No matter what struggles you are facing, God’s Word holds the answers you need. Learn how to hear from God through His Word on this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer. – – – – – – – Follow Joyce: WEBSITE:




– – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#ImportanceOfGodsWord

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today I do what I do because I’ve seen

God’s power transform my own life and he

will do it for you the key key to

everything is found in God’s

word I’m Joyce Meyer and I believe that

God can heal you everywhere you



hurt well I am so glad that you have

joined us today for the program I’ve got

some things to share with you today that

I think are really really important you

know I’ve been studying God’s word for

45 years now I went to church for a long

long time before I really started

studying the word I would listen to

other people teach the word I read a

little bit of the Bible every day just

because I thought it was my duty but I

didn’t really study the word and I think

there’s a lot of Christians who don’t

really study the word and I want to talk

to you today about the importance of

studying God’s word the word of God is

actually medicine for your soul now you

know you can go to the drugstore and you

can get medicine for your physical body

but you can’t go to the drugstore and

get medicine for your soul the word of

God is the only thing that can get

inside of your mind and emotions and

heal them repeatedly we are told to

meditate on God’s word day and night

Proverbs 4: 20-22 says my son attend to

my words incline your ear to my sayings

let them not depart from your eyes keep

them in in the midst of your heart now

listen to this for they are life to

those who find them and health to all

their flesh well you know the Hebrew

word for health in verse 22 is actually

medicine God’s word is medicine to all

of our flesh and Isaac lear’s

translation of Exodus 15:26 reads I am

the Lord your physici the medicine he

prescribes is his word I absolutely love


you see you have to understand that when

you read the word of God it’s not like

just reading a magazine or or even

reading a book that somebody has written

it’s it’s different because the word of

God is full of God’s power and I believe

that when I’m teaching the word that

whatever I’m teaching on actually

there’s power in that to deliver people

in that area or to set them free for

example if I was teaching on anger I

think there’s power in that to help

people who have an anger issue be healed

from that Psalm 107:20 says he sends

forth his word and heals them and

rescues them from the pit and from

destruction and you know for many many

many years I have clung to the that

scripture and believed that when I am

teaching the word that people are healed

and their mind in their emotions in

their physical body every area where

they need healing there’s no place that

you hurt that God can’t reach and heal

you it goes on to say oh that men would

praise and confess to the Lord for his

goodness and loving kindness and his

wonderful Works to the children of men

and let them sacrifice the sacrifices of

Thanksgiving and rehearse his deeds with

shouts of joy and singing I tell you

studying the word of God will add joy to

our life now listen we all have 24 hours


day we don’t know exactly how long we’re

going to live different people live

different amounts of time but we spend


time A lot of times we say well I spent

my time doing this or I spent my time

doing that well the thing about time is

when you spend it you don’t get it back

so it’s best to invest your time rather

than wasting your time and so time spent

studying God’s word is time invested

that will pay dividends and benefits in

your life I was such a mess when I

started studying God’s word I mean I had

so many problems in my personality

because I had been sexually abused for

many years by my father and my mother

didn’t know how to handle it so she just

kind of turned her back and pretended

like it wasn’t happening I married the

first guy that came along because I

thought nobody would ever want me and I

had another 5year night nightmare with

him and so I just was messed up and I’m

telling you that God has healed me

through the power of His word now we are

not doing God a favor when we read or

study his word we’re doing it for our

benefit you know it’s kind of

interesting when I first started reading

the Bible or studying the word I I kind

of felt like that I was fulfilling my

duty to God or my obligation to God and

that’s because I was reading it like

someone under the law rather than

someone who was under the grace of God

you know we don’t have to study the word

we don’t do it for God he already knows

the word we are doing ourselves a favor

when we read or study his word and you

know you can pick the Bible up I I just

tried this this morning you can pick the

Bible up and you can open to let’s

say Matthew 7 verse1 don’t judge are you

too will be judged for in the same way

you judge others you will be judged and

with the measure you use it will be

measured back to you well that’s

information that I can use today and

maybe just reading that will keep me

from critically judging somebody else

and it will help me even in the future

to realize that when I do that I’m

likely to have the same thing come back

on my own head then it says why do you

look at the speck of in your brother’s

eye when you have a plank in your own

eye in other words this is telling me

I’ve got enough problems of my own I

don’t need to be looking at and worrying

about what’s wrong with other people

well see that’s something that’s going

to benefit me now you don’t have to

study the word you’re not going to go to

hell if you don’t study the

word but you’re going to have a much

better life if you study the word

because if you don’t study the word

you’re not even going to know really

right from wrong we have an enemy the

devil and he can controls people by

lying to them he is a liar liar liar and

the only way that we can know when he’s

lying to us is if we know the truth

which is God’s word when we study the

word we are spending time with God we’re

honoring him but we’re studying for

ourselves God’s word teaches us that he

loves us

unconditionally and this is one of the

most important things that you need to

learn knowing that God loves you is the

foundation for your relationship with

him if you don’t know that then you

really don’t know where to go from there

it’s it’s the foundation for your

relationship with God Hebrews 4:12 says

for the word of God is alive now get

this it’s alive and active sharper than

a two-edged sword it penetrates even to

the dividing of Soul and Spirit joints

and Marrow it judges the thoughts and

attitudes udes of the heart you see when

I study the

word it’s like looking in a mirror and I

see in there what I’m supposed to do

what’s going to be best for me to do but

at the same time it also judges my own

heart because it lets me know well Joyce

you you need to come up higher in this

area or or hey you you know you’re

you’re doing this you’re doing what God

wants you to do in this area and we need

to have God uses the word and the Holy

Spirit to convict us of areas in our

life that are wrong not to make us feel

bad but so we can change them and have a

better life there’s power in the word of

God to produce what it says if you study

healing scriptures it has the power to

heal if you study scriptures on healing

a broken heart it has the power to heal

that area of your soul

who else but God can get on the inside

of you and heal a broken heart there’s

no medicine that you can go get for the

healing of a broken heart but I can tell

you the word of God is medicine that

will heal a broken heart and the thing

that’s so great about God’s medicine the

word is that you can get as many refills

as you want you can take it as many

times a day as you want you can never

take too much of it and I’m telling you

it works now obviously just reading it

doesn’t change your life just studying

it doesn’t change your life you study it

in order that you might do it Joshua 1:

