Be filled with hope & encouragement! Joyce reminds us that God knows what He’s doing. He has a plan for you life and He will never leave you.

no matter what happens in your life no

matter what comes against you no matter

what challenges you have you can do

whatever you need to do in life through

Christ who strengthens you

god never promises us a trouble-free

life but he does promise to never leave

us nor forsake us

I don’t have to live in fear God is on

my side and I get to give God my

problems cast my care go on and enjoy my

life while God works on my situation

don’t be afraid of things learn to take

your life one day at a time

trust God

the Bible says that God chose you on

purpose because he loved you every day

of your life was written in his book

before you ever breathed one of them

he knows every decision you’re going to

make before you make it and he still

says I love you unconditionally I will

never give up on you I will work with

you and hold you and watch over you

God loves you

let me tell you something when you’re in

the lowest pit God can have his eye on

you and God his arm is not too short

that he can’t reach you down in your pit

lift you out what you’re going through

now is a moment in time it’s not going

to last forever this too shall pass

I don’t care what it looks like I don’t

care what it feels like I don’t care how

long it takes

now don’t you dare give up in the silent

gear suddenly God is going to break


but I know that I know that I know that

the Word of God is true and that he

changes wise and he gives you a life

worth living and no matter what anybody

has done to us or said to us no matter

what is happened to us

you are not hopeless and you are not

helpless because there is a God that is

alive who loves you

partially loves you and wants to help

you and so really when you get right

down to it it’s just all about Jesus
