God’s promises are for everyone. If you don’t like the direction your life is going, then discover your role in pursuing God’s best for you. Watch Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer. – – – – – – – Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: https://joycemeyer.org

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– – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#KeysToBreakThrough

the biggest thing that we need to do is

learn how to think like God thinks and

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experience a deeper and more meaningful

relationship with God through the

captivating collection of verses in this

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I do what I do because I’ve seen God’s

power transform my own life and he will

do it for you the key to everything is

found in God’s word I’m Joyce Meyer and

I believe that God can heal you

everywhere you hurt


the first thing you must do

if you ever intend to have any freedom

over bondages

is you have to take 100 percent


for where your life is at right now


what do you know how

you know how they’re I mean I’m this way

because my dad sexually abused me I’m

this way because my mother abandoned me

knew what he was doing and wouldn’t help


I’m this wave because my first husband

was a con man and a petty thief and he

ran around with other women I’m this way

because and I’m this way because and I’m

this way because

and you know what

the Lord finally put on my heart

that’s true

that’s true that’s that’s why you are

the way you are but don’t let it become

an excuse to stay that way


that’s such a good point

you are where you are

no matter who caused you

to be here

you are stuck with you and your life

and nobody else now God will help you

but nobody else

let’s put it like this a lot of people

may want to help you but you can’t

depend on somebody else coming along and

fixing your mess

and even people who want to come along

and help fix it they don’t want the full


they want other people

to do something for them

I’m going to tell you a quick little

story I didn’t really plan to do this


I only had one sibling he’s not alive


he’s nine years younger than me

and um

we both were abused in different ways he

wasn’t abused sexually but he was


grew up in a home where the father was

unpresent and whatever he did teach him

everything he taught him was wrong

he went into the Vietnam War when he was

17 and ended up in the jungles in

Vietnam and his sergeant

gave the guys drugs over there just to

keep them

I guess what he thought was saying

anyway my brother at the age of 17 got

addicted to drugs


it was a lifelong problem for him

alcohol prescription drugs

but the biggest thing that I always saw

about my brother was that he would never

take responsibility for anything

he got married he had a child he never

supported the child

when they came after him for child

support he would

work for people for cash so the

government couldn’t find that he was

working and take his check

we get him in treatment program after

treatment program and just when he’d

start to get a little better and they

would start to give him a little listen

to the word responsibility

then he’d decide that

well you know sis this is just not for


listen up to me so he lived with us for

four years and we tried to take care of

him helped him and if I said David get

up and go to work he’d get up and go to


if I said David did you do this and he

hadn’t done it he’d go do it but if

somebody didn’t tell him everything to


then he just didn’t do anything

so I Marvel

that the two of us grew up in the same


with the same types of problems and

very sad to say that

I guess about eight years ago he ended

up committing suicide


I’m at the age of 75 still preaching the

gospel all over the world now

I’m not saying something bad about him

and something good about me but I have

to believe that we both had the same


otherwise God Is So grossly unfair

I mean if he just says well okay you can

make it

but you’re never going to get out of

bondage you know that okay you can make

it but no you’re going to stay in

bondage all your life the promises of

God are for whosoever will

whosoever will do what God tells them to

do can have what

they can have

gonna say it again

whosoever does what God tells them to do

can have whatsoever God says they can


are you getting it

I want you

when this conference is over

to go home and have a long meeting with


we’re always having meetings but the

person you need to meet with the most

sometimes is you

some of you have been running past

yourself for so long

avoiding yourself and avoiding facing

some truth

that you don’t even know where you’re at


you need to slow down get down with

yourself and say okay what am I doing

with my life

what am I doing with my life where am I


with what I’m doing right now where am I

likely to end up in five years or ten


do I really want to end up in the

direction that I’m headed in

or do I want to make some changes now

come on say now

do I want to make some changes now you

know what the most dangerous word in the

English language is


you know when Pharaoh’s house was full

of frogs

frogs in the bed frogs in the oven

frogs everywhere

if they had a driveway there were frogs

in the driveway and when they pulled the

Chariot out it was crunch crunch crunch

frogs frogs imagine having frogs in your


everywhere you couldn’t walk without

stepping on a frog

and Moses said

tell me when you want me to pray

for these to go away and I will pray and

they will go away

and Pharaoh obviously was missing

something on top because he said


now what kind of dumb do you have to be


not sleep with frogs tonight

just take that wherever you want to


you know come on ladies let me just take

a chance on making you mad

somebody some of you

may be living with somebody

that is frog frog double frog

and they don’t love you they’re using

you and you are so petrified of never

having anybody that you’re sticking with

something dumb come on get rid of the

Frog today


so now is the time for change in some of

your lives

I believe it

I could easily stand here and say thus

saith the Lord now is the time for

change I believe that there is an

anointing here today for people to make

decisions there’s a Grace here for God

to help you stick with those decisions

but it’s time to start doing the things

that you believe that God has told you

to do or stop doing the things he has

told you to stop doing it’s time to get

your life headed in the right direction


here’s a scripture that scares me a


in a right way I have a reverential fear

of this scripture

Romans 14 12.

