In this Gospel Partner episode, discover how all is not lost, how your God is turning your trouble around, and working all things out for your good! About Gospel Partner Gospel Partner is a publishing house committed to advancing the gospel of grace. Our mission is to find ways to make Jesus-centered, grace-based teaching resources completely free for those who cannot afford them. If you would like to join us in this global publishing mission reaching over 150 nations, and receive access to more than 1,000 sermons by Joseph Prince, visit: Here are other ways you can support the mission: • Become a supporter on Patreon: • Become a supporter on Buy Me A Coffee: Through any of these ways above, you will be supporting our ongoing commitment and publishing mission to (1) accelerate our content development work, (2) support the innovation of our technology, and (3) make more resources available for free to people in need. Do note that as we are a publishing house with a focus to advance the Gospel through resources, we do not accept tithes, offerings, and donations. About this episode You are watching the sermon, Where Is God In The Midst Of Your Trouble?, preached on Aug 20, 2017 by Joseph Prince. This episode was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us! Chapters 0:00 In Today’s Gospel Partner Episode… 0:37 What Is Gospel Partner? 2:03 01 Introduction: A message for your discouraging days 9:00 02 The Lord is working behind the scenes! 21:02 03 Introducing the story of Esther 26:40 04 God’s favor will take you to places 34:04 05 Get ready! God is positioning you for a blessing 43:50 06 There is no situation He can’t turn around 58:46 07 Even when you fail, He will not leave you 1:09:23 08 Salvation prayer & prayer of blessing New here? Here’s a gift of 7 free sermons to grow in the gospel when you sign up for updates: If you are dealing with a health challenge, we are believing with you for your breakthrough, and we speak the Lord’s healing over you. As you stand in faith for your complete healing, be sure to practice both faith and wisdom. Be sure to consult a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider regarding your health status, and do not, on your own accord, disregard any professional medical advice or stop taking your medication. We are praying for you and look forward to hearing your praise report! Facing a health challenge? Purchase/request healing scriptures e-book and audio companion now for free: Reign over every adversity, lack, and destructive habit. Purchase/request Destined To Reign 15th Anniversary e-book for free: Subscribe and be the first to know when a Gospel Partner episode is released:… You can also find us at: #gospelpartner #josephprince #2023sermon

you know when things go wrong in your


and you are wondering where is God God

is working behind the scenes the Book of

Esther the name of God is never

mentioned but in the Hebrew it appears

in acrostic poem and every time it

appears it is a pivotal point in the

story long before the devil plants any

evil against you God has the provision

you’ve got to believe that God is

positioning you God is getting God

getting you ready not to face something

that company will face or whatever God

is behind the scene and you your favor

with God hey when God turns it around

it’s turned my friend

hi this is Joseph Prince Romans 1 16

tells us that the gospel is the power of

God unto salvation it is true the

preaching of the Gospel that we’ll see

many people saved restored and

gloriously transformed since we launched

Our Gospel partner episodes free on

YouTube thousands of new people are

discovering the gospel of grace on our

channel daily we have crossed millions

of watch hours and we are hearing

testimonies every week of precious lives

being impacted

in these last days the gospel is going

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so I want to thank all our gospel

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real difference God bless you


