What does it mean to know Jesus?

Romans 3:23 says it this way: “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

Knowing Jesus is simply acknowledging your need for Him, believing what He did for you and accepting His amazing gift. It recognizes that you can’t live this life on your own, that you’ve sinned and are in need of a Savior.

And the good news about knowing Jesus, about being saved, is the beautiful exchange that happens in that moment. You give Him all the bad and sinful things you’ve done, and in return, God gives you everything He has for you. Whether you know it or not yet, His plan for your life is amazing, and this is the first step on that journey.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

you know a couple of days ago I was

praying and just thinking about all the

people that are so lost in the world

today and need answers for their life

they’re frustrated stressed out worried

concerned afraid about what’s going to

happen in the world and in society and I

want you to know that if you happen to

be one of those people that there are

answers and Jesus actually is that


you know we regularly talk about

salvation on our program and about being

born again but I really just wanted to

sit today and just share my heart with

you about the beauty of what God offers

us in Jesus Christ

you know John chapter 3 verse 3 jesus

said verily verily I say unto you except

a man be born again he cannot see the

kingdom of God well what does it mean to

be born again

it means that you’re made alive on the

inside God’s Word teaches us that when

we’re born again we receive a new nature

God’s nature and we receive a new heart

which is God’s heart and I can tell you

that no matter what is going on around

you if things are good in you then you

can deal with the stuff that’s going on

around you

John 3:16 says for God so loved the

world that He gave His only begotten Son

that whoever believes in Him might not

perish but have everlasting life

God loves you and I don’t know what

you’re going through right now or what

has happened to you in the past or who

has rejected you or abandoned you but I

just feel like that there’s people

watching today and you need to hear God

loves you and he loves you

unconditionally and he has a wonderful

amazing plan for your life you know the

good thing is is no matter how much

you’ve done wrong you don’t have to pay

for it Jesus paid for it and what what

he wants us to do is believe we can

never make up for our sin we can never

do enough right good works to make up

for our sin but there’s a great message

in Ephesians 2:8 and 9 it says for it is

by free grace God’s unmerited favor that

you’re saved delivered from judgment and

made a partaker of Christ

salvation and it comes to you through

your faith and this salvation is not of

yourselves it’s not of your own doing it

came not through your own striving but

it is the gift of God now listen

not because of works not the fulfillment

of the laws demands lest any man should

boast it is not the result of what

anyone can possibly do so no one can

take the glory unto himself God has done

everything that needs to be done in and

through Christ and what he asks of us is

to simply believe the Word of God you

know to be honest the message of

salvation is so simple that people often

miss it and it’s such good news that

sometimes people just can’t believe it

how could I live a life of sin and just

in a moment of time be forgiven for all

my sins we actually deserve punishment

but Jesus took our punishment the

Justice of God was satisfied when Jesus

died on the cross for us he was beaten

for us He shed his blood for us he took

all of everybody’s sin upon him and the

good news is is that even though he died

paying for our sin he rose from the dead

and he is alive today Ephesians 2:5 is

such good news and I read this often

even when we were dead slain by our own

shortcomings and trespasses he made us

alive together in fellowship and in

union with Christ even when we didn’t

care anything about him didn’t know God

didn’t want to know God we were dead in

our sin and probably enjoying it in the

midst of that he died for our sins so

obviously if he did that then we don’t

have to work for salvation it’s just

something that he wants us to believe he

gave us the very life of Christ the same

new life with which he quickened him for

it’s by grace his favor and mercy that

we did not deserve that we are saved

delivered from judgment and made a

partaker of Christ salvation God is

reaching out to you today with a hand of

grace and mercy and saying come to me

you know the Bible says in Romans 3 that

all have sinned and are falling short of

the glory of God I like that I like the

way the amplified bible says that it’s

not all have sinned and fell short of

the glory of God we are falling short of

the glory of God on a daily basis but

God continually that stream of

forgiveness keeps flowing to us perhaps

you’ve received Christ at some time and

you’ve gotten back into sin you’ve

backslidden as we call it and so you’re

convinced now that God won’t have

anything to do with you that it’s too

late for you that you’ve messed up too

many times but you know what we’re all

constantly falling short of the glory of

God but we all have been justified and

made upright and put in right standing

with God

freely by His grace which is his

unmerited favor and mercy if you’ve

sinned ask God to forgive you Father

forgive me I come to you in Jesus name

and I ask you to forgive me for my sins

I need you you know how can it be this

easy choice well Romans 10:8 says that

the word God’s message in Christ is near

you on your lips and in your heart that

is the word the message the basis and

the object of the Faith which we preach

and what we need to do is believe in our

heart and confess with our mouth and you

shall be saved

now isn’t that wonderful believe in your

heart confess with your mouth at the end

of what I want to share here today I’m

going to offer to pray with you and if

you will believe

even your heart that Jesus died for you

that he paid for your sins he took the

punishment that you deserve and that he

wants to give you a brand new life if

you will believe that and honestly I

don’t know any reason not to believe

that why would you not want to believe

that that’s the best news in the whole

world and I believe that even right now

that God is giving you faith in your

heart there’s a seed of faith that’s in

your heart that says boy I want to

