good morning transformation Church

hey in your home right now I want you to

clap your hands I want you to give God a

shout of praise come on right there in

your home man today I feel the presence

of God in this place and I know it’s in

your place and this is what I want to do

I want you to text in the comments I

want you because there’s thousands of

you watching right now where are you

watching from I’m seeing it right now

there’s Texas in Houston and Africa and

and there’s there’s Kansas and

California in New York come on I want to

know where you’re watching from the

reason I want to know that it’s because

in this moment right now there is unity

happening all over the world and as we

get into the Word of God today I just

want to let you know that what God is

doing right now in this season as

everything seems like it’s going crazy I

really do believe that God is bringing

you into a place where he’s trying to

speak to you he’s trying to join us as a

church and allow us to be everything

that God called us to be and so I am so

excited that you are here today because

we are starting week two of a series

that we’re calling help me who’s the

minister here come on I want you if

you’re watching with somebody say you’re

the minister pointing at somebody right

now and say you’re the minister here and

if you’re by yourself I want everybody

to say I’m the minister here come on say

it one more time I’m the minister here

and I really do believe that that is

what God wants all of us to know is that

no matter what sphere of influence we

are in no matter what God has done in

the past and what he wants to do in the

future he has put you in that place at

that job in that school because you’re

supposed to be his minister right there

and today I want to take this thing one

step further we’re about to go and I’m

pumped up right now because I am about

to preach to you with everything I got I

need everybody to know if this your

first time on the live stream there’s

nobody in this big ol auditorium and the

word the word that is God has given me

and that’s brewing in my heart right now

is about to come into your house so if

you hear something or feel something

that’s good I want you to talk out loud


the technology worked last week and I

felt your prayers I felt you know a

man’s I felt it and we gonna do it again

because the kingdom of God is

voice-activated and I am so excited

because it’s not about a building it’s

about what God is building in you and so

today as we go further in this series I

want to say thank you to every minister

that took the call to be ordained

earlier this week we did something kind

of fun on Friday night we had fun online

and a lot of people join me for

ordination service but though there was

a lot of fun things that happened the

one thing that I know is number one

people got saved that night and number

two thousands tens of thousands of

people said I’m going to step up and be

the minister now as a pastor as the

ministers mr. miyagi the one who’s

supposed to help you I want to go back

to Ephesians chapter four verse 11 and I

want to see if we can’t take this thing

a little bit deeper that we don’t just

answer the call but then we walk worthy

of the calling that God has placed on

our lives and this is what I want to say

to everybody who’s watching for the

first time and maybe you’re feeling like

what you’ve done and who who you’ve been

and who you’ve been with has

disqualified you no I want to tell you

right now that God is looking at you and

said I factored in all your flaws and at

the moment that you repent and turn back

to me that’s the moment I can use you

somebody needs to hear that somebody’s

pulling on me right now

that’s the moment I can use you to do

everything that I called you and created

you to do so this is for you repent turn

that’s all that means

and God says and I will use you and this

is how I want to use you I want to use

you to be my minister so Ephesians

chapter 4 is going to teach us go to

that and today I want to read it out of

the message version because the imagery

the graphics were so vivid in this and I

think it will help us get it it says and

he handed out gifts above and below this

is God he filled heaven with gifts and

then he filled earth with his gifts he

handed out gifts of these are the gifts

of apostles prophets evangelists pastors

and teachers now a lot of times we’ve

made those the goal but those are just


like being the apostle the pastor those

are gifts that God wants us to have to

be able to serve people that’s not the

goal the goal is not to be Bishop

Michael Todd the goal is not to be

apostle Natalie the goal is not to be a

Archbishop Charles no no no the goal is

to be a gift to other people so I just

need to talk to some people right now if

you carry the title a pastor apostle

teacher bishop you’re supposed to be

serving not be served oh oh you want to

ask about it ask Jesus the greatest one

in the world and his words were I did

not come to be served but I came to

serve and this is what I’m saying if

you’re in a place of prominence if

you’re a CEO if you’re a father if

you’re the mother of the house whatever

you are your biggest qualification is

not being served it is being one who is

a gift that serves others and that’s

what God says right here so he said I

handed all these gifts for one reason to

train Christ’s followers or ministers in