I want to share with you how when you

know when things go wrong in your life

and you are wondering where is God

where is God in all this where where are

all those things that pass the prince

preach about maybe you have had a bad

diagnosis from the the doctor maybe you

know you have a problem in your family

and things seems to be like where is

that blessing that God promised us where

is that that breakthrough and I prayed


I want to tell you something even when

things don’t seem to be working in your

favor God is working behind the scenes

and sometimes go a position things in

place and then bang at the right time

you see God did not deliver


before the Red Sea

right as they were going towards the Red

Sea God did not deliver them

God waited until they were in front of

the Red Sea they see the problem

the crowd to the Lord

the enemies are

marauding from behind about to attack

them kill them annihilate them and then

God open up the Red Sea so sometimes you

see the the thing about

us is that we take things for granted

many of you you don’t even know that God

protected you from an accident maybe


May the devil plan for you to to die

before this year last year

maybe he sent a disease along your way

that was cut short by an Angel of the


and the Lord delivered you but many of

the times we don’t give him praise and

thanks for the things we don’t do not

know about

if God protected Israel all the way you

know we talk about protection and I

wrote a book on protection so I I I I

believe in Divine protection but many

times we don’t call upon the Lord or we

don’t thank him for a protection or a

Deliverance or a help rendered

we only give thanks for those that we


so in the story here today you’ll find

how God works behind the scene when you

look at the story of Esther are you

ready for Esther

okay how many of you read the book of


the story happened in 483 BC and the man

that she married the king of the story

many of you know the story so I know

that you know the story so I just let

you know the historical background the

the man that she married is a very

famous man in history

all right who fell in the battle against

the grecians against the Greeks and he

is success

success the great

x-e-r-x-e-s right from history and is

Otherwise Known but in the Hebrew as aha


and he’s the one that had the beauty

contest and and yellow story The God use

Esther’s beauty or brother the Bible

says that she obtained favor so she is

beautiful but there are many other

beautiful women in the land but what you

want is favor

and tonight you’re going to get favor

from God Amen every time you hear the

word I want to tell you something about

the word of God every time you hear the

word and and uh I just want to say a

word to all the young people I learned

something when I was young all right


I learned something when I was younger I

learned this that there was a man

who actually filled his grades and what

happened is that he was he was

challenged by a

a leader to memorize the entire Book of


and he took it up

you know what it what happened to him

from failing great he got straight A’s

now does the bible tell you about about

geometry about science about Geography

about history about about uh law or

whatever you’re studying no you know it

may cover all these things but many

times it tells us stories it tells it

talks about the Lord and and and what

the Lord can do and all that and yet it

has a bearing on

on your life whatever profession you are

whether you’re a student

whether you’re you you are

you are taking care of children amen

whether you are a teacher whether you

are a lawyer a doctor whatever you are

the word of God when you touch God’s

word you touch the power to prosper you

there’s something about reading God’s

word and spending time in the Bible

studying the Bible that prospers your

way time and time again God told Joshua

when he had a big pair of shoes to feel

Moses just died and God told him

meditate on my word

you’ll make your way prosperous

in Hebrew you’ll make your way


and you will have good success

not not just success good success there

are success they take you away from your

family success that that you know cause

another area of your life but good


and the Bible says in Psalms 1 that

those who meditate on God’s word day and

night whatever he doeth shall prosper

whatever so touch God’s word you touch

Prosperity I’m not referring to money

all right it may involve money because

uh when when you prosper in all your

ways you will create wealth in your life


are you listening people but not just

that those who meditate on God’s word

his leave will not weather

leave will always be green that talks

about your health that talks about

renewal of Youth like the eagle amen as

thy days the Bible says as thy day so

shall thy strength be well the signs of

the world tells us that the the older

you are more days behind behind you than

in front of you they say that you Decay

you you get old but that’s what happens

when you believe that and you’re exposed

to that and you’re not been spending

time in God’s word you’re not the flavor

the touch the substance has not been

parted because you have lost touch with

the word of God you’re listening to the

news you’re watching the news you are

listening to what people are saying

you’re listening to experts saying that

and they have to say what they say

because it’s based on their five senses

it’s based on their knowledge it’s based

on their upbringing of their studies

amen their background but the thing is

this reviewing spend time in gospel you

have a different Vision because like the

Bible says as thy days

social by strength B more days you have

more days in front of you some some of

your 20 20 years old right you have 20

years in front of you God says as your

days increase then 14 not double as your

days increase so share your strength

this opposite from the world is opposite

from the world

and Caleb is always a minority compared

to even Believers like you have the 12

tribes you have the 12 leaders but only

one of them believe God that my strength

is as strong as I was the day Moses sent


and now he’s 85. so you think about it

you know the word of God will change

cleanse your mind so you don’t accept

things from the world so easily

are you listening people you know when

when the world said there’s no provision

and by the way the Book of Esther number

one you know there are no notes just

write down the name of God is never


the name of God is never mentioned you

cannot find God or the Lord mentioned at

all in the Book of Esther it’s one book

in the Bible the name of God doesn’t


and yet

you see God behind the scenes

it is not so much a book of Miracles

because Miracles means god intervened

into an ordinary circumstance but many

many of the the turning points in the

Book of Esther is very supernaturally

natural so it’s not so much a book of

Miracles as it is a book of provision

God God showing himself as the god of

Providence by the way the word

Providence comes from an old Latin word

which is Pro


pro pro video You’re Here video y’all

know right and the word Pro in Latin

means before video means I see

that’s why you get the video

all right that means God sees the need

beforehand and God provides

provision even the word provision is

Vision Pro before it happens God

provides God sees what’s going to happen

you don’t have to be afraid that that

life will take you by surprise I I must

stick to the to the lesson today but you

know we are here to study the Bible

another thing about Bible is when you

touch the bible you touch health

proverbs 4 22 says

they God’s words are life say life to

those that find them and health their

health to all their flesh even when you

don’t understand you open the Bible and

you read a portion it has a cleansing it

has a Reviving it has a rejuvenating it

has a supplying it has a health giving


amen and people study the Bible you can

see their faces their faces shine

the eyes sparkle