18 says meditate on the word of God day

and night that you may do it and then

you will prosper and things in your life

will turn out good obviously there’s the

doing it but you can’t do it if you

don’t even know what to do Psalm 1473

says he heals the Brokenhearted and

binds up their wounds listen if you’re

sitting and watching today and you’ve

been hurt by somebody you’ve been

abandoned you’ve been abused somebody’s

lied about you somebody you trusted

broke your confidence and you’re hurting

on the inside there are scriptures that

will comfort you Isaiah 61 1-8 are

scriptures I cannot tell you how many

times I read and studied these

scriptures during the early years of the

time that God was healing my Brokenness

from my childhood and this is what it

says Isaiah is prophesying about the

coming Messiah the spirit of The

Sovereign Lord is on me because the Lord

has anointed me to Proclaim good news to

the poor he has sent me to bind up the

Brokenhearted to Proclaim freedom for

the captives and release from Darkness

for the prisoners to proclaim the year

of the Lord’s favor and the day of the

Vengeance of our God to comfort all who

mourn MN there’s a comforter available

for you

today to all those who

mourn provide for them who grieve in

Zion to bestow on them Beauty instead of

Ashes I love that beauty instead of

Ashes well you can’t have the beauty if

you don’t give up the ashes for a long

time I would sit around and feel sorry

for myself and I had a chip on my

shoulder because I’d been abused and I

was mad at everybody because I’d been

abused and I had to be willing to walk

away from all that and give all that to

God and then he could start giving me

the beautiful life that he wanted to

give me he says he’ll give us the oil of

Joy instead of mourning and a Garment of

Praise instead of a spirit of

Despair then will be called Trees of

Righteousness the planting of the Lord

for the display of his Splendor and then

they will rebuild the ancient ruins and

restore the places long devastated they

will renew the ruined cities that have

been devast at for generations and you

know that’s exactly what I’m doing here

today I’m bringing restoration through

sharing the word of God to people’s

lives many of you have been

brokenhearted many of you have sadness

and I’m telling you God is for you he is

not against you and he has got a good

plan for your life and nothing that has

happened to you in the past can destroy

your future if you will believe the word

of God let’s just say that you’ve been

abused and have a root of anger in your

life that’s harming all of your

relationships it could even be affecting

your job you try to control it but no

matter what you do you explode in Anger

at the slightest provocation you don’t

want to act like that matter of fact

you’re not even sure why you act like

that but you know you can have deepr

rooted anger in you from being

mistreated when you were a child and

that needs to be dealt with and it can

be dealt with through the word of God

you can’t go to the doctor and get

medicine for anger but medicine is

available in God’s word listen to this

there are 131 Bible verses about anger

in the King James version of the Bible

Well if you feel angry and you feel like

you’re about to

explode if you get a concordance and

really today it’s so simple all you have

to do is put into your computer give me

scriptures on anger and they’ll just pop

up a long list of them and you can sit

there and read them and speak them out

loud and I can tell you that you will

begin to calm down that anger will begin

to dissipate because the word of God is

more powerful than anything that the

enemy wants us to do they tell you these

scriptures not to be angry to control

your anger to refrain from anger Etc and

you might think well that’s exactly what

I’ve been trying to do but the

difference is is that when you study the

word then the Holy Spirit who is your

helper can work through the power in

God’s word to set you free from those

things God will help you get to the root

of your anger and the truth will set you

free John 8:31-32 says if you are my

disciples then you will know the truth

and the truth will make you

free when you begin to study the word

you will probably learn that you need to

forgive the people who abused you and

that will be the key that unlocks your

healing and you just think no I just I

can’t I can’t do that Joyce I can’t

forgive them they don’t deserve

forgiveness well you’re probably right

they don’t deserve

forgiveness but you

deserve Peace So when you forgive them

