We can be so quick to criticize ourselves and others. On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, learn how God’s Word equips us to deal with conflict, and difficult people. – – – – – – – Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: https://joycemeyer.org

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– – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#JudgmentAndCriticism

I mean you judge people for the same

things that you do you know why we look

at them through our magnifying glasses

but there’s always an excuse for us

isn’t there

I do what I do because I’ve seen God’s

power transform my own life and he will

do it for you the key to everything is

found in God’s word I Joyce Meyer and I

believe that God can heal you everywhere

you hurt


these are in case you’re wondering what

this awful looking red thing is here

I asked them to make these for me and

these are my flaw finder glasses

I think we all have a pair I just don’t

think yours maybe are quite as obnoxious

as mine are

of course I had to make my point

you know Dave has binoculars and

sometimes he’ll sit

at a window and he’ll look at maybe a

deer that’s way out across the field or

something and it it brings it in real

close and so I got this idea that I

could do a take off on that and say we

all have

flaw finder

our fault finder binoculars where we

examine people and we look them over

real good how many of you are good at

finding the flaws in people

come on now this True Confession sets

you free well

do you know

that before God really got a hold of me

I mean back when I was a sort of pretend

Christian you know

do you know what I love to do I love to

go out to the mall back then and sit on

a bench and judge people

just just just be a people Watcher and

just you know


what is that good looking guy doing with



that’s the craziest hairdo I’ve ever

seen in my life

you believe that outfit she’s got on man

how many of you think you have enough

business of your own to mind without

getting into somebody else’s

I’m a real positive person now but it’s

something I do on purpose it wouldn’t be

my natural nature I could probably find

a little something wrong with everything

if I didn’t just decide not to you know

why because there probably is a little

something wrong

with everything

if you’re looking for the perfect Church

the perfect friend

the perfect job

the perfect person to be married to

the perfect teenager

guess what you’re just going to be

disappointed disappointed disappointed

so we need to realize that the Bible

teaches us that we are not to be


and critical

toward people

and actually there’s a scripture that

says we are to mind our own business

stay busy with our own hands

and actually there’s evidence in the

Bible that we are to just keep our

opinions to ourselves I’m not going to

stand here and tell you not to have

opinions it’s impossible to live in this

world and not have an opinion but we

don’t have to give our opinion

every time we turn around

because most of the time people don’t

want it and usually even if they ask you

for your opinion if you don’t agree with

what they want to hear

they’re going to reject it anyway amen

Dave and I’ve been married 50 almost 51

years now and so you know by the time

you’ve been married that long you get

things worked out between you and uh

we we just have this on ongoing thing

and it happened

tonight he came out and he asked me

about his shirt with his coat and his

coat is checked and he had a shirt on

that had dots little dots on it and I

said oh no you cannot wear that now I’m

still learning to say things a little

better you know

I didn’t say oh honey well you look good

in absolutely almost anything but that I

just oh okay I can’t wear that that’s

terrible you can’t wear that and he’s

like well what’s wrong with it a lot of

people would like it and I’m like why do

you even ask me what I think because

you’re never going to want to do what I

tell you I don’t don’t you get irritated

with people who ask you what you think

and they really don’t want to know what

you think anyway they just want you to

agree with them



if I get up in the morning and say man

it’s gonna Sun’s Gonna Shine all day

nope nope forecast says rain we’re going

to get rain if I say it’s going to rain

no we’re not look at that sun outside

and actually we get along really good

judgment and criticism

well first of all is all judgment wrong

well I want to tell you going into this

that some of you may not care too much

for the first 10 minutes of this message

but we need to hear this so here goes

first of all

unrighteous judgment

is definitely always wrong and what that

is is Hasty judgment based on rumor

are merely glancing at a situation

without knowing all the facts

it’s wrong and it’s condemned by Jesus

let’s look at this scripture John 7 24.