they look younger and they are stronger

as a result but the moment you don’t you

don’t spend time in the word you’re not

in touch with the word you find your

life just gets mundane and you become


so the first thing we learned about the

Book of Esther is that the name of God

is not mentioned

okay but

the name of God is mentioned in the in

the acrostic

you know it’s acrostic right acrostic

like for example Grace how you spell


g-r-a-c-e so another way of saying

acrostic G God

s are riches a at see Christ

he expands God’s riches at Christ’s


that’s Grace so it’s an acrostic can you

see it

amen do you know there are

there are four acrostics of the name

Yahweh in the book of


is hidden

now how do you spell


someone says y h no in Hebrew it’s going

to be but for convenience we say y h v h

so you look up here now remember like

Chinese won’t be hard for you to

understand this

Hebrew reads from right to left

okay right to left

by the way did I tell you that when you

touch God’s word not just God’s ways

life to those who find them but health

Health to all their flesh proverbs 4 22

Health to all their flesh you know when

you take medicine right many times

medicine it gives you it helps resolve

some pain or some condition but then

it’s not Health to all your flesh in

fact it may cause a problem in another


uh you may go to the toilet more often

or something like that but but only

God’s word is medicine that is Health

proverbs 4 22 Health to all

their flesh

every time you touch God’s word it’s

Health to all your flesh so tonight be

expecting when you go out of this place

you’re going out healthier stronger amen

and more prosperous in every area of

your life I don’t mean money alone I

mean prosperous amen so that’s that’s

God’s word touch God’s word you touch

good success touch God’s word you touch

even you don’t understand you’ll help me

share the illustration of the the farmer

who told his son to you know the son say

I don’t understand I why should I read

the Bible I don’t I don’t understand the

Bible the father says okay you know son

you might understand what you’re saying

but go get me some water from the river

and water the plants here the sun about

to take the bucket the father said no

take this this you know written like

like a retin basket

all right take that and feel like water

the sun says dead this is not the whole

water go go ahead just do what I say so

the sun track is bad the river’s nearby

put some water and run all the way back

and he leaked

dad I told you that’s it do it again so

he did again came back do it again came

back dad I don’t understand what you’re

trying to say

it’s gonna hold water

but the father says look at the basket

look at it look at how clean it is

so even when you don’t understand God’s

word it leaks you feel it leaks you

don’t understand it’s not retained

but look at how clean your mind is

amen amen

yeah and uh you will renew your youth

amen okay so say huge

reading from right to left I want to

memorize this letters very easy okay in

Hebrew is the smallest letter in the

Hebrew alphabet yield reading from right

to left you hey

finish it

this church is amazing

I love this church


and many of times you have to explain to

people from the start

all right for you you guys help me so

much really so this is pronounced Yahweh

we sang that song just now right

and in the Book of Esther the name

Yahweh is hidden in a crosstalk

four times

all right one time it appears as I am


I am that I am

now let me explain acrostic in Psalms

96 11 we have the English text says this

let the heavens rejoice and let the

Earth be glad let the heavens rejoice

and let the Earth be glad would you like

your Earth your your where you are at be

glad your family area be glad amen

Heaven Must Rejoice first then the Earth

will be glad God there’s always God’s

priority can I have a good amen but if

you look into the Hebrew all right

reading from right to left the Hebrew


all right let rejoice

youth first one hey

hey without the Lord your Earth cannot

be glad without the Lord heaven cannot

even Rejoice amen so it tells you

straight away this this is an acrostic

so although the name of God is not in

the Book of Esther

in your reading of your English or any

other language but in the Hebrew it

appears in acrostic form and every time

it appears it is a pivotal point in the


every time

it happens

it’s really a game changer it changes

the whole

the whole scenario would you like to


are you excited about that now why are

we telling you this because the same

thing is happening in your life

God is working behind the scenes but you

don’t like what you see the story of

Esther there was actually a Madman a

evil man I can’t say he’s a Madman he’s

you know the the most

um craziest people some of them are very

intelligent in a in an ingenious you

know evil way

like Hitler he knew how to Rally people

to the cause

so they’re not mad as like you know you

see people losing their minds so there

was a man called Haman he’s an evil man

and you see the hero of the story here

Mordechai a type of Christ and of course

the heroine with Esther

Esther whose name is in the Hebrew

Hadassah is myrtle tree but they changed

her name to the Persian name because

they were they were in Persia

and her name became

Esther which means star

and she’s the star of this story

the real star is the god of course so

why is it that God doesn’t reveal his

name why in this book why didn’t God

reveal his name

during this time Israel was not in a

place where God wants them to be right

they are in captivity

remember the story of how they they

worship other gods than the god that

brought them out of Egypt then the God

who opened up the Red Sea for them then

the God who gave them all the land

flowing the milk and honey and they

started uh sinning against God and God

sent Prophet after prophets on them they

killed the prophet and all that and God

says finally God says this is it I’m

gonna send you one last call if you


all right I will restore everything but

they refused and they went into

captivity then the times of the Gentiles


the head of gold the breast of silver

all the way down to the feet one day

I’ll teach on that in detail in the in

the vision of Daniel

or rather the vision of Nebuchadnezzar

that Daniel interpreted and it’s the

times of the Gentiles we are still in

the times of the Gentiles we are now in

the feet


so it’s very interesting issue was

supposed to be the

the nation that leads all other nations

one day they will be when Jesus comes


he will rule from Jerusalem so that

prophecy will be fulfilled but because

of their sin

they were suspended and the times of

Gentiles began with Nebuchadnezzar King

of Babylon uh you can read this in your

history book The Time Gentiles begin all

the way until a European a revive revive

Roman Empire in Europe

all the and now in fact you can’t say

Europe because the revived Roman Empire

covers the entire Middle East even

Israel is under revive Roman Empire

actually talk about it then Iran Iraq

and all the rest so from here overcome

the Antichrist

I I can tell you where is it is it

exactly but it’s from the previous Roman

Empire he’s gonna appear and he’s going

to bring peace supposedly world peace to

the uh and all the questions that the

world has he seem to be very brilliant

and all that but his his whole purpose

is to annihilate the Jews as well as


now we won’t be around because we are

raptured because we are tan Bible study


like when Jesus told the Jewish people

about 80 70 in Luke he told them when

you see the Army surround Jerusalem you

see the Roman armies around Jerusalem

right because of of the rebellion of the

people this little Stitch they see allow

people to leave because the the fewer

people there are the faster they’ll fall

less Army to fight right they allow

people to leave Jesus said when you see

the armies surround Jerusalem

Jesus is flee to the mountains

guess what that happened in A.D 17.

