Faith delights the Lord because it opens the floodgates for His breakthroughs and miracles to flow into your life! From the stories of underdogs in the Bible who faced impossible odds with unstoppable faith, find out how you, too, can face life and all its challenges with the same spirit of faith and possess every blessing the Lord freely and lavishly wants to give you. Discover keys that will help you: • Have faith spring forth effortlessly when you see God as a good God who is for you. • Boldly ask your heavenly Father for the blessings that are rightfully yours in Christ—including flourishing family relationships, divine healing, and protection. • Position yourself for your miracle by focusing on the Lord’s love for you instead of your love for Him. • Live with hope when you see how He is constantly working behind the scenes, even in your darkest moments, to make everything work together for your good. Beloved, begin to walk in the kind of faith that pleases the Lord and start living the abundant life He has for you!

Now we go to that story
that is seldom shared.

Not many believers even
know about this story,

but it’s found in Numbers 27,
where during the wilderness

journeying, this happened
during the time of Moses

when they came out of Egypt.

And the Bible says there were
some women called the

daughters of Zelophehad.

Their father had just died.
And the father had no sons.

So they have no brothers.

Usually the son would take
after the father, and the

first born will receive the
double portion of his inheritance,

and the second born would receive
other parts of the inheritance.

But here, this man has no sons.
Only daughters, 5 daughters.

And their names are given here.
They came to Moses.

And there is a law.
It’s a law of that time

that the father will confer his
inheritance to his son.

When the father dies,
the son takes over. Amen.

The son inherits everything.

But what if you
have no son? Amen.

So what happened was that
these girls went to Moses.

And don’t forget,
Moses is the lawgiver.

And they said this:
“Why should the name”

“of our father be removed
from among his family”

“because he had no son?”

“Give us a possession
among our father’s brothers.”

I love their spirit, don’t you?

“Give us a possession among
our father’s brothers.”

Because if not, what’s going
to happen is that these

daughters of Zelophehad,

this man Zelophehad
who has passed away—

his inheritance will go to
the brothers or their uncles.

But instead, they said:

“Give us the possession
that belongs to our father.”


So they intended to change the law
that was existing at that time.

So Moses the lawgiver
was taken aback.

“How do I deal with this?”

Don’t forget! Moses is known
as the lawgiver. Alright?

He’s thinking: “There’s no law
that covers this. How do I…?”

So he brought the
matter to the Lord.

Moses brought that case
before the Lord.

“And the Lord spoke
to Moses saying:”

“‘The daughters of Zelophehad
speak what is right.’”

I love it!

I love what the Lord
said about them.

“The daughters of Zelophehad
speak what is right.”

In other words, their words:
“Give us a possession!”

“Give us a possession.”

“Let the possession fall on us.”

Those words went up to
the throne of God,

to the very heart
of the God of Israel.

And the God of Israel answered.

You know, wherever God
finds faith, He is so pleased.

Because faith glorifies God.

And God will always
honor faith.


Every time you have a
good opinion of God,

every time you pray as if
God is hearing you,

as if God is answering
your prayer.

I say: “As if.”

But we know,
it is in actuality.

But when you have that
posture and that attitude,

God is pleased.

“Without faith, it’s impossible
to please Him.”

“For he that comes to God
must believe that He is,”

“and that He is a rewarder.”

Not a taker, not someone
who is a punisher. Amen.

Even the angels, when
the angels appeared to the

shepherds in the field
announcing the birth of Jesus,

they said: “I announce to you,
this day is born to you in”

“the city of David a Saviour.”

Not a judge, a Savior.
Not a lawgiver, a Savior.


So here, they said:
“Give us a possession.”

And God loved that spirit.

It reminds me also of the times
when Caleb had a daughter.

Remember Caleb?
The man who lived to 85 years old.

He said to Joshua:

“I am as strong today
as I was when I was 40.”

Imagine that.

He maintained his strength,
his youthfulness, even though

he was now 85.

And he said to Joshua:
“Give me this mountain.”

At that time, the mountain
was full of giants.

And you know what?

He went up the mountain
at 85 years old and conquered it.

And my book:
“Give Me This Mountain”

is based on the statement
of Caleb at 85.

“Give me this mountain.”

Just like the daughters
of Zelophehad is saying:

“Give us this possession.”

God loves that spirit!

You know, too many of us,
we have an inheritance.

It’s all delineated in God’s Word.

Yet we don’t take time to
study what’s our inheritance.

For them, they’re not willing
to give a hairbreadth away

of their inheritance,
their father’s inheritance.

They say,
“Give us this possession.”

And God loves it!

God always says:
“Possess your possessions.”