be honest in your judgment

and do not decide at a glance

superficially and by appearances but

judge fairly

and righteously

in other words get to know people we

need to take the time to get to know

people before we even venture to have an

opinion about what they might be doing

it’s so easy to just like the scripture

says glance at something and quickly

form an opinion have you ever met


and within three minutes you’ve already

decided you don’t like them

it’s like yeah I don’t know

I’m not gonna like you well you know

what for some times for a woman is

because that woman that you’re deciding

you can’t like is better looking than

you are

has the figure that you would like to



ah that guy’s got the muscles he’d like

to have or the car he’d like to have

it’s amazing what we could learn if we

would stop long enough to say why do I

feel that way

what is the root

of what I’m feeling

I don’t know about you but I have been

falsely judged by people

more times than I’d like to

remember and it is one of the most

painful things that you can ever go

through it’s amazing how people will

judge what they know absolutely nothing


and a lot of criticism and judgment is

done out of jealousy and a lot of times

people judge you for what you have or

what you’re doing and it’s all based out

of jealousy and I just tell people all

the time don’t judge me for what I have

if you don’t want to do what I did to

get it


so that kind of judgment is always wrong

if we’re going to have an opinion about

anything it needs to be a well-informed

opinion and that takes time time

but if we see a Christian sinning I’m

not talking about the world

if we see a Christian sinning we are to

go to him

and confront the situation

in hopes of bringing him to a place of


now actually Paul said

in First Corinthians 5 and I don’t know

how much you’re aware of these

scriptures because they’re probably ones

that aren’t taught on very much but he

said it’s not our place to judge the


that will be left up to God

but it is our place

to judge

Christians in the church who are living

in sin

in order

that they might repent

and not lose their soul

we stay busy I think at this point

judging unbelievers who don’t know God

at all

and we’re ignoring a lot of sin

in the church

under the guise of wanting to walk in

love and not hurt anybody’s feelings

I’m sorry but I think it needs to be

said and so I’m going to say it and when

I say in the church I’m not talking

about your church or my church I’m

talking about the church

at Large

and so the church is intended to be

a holy place or hurting people that are

broken and wounded and yes have sin in

their life and a lot of it can come in

and be repentant and be restored and be

nurtured and we can be patient with them

and we can love them but it’s not

supposed to be a place where somebody

comes in who’s living in open sin and

they don’t intend to change it they

don’t want to change it and they just

want to be there and have all the

benefits of being there and everybody

just leaves them alone and Pats them on

the head because nobody wants to hurt

their feelings


and I’ll tell you here’s the reason why

Paul said this

and I

trust me because I know this message

will go on television all over the place

I thought I better know what I was

talking about before I got up here to do

this so the reason why Paul

told people he even went so far as to

say put them out of the church

excommunicate them

and the reason why he did it is because

whatever you’re around you’re in danger

of becoming like that

let’s just look at it like this you

cannot catch holiness

but you can catch on holiness

you can’t catch Health that’s something

you got to choose but you can catch


you just go sit with somebody face to

face that’s got a bad case of the flu

and unless you got a really good system

going on in your body you could catch it

you may not but you could but you can go

sit all day with a healthy person and

you’ll still have to choose their health

and so Paul was saying not only do we

want them to realize what they’re doing

so they can repent and come to the

knowledge of the truth because we don’t

want to see them lost but we don’t want

them to infect

the church

and start doing damage because here’s

the thing if if let’s just use the word

Loosely leadership if leadership puts up

with that what does it say to the people

other than well I guess it’s okay to do

this so then they just decide to do the

same thing and before you know it you’ve

got a rampant mess going on and the

church no longer becomes what God wants

it to be now I am not at all saying and

this is where this message this part of

the message can get a little tricky I’m

not at all saying that we don’t work

with people for restoration I’m not

talking about people who want to change

you know I was such a mess

after I got away from my dad and then a

bad marriage

from the time I was 18 to 23 I’d been

hurt so bad

I didn’t know how to have any kind of

relationship I had a bad temper I was

manipulative controlling I mean you name

it I had the problem


I’m grateful that Dave was patient with

me and long-suffering and and kind and

that he continued to love me and love me

and love me and I was not your perfect

specimen by in a stretch of the

imagination and he would deal with my

behavior when my behavior got bad enough

but somehow or another he knew my heart

he knew that I wanted to change he knew

that I wanted to grow and do better and

I think that’s what we have to look for

in people if you’re trying to help

somebody that just has got a mess of

problems in their life and they’re

having a hard time getting over it be

patient with them if they’re wanting to

change if they’re wanting to grow but

you can’t just not call Sin what it is

we can judge sin without judging the

person amen


Matthew 18 15.