all right and those Christians who

remembered what Jesus said

or even before 870 they they realize

it’s happening the more the Stitch is

late they flag the country not a single

believer died

you know that

so this is uh this is a prophecy to know

it beforehand is the before arm okay

let’s go into the word right now uh the

story of Esther

so Esther

she is the

her parents died and Mordechai took care

of her obviously is a very elderly man

and he took care of her and the time

came chapter one

um all the Indians gonna love this

chapter one verse one it came to pass in

the days of how serious this was the

last series to Reign Over 127 provinces

from India

and all the Indians said amen to

Ethiopia so India’s mentioned in the


do you know China has mentioned the

Bible also all right you can do a search

it’s called

s-i-n-n-i-m IM is just plural sin s-i-n

is where you get chin later on

so the Bible prophesies about his people

coming back from the land of China as

well anyway India is here good in those

days when King hasira said on the throne

of his kingdom which was in Social

in the third year of his Reign he made a

feast for all his officials and servants

the powers of Persia and media the

Nobles and the princes of the of the

provinces before him he shot the riches

of his glorious Kingdom the Splendor of

his excellent Majesty for many days

180 days in all

and by the way at one time don’t forget

after King Nebuchadnezzar

came the middle person

that the breath of silver of the vision

of the Daniel interpreted for

Nebuchadnezzar the times are Gentiles

they Reign across all the way from

northern uh Africa Ethiopia all the way

to India that’s a wide Compass of land

and many other lands were undiscovered

during that time

okay so they were the they were the

ruling power of that day

so this King he was inviting everyone to

come to his place in sushan if you you

can actually look up this in on on

YouTube as well as documentary channel

is today is called Susa

it’s a story of suicide as USA all right

and uh in fact you can see literally you

can see they have Unearthed they’ve

Unearthed the Palace of course you can

see the structure anymore you can see

the ground though and in chapter one it

talks about black and white marble I

have seen my own eyes one of my

missionary friends in the 90s he went

down there he took a picture of him

standing on the black and white marble

he showed it to me and he still can see

and it’s in chapter one he talks about

the black and white marble

flooring so the the palace has been


okay so it is still there

if you’re a king okay studying and all

that not not now of course but it’s Susa

okay which is shushan ancient

institution and the story happened there

so the Bible tells us during this time

he was eating and all that and it was

180 days of Celebration

Commission on all kinds of food and the

Bible the Bible says that they have he

they were drinking from they’re drinking

wine from goblets of gold

vessels of gold

so finally after 180 days was over

he has a special party thrown for his

special friends in his Palace Garden for

another seven days on the seventh day he

invited his Queen he said go get my

queen because he was so proud of her


and he says let her put on her her crown

when she comes so they went to get her

but she said no

she said no to her husband

and this is where the story gets

exciting because long before the evil

happened God was arranging circumstances

so she said no and the King says what

and his wise men were around him he says

do you hear that then the wise man says

King if this is not handled all the

women of the entire Kingdom of Persia

will not respect their husbands when

they hear this happen

so let’s follow the story drop down if

it please the king they said let a Royal

Decree go out from him let it be

recorded in the laws of the Persians and

the meats so that it will not be altered

that vashti shall come no more before

King aha serious and let the King give

her give her a royal position to another

who is better than she so you know who

is that right

Esther so God was working behind the

scenes already

and I drop down when the Kings decree

which he will make is proclaimed

throughout all his Empire for it is

great all wives will honor their

husbands both great and small and the

reply replaced the king now this is a

turning point

okay this is a turning point look at the

the phrase all wives will honor

and look at it in the Hebrew

look at this

can you see in reverse

okay good


is in reverse

now we say no it’s English is correct

it’s forward

but remember Hebrew reads from right to

left so it’s reverse you know why is it

reverse out of this four acrostic listen

two are reversed two are forward

where is forward God is ruling directly

when it is reversed he is overriding

he’s overruling and you see right now

he’s overruling deposing Queen vashti

preparing the place for Esther who’ll be

in a position to help her people

long before you have a need long before

the devil plants any evil against you

God has the provision

God sees beforehand

can I be good amen all right so it’s a

turning point right down here so now the

call is is made the queen is deposed I’m

sure she regret it a lot okay and um and

and a car is made the king wants to find

a wife so all the women of the province

and the entire Province they are they

were all summoned to come to uh uh

sushan the palace and let’s follow the

story okay now when a turn came for

Esther the daughter of ABI Hill the

uncle of Mordecai who had taken her as

his daughter to go into the king she

requested nothing but what hey guy the

Kings you not the custodian of the women

advised and Esther obtained favor in the

sight of all who saw her

now if you read earlier the Bible says

she was very beautiful

and yet the Bible says that she obtained


I want to say this those of those of uh

you Pastor Lawrence listen who are good

looking and all that oh you are pretty

and all that chances are sometimes you

depend on that

to help open doors instead of depending

on favor

even though Esther was beautiful so were

other women also the way to stand out is

always God’s favor

God gives favor


amen you are you are new to the business

there are many others who have who have

made their Mark long before you from

their grandfather to the father to hand

it down to them and you are new to the

business they’ve been there but you know

what favor will make the difference

if people like you people like you


now I want to tell you something else

that the women if you read I wish you

read the entire portion for you but we

don’t have time but if you read the

entire thing you find that it talks

about the women who were brought there

before this they they they see the king

they actually uh bathe in perfume for

six months

and then another perfume

for a number of period of time also and

uh so the the whole thing is that it’s

just amazing very elaborate very

prosperous very lavish

so the Bible tells us to drop down

into his Royal Palace in the 10th month

and the King love Esther more than all

the other women and she obtained grace

and favor in his sight more than all the

virgins so he said the Royal Crown upon

her head and met her Queen instead of

vashti so once again you have grace and


which was my first


or conference that I did for Hillsong

church it’s got grace and favor

amen and if you put your trust in God’s

grace and favor you’ll go places

amen doors will open don’t depend on

your smarts see the problem with with us

singaporeans especially you know you’re

so smart you people are so smart

and you tend to Define defend your


you depend on your your experience

no thank God for for for Education thank

God for your experience thank God for

your background thank God for whatever

it is help but the thing is depend

completely in your heart on the Lord and

his favor and his grace amen okay so

once again the Bible emphasized the Holy


endeavoring to give us to bring home the

point she obtained grace and favor say

drop down okay then the king made a

great feast for the Feast of Esther he

proclaimed a holiday in the province and

gave gifts according to his generosity


the drama intensifies

we come to the next chapter the next

chapter we have this evil man Haman I

told you just now right he’s the type of

the Antichrist to come all right Haman

he’s from the amalekites and the

amalekites hate Israel in fact when the

Church of Israel came out of Egypt the

amalekites would come behind and and and

and and and

and and annihilate kill destroy children

people who are lagging behind all people

in in people awake and God says to


your flesh

whatever you tolerate

well whatever you don’t you don’t


will destroy you

Saul was told to kill the amalika hidden