skilled what servant work with each


it says working within Christ’s body the

church not the organization but the

organism he said until we’re moving

rhythmically I love that and easily with

each other efficient and graceful in

response to God son look at this fully

mature adults fully developed within and

without fully alive in Christ

no prolonged infancy my god we got to

come back to that in just a second among

us please will not tolerate babes in the

woods because woods for babies are

dangerous and we’ll talk about that in a


small children who are an easy mark for

imposters or the enemy God wants us

watch this watch this to grow up to know

the whole truth and tell it in love like

Christ in everything what area do you

need to be like Christ in in every area

what area do you need Christ to be

modeled in your life in your business

and how you talk to people how you love

other people how you forgive people it’s

got to be like Christ

that’s our example and then it says to

us he says we take verse 16 our lead

from Christ who is the source not a

resource and I have to stop there

because many of you this week had just

got real it got real that what you

thought was your source is now drying up

and you’re waiting on a stimulus package

to be able to give you hope but the one

thing that you got to understand is that

$1200 is not going to sustain you but

the god of the universe will

he’s Jehovah Jireh he is my source he is

not my resource he made Birds feed

Elijah when there was a famine in the

land and God saying if famine comes I’ll

still provide for you when famine comes

I’ll still be your God in the middle of

nothing I can bring water out of rocks

I can provide manna from heaven I that

God somebody say I serve Jehovah Jireh

somebody needs to know that I serve

Jehovah Jireh and he says that Christ is

our source of everything we do he keeps

us in step with each other

his very breath and blood flowed through

us nourishing us so that we here’s the

reason we will grow up healthy in God

robust in love that is some good Bible

right there I don’t know what you like

but I like good Bible Bible I don’t even

really have to preach but I got about 35

more minutes so I’m gonna go ahead and

priests this today now I’ve never seen

verse 14 before and it and it messed me

up because it like hit me the word said

that if we’re gonna be God’s ministers

if we’re going to answer the call if

we’re actually going to go into the

spheres of influences that God has

called us to go into we can have look

what verse 14 says no prolonged infancy

the crazy thing about it is most people

in the body of Christ after they get

saved they stay in the infancy of their

salvation for decades uh-huh they stay

in the place where they’re just trying

to see it’s this sin or not can i

Netflix and chill with them and still

yeah it’s this sin or not we’re staying

on the edge and God saying

would you live your life in the infancy

of salvation in the infancy of

Christianity he said I don’t want my

ministers to live in a place of

prolonged infancy I don’t want no old

babies and the problem is you think that

your age means that you’ve matured but

you are an old Christian baby

they M&E security people people are

going to have to understand that it’s

time for us to mature it made me think

about this old um song that I used to um

hear all the time and literally he got

stuck in my head this may this may date

me a little bit but before Amazon and

before uh all of the online shipping if

you were a kid and you wanted a toy

there was only one toy store that you go

to does anybody know what it is come on

say it out loud

Toys R Us you already knew like Toys R

Us was the best for all the young people

that don’t understand what a Toys R Us

was before Amazon killed all the big box

stores of you used to go to this

warehouse like Walmart but there was

nothing there except every toy you’ve

ever seen on Nickelodeon Disney and

everything and you could play with them

you could try them out you could play

video games it was like the free version

of going to do some amusement park or

something like that it was amazing and

the thing I remember about toys r us the

most is their theme song and this theme

song had a very distinct melody but the

words were even more powerful and it

made me and reminded me of this thing no

prolonged emphasis everybody just listen

to the words of this theme song



the words were I don’t want to grow up I

just want to be a kid cuz if I grew up I

couldn’t be a Toys R Us kid that

reminded me of many believers that they

feel like I don’t want to grow up I

don’t want to go to the next level I

don’t want to actually have to forgive

those people who did me wrong I want to

stay in a place where I can be and throw

tantrums when I don’t feel it oh I want

to be in a place where I can act like

I’m not responsible when I break things

like some of y’all are breaking

relationships and breaking trust and

break things and you want to be

unresponsible for that thing and God

told me he said all that is Michael is

prolonged infancy they’re trying to hold

on to a season that I’ve already allowed

them to have the power to grow up grow

up out of but they’re deciding I don’t

want to grow up I just want to be a kid

I don’t want to grow up I don’t want to

have to take responsibility I don’t want

to grow up I don’t want to read my Bible