so then each of us will give an account

of himself to God

I think we need to have some scriptures

that give us some reverential fear

it’s part of what’s wrong with people

today they don’t have the proper

reverential fear of God

yes God is our friend but you can’t look

at God like your buddy that you just

hang out with that just understands you

and just you know whatever

no God is God he is almighty God and he

means what he says and when he says to

do something we better do it

and we need a little more than Hellfire

and brimstone preaching back that people

used to have years ago

so I was reading something the other day

that said today people think hell either

it doesn’t exist or that it’s it’s just

going to be a place that’s going to be


it’s no wonder we got so many wimpy

Christians you got to have some

reverential fear of God you got you

don’t you don’t need to be afraid of God

he loves you he’s not going to hurt you

but he’s not to be messed around with


we get the kindness and the severity of

God Paul said

when the Holy Spirit comes to live in US

we have a guide and a companion

for the whole rest of our lives

but now get this

we have a companion that’s smarter than

we are


and he’s in US

to hopefully keep us going in the right


so we can have the things that Jesus

died for us to have

they’re all Ours by right of inheritance

but God is not going to give

The Inheritance that he wants us to have

to a bunch of spoiled bratty babies


thank you

any parent knows if you’ve got any kind

of a an inheritance to leave to your


you don’t go give a bunch of money to a


you put what they have with a trustee

until they’re old enough to get it well

the holy spirit is our trustee


and Jesus said he will reveal everything

to you that’s mine he will transmit it

to you he will he will make it work in

your life but it’s as we mature and grow

up in God

John 16 13 when he the spirit of truth


he will guide you into all the truth but

please remember a lot of what God’s

going to have to show you is stuff about

you that you don’t want to see

I wonder

oh let’s just ask and see what we get

why not

how many of you are hard to get along


okay wow then

I guess you don’t have to wonder why you

don’t have many friends

how many of you are controllers you want

to be in control of everything

on the psychiatrist Couch today

okay now listen if we know that

we know see God showed me when I was

talking to him about changing Dave

he said you you’re just

hard to get along with

I remember when Dave finally said to me

one day he said you know what I’ve tried

to do this to please you and that to

please you and this to please you and no

matter what I do you still find some way

to be unhappy so guess what I’m done


you can either get happy

or you can stay unhappy but you’re not

going to make me unhappy anymore


seriously have a meeting with yourself

be bold

what kind of a person am I come on god

let’s have a truth session am I selfish

or am I generous

do I

do I really enjoy giving

I found out a truth about me last week

at this age I found out something about


and I said to my daughter who then began

to laugh very loudly

covered about myself and she said I said

I don’t like to be uncomfortable

and she said really

you didn’t know that before

and I said no see I don’t like to be hot

and I don’t like to be cold I want it to

be just right

I like a good mattress

can’t do with a mattress it’s not good

and then I also realized that when I’m

not comfortable

I usually want to make sure everybody

knows I’m not comfortable

so if

I have a feeling that the next lesson is

going to be learn to be uncomfortable

and keep your mouth shut

how many of you think that

you maybe have a few more things to

learn about yourself


okay not

it’s not good to lie to a preacher

so I want to know how many of you are

going to go home and sometime within the

next week

you’re going to have that meeting with


all right

you know we can’t grow spiritually

without truth

but here again it’s just not some truth

you know we love it when God shows us

truth about somebody else

that don’t hurt


but it’s when he starts showing us

you know what it is your fault

there’s always things that other people

are doing wrong nobody’s saying that

you’re the only person in the building

that does anything wrong but here’s the

thing we can’t fix them

Only God Can the only person you can fix

is you


and so I learned a long time ago if I

stay busy letting God work with me

then he’ll take care of the other people

in my life

and I don’t need to make them my private



speak the truth in love in all things

both in speech Our Lives expressing


let us grow up in all things into him

following his example

who is the head that is Christ Jesus

funny example your clothes get too tight

well you’re never eating too much we