when he was on the mountain of gilboa he

was an amalikite that killed him

so as a principle today we don’t kill

people love your neighbor love your

enemies as well amen so the principle in

the Old Testament is always the

principle of the flesh amalika is your

flesh in fact the word Amal from the

Hebrew to labor heart

to label with pain Amal

that means what that is the flesh flesh

is always fleshly effort kill it kill

that fleshly effort

it’s causing stress

it’s causing sickness it’s causing lack

of rest robbing you of your peace of

mind this fleshly effort

it’s up to me it’s up to me what will I

do what must I do you know stop it just

kill it or it will kill you

there’s a principle of the Bible Okay so

Haman is from this tribe amalekites and

we don’t know how he ended up in Persia

he’s not a person

and yet he rose to the ranks to become

the top visa to the to the king top

Premiere he’s the top next guy and he

has so much


the king like him so much the reason is

not given that the king made him his

right hand man and he’s not even a


so when when he was in this position he

was so proud that one day he passed by

the king’s gate and Mordecai was there

Mordecai was the one who took care of uh

Esther remember

now obviously he’s sitting at the king’s

gate he’s a man of some standing he’s an

official in in the in the in the Kingdom

as well or else he won’t be allowed to

be there in the king’s gate are you



Haman wanted him to bow down before him

and by that Persian means worship

you bow before no other gods

amen bow before no other man

amen I’m not referring to the courtesy

bow of the Korean anyone Sayo you know

all right drink that halfway face the

other way all those respectable terms of

okay this is not this worship he wanted

he wanted Mordechai to worship him when

he found out that Mordechai was a Jew he

was even more

you know more incense he was he was mad

he don’t forget he has a hatred for Jews

so let’s look at next chapter when Haman

saw that Mordechai did not bow or pay

him homage Haman was filled with Roth

but he didained to lay hands on

Mordechai alone

for they had told him of the people of

Mordechai the Jewish people instead look

how evil this man is Haman sought to

destroy all the Jews throughout the


he’s not just wanting to destroy

Mordecai he wants to destroy all the

Jews can you see that

what happens do you still believe God is

working behind the scene even when


outwardly you see things are going

against you

and people that not supposed to get

promoted get promoted and then you are

you are told to go

you are retrenched

God is something better for you

you’ve got to believe that God is

positioning you God is getting God

getting you ready not to face something

that company will face or whatever God

is behind the scene

and you you’re favored with God

so the more you believe that

when it happens


gets the glory that’s what God wants

Faith because faith will will will show

God demonstrate to God on your part that

you will give him the praise and the


because you’re believing God for favor

and when it happens you know who to give

glory to but if you’re walking you know

just natural living of your senses you

don’t believe in all that even when God

does something for you you don’t give

him glory

that without faith is impossible to

please God

drop down

in the first man which is the man of

Nissan in the 12th year of King aha

serious which means the Lord It’s like a

dice in those days but they trace the

dice you know have you seen it before

it’s called poor where you get the word

Purim until today the Jewish people

celebrate Purim as the victory over


and how God preserved the Jewish people

during the time of Esther is the Feast

of Esther and they celebrate every year

it’s called Purim the plural of pool is

actually the dice of the Lord they twist

it around and you know what they did

with his men say let’s find a day to

kill them and I’ll recommend to the king

so they they turn the poor and the poor

came to the 13th day

maybe it’s from here that the tradition

is that 13 is an evil day but for God’s

people and evil they got to turn into a

memorable day

A Day of Victory a day you will

celebrate you’re about to see that

happen Okay so it’s on the 13th day and

he found uh uh drop down

the king’s Stripes were caught on the

13th day of the first month and it was

filled with the king’s Signet ring sent

to all the provinces okay

anymore drop down to chapter three okay

and the letters were sent by couriers

into all the king’s provinces to destroy

to kill to annihilate all the Jews both

young and old little children and women

in one day on the what day 13th day of

the 12th month which is the month of

Adar and to plunder their possessions

well I didn’t tell you this

Haman went to the king and said King I

must tell you this

all right that there is a group of

people in your kingdom I don’t have to

tell you this


but I’m very concerned for your king you

know my heart is for you right King but

this bunch of people they they practice

their own laws they don’t care about

your loss

and if they continue they’ll spread this

message and he would he will destroy

your kingdom you know if you know profit

to you and the King says really what

kind of people are this they’re the

Jewish people

so I tell you what

right allow me and my man

to annihilate them for you

and they recommend the very day itself

okay and the King uses signal ring one

thing about the uh law of the Persians

you can even read about it in history in

secular history is that once the law is

made you cannot change it

even the king himself cannot change it

so the king uses Satan at the reign

there was his name nature in those days

on the clay tablet yes

the death sentence is made

women children

dropped the entire Kingdom

during this time

in the land of Jerusalem already the

decree has been made I’ll tell you all

this part okay the decree has been made

for by Cyrus which is uh the

predecessors uh not the immediate one

but predecessor of aha serious King

Cyrus actually made a decree for all the

Jewish people to return to Jerusalem

he said you all can go back he permitted

them and encouraged them to go because

you know why his name was prophesied by

Isaiah the prophet long before he was


Cyrus was the one the King of Persia

that let the Jews go back okay so the

Jews went back among home are Ezra

and Nehemiah so in the story of Esther

happened Astra and Nehemiah were in

Jerusalem are you listening

so when the prop the the decree was made

to destroy everyone in the Kingdom Judea

at that time Israel that time was under

the kingdom of Persia which means

Estrada Nehemiah will also be destroyed

and all the people that came back

my question is asked how can Mordecai

and Esther All State back the question

is not told us maybe the Lord told them

to stay back

so this is the story that’s happening so

you need to know the timing okay which

means all the remnant that came back

they also be destroyed but long before

that happened God prepared someone in

the palace

is that amazing that God God prepared

Moses in the Palace of pharaoh

small things small things happen and God

can you know a baby crying who would

expect the daughter of pharaoh bathing

one day all right so a basket should

open up a baby crying will change the

entire Destiny of a Nation

don’t know heart the moment she said no

and push the baby back it’s finished

God can work with smallest of things

and because we we we are proud creatures

okay I myself okay we are proud people

many times we look for the big big

things we miss out on the small small

things that God is doing in our life but

God can use the very small things to

change things in your favor

a baby crying

a woman’s anger temper vashti and they

got the post clock can work

draw these things God will make the

wrath of men to praise him

I think the Psalms we have the verse up

here it says surely the wrath of man

shall praise you

with the remainder of Wrath you shall

gird yourself you know what it means or

not even man is angry towards God man is

angry towards his his children

God can use the wrath of man to praise


you’ll see it and whatever wrath is

remaining God use it to be God himself

clothe himself


so back to Esther again

so the day has been set are you with me

so far

what’s going to happen

then the next chapter chapter 4 tells us

Mordechai was weeping in secloth and

Ashes and he heard that decree and he he

sent a message he he didn’t have access

to the Palace

and Esther was in the palace so he sent

a message to through a messenger to

Esther saying let’s follow what she said

if you remain completely silent at this

time relief and deliverance will arise

from for the Jews from another place