I don’t want to grow up I don’t want to

have to make time to pray I’m preaching

right now I don’t want to grow up I just

want to have my attitude and say that’s

just how I am and God’s saying if you’re

gonna be my minister I can’t have you

being a toys-r-us minister matter of

fact that’s gonna be the title of my

message write that down

Toys R Us ministers cuz I want to make

it very clear that God in this hour is

not looking for us to stay in the place

where he saved us he’s looking for us to

mature past that place so we can reach

back and get other people who were in

that place but it’s hard to take

somebody where you have not gone and

it’s hard to lead somebody to a place

that you have never ever dove yourself

into and God is calling us too much

sure and I know this is a heavy word and

I know there’s some of us that are being

like oh I don’t like that but but but I

want you to see both sides of it because

okay let me ask you I need interactive

in your home watching on rebroadcast

right now how many people like promotion

come on hands up in the air

you like promotion you like going to

another level I don’t know anytime when

we used to fly airplanes

I loved win so I said when we used to

fly I love the wind I was in a coach

seat and I paid for a coach seat and

then they came up and be like mr. ty

you’ve been upgraded you’ve been

promoted to first class and boy that

that stroll from from a f/32 up to the

front seat is like a gangster stroll I

don’t know what you’re talking about but

how y’all doing how y’all doing like

like you go up there and you’ve been

upgraded everybody loves upgrade

everybody loves promotion but they love

the idea of it more than responsibility

of it everybody wants to be a minister

they love the idea of that more than

they love the responsibility of that I

think about moments where I was promoted

I want to show some of y’all because

we’re a hot church we’re humble open and

transparent and I remember one of my

greatest promotions was when I graduated

high school when I graduated high school

y’all I shouted I danced I did

everything and it was a promotion and I

remember being in school thinking like

when I get out of high school life is

changing when I get out of high school

everything’s gonna be fine and literally

when I got out of high school I realized

that that promotion came with other

responsibilities that promotion to get

out of one level came with a whole

nother responsibility that I had to take

care of let me tell you another one of

my promotions one of the greatest

promotions degrade his promotion other

than being saved was when I married my

wife Natalie okay

this was this was my boo boo that was my

upgrade but I did not realize all of the

responsibilities that would come with my

greatest promotion let me tell you about

another promotion that I had when I

became the lead pastor of transformation

Church this was an amazing promotion and

when Bishop Gary handed me the baton I

didn’t know

that I was getting a whole bunch of

responsibility too and what I had to

decide is that I wasn’t going to be a

Toys’R’Us minister that I was going to

step into the calling and not just take

a title but take the responsibility at

every level God is requiring more and

when you get more that means you have to

mature and that’s why I’m telling

everybody right now being in high school

was harder than being out of high school

being married is harder than being


some of y’all right now are in this

single phase I just want to be married

baby listen to me this is the last

season of your life that you get to

dictate everything you do without

considering somebody else you better

enjoy your singleness you better wake up

at 10:00 take a two-hour shower then go

get your hair and nails done then come

back and read a book you better do that

right now because as soon as you get a

wife as soon as you get a husband all

that is out the window

as soon as you get kids that gets cut in

half again and what people don’t

understand it’s that in the moment that

they’re wanting something responsibility

comes with every upgrade and that’s why

I’m letting everybody know at each level

of promotion there is a higher

requirement to produce every time you

get a raise

there’s another level of responsibility

for every elevation there is a brand new

expectation passing like what are you

really trying to say write down my first

point being a minister demands maturity

if you’re gonna do and be everything

that God has called you to be I’m

begging you right now I’m pleading with


I’m trying to give you value right now I

want you to mature don’t be a Toys’R’Us

minister don’t be one of those that stay

at a low level don’t be one of those

that are prolonging your infancy and you

won’t talk about the things that really

are the issue in your marriage or really

the issue between you and your business

partner and really the issue just cuz

you’re trying to keep everything adults

mature people go towards the problem

they don’t run from it they don’t hide

from it because we know if we go through

everybody say through if we go through


we’re gonna be stronger on the other

side and I want everybody to remember

what the word God gave us for this year

was it’s stronger and there’s no way you

can get stronger by being immature

there’s no way huh there’s no way you

can get stronger by avoiding the