It’s one thing for the
possessions to be given to you.

But it’s another thing to
possess your possessions.

God says: “Every place the
sole of your foot shall walk”

“shall be yours.”

God promised the whole land
of milk and honey to be theirs.

But God says: “Every place that
you walk will be yours in actuality.”

God loves faith.

So when Caleb had a daughter
called Achsah—

look at his daughter’s spirit.

She had the same spirit of faith
like her father.

The Bible tells us in Joshua 15:
“She dismounted from a donkey,”

“and Caleb said to her,
to his daughter:”

“‘What do you wish?’”

“And she said:
‘Give me a blessing.’”

I love this spirit!

People say things like:

“There are a lot of Christians
praying ‘bless me’ prayers.”

And they mean that in a
disparaging way.

Let me tell you this:
God loves “bless me” prayers.

Because unless you are blessed,
you cannot be a blessing. Amen.

I think the idea is I’m only
against ‘bless me only’ prayers.


If we are being blessed,
and we are blessed,

we can be a channel
of blessing to many others.


If you are sick all the time,
and you are broke all the time,

you cannot help anybody, right?

So God wants to bless you first.

God sent His Son, Jesus,
to bless you. Amen.

To turn you away from
all your sins.

Praise the Lord.
To bless you!

That’s what the Bible
says very clearly.

The first thing is to bless you.

That was what was preached
in the Book of Acts.


So God loves this spirit of:
“Give me this blessing.”

When you look at the Scriptures,
and you see all that God

has promised us,
you must not be

having a lackadaisical attitude
and just being like:

“Well, if it falls on me,
if it happens to me…”

For example, God promised
for our families and I pray that

for you, during this time
especially, in Christmas time.


That you and your families
will experience days of heaven

upon the earth.

And this is found in Deuteronomy. Amen.

It’s possible to have
days of heaven upon the earth.


Recently, I experienced
one of those days.

I just felt like that was one day
I can say is a day of heaven

upon the earth.

And I pray for you in Jesus’ name,
that today, Christmas Day,

and also the days to come,
you will experience days of heaven.

It’s a family blessing.

It’s in the context of families,
together experiencing

days of heaven upon the earth.

Hallelujah. In Jesus’ name.
Praise the Lord.

And here, you have
this attitude of:

“Give me this blessing!”

And she said:
“Give me a blessing;”

“‘Since you have given me
land in the South, give me also'”

Notice: “Give me, give me.
Give me.”

And God loves it!
Look at her spirit of faith!

“Give me a blessing.”
She’s like her father, isn’t she?

“‘Since you have given me
land in the South, give me also'”

“‘springs of water.’”

“So the father gave her the
upper springs and the lower springs,”


Spiritually, anointing upon
and anointing within.


God gave her more than
what she asked for

through Caleb, her father.

She possessed more!

There was someone who was
called Jabez in the Old Testament.

And the Bible tells us when
he was born, his mother

named him Jabez;

Jabez, in Hebrew, means “pain.”

“Saying: ‘I gave birth to him in pain.’”

So there was something that
happened when the mother

gave birth to him.
His name is Pain.

Jabez cried out to the
God of Israel:

“Oh, that you would bless me
and enlarge my territory.”

Notice: “Bless me.” How?
“Enlarge my territory.”

God loves it!

God loves it when His people
want more from Him. Amen.

“Enlarge my borders.
Enlarge my territory.”

“Give me a blessing.”

The daughters of Zelophehad:
“Give me possessions.”

“among my father’s inheritance,”

God loves it when you
go to the Scriptures

and you say:
“God, this is mine.”


“I receive that in Jesus’ name.
I possess that in Jesus’ name.”

Possess your possessions.

Peace of mind is your portion.

Peace is your inheritance.
Possess it.

Days of heaven upon the earth. Possess it. Amen.

“By His stripes you were healed.”

Past tense.
Possess it.

Possess it.

Thank God for it!

So here, he says to God,
he cried out to the God of Israel.

Don’t forget, the Bible says he was
more honorable than his brothers.

We need to find out why
he is more honorable.

Because he cried out to God!

Even though his destiny was
named by the mother,

someone whose name is “pain,”
he refused to accept his destiny.

He says to God:

“Oh, that you would bless me
and enlarge my territory.

“Let your hand be with me,
and keep me from harm.”

“Keep me from harm that
I will be free from pain.”

“And God granted his request.”

What did God do?
God granted his request.

Have you noticed that
all these people;

they were all given their requests.

Cause faith pleases God.

Faith is never too bold
to please God.

Faith pleases God.

Without faith, it’s impossible
to please God.

God loves it when you
have a good opinion of Him

and you act on it.

Praise God.