where you and your father’s house will

perish yet who knows whether you have

come to the kingdom for such a time as

this can I say this to you

if God allows us

to be used in doing something

consider it a privilege

because you know what

help will still come from somewhere

if you don’t want to do the job

all right can I say this God is not hot


when God tells you to do something he’s

planning for you to get blessed he’s

positioning you of all the the boats I

mean I mean Peter is not the only ones

that vote on the link of Galilee there

are other boats as well but when Jesus

stepped in this boat and Jesus said can

I borrow your boat to preach to the

people because they are crowding on me

he preached from the waters and you know

that of course it’s amazing when you

preach from the waters it just carries

your voice to all the thousands of

people by the lake of Galilee right no

that is wasted time right in a sense

quote unquote wasted because the the

fishermen could use it for fishing

like if you think tonight is wasted time

let me tell this waiting on the law is

never waste of time because they wait

upon the Lord shall renew their strength

they shall Mount up with wings that’s

eagles they shall run and not be wary

they shall walk and not faint even the

youths shall feign and the young men

shall utterly fall but they that wait

upon the Lord will Mount up with wings

as Eagles

run and not be weary wow what is that

walk and not fame the secret is waiting

upon the Lord

so let the Lord have it

amen after the Lord finished preaching

the law says Peter let’s go fishing no

no no

let’s go fishing and he gave him a net

breaking boat sinking a lot of fishes

he’s a good pay Master now imagine if he

went to someone someone else’s boat

the person with the recipient of all the

blessings when the Lord tells you to do

something he is positioning you it’s a

privilege because if you don’t relief

and enlargement will come from another

place and who is to say whether you came

to the kingdom for such a time as this

amen then Esther told them to reply to


I always believe there are leaders there

sitting down there because they don’t

want to

give up something or whatever it is when

you know they sit down there and they

are seeing other people with the kind of

blessing that they could have had

with the kind of anointing and calling

that they could have had but they said

no to God and that person said yes

and the person got what you’re supposed

to get

there are some things that God rewards

something all of us can have by grace

through faith but there are some things

he gives you the grace he can be in vain

if you don’t use it but if you use it

he’ll reward you for using the grace he

first gave you

that’s called reward

all right drop down

no more dropping okay now we come to the

we got only one acoustic so file right

now we come to the chapter where we have

two acoustics

turning point so now it’s desperate

situation amen so

Esther is about to go and see the king

Esther is about to meet up with the King

and she knew one of the another law of

the person is that if you come to the

king’s presence uninvited

you die

the king must invite you or if you come

in the king must extend his scepter

to show that he has pleasure with you so

Esther says hey you guys all right pray

for me if I perish I perish so the time

came for Esther next chapter now it

happened on the third day the Esther put

on her royal ropes and stood in the

inner Court of King’s Palace all right

and drop down it says here it was when

the king saw Queen Esther standing the

court that she found what

favor in his sight and the King hello to

Esther the golden scepter that was in

his hand then Esther went near and

touched the top of the scepter and the

King said to her what do you wish Queen

Esther what is your request

it shall be given to you up to half the



drop down beat the part first four so

Esther answered if it pleases the king

let the king and Haman come today to the

banquet that I prepared for him ladies

this is called timing

today save my people you know sometimes

you gotta learn

amen go through his stomach

amen and then you know invite you know

and create a suspense

I think it’s amazing what you did

actually like the king and Harman come

this verse 4 here let the king and Haman

come it’s an acrostic let’s look at it

now this time is forwards because it’s

it’s ruling straight away hey

everything got to do with this banquet

which you’re about to see

okay so the or Harman was so proud Hama

was so happy he went back and this is

what he said to his family and all that

all right and uh drop down

at a banquet of wine the king asked

Esther what is your petition it shall be


okay next verse then Aston and said my

petition request is this so even at the

banquet she says that I want to have

another banquet tomorrow

creating suspense

you know the king is saying tell me what

you want I’ll give you half the kingdom

I I just want this this is my request

please come tomorrow

all right I have another bank way

and that’s the day that changed

everything drop down

so Haman went up that day joyful glad

monster in the king’s gate and he did

not stand or tremble before him he was

filled with indignation against Mordecai

and and Haman restrained himself and

went home and standing call for his

friends and his wives zaresh drop down

where we know Hamman told them of his

great riches the mountain of his

children everything in which he told us

he posted to all his friends this guy

got a problem with pride isn’t it


sure Friday’s on Friday goes before a

fog it’s true everything which the king

had promoted him and how he had Advanced

him above the officials and Servants of

the king

and he says besides Queen Esther invited

no one but me

to come with the King to the banquet

tomorrow I’m getting invited by her

along with the King

all right drop down yet all these avails

mean nothing so long as I see modify the

Jews sitting at the king’s gate

so the wife said I recommend Bill a

yellow really really high 50 cubits High

75 feet you know how many how crazy is

it it was built behind his house you


you’ll see later on he’s built behind

his house because you want to see him


hang hang him high

and the thing please Haman

now verse 13 you get all this avails me

nothing it’s another acrostic

and this time

reverse look at this this avails me


from from reverse yield hey

he’s angry at Mordechai and God is

causing the wrath of men to praise him

because had he forgiven and he know like

you know change whatever I mean but

because of this God will cause the wrath

of man to praise him so whatever people

do against the Lord or against his


to praise him just wait just wait even

your personal life the devil may have

seen to make inroads just wait

the health you’ll get back is stronger

amen the provision will be larger

the place is a wealthier place David

says it was good for me to be afflicted

you have brought me to a large place

we’re not camping in the value the Lord

he leads me through the valley

did not lead me to to stay there but



it doesn’t say bypass

collect 200 no through the valley go

back to Esther 5 again all right so next

chapter I must read to you okay this

this is my my favorite chapter of all

coming to a close they’re my favorite

chapters I must read to you again I

thought you just now like God uses what

simplest things like for example it is

God who gives the beggar or the king


we take sleep for granted by God yes

sleep and God can remove sleep

and sometimes you spend a sleepless

night as the Lord

what do you want to say

take your Bible if you know even it’s in

a check or whatever take your Bible use

that time with the Lord when you touch

the bible you touch provision you touch

the bible you touch Health you touch the

bible you touch youth renewing qualities

amen you touch the bible touch wisdom

so that night that night say that night

that night when the family of Haman is

talking about building a 75 feet high

yellows to hang Mordecai there when all

this evil scheme was happening in this

house the same night that night the king

cannot sleep

so one was commanded to bring the book

of the records of The Chronicles and

they were right before the king this

part I don’t understand of all the

things that you do right you might want

to hear music or whatever but he asked

for the book of The Chronicles you know

how boring it is the book of Kim you go

to the data

side of things and read to me all the


it’s like

but it was God maybe you want to ball

himself to sleep I don’t know

okay so read the Chronicles it was found

kind of long story short okay because of


it was found that that Mordecai actually

did the king a favor Mordecai heard

about these two uh doorkeepers who tried