conflict there’s no way you can get

stronger by saying I don’t need

cancelling I’m gonna just work it out

myself there’s no way you can get

stronger around it you only get stronger

through it you cannot get stronger

around it

you only get stronger through it and

that’s why I want everybody in here to

know my only job is to prepare you to be

the minister that God has called you to

be in government the minister he’s

called you to be in the field that he’s

placed on your heart in education in the

financial ramp he wants you to be a

minister there but maturity maturity is

required for you to be the minister so

what are you saying Pastor Mike we have

to be maturing ministers who don’t fight

on Facebook about coronavirus we got to

be maturing ministers that don’t cheat

on our taxes see our actions have to

change when you start maturing you can’t

be maturing ministers that make advances

at people’s spouses cuz you’re not

getting what you want at home

uh-uh I’m talking about real stuff and

I’m talking about stuff that happens in

the church okay so you think I’m all

yeah that happens there I know I’m

talking about when y’all anyway let me

stop you got to be mature ministers that

don’t talk to your kids anyway but you

speak to them with value and correct

them you don’t punish them you

discipline them you need to be maturing

believers that don’t gossip and then in

the same week try to have a word for

that same person okay we need to be

maturing ministers that don’t hold

grudges but actually can live in freedom

we need to be maturing ministers who

aren’t scared to commit instead we’re

just Netflix and chilling you need to

put a ring on it bro you need to know

how to marry her you need to be able to

be the one to commit to the thing it’s

time for you to mature stop being on the

baby food stop being on the milk it is

time for you to mature you need to be a

maturing minister that doesn’t run to

substances for peace

you need to be a maturing Minister that

not just talks about God but actually

spends time with him

somebody just say that right now I have

to mature don’t click off of this this

may be the word that you were looking

for to be able to change everything in

your life somebody say I have to mature

and that just killed some of y’all right

now because a lot of times pride is a

trait of immaturity haha everybody that

just bucked up you don’t know me you I’m

saying you don’t know what I need to

mature you know hey baby

literally infant literally immature

person pride is the thing that’s raising

up on you but when you mature you walk

in meekness and meekness is power under

control meekness is being submitted so

when God reveals something to us in our

heart and I know I’m coming hard at you

but I’m really trying to raise up an

army do y’all know the days that we’re

living in right now do y’all know how

many people that are passing each day

it’s time for the Church of Jesus Christ

not the organization but the organisms

to stand in a place and make a decision

that I will mature and when you make

that decision God says okay okay we can

we can make something happen

I gotta get stronger I gotta move I

think about this story when I got my

first car and y’all know when you get 16

you you you think about like you know

I’m grown when I get my own car and I

can go where I want when I want to go

there and I’ma be who I want to say so

my parents they’re amazing people when I

was 17 I didn’t get when I was 16 but

when I was 17 my dad bought me and my

older brother a car to share and he

bought us a plum not purple a pom

chrysler sebring with the tan rag top

and I don’t care that my car looked like

Barney when I pulled up who couldn’t

nobody tell me nothing you hear me okay

and we will ride that car around and I

remember vaguely that the day my dad got

it we were so excited and he handed me

the keys and right as I fade Lee

remember because I was running to the

car he said son be responsible and I was

like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m a boss

Bob be responsible but I didn’t really

understood what that meant

until I ran out of gas for the first

time and when I ran out of gas for the

first time I called my dad cuz he’s the

one who provided the car for me I was

like dad I ran out of gas he said son I

said be responsible and this was the

moment I was gonna mature he said if you

want to drive the car you got to put gas

in a car huh no I just thought I was

gonna be able to drive the car I thought

I was just gonna be blessed but that was

the moment where a maturing lesson

happened to me that would guard me even

today the blessing always comes with the


somebody needs to hear me say that right

now every level you’re praying for every

blessing you’re going to the blessing is

always gonna come with a burden and I

didn’t know it at that time but that was

the moment I was going to decide to

mature that was the moment I was gonna

go from an adolescent who got rides

everywhere and I was gonna have to take

the responsibility to take on the burden

as well as the blessing I know ain’t

nobody preaching this I know ain’t

nobody talking about this but if you

gonna really be the minister in the

place that God’s called you to be

you can’t shy back because there’s a

burden with it you got to step forward

and say I’m mature enough for this I’m

responsible enough for this I can change