if your brother wrongs you go and show

him his fault well we like that part

don’t we

between you and him privately uh oh

I don’t get to go tell anybody else

come on I said I don’t get to go tell

anybody else

I said I don’t get to go tell anybody


well we got to press that point

you know how much easier leadership

would be if when people work for you and

they have a problem with each other

they would go to each other instead of

to everybody else


because you know what it does when you

start gossiping it causes strife

go and tell him his fault between you

and him privately if he listens you wind

back your brother if he doesn’t listen

Take Along with you one or two others so

that every word might be confirmed and

upheld by the testimony of two or three

Witnesses if he still pays no attention

refusing to listen tell it to the church

and if he refuses to listen even to the

church then let him be to you as a pagan

and a tax collector and believe me they

had absolutely nothing to do with pagans

and tax collectors

now in First Corinthians 5


Paul wrote and he said it is actually

reported their sexual immorality among

you impurity of a start that is

condemned and does not occur even among

the heathen

for a man has his own father’s wife so

this was a situation of incest and Paul

had heard about this

and the church apparently verse 2 says

in your proud and arrogant and you ought

ready to mourn and bow and sorrow and

shame until the person who’s done this

shameful thing is removed from your

fellowship and your midst so here we

have somebody that’s

in an incestuous relationship and their

part of the church and they’re

functioning as a part of the church and

the church is not doing anything about

it nobody’s doing anything about it and

so Paul wrote to them and he said shame

on you you’re so proud of yourself about

your church maybe there maybe their

church was growing maybe they had a

great worship team I don’t know what the

deal was but they were so proud of their

church he said you have nothing to be

proud of until you deal with this

situation in your church it has to be

dealt with now you know what

today we don’t see the Church of a place

as a place to have authority over our


but that’s actually what it was really

supposed to be


it was supposed to be loving leaders

with people who wanted to grow and


who would confront and deal with issues

out of love and care and I realize

there’s so many messed up people out in

the world today it doesn’t always work

out like that and people get hurt but we

still have to be willing

to receive correction if it comes to us

with the right spirit and we have to be

willing now please listen to me we have

to be willing to not think about how we

feel or what we want but what the word

of God says

that’s all I’m asking it’s not about how

I feel or what I want it’s what does the

word say and if the word says it then I

don’t need to try to work around it to

figure out some way that I can get it to

say something else

it just says what it says and here’s the


and I’m not trying to be spooky the Lord

is coming back and every one of us will

give an account for our lives and it’s

our job in leadership to make sure that

people are ready


now what causes so much judgment and


I bet some of you would know the answer

starts with a capital p

Pride you got it pride

the only reason why we judge other

people is because we think

that we’re better

we look at what they’re doing and we

think we would never do that


we think we know more than they do

pride is the foundation for all

unrighteous judgment and I love what

Paul said in Romans 2 1 he said when you

judge you do the same things that you

judge other people for

what’s with that

I mean you judge people for the same

things that you do you know why we look

at them through our magnifying glasses

but there’s always an excuse for us

isn’t there

if I do it boy there’s a good reason

but if you do it there’s no reason

there is no reason

for you to act like that

but if I act like that it’s because I

had a bad day at work or traffic was bad

there’s no excuse for you to act that


but here’s my excuse for acting that way

we need to be as kind to other people as

we are to ourselves

in Romans 12 3

Paul really laid this thing out very


he said for by the grace

the unmerited favor of God given to me

I warn everyone among you not to

estimate or think of himself more highly

than he ought to

don’t have an exaggerated opinion of

your own importance

you know I tell myself about 10 times a

day Joyce you are nothing without God

we got to remind ourselves because the

flesh can really start to think it’s oh

this I am it man

I am it especially when you have a few

victories under your belt

if the diet worked for you everybody in

the world should be on the diet

if you gave up sugar everybody in the

world should give up sugar

come on

we love to get a little Victory under

our belt and then forget that God gave

it to us and start taking the credit for

it and then start giving everybody else

Victory lessons

this is what well

I just don’t understand how you could

have be still have how could you still

be having a problem with that

I mean still you’re still having a