believe that maybe right now you can

feel the presence of God right where

you’re at

that’s God reaching out to you saying

come to me I want to do a work in your

life and then when I pray with you the

words of your mouth are going to confirm

your salvation as you pray that prayer

out loud second Corinthians 5:17 says if

anybody is in Christ so when you receive

Christ you become a new creation a new

creature all together now you’re not

going to look different when you look in

the mirror and to be honest you may not

totally act different all at once but

the good news is is you become new

spiritual clay you get a new heart and a

new attitude of wanting to serve God it

says that that old condition has passed

away behold the fresh and the new has

come I always like to say that in Christ

there’s always new beginnings it’s never

too late to begin again and if you’re in

a place in your life where you need a

new beginning you can have that today

God loves you so much he sent His only

Son to die for you who would do that

God sent His only Son to die for you and

you’re special you’re the apple of his

eye he loves you he wants to do good

things in your life he wants to come and

make you right with him give you peace

and give you joy and I’m not going to

tell you that if you pray this prayer

with me at the end that everything in

your life is going to magically change

overnight but I will tell you this your

heart will change something wonderful

will have

on the inside of you and then as you

study God’s Word and you get with right

people that are going to help encourage

you in your walk of faith you begin to

go to a good local church somewhere

where you can be in a church family then

you’ll begin to grow you don’t have to

do any of those things to receive Christ

but if you want to really change and let

the good work that he does in you be

worked out through you then you need to

be in fellowship with other people watch

my program or others like this on a

regular basis get involved in a in a

good church study your Bible and a lot

of people think they can’t understand

the Bible but there’s so many updated

translations of the Word of God that

make it simple to understand now that

doesn’t mean you’re never going to make

any mistakes you probably will make some

mistakes I make mistakes every day but

you can always just say God I’m sorry

for my mistakes

forgive me and then go right on go right

on there’s no condemnation for those who

are in Christ Jesus now just listen to

me one more second no matter what you’ve

done God loves you and he wants to have

a relationship with you yes I said no

matter what you’ve done God will forgive

you and he wants to have a close

intimate relationship with you you know

when I talk to you about becoming a

Christian becoming a Christian is not

just joining a church and just going to

church every week we encourage you to go

to church but being a Christian is about

having personal relationship with God

through Jesus Christ God wants to walk

with you

he wants to talk with you he wants to

lead you he wants to guide you he wants

to be involved in literally everything

that you do now listen God cares about

everything that concerns you and you are

not alone God is with you but maybe you

have been totally unaware of his

presence I can tell you that I have had

a relationship with God for many many

many years I’ve been teaching God’s Word

for 40 years and I actually

receive Christ when I was a child and I

was badly abused with my dad sexually

mentally emotionally in every other way

that you could be for most of the years

that I was living at home growing up and

I had lots of problems in my life and I

can tell you that God has helped me in

every area where I had a need and for a

lot of years all I did was go to church

I didn’t understand the relationship

part but I can tell you that he wants to

have a relationship with you you don’t

have to be miserable you don’t have to

be full of stress you don’t have to live

in fear you don’t have to be fearful

about what’s going to happen in the

world in the future the thing is is

God’s got his eye on you and He will

take care of you if you trust him to do


so I just want to simply ask do you need

your sins forgiven would you love to

have a relationship with the best friend

that you could ever possibly have do you

want to know that you’re going to live

forever you don’t have to be afraid of

death you know when you leave this earth

you’re going to go somewhere it’s not

just over because we die and it’s

important that you know where you’re

going to spend eternity because eternity

is a long long long time it’s time

without end and God wants you to spend

it with him in heaven that’s one of the

benefits of knowing Christ as your

Savior but there’s also the benefit of

enjoying your life while you’re on your

way to heaven I often tell people to say

I’m on my way to heaven and I’m going to

enjoy the journey if you need to receive

Christ today would you pray with me

right now if you’re in a place where you

can’t I’d like to encourage you to pray

out loud I’m going to pray a little bit

and give you time to pray it after me

I’m going to lead you in a couple of

confessions and then I have a book that

I’d like to send to you as a gift it’s

called a new way of living

that will repeat some of the things that

I’ve said about salvation but then it

will tell you some of the ways to get

started in your new life with Christ but

also we’re happy to answer any questions

you have you can call my office someone

will pray with you and talk to you let

me tell you something

we care about you and we want you to

have the life that Jesus died for you to

have perhaps you’ve had a great loss in

your life and you’re hurting so bad you

feel like that you just don’t know what

you’re going to do well you know what

God is the God of all comfort and he

will comfort you and help you and

strengthen you and enable you to go on

now let’s pray together father god I

love you Jesus I believe that you are

God the very son of God I am a sinner

I’m sorry for my sins I believe that

Jesus died for me and I believe he rose

from the dead that he is alive now

seated at the right hand of God Jesus I

receive you now by faith I believe and I

pray that you would come and dwell in me

thank you for forgiving me thank you for

loving me now I believe that I’ve been

saved and I am on my way to heaven and I

am going to enjoy the journey in Jesus

name Amen