then you get peace and when you forgive

them then you put them in God’s hands

and you give him an

opportunity to deal with them and he

will try to bring them to a place of

Truth so they can repent and be

forgiven you cannot even pray and hold

unforgiveness in your heart you say I

can’t do it I just can’t do it yes you

can you study every scripture that you

can find unforgiveness and you believe

that there’s power in that word to

enable you to forgive and I can tell you

that you will be able to do it well just

because you don’t explode doesn’t mean

that you’re not angry there’s passive

internalized anger that can often do

more harm than any other kind God’s word

teaches us how to live right there is a

right and a wrong today in our world

there’s a lot of gray but there’s no

gray in God’s kingdom it’s either right

or it’s wrong and actually the Bible

says the day will come when people will

say that right is wrong and wrong is

right and I think we’re in that day

right now I mean there’s some pretty

crazy stuff going on in the world today

and if the there was ever a time when

people need to know the word to know

what truth is it is today Psalm 11915

says your word is a lamp to my feet a

light to my path it shows you how to

walk in Matthew 7 I believe it is it

says that we are to stay on the narrow

path that leads to life and off of the

broad path that leads to destruction

yeah you can do anything you want

to Paul said I’m free to do anything I

want to but not all things are expedient

not all things are good your salvation

is not based on what you do or don’t do

but Jesus said if you love me you will


me the way that we know what God wants

us to do is through studying the word of

God I’m just going to say it as plain as

I know how to say it if you will not put

time into studying the word of God

you’re never going to be able to live

the Victorious Life you say well Joyce I

go to church every Sunday well that’s

good you’re hearing somebody else speak

what they’ve

studied at least write the scriptures

down that you hear on Sunday and go home

and look them up yourself and think

about them a little bit meditating on

the word of God means to kind to chew on

it to to mutter it under your breath to

roll it over and over in your mind and

to think about what does this mean and

and what what does it mean to Me 2

Timothy 3:16 17 says all scripture is

given by inspiration of God and it’s

profitable for Doctrine for Repro for

correction for instruction in

righteousness that the man of God may be

complete thoroughly equipped for every

good work you know one translation says

that the word of God rebukes us well you

know one of the problems we have today

is nobody wants to be corrected

everybody loves to be encouraged but

people don’t want to be corrected they

don’t want to be rebuked and you know

what it is impossible to grow up into

the mature Christian that God wants you

to be and never be corrected God has to

correct us he has to discipline us he

has to show us what’s right and what’s

wrong because he wants us to do what’s

right I believe that the answer to every

problem we have I really believe this I

believe the answer to every problem that

we have is found in God’s word studying

God’s word strengthens us it brings us

joy it brings us peace it teaches us who

we are in Christ and what belongs to us

as children of God God’s word changes Us

2 Corinthians

3:17-19 says now the Lord is the spirit

and where the spirit of the Lord is

there is freedom there is liberty and we

all who with unveiled faces contemplate

the Lord’s

glory in other words you look in the

word of God and you see Jesus you see

God Jesus said if you’ve seen me you’ve

seen the father he came here to

represent the father and he came here to

show us how to live so when we look in

there we see his glory and it says we

are being transformed into his image

with ever increasing Glory which comes

from the Lord who is the spirit it

doesn’t happen all at once God changes

us but he does it little by little by

little and you know I had so so many

problems when I first began to study the

word of God I mean honestly I can tell

you after 5 years I felt like I hadn’t

made hardly any progress at all so if

you’ve been studying the word and you

feel like this is not doing you any good

you know what that’s a lie from the

devil he wants you to think it’s not

doing you any good because he doesn’t

want you to keep studying it and I’ll

tell you another thing the devil will

tell you there’s no point you trying to