to kill who plotted to kill

the king

and he revealed it to someone who

revealed it to the authorities and all

that and they cease upon this guy but

Mordecai’s name was in the Chronicles

but he was never rewarded the king never

knew about it but for a sleepless night

and the King said this

what honor of dignity has been bestowed

on Mordechai for this now he knows his


actually your wife

is related to him

so he didn’t know Mordechai he says what

Honor on Dignity has been bestowed on

Mordechai for this and the King’s

servants who attended him said nothing

has been done for him

at the same time guess who came that

morning very early in the morning

to recommend The Gallows


he came in Haman just entered the king

said who’s in the court all right to

suggest that the king hang Mordecai on

the yellow is prepared for him

so King says okay I trust this guy this

is my right hand man might as well asked

him for advice drop down the king

servant said to him Haman is this then

he called let him come in so Haman came

in the king asked him uh Haman what

shall be done for the man home the king

Delights to honor Delight

to honor more than more

more than me

I’m sure they even came in but when he


all right what what what should I do for

them for the man that I Delight to honor

which when you’re proud you think

everything is about you You’re So Vain

you think everything is about you

right next verse and Harmon answer the

king for the man whom the king Delights

of Honor let a royal rope be brought

which the King has won

and a horse on which the King has ridden

you know it’s your Porsche or your


which has a Royal Crest placed on his


let this rope and horse be deliver

Ed Bohemia rare the man whom the king

Delights to honor then parade him on

Horseback to the cities where

and Proclaim before him that shall be

done to a man whom the king Delights to

honor then the king said to her man

hurry take the Rope the horse as you

have suggested do for Mordechai the Jew

even the word the Jew is there

who sits within the king’s gate leave

nothing undone

of all that you

have spoken hey when God turns it around

it’s turned my friend

your day is coming your day is coming

you might be retrenched when I have a

job the girl might have dumped you amen

I don’t mean to love story

oh the guy dumped you or whatever you

know dumb is not a good word okay

actually he promoted you

because he was dragging you down

yeah you’re a good thing yeah

from you in Jesus name amen amen so now

the the guy was pulling you down is gone

he thinks he’s gone because you know but

God put in his heart so that you are set

free to go higher where God wants you to

be and all the people said

been around so watch this now drop down

Haman took the rope and the horse a red

mother tie let him on Horseback to the

city Square remember he recommend one

man shouting

he became the man

and Proclaim before him

the king Delights to honor I thought

went back to the king’s gate to his

house morning we take covered

her man told his wife zaresh and all his

friends everything that happened and his

wife encouraged him like this if

Mordecai before whom you have begun to

fall is of Jewish descent you will not

prevail you also fall wow so so good

advice huh

you are the one that recommend The

Gallows then verse 14 while they were

still talking with him the king’s

eunuchs came hastened to bring Haman to

the banquet which as they had prepared

remember that

Now to turn around let’s go to the bank

right now

we are coming to the end and King and

Hammond went the king and Hammond went

to Dime The Queen Esther on the second

day at the banquet of wine the king

asked what’s your petition Queen Esther

it should be granted to you and she told

the king about her people

all that’s happened to our people and

all that and uh

Queen Esther says we have been sold

no if I found favor in your sight you

know how she present the whole thing

beautifully but because of time I’m

going to verse 4 we have been sold my

people and I to be destroyed to be

killed people are not elated have we

been so as male and female slaves I

would have helped my tongue although the

enemy could never confess it for the

king’s loss

so this is the first time King aha

series actually realized that Esther was

a Jew

the earlier part of the story which I

didn’t read to you just now it’s all

there she’s gonna read everything right

I’m exciting you actually with the

portions because I don’t even know the

story but but actually modex I told her

don’t reveal Who You Are

until the right time

so now that the king realized oh no he

made a decree against her

and and she says the enemy has done this

and the King says who is he and where is

he who are dead presuming his heart to

do such a thing there’s only one other


and he’s hearing the whole thing

happening right now and all of a sudden

he realized Esther is a Jew

is a Jewish

and Esther said the adversary and enemy

is this because

terrified before the king and queen

all right the king got so mad the king

arose in his wrath he went to the Palace

Garden together himself but Haman stood

before Queen Esther pleading for his

life so he jumped from where he was and

the queen was in a special place and he

went through where the queen was and

pleading for his life for he saw that

evil was determined against him by the

king now we have the acrostic evil was

determined look at this in the Hebrew

evil is determined against him youth




the whole thing came back to his

doorstep who did it

who did it God

he would never have dreamed that right

so he was breathing with Esther go back

to the story but he was on Esther’s

couch he jumped away the his table was

he go to Esther’s couch at the same time

the the king came in and the King saw

Haman had fallen across the couch where

Esther was the king says well he also

assault the queen while I’m in the house

as the one left the king’s knob they

covered her man’s face all his men

covered the face and in those days cover

the faithness you never see light



next next verse now

habona one of the United States look the

yellows 50 cubits High which Haman made

for Mordecai who thought good on the

king’s behalf is standing at the house

of Haman the king says hang him

he was in his house his wife can see all

his relatives you can see the boasting

and all that all those friends of his

can see in the backyard him hanging up

there so they hang Haman on The Gallows

and the King’s wrath subsided the very

thing I I can tell you stories from

history the very thing the devil men got

turned it and and cut off his head with


like Goliath sword

in case you are here today and you’re

planning things against

a believer

and Believers don’t Rejoice the Bible

says pray for them which despitefully

use you

you know why they need your prayer

God the very thing sometimes that your

men can come back on you

we need to pray for you

you don’t realize this many of you

you’re God’s favorite person

hit the touch if you touch of the apple

of my eye the Lord says

now we come to the closing part chapter

eight or drop down anymore oh sorry

before before that there’s one more


from chapter seven

remember the part where the king says

who is he and where is he right


this is do you remember God appeared in

the burning bush to Moses

and he got and Moses says God what

should I say you you’re sending me to

the people of Israel but they’ll ask me

what is your name who is he that sent

you God says I am that I am in Hebrew


the number of times Jesus says I am the

Good Shepherd I am the door I am the way

I am the life they came to arrest him in

the garden right he stepped forward he

says they say we’re looking for Jesus he

says I am they all fail

I am

a here say a here I am it is spelled

like uh the word is like this all right


memorize it we can alef

hey you hey it means I am

all right who is he where is he it’s

actually acrostic for a here who is he

and where is he who is also who in in uh

pronounced as who

in Hebrew there’s a lot of English words

that can go all the way back to Hebrew

as well like who

who’s there

who is he and where is he you sorry uh

alef hey

sorry hey here yes I am

the final signature five acrostic number

of Grace in The Book of Esther

and chapter 8 tells us there was such a

celebration and the King all right

though Esther took on the Signet ring

which he had taken from Haman and gave

it to Mordecai Esther appointed Mordecai

over the house of Haman verse 3. as they

spoke again to the king fell on his feet

and she implored him with tears to

counteract the evil of Haman and the

scheme which device against the Jews we

see have a problem right once the king

had signed something

right on the clay table that he has

punched it that he’ll be reverse so the