my life my schedule my attitude my

relationships to answer the call of God

and I’m gonna take this blessing but I’m

also gonna steward over the burden what

are you trying to say all I’m trying to

tell you is that if we’re going to

mature the blessing of being the

minister has the burden of becoming

mature you’re gonna have to do some

other stuff you’re gonna have to you’re

gonna have to change some of your

conversations you’re gonna have to let

some of the friends go that that are

good for your that are good for your

flesh but are horrible for your faith

you’re you’re going to have to make a

decision that some of the things that

you watch and you see what would happen

if Pastor Mike Woods watched what you

watched all this week right before I

started ministering to you would you

trust the

I had heard from the Lord with you after

what you scroll through after the

website that you went to after the

things you were thinking the things you

stayed up late at night watching would

would that be the thing you would want

your minister to give to you remember

I’m not the minister here you’re the

minister here so at the time when we’re

filling ourselves with stuff and then we

go to the grocery store and God said I

was trying to use you right there but

there’s so much stuff infiltrating your

mind in your heart right now that you

can’t even see past he said it’s time to

mature it’s time to walk worthy of the

calling that I’ve placed on your life

feel the presence of God right now and I

want everybody to hear me I’m not saying

you’re immature but maybe you are and

I’m not going to tell you that I’m gonna

let you self-identify today okay so I’m

gonna talk about the difference in the

next few minutes about being a Toys’R’Us

mender minister a toys-r-us minister

that doesn’t want to grow up that wants

to stay comfortable and somebody who is

a maturing minister and my prayer is

that every person watching this would by

faith shift over into maturity not

perfect but progressing that you would

make a step towards what God has placed

you on this earth for so look look again

at Ephesians chapter 4 verse 12 he says

he handed out gifts apostles prophets

evangelists pastors teachers to train

Christ’s followers or ministers in

skilled servant work within Christ body

the church watch this until we’re all

moving rhythmically rhythm that means

everything is working together you see

my body is moving help me come on clap

my body is moving right now at the

rhythm that has been set and God says

until the church starts moving in rhythm

and easily with each other efficient and

graceful in your response to God son

until we get this thing a unity he said

you still not mature do you know some of

the greatest arguments me and my wife

have had never came to a resolution one

of us decided to be more mature

and at the moment one of us decided to

be more mature we came into unity it

didn’t matter if she was right it didn’t

matter if I was right the goal was that

in our household we would be walking in

unity so much of the arguing that’s

happening in the body of Christ so much

of the opinions that are floating

everywhere it’s a it’s a trap of the

enemy that is trying to keep us unyu

defied that’s why in the garden he did

not approach Adam and Eve and tell them

about the fruit he only approached Eve

because if he could get them out of

unity just for one second we can lose

eternity in paradise because of division

and God saying if you gonna be real

mature unity has to be more important

than you okay let me just tell you the

point so if you’re a toys-r-us minister

this is what you value you value being

the only one yeah I’m the only one that

does it like this like this is me this

is how I am this is the and that’s what

our culture is saying everybody be

yourself do you don’t nobody have to

agree with you that is directly against

the Word of God that says there is a

blessing of commanded blessing any place

there is unity and the reason why

people’s marriages and businesses and

ideas a lot of time aren’t working is

because you value being the only one

there’s like this badge you’re wearing

like I’m it’s me against the world and

God said where did you get that from

Jesus didn’t come with that attitude if

Jesus would have come with the me

against the world attitude he would have

just been going around like I’m Jesus

the Son of the Living God on April 12

i’ma do saw me

nobody ever seen before i’ma die I’m a

raise again I’m a heal people I’m like

it wasn’t about him when he came he was

trying to take others on the journey he

was trying to bring unity so that when

he was gone they could carry the message

further what I’m saying is if you’re a

toys-r-us minister you value being the

only one but if you’re a maturing

minister you value being one being


that analogy of rhythmically working

together I thought about that cuz I’m a

drummer and one of the things that we

all are what the scripture says is we

are many members of the same body now

when I play the drums I have to use all

the members of my body after use both of

my hands and both of my feet now what

would happen if I sit down to this drum

set and all of my body’s umm parts are

not doing what they’re supposed to do

together so this is doing something this

is doing some the crazy thing about it

is this is what the church looks like it

sounds like because we’re all trying to

