City together thank you Pastor and

please before we partake I just want to

say a word for those of you who feel

like they think communion might expose

you to sickness or because of erroneous

teachings or premature death let me just

assure you communion is the way out of

them the Lord ordained is such a way

they even by the simple act of eating

man’s man fell because a simple egg of

eating so we can eat the Lord’s body it

our way back into the blessings of God

as you partake remember the Lord Jesus

bore your sicknesses in his body so

right now as you hold the bread in your


the way you partake worthily is to

remember that he bore your sicknesses

the way you drink the cup worthily is to

not feel sin conscience anymore because

Jesus says this cup is the New Covenant

in my blood which is shed for the

remission not for the consciousness

every time you partake you gotta know

your sins are remitted past present and

future that is doing honor to the work

of Jesus that is partaking worthily

to partake with sim consciousness to

partake with sickness consciousness is

to be an word to partake unworthily so

let’s have a fresh attitude

there was a lot supper this is the way

out people amen and and and just tell

the Lord Lord I received these elements

as from your hands I thank you the in

your own body

you have gone away all my sins

all my diseases my pains and even my

aging and I thank you I design your body

now that by your stripe

I am he’ll just name whatever it is

before the Lord thank you by your stripe

lord I am heal of that I am heal of

forgetfulness I’m here in both my eyes I

am heal from hypertension I am healed

from arrhythmia I am healed in my heart

in all my arteries I am healed in my

kidneys by your stripes I’m healed in my

brain and my brain is made everywh it

hold by your stripes I am healed in my

in my hearing thank you by your stripes

I am healed in my spine and by your

stripes I am healed in my legs

whatever your ailment is just name that

to the Lord but the conscious of the

health and the healing not your sickness

just say by your stripes I’m healed of

this thank you lord



as you hold the cup before the Lord the

Bible says you proclaim the Lord’s death

till he comes every time the Lord’s

death was proclaimed in the Old

Testament even when Samuel offered a

sucking lamb the Philistines were

defeated God thundered from heaven so

every time we proclaim the Lord’s death

by lifting up the cup God is sending

victories break throughs but remember

the blood was shed so that all your sins

will be remitted you should not have any

consciousness of sin it’s not a time to

be sin conscious it’s time to be

forgiveness conscious thank you Lord all

my sins remitted through your blood amen


I’m looking at a stronger healthier and

a younger you a man



this feels fresh the way that that you

have explained it to receive keep

pushing that in to us a little bit

inside of just this last couple of

minutes make sure that we understand

we’re receiving and that we have

worthily partaken I’m a part of it

knowing that the Lord is still is

delighted he finds joy in your partaking

and see him already there hoping the

elements even though your hands are

preparing the elements it is him holding

the elements in his hands waiting for

you every single day he’s waiting

give us this day our daily bread it’s

never weekly bread it’s never monthly

bread you come partaking you find a lot

for it even renewal of you sounds 103

how does that happen

God will satisfies your mouth with the

good thing so that your youth is renewed

like the Eagles amen you can believe God

every single time you plan take that

you’re getting better and better but

don’t have this sense of I’m partaking

of something that happened 2,000 years

ago no the Bible says the lamb as if it

had been slain because in God’s

dimension there is no time the lamb just

died just know yeah he just put your

hand so just now

here he meant through your practice and

lord I thank you I see it Lord and I

thank you by your stripe I’m here of

this condition do it every day if you’re

you know you have medicine you take

three times a day right

why don’t you got the same respect

amen take as many time as you want and

best of all you cannot have side effects

that go with it you know Wow okay eat

your way to life and health brand-new

book by the way if you’re watching this

broadcast for the first time today is

Monday October 14th 2019 in two days

Wednesday you’re gonna be in Washington

DC Dallas Texas on the 20th

26 27 Saturday and Sunday be with pastor

Joseph of unit will be Pastor Joel and

then on October 30th you’ll be in Los

Angeles what’s what venue in Los Angeles

I think Microsoft Microsoft the reason

that so Microsoft Arena so if you’re

watching this the first time it airs the

14th of October pastor Joseph is the

16th the 20th to 26th 27th one and the

30th here in the United States see him

in Houston Texas Dallas Los Angeles go

to the website and what what are you

prepared to share here on your tour here

in LA in in America well on the Lord’s

Supper yeah but in every venue them I’m

going to W night of worship yeah and and

this is not a worship it is something

very unique that the Lord has shown me

some time back that that has come to

pass you know every date in our church

and not a worship where I would lead

worship but is base it’s not exactly a

musical but it’s based on the life of

David how David is a type of Christ and

how David when when the mind the you

know the man who were the 3dr me that

came to him in distressed discontent

that they came to him that he mighty man

whereas the man that follows Saul they

followed him trembling yeah you see a

type of Jesus come unto me all you that

labor and are heavy-laden the father

sent David with bread to the brothers

God sent his son with bread for the

Jewish people yeah but the brothers

rejected him but he became the Conqueror

over the champion of the Philistine

right and and something interesting over

the life of David

the Bible says that he brought the head

of Goliath to Jerusalem mmm what why

would anyone decapitate someone in the

Valley of Elah and bring his head all

the way to Jerusalem here’s where the

Bible stops and you know what the Jewish

the rabbinical studies tell us that

there he buried the head in Jerusalem

Wow so they intrigued me and I found out

that the one called Golgotha is a

perversion of the word Galia Wow Gold

and Golgotha the place of the skull

whose skull

oh my goodness okay so a greater son of

David yeah Wow conquer great the Goliath

Wow the very spot where the hit was

buried Wow let’s go to Jerusalem to find

it let’s dig it up so eat your way to

life and health pastor Joseph first of

all Wendy thank you for gracing stopping

by here on the beginning of your

month-long here in the United States

again if you’re watching for the first

time it is Monday the 14th and we got a

whole bunch of stuff just go to the

website and the 800 number on the screen

is for this book when you order these

books not only do you get a great book

you help Christian television go around

the world even to places like Singapore

which goes into the end of the Internet

and you guys are able to watch and

anyway amazing thing pastor Joseph Wendy

thank you for being here tonight




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