problem with that

what you only prayed 10 minutes a day

what well how long do you pray well I

get up every morning at five and I pray

until nine

oh don’t be so full of yourself if God

didn’t give you the grace to get up at

five and pray till nine you’d be in bed

sleeping with everybody else so quit

taking the credit for what God’s doing


Paul said I warn everyone among you not

to estimate and think of himself more

highly than he ought to don’t have an

exaggerated opinion of your own

importance but rate your ability with

sober judgment each according to the

degree of Faith apportioned by God to

him now

after Romans 12 3 I’m not going to go

read it all

actually the whole chapter of Romans 12

is a phenomenal chapter in the Bible

there’s 12 different lessons in that one


and he goes into this discourse about

the different gifts that we have and the

different abilities that we have each of

them given to us by God’s grace

so Nate we understand this easily like

you all know it’s not my fault that I

can’t sing

God didn’t give me the ability to sing

so I can’t sing and so

no singer is going to judge me because

they can sing and I can’t sing they

understand that

but there’s other things that we do

judge people for that they can’t do

because we’re good at that and we don’t

understand why they’re not good at that

for example somebody who does things

very quickly

has a very hard time with people who do

things very slowly

how many quick people do we have here

okay you make quick decisions

I mean I’m a gut person I just I got a




I’m pretty right on that’s just the gift

that God has given me for what I do but


there’s other people that I know that I

can ask them something simple


where would you like to eat tonight

now you guys are pointing at each other

this is

come on have you noticed that God always

puts you with somebody it’s not like you

why not so you can fight because they

have something you don’t have and you

have something they don’t have

and when we learn how to walk together

in love then we build one another up and

we don’t have to judge and criticize

each other all the time

you know there are things that we should

confront people on we’ve talked about


but it really needs to be things that we

can plainly see in scripture or sin not

just our opinion

of what somebody should or shouldn’t do

you know I personally would be very

careful before I went to somebody and

told them how they should parent their


come on

first of all they’re not my kids they’re

their kids

and second of all

I mean mine all survived and they’re all

serving God but I didn’t do that great

of a job there are things that I look

back now and I I mean I nobody read to

me when I was growing up so I didn’t

know to read to my kids and now I see

all my kids reading to their kids and I

wish I would have read to my kids

I wish I would have done that because

I’ve got some kids that just do not like

to read and maybe if I would have read

to them they would have liked it but you

know what I can’t I can’t go back and

undo what I did I can ask God to correct

it and he does but I think before we

start giving everybody else lessons we

have to think about

what we’re not so good at

and everybody’s good at a bunch of stuff

and everybody is not good at a bunch of



you know when Dave and I got married of

course the first thing I did was

and I didn’t realize I was doing it but

I set out to change him

and um

I I just want to speak a word to you

lovely people that are still in that


of trying to change the person that

you’re married to

are think you’re going to be married to

uh it won’t work

I can save you a lot of time and a lot

of Heartache by just telling you that it

just won’t work

you know Dave loves every sport if it

bounces Dave likes it

and uh

I just don’t I don’t care for any of

them I’m focused on something else you

know and uh

I mean it’s not uncommon for Dave to

watch one game listen to another one and

be cleaning his golf clubs at the same


and I tried so hard to change him to get

him not to like that stuff and to be

like me and it was really all just based

out of selfishness

and I’ll tell you what until you can

learn to be out of control and love it

come on

that’s a new message I haven’t preached

yet but I like that title

learn to be out of control and love it

the only thing that God has told us to

control is ourselves

he hasn’t told us to go control anybody


he’s told us to control ourselves

and so if you want to have a good

relationship with anybody

you’ve got to decide what in their life

is real Sin that you need to talk about

and what is just your opinion of what

you would prefer them not to do and a

lot of those things you’re going to have

to make a decision to accept people the

way they are and if God wants to change

them trust God to change them but spend

your time letting God change you


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thank you

the Mind actually is the battlefield

that’s where we win or lose the war with

Satan he said all he gets to say

thank you

you start asking God to heal you and he

will restore it’s the God of all comfort

and I am so grateful that I know how to

call on God