do our own thing I want to be the one I

want to be the one I want to be the one

but God says what would happen if you

got into unity somebody shot at me unity

and you started working together and

when you’re doing your thing I’m

supporting it and when you’re doing your

thing I’m supporting it


unity what I’m telling somebody is God

is looking for his church to be in unity

God wants your marriage to be in unity

God wants your business to be in unity

God wants his church to function in

unity but if you don’t value being one

whole but you value being the only one

you’re still a toysrus minister and

that’s why John 17:20 Jesus is talking

and he’s praying to God and look what he

says I am praying like all the things he

could have prayed look what he prayed I

am praying not not only for these

disciples not only for the ministers but

also for all who will ever believe in me

through their message

so that’s everybody that’s watching look

what he pray for us I pray that they

will be one I pray that they will be in

unity just as you and I are one as you

are in me father and I am in you and may

they be in us so may all these ministers

and everybody they reach be unified in

us so look at the reason so that the

world will believe you sent me the only

way people know that Jesus is who he

said he is when people of different

economic backgrounds of different

ethnicities of people who have different

beliefs and certain things come together

around the one name of Jesus and they

say there’s no way they should be

working together but there’s unity there

because Jesus is there I’m asking you

right now to grow up I’m asking you

right now to mature and to get off of

this petty back and forth I’m right I’m

the one we’re the only ones no we want

to be one somebody shot at me unity okay

let me tell you another thing that I

found um in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 12

it tells you the difference between the

toys-r-us men a minister somebody who

doesn’t want to grow up doesn’t want to

mature or a maturing minister listen it

says until we are moving regular

rhythmically and easily with each other


fishing graceful in response to God son

look at this fully mature adults fully

developed watch this within and without

see I need everybody to understand that

God is not trying to do just a work for

people to see he would like the work to

start within and then be a product

without he wants it to be in you and

then he wants it to come from you he

wants it to be a night and then he wants

you to export it and this is what God is

saying toys-r-us ministers value how its

packaged the outward and maturing

ministers value what’s in the package

God wants you to be valuable on the

inside and out I was thinking about Toys

R Us and one of the greatest things that

they do at toy stores is they package

things well this thing cost like 80

dollars okay and every time that I have

two daughters okay and the crazy thing

about my daughters is they don’t pick

out stuff based on what’s actually in it

how cheap it’s made or what’s happening

because they are immature because they

don’t know how much stuff cost because

they are still at a smaller level of

understanding the only thing they pay

attention to is the packaging when they

walk around there but oh that looks nice

oh that could be cool I can’t tell you

how many dollars I’ve wasted on things

like this no no offense Barbie but

things like this that cost a bunch of

money because they spent a good amount

of money on the packaging but as soon as

we opened it up it was in pieces it

wouldn’t even put together the least

they could do is make it for me but what

happens is we get in a bunch of

relationships that look good on the

outside but there are in pieces on the

inside and we come in and we trying to

figure out how it works and then we have

insignificant parts and then we end up

losing pieces of ourselves because we’re

not worried about the value of the

contents on the inside as much as we’re

worried about the packaging on the


God is saying that it is time for the

church to mature to the place where they

do not judge or prejudge or our

prejudice about who he’s using based on

the outward package maybe they don’t

have all of them the words right and

maybe they’re not as proficient and

maybe they don’t have network that was

your boy I didn’t come from anybody’s

camp I didn’t have nobody around me all

God said is yeah all my Dinks my dents

and dings we’re all still there but God

says I’m doing a work on the inside of

you and I don’t know who I’m talking to

right now

but you’ve been so worried about making

sure your Instagram was poppin and you

had your right friends and everybody saw

the packaging right and God says I would

rather you be more potent on the inside

then just look good on the outside this

right here is what I look like and what

many of you look like the packaging

doesn’t look like this there’s dents

rips and scrapes but when you spend time

doing what God’s called you to do and

actually being the minister the content

on the inside is much more valuable than

what it looks like on the outside

this cost so much more than this but it

was put in a package that didn’t look

like much and I don’t know about you but

some of y’all were born into packages

that didn’t look like much families that

didn’t look like much education that

