We need to learn how to wait on God, God does things in His timing not ours, we need to learn to wait with patience and a good attitude, everybody waits.

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Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

we need to live in

what the bible calls the rest of god

it’s a special kind of rest that you can


even in the midst of the storms of life

everything doesn’t have to be perfect

you don’t have to know everything

you don’t have to have everything

figured out you replace all that

with trust that god is good

that he knows what he’s doing and that

he will do the best thing for you at

the right time

i want you to get that

matter of fact we should say if you say

god will do the best thing for me

at the right time

and i know we’re in a hurry and god’s


but being frustrated about how long you

have to wait will not

get god to hurry

god gives us dreams and visions or i

just put

hope he gives us hope for change

we want to change we want to see our

loved ones change we want to see the

world change we want our finances to


there’s always something that we want

to change and god is in the business

of changing things but he never tells us

when and it’s frustrating of course when

you have

something real big in your heart it

seems to you like it should happen right

away at least that’s the way it seems to


and it rarely ever does happen right


because to be honest whatever it is

we’re wanting god to do

in our life usually we have to go

through some kind of a preparation

period in order for that to happen

and we don’t get to skip over those


and waiting doesn’t have to be a time of


if we trust god that he will do things

not on our timing

but in his timing and at the right time

and might i add

just because you feel like you’re ready

in no way means that you are ready

and another thing i want to mention is

when you’re praying for other people

god can’t override their will

just to answer your prayer

because everybody has a free will

so when you pray for somebody else

you’ve got to give god

time to deal with them and the best

thing to do is just be a good example to

them while you’re in the process

of waiting and obviously when we pray

for somebody else there’s no 100

percent guarantee that they’re going to

give in to god but one thing’s for sure

if nobody prays for them god will never

even have an opening to work in their


and sometimes you just have to keep that

in mind that when you pray

it gives god an opening to work on them

my husband always has said several times

when you start praying for somebody

they’re going to act worse before they

act better

you know why because when god starts how

many of you when god is dealing with you

you don’t act so good all the time

well so when you pray for somebody

and you see them acting worse you should

say great


god is working

god exer reserves

the knowledge of timing

for his own wisdom

why does god withhold information from


why doesn’t he just tell us why

when well a handful of reasons number

one if we knew how long we had to wait

so god uses this little word soon

don’t you love it when somebody with a

prophetic gift comes through town and


give you a word the lord says soon

you’re going to be sent out into your

ministry you get so excited but you

don’t know any more than you did before

they came in

it took me a while to figure that out i

back in the 70s there was a lot of the

gifts of the spirit

that were operating more heavily in the

church at that season than they

seem to be now and

different people with different gifts

would come to our church and

it seemed like invariably they’d call me

out and give me a word and it was almost

always the same thing be not weary and

will doing for in due season

you shall reap if you faint not and to

be honest i thought if i get that word

one more time i am going to scream

because after about the seventh or

eighth time i figured out that it wasn’t

really telling me anything

didn’t tell me anything and god finally

told me he says all you got to do is

just keep on keeping on

until the time comes you know everybody


it’s not a matter of whether you will

wait or not i can just

if you’ve got any questions about that i

can tell you tonight you will wait

it’s nobody just has a dream or a vision

or a plan or a desire or a hope and they


get it immediately everybody waits

moses had a desire to deliver his people

from the bondage that they were in as

slaves in egypt

and he went to the desert for 40 years

in the wilderness

have you ever noticed that when you’re

waiting sometimes you feel like you’re

in the wilderness

and what was he out there for for


i wish god could train us on a

mountaintop but it seems he always has

to do it in a furnace or a wilderness or

a desert or at a job we hate or you know

something like that joseph waited

13 years in prison

for something that he didn’t even do he

wasn’t even guilty

but you know the interesting thing about

joseph is

it appears i don’t know if he ever had a

grouchy day but

none of them are listed in the bible

and it just appears that joseph had such

a great attitude about

all these unfair things that happened to

him and the result was that

everywhere he went god gave him favor

when he was in potiphar’s house he got a

little too much favor with potiphar’s


and she went after him and then

that favor ended up putting him in


but he also got favor in prison

and no matter where he was he got favor

and see that can happen to you

and it can happen to me if we learn to


with a good attitude

you know what the best thing is that you

can do while you’re waiting

help somebody else

if you want to know well what am i what

am i supposed to do i’m just waiting on


help somebody else that’s the very best


that you can do we hope you enjoyed this


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