know that

your metabolism has gone Haywire

the cleaners shrunk your clothes

surely the cleaners shrunk your clothes

truth is armor

when you start walking in the truth

being truthful with yourself especially

is what I’m talking about today

when you start really walking in truth

it gives you

an armor against the devil

the Bible says that the belt of Truth is

one of the pieces of armor

that God has given us now we know that’s

talking about the word of God

but the word of God must be applied to

our lives

and so

in Ephesians 6 it says that when you’re

having problems

you are to tighten the belt of Truth

tighten it in other words if you’re

going through something tough

you better hang on to what’s in here

like you have never hung on before

and I’ve learned something about


short-term problems are much easier to

deal with than long


very long

problems or when you get over one

and another one comes right back

and you get over another one

and another one comes right back

anybody here feel like you’ve just had a

train of problems lately


well I’ve had some stuff going on too

let me tell you

and I’ve had to hang on

we got time for one more I have 10 of

these today by the way


Psalm 51 6 says behold you desire truth

in the innermost being

so what’s our job for today we’re going

to be honest with ourselves about



and you know what we’re going to learn

how to say I want you to learn how to

say this without mumbling

I was wrong

and I’m sorry

you mumbled

you did okay on the I was wrong but you

went to a low mumble

come on

I was wrong

and I’m sorry

that can save marriages


it can endear you to people

you will be absolutely amazed how much

better people will like you

if you start taking responsibility for

the things you do wrong and stop trying

to push everything off on somebody else


the second key to breakthrough

pray of course

because you’re going to need a lot of

help with this one so you want to pray


because the next key to break through is

stop feeling sorry for yourself



and they will invite you to a pity party

and you decide to go

you’ve been there every day for the last

20 years you know it’s miserable party

but you go again

I mean who would want to sit in a dark

room all day and cry and think about how

bad off you are

what could you find to do that would be

any more fun than that

I used to have such a problem with


well I was abused I didn’t get to go to


Dave’s out playing golf again today

on and on and on

and I’m sure you’ve heard me say this

but as I was growing up in God and he

had given me a Ministry and I was

wanting that to grow

I still wasted a lot of my time yes I

said wasted a lot of my time

say I’m sorry for myself

if a meeting wasn’t big enough I felt

sorry for myself

if I wanted an opportunity to do

something and the opportunity went to

somebody else I’d feel sorry for myself

how many of you want to see the power of

God flowing through your life

well then today you have to give up pity

self-pity you know why it’s a problem

because it’s idolatry

it causes us to turn in on ourselves

and everything is about how I feel what

I want what I’m not getting what people

aren’t doing for me what I’ve missed out

on in life

what we should be doing is counting our


not looking at all the stuff that

somebody has not done for us

let me read you Deuteronomy 7 1-2

when the Lord your God brings you into

the land which you are entering to


and has cleared away many nations before


the hittite the gervicite the Amorite

the Canaanite the parasite the hivite

and the Jefferson jebusites

and we’ve all got our own diets

The Grouchy neighbor rights the bad boss

sites the aching back ice whatever we’ve

all got them

not not now listen to this when the Lord

your God gives them over to you and you

defeat them then you shall utterly

destroy them you shall not make a

covenant or a treaty with them nor shall

you show them Mercy or compassion now

I want to apply this to this thing about

self-pity but you can apply it to lots

of different things

I knew that God had told me about

self-pity I knew I needed to stop doing


and I fully intended to obey God

but sometimes

I just wanted to have

just one cup of coffee with pity

before I had to not feel sorry for

myself and act happy all day

I just wanted a little bit of time

and God led me to this scripture

said you can’t

you can’t have pity on pity

you can’t have compassion on pity you

can’t let it stay around for two seconds

you have to utterly defeat it and

destroy it


the Mind actually is the battlefield

that’s where we win or lose the war with

Satan he said all he gets to say


you start asking God to heal you and he

will restore it’s the God of all comfort

and I am so grateful that I know how to

call on God


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