didn’t look like much the first five

years of your marriage didn’t look like

much but God is saying if you let me

work it out

I’ll pull something out of you that will

be able to be more valuable and these

these ministers who are toys-r-us

ministers immature ministers they’re

gonna keep going for what it looks like

on the outside but I’m looking for a

group of ministers that say I might not

have it all together but I want God to

do a work deep within me and someone

it’s within me it can come out of me

somebody say get it in me so it can come

out of me ah I feel this thing right now

this is why it’s time for us as a church

to get from external projection and it’s

time for us to get to real power I’m

gonna say it again

don’t nobody need know like scripture

prayers that don’t work at this moment

ain’t nobody looking for somebody who

prays and they don’t even believe what

they saying ain’t nobody looking for

daughters no over dry run and then on

the next the next day you’re freaking

out about everything that’s happening

God’s saying I want to give you real

power but that work has to be done by

the Holy Spirit on the inside and I just

want to give you encouragement this is

not a new problem

even back in Ephesians 4:14 no if its

second Timothy let’s go 2nd Timothy 3:5

it says um they will act religious they

will act like they know me but they will

reject the power that I could actually

give them that could make them godly and

this is the warning that the word gives

us stay away from people who ain’t got

no power they may look good they may

project good but if they ain’t got no

power stay away from those type of

people and what I’m encouraging you is

right now and this time a quarantine

were the entire country and almost the

whole world is shut down make sure you

come out at this time with more on the

inside of you then what you’re showing

forget about an Instagram post in an

Instagram live is there something coming

alive on the inside of you is there

something that’s beginning to move are

you stirring up the gifts that are on

the inside of you and if you don’t use

this time for that you’re gonna come out

of this and you still gonna be the same

age spiritually you’re still gonna be

talking about I just can’t wait for the

weekend huh you got weekend everyday

some of y’all didn’t even know it was

Sunday today cuz you just been out home

everyday it’s just the days it’s just

running together you said what day is it

again God’s giving you a bunch of

weekends and you still aren’t maturing

and it says stay away from these type of

people do you know another group of

people that he tells us to stay away

from it’s in that verse I’m 14 it says

people who prolong their infancy we

can’t have them among us and then it

says please we can’t do that why because

toys-r-us ministers they value

playground companions see when you’re

immature you want to only deal with

people who are on the same level as you

so you can keep playing them same

childish games

uh-uh if you look at all of your friend

you’re trying to set up playdates to

gossip play uh-huh you’re trying to set

up playdates with people who are lower

the standard just enough for y’all to do

something illegal in business but both

of y’all are on the same page so y’all

keep it together you’re looking for a

playground companion and God said if

you’re gonna be a minister you got to

level up some of those relationships

some of those people some of the ways

you’ve been doing stuff that was Kitty’s

stuff but I’m asking that you would grow

up and mature and be able to represent

me the reason you got to get your taxes

right right now is because what I’m out

to bless you with in 2021 will expose

you and the level of money you’re gonna

make there the IRS is gonna come check

and so I need you to mature now when

it’s barely enough to uh when it’s very

enough to count up because of what I’m

about to do but you don’t want to do

that some of you’re exposed and you’re

looking for all these playground

companions and God says but a maturing

minister a maturing minister is not

looking for playground companions

they’re looking for take ground

companions somebody that can walk with

them and say hey you see that over there

by faith we’re about to take this ground

hey do you see that right now that thing

is gonna be healed

the Bible said we can speak to that

thing y’all we got a take ground and if

you don’t have some people around you

that will take ground with you you need

to find some new friends that’s why I

tell people you got to get in small

groups you gotta get in belong groups

you gotta have community because until

you get into place where you got

somebody said come on let’s take that

let’s let’s let’s break that

generational habit in our family that’s

why you got to marry somebody that’ll

take ground with you when I got the

vision for this building I only told

about four or five people

I didn’t tell no playground companions I

only told people who had the faith to

believe we could take this ground when

it was impossible when nobody believed

it when we didn’t have the money I told

my wife I told my momma I told Bri I

told Bishop and all of them said if it’s

God’s will let’s take it and I’m

standing on a stage right now because I

have the faith to believe with some

people who has faith to believe with me

that’s why the Bible says iron sharpens

iron not plastic sharpens iron if your