day is coming right 13th

then the king said to Mordecai Mordechai

here’s a

in essence

empty clay tablet whatever you write

I’ll put my seal

and Mordecai says every Jew in the land

okay you have a right to defend yourself

and everyone has a right to kill those

who try to kill you

and the Bible tells us chapter 8

you yourself write a decree concerning

the Jews as you please in the king’s

name and fill it with the king’s

sickness the king is talking to him for

whatever is written the king’s name and

still with the King saying that rain no

one can revoke any more drop down yes so

morikai went out from the presence of

the king and Royal apparel of blue and

white which is the flag of Israel today

blue and white

with a great crown of gold and a

government of fine linen and purple and

the City of sushan would rejoice and was

glad the Jews had light and gladness joy

and honor

and in every Province and City wherever

the Kings come on and decree came the

Jews had joy and gladness a feast and a

holiday then many of the people of the

land became Jews because fear of the

Jews fell upon them those not Jews also

became Jews what’s your name Abraham

what’s your name Zuckerberg

what’s your name Mark Mayer

what’s your name Lawrence labrinsky

what’s your name

jiram Goldberg

and you Gabriel iceberg

so the Jews

they have so much favor people are so

scared and Mordecai became the right

hand man who dares to get you right you

know and and there were some uh enemies

that were killed during that time and

the feast the 13th became the Feast of


all right the the the the and the 14 as

well two days of Celebration

for the Jewish people and it’s called

Purim because of the lot and God turned

the whole thing around

in a book

that the name of God is not mentioned we

have God overriding the situation now

the question I thought I was asking you

all just now is why didn’t God put his

name openly right it was a period of low


long before they went to captivity

God God already said that during that

time if you are in the land of the

Gentiles I’ll hide my face

Deuteronomy 31 all right I’ll because of

time drop down to hide my face

God says in that day I’ll hide my face

from them why because they have

rejected the Lord

now look at me

one of Hosea Prophet hosea’s son God

told him name your son Lo Ami not my


you’re not my people okay so that period

of time when issue is in captivity it’s

called Low Army period

not my people period yet even then God’s

heart is compassionate he cannot

acknowledge them openly in their

Rebellion right but he can actually walk

behind the scenes in their favor

to protect them to preserve them to

bless them


now we are no more low Army in fact in

low Army there’s a prophecy there

even when God says no longer my people

show them Josiah 1 8 and 9 1 8 says

God says call his name for you’re not my

people and not be your God

do we have verse then

no we don’t so I have to read verse 10

from the Bible


now I’m going to read from Romans 9

Believe It or Not verse verse 10 is

quoted by Paul in Romans chapter 9 what

a good way to end our service tonight

amen are you all ready to listen okay

This Is What God Says

in Romans 9.

verse 25 as God no before that verse 24

even us whom God called not of the Jews

only but also the Gentiles Chinese

Indian or gentiles


as God says also in Hosea I will call

them my people who were not my people

and her beloved who was not beloved it

shall come to pass in the place where it

was said to them you are not my people

there they shall be called sons of the

Living God

Jesus came and fulfilled we no longer

live in a day even when we fail and and

and blow it God does not leave us he

does not hide his face

they were under the law in the Old

Testament we have Jesus as our high


and God says where I used to say not my

people you are now sons of the Living


amen and uh many many years after that

story of Esther Jesus will come back to

the restored Remnant Ezra Nehemiah God

allowed them to go back to see what

they’ll do with the Messiah when he

comes and unfortunately they put the

Messiah on the cross so there was

another scattering of the 80 70 until

now it still lasts until Jesus returns

and love Israel again and issue a cry

and Israel says

blessed is he who comes in the name of

the Lord and when Jesus hung on the

cross the Pharisees said to Pontius

Pilate who put Jesus title above his

head change the title change the title

why were they so a adamant about

changing the title what they put on

thought Jesus was in Latin in in Greek

in Hebrew

and it says this Jesus of Nazareth King

of the Jews and look at this here

this picture this is what in three


Latin Greek and Hebrew

in in

look at this acrostic there Yeshua is

spelled youth

the next word is ha



next letter is

and the final word

Yeshua starts with you

of Nazareth

starts with

the Jews hey

so what the Pharisees and the people of

Israel saw when he hung there on the

cross was

and yet

the Pontius Pilate just put his name

Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews

Yeshua Jesus

the Jews

he’s just his title and yet the

Pharisees saw it the People Israel saw


being crucified

on that cross and that’s why the

Pharisees says change it change it and

Pontius Pilate said what I have written

I have written

God will not allow anyone to change it

Yahweh came

and lived Among Us and died as our

savior and rose from the dead to be our

high priest and the Shepherd in Psalms

22 my God my God it starts with my God

my God why have you forsaken me Psalms

22 Psalms 23 is today where he is right

now the Lord is my shepherd surely

goodness and mercy will follow me Psalms

24 say who is the king of glory you come

back again lift up Everlasting doors

lift up the gates Jesus coming for us


and we welcome him

Amen to Jesus be all the praise and all

the glory and all the honor


every hate about every act flows all

across this place right now

if you have never

put your trust in Jesus as your savior

I’m going to pray for you right now that

everything that happened to Esther and

the people Jewish people

you experience it as well

don’t forget he says this is my name

whatever you need it’s like a blank

check I am fill in what do you want him

to be

well the doctor says I have this

condition I am your doctor I am your

healer I am your physician

I I’m always tired I am your strength

I’m concerned that my grandpa my

grandfather died young and my father

died young I am your Length of days

you don’t realize that Pastor Prince uh

my business going down everything is

going down I’m your Banker

I’m your provider

I am that I am

he stands before you in all his fullness

in his inexhaustible Supply and he says

take me

as your

fill in the blank so if that is you

wherever you are you are right now you

want forgiveness of sins you want to be

part of God’s people pray this prayer

with me right now say heavenly father

I believe Christ died for my sins


and you raised him from the dead

when all my sins were cleared and I was

justified in him Jesus Christ is my Lord

and Savior now and forever in Jesus name

amen let’s all stand to our feet

let me just bless you

thank you Lord

the Lord bless you for the blessings

that he bestowed on Esther

favor and Grace

may you obtain favor and Grace in the

sight of those that God wants you to

have favor with

and for those that are not good for you

God close the doors

but open doors of opportunity


of friendship doors of relationships

that are great for you that are good for


the Lord give you favor to those that

really matter

the Lord grant you

to be at the right place at the right



and the long Quran to you that no weapon

form against you even though they do not

know oft and every tongue spoken

or they are speaking even right now

against you or any attempt or plan of

the enemy of the evil Haman against you

the lot caused it to fall to the ground

and not prosper

but the law costs everything that you do

to prosper

Everything You Touch

and may your lead always be green

and the Lord grant you

bless you with wisdom

understanding knowledge that when you

open up the scriptures they will jump

out at you they will talk to you

so that you can touch life you can touch

wisdom you can touch provision you can

touch Health wholeness and healing for

your body

the Lord grant you the spirit of wisdom

and Revelation in the knowledge of him

and may all that you do think and say

glorify one


Yeshua Yahweh who saves in Jesus name

and all the people said God bless you

we’ll see you again I hope you enjoyed

today’s episode but don’t go just yet if

you like to receive prayer share your

testimony or find out more about gospel

partner just click the link on this

screen if not I’ll see you in the next