study the word because you don’t


it oh in anyway just a bunch of men

wrote it it well but every word of God

every word in the Bible is inspired by

God yes it was written by men but it was

inspired by God and when we take that

word into us and we believe it there’s

power in it to change us the Bible says

that we are to be transformed into the

image of Jesus Christ do you understand

what I’m saying you can become more and

more like Jesus every day you can behave

the way he behaved

meditating on the word of God and doing

it brings wisdom prosperity and success

according to Joshua 1: 18 the word

reduces the capacity to sin it

strengthens us against Temptation how

does it reduce the capacity to sin well

we’re all tempted to sin just because

you’re a Christian doesn’t mean you’re

never tempted to sin but when you do it

makes you

uncomfortable there are things now that

I used to do that didn’t bother me at

all that if I tried to do that now I

would know this is the wrong thing to do

and how do I know that because I’ve

studied the word of God and found out

that’s not the way God wants me to

behave the word the Bible says in Psalm

119 that the word makes you wiser than

your enemies well boy who doesn’t want

that I want to be smarter than the devil

I want to be smarter than people that

would be in the enemy category the Bible

tells us that our sins are forgiven

Jesus has paid for all of your sins and

it also says that he forgets them moves

them as far as the East is from the west

and remembers them no more and that

there’s no condemnation for those who

are in Christ Jesus wow the Bible is so

full of good news you can find things

like that in in Romans you can you can

find it in different Hebrews just all

over the place Psalms 103 I think says

that he forgives our sins and forgets

them and so when you when you sin and

you’re sorry and you

repent you need to receive God’s

forgiveness and then you don’t need to

waste the next three four weeks or

months or years


put those few things I don’t understand

on a shelf and I trust God to give me

the understanding when I need it don’t

don’t use that as an excuse I can’t

understand the

word start in the New Testament start

maybe in the Book of John or start in

Psalms you know don’t start with

something in the Old Testament that’s

really hard to comprehend

understand begin with the New Testament

and then as you grow you can go back and

study the Old Testament the ways to

digest the word of God today are endless

and there’s absolutely no excuse to not

study the word it’s so easy there’s so

many translations of the Bible are

available Bible studies on the internet

are available we offer several Bible

studies on online free you don’t even

have to pay for them it’s so easy to

look up scriptures on the internet now

teaching is available on television on

radio on YouTube and other social media

Outlets just be careful that you’re

listening to somebody who has a

reputation as a good and accurate Bible

teacher because there’s also some cooky

people on there that you don’t want to

listen to and I tell you I love the word

I don’t even know how to tell you how

much I love the word sometimes I just

give my Bible a big hug because of what

it’s done for me in my life and I really

want you to love the word I want you to

love the word so much

that you will spend time in the word

every day

sometime as much as you can different

people’s lives are different maybe

you’ve got a bunch of little kids at

home right now and you’re not you can’t

be like me I can get up every morning

and study the word hour two hours three

whatever I want to do CU I make my own

schedule now but you may not be like

that well just do the best you can you

know my husband when he worked in the

engineering field he took his lunch hour

and studied the word of God there’s

always time that you can find a study if

you want to do it I plead with you and I

pray for you that you will study the

word and make it a priority in your life

because I can tell you it is medicine

for your soul it will bring healing into

your life thank you so much for being

with me today I’m so glad that you heard

these things and I believe that you’re

going to take some action and put them

to work in your life

God bless

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Peace the Mind actually is the

battlefield that’s where we win or lose

the war with Satan he said all he gets


say the day is mine you start asking God

to heal you and he will restore he the

God of all comfort and I am so grateful

that I know how to call on