iron and you’re around somebody who’s

plastic which most toys are made of you

end up damaging the plastic and dulling

the sharpness of the iron and some

people right now you’re becoming dull

because of who you’re rubbing up against

and some of you are becoming damaged

because of who you’re around and God is

saying right now it’s time to get off

the playground and it’s time to fund

somebody who will take ground somebody

needs to shout hallelujah

no more prolonged infancy and there’s a

reason for it it’s not because we don’t

just want to be around those type of

people it’s because it tells us he said

we can’t tolerate babes in the woods if

you took my two-year-old right now who

is unaware and immature in her

perception and you put her in the woods

that would be a dangerous place for her

because she doesn’t have the maturity or

the understanding we got to keep babies

out of the woods that’s what’s happening

in so many people’s lives

it says small children they’re an easy

mark for imposters

there are easy mark for the devil and

that’s why so many of us are going out

into the world into fields of influence

and they turn us out we get eaten up and

spit back out because we’re sending

babes who don’t know the word who don’t

have a conviction who don’t have an

anchor in Jesus who do not have the

maturity that they need out into the

music industry and they went in saved

and they come out to hug they went in

quoting scriptures now they’re cussing

you out they went in with the generous

heart now they’re selfish it’s because

if you’re not mature enough to go into

the woods where there’s wolves and bears

and an alliance oh my you understand

what I’m saying if you don’t go into

that space ready to be able to fight

mature enough to understand the

situation’s you’re walking in he said

you’re an easy mark for the enemy and

many times the church is full of people

who went out to immature they got a call

from God to be a minister but they

didn’t take the time to mature and so

they went out and they got hurt they got


and many of us it’s been a lot of the

leaders faults because we haven’t

equipped you for the type of work that

you’re supposed to do that’s why I’m

preaching this series cuz I’m not the

minister here you’re the minister here

but then you got to come back and let me

teach you the word so that you can be

prepared for the fight that you’re gonna

have to give out there I’m not gonna

send you into the woods or into the

world or into your business or into

government unprepared not knowing the

Word of God because that’s the only

thing that’s gonna allow you to be able

to withstand the attacks of the enemy

and the crazy thing about it is

toys-r-us ministers are easy targets but

maturing ministers are taking shots and

I’m tired of believers and ministers not

maturing because when you mature you

know when to shoot your shot when you

mature and you understand what’s

happening God has spoke to you and you

know he tells you stuff like be strong

and courageous that’s your land possess

that land when we go back to this

building and they were trying to show me

other buildings to look at and I said no

no no no no God’s giving me a word I’ve

spent time with him I’ve been in his

face I’ve been holding on to this in

crazy faith and I told them don’t show

me no more Kmart’s I don’t want no poles

don’t call me until it’s about this

building I’m about to shoot my shot I’m

not gonna allow the enemy to make me

back up I’m going to advance the kingdom

of God but you only can advance

something that you are confident in and

too many believers have not taken the

time to mature so when we get out in the

world or in the woods we’re an easy

target but I’m telling you it’s time for

us to mature somebody say I’m gonna

mature something’s building on the

inside of you

Ephesians 4:14 huh then we will no

longer be immature that same verse in

the NLT says listen we will no longer be

immature like children listen we won’t

be tossed and blown about by every wind

of new teaching that’s where everybody’s

at right now we will not be influenced

when people try to trick us

when lie with lies so clever that they

sound like the truth see this is the

problem when you anchor your life on

Jesus Christ

and you mature in that and that anchor

starts going down you don’t have to be

tossed see right now every sailor

understands the the idea of an anchor

that when a storm comes and it’s blowing

and it’s making everything move

you dropped your anchor on the thing

that can keep you standing there and I

don’t know about you but some of us

haven’t matured enough to actually have

an anchor so we’re out on the boat

looking good cruising but when the storm

comes we capsized because we don’t have

anything there our god anything that’s

keeping us grounded but I declare by the

power of the Holy Spirit that this is

the time where ministers are gonna

mature and we’re gonna drop our anchor

on the Word of God coronavirus drop your

anchor financial problems drop your

anchor people leaving drop your anchor

we don’t have enough drop your anchor

and when you drop your anchor when you

drop your anchor it says that maturity

will allow different teachings to come

and they’ll go people will try to trick

you with schemes and gimmicks but

they’ll go and I’m telling you this is

why maturity is so important for every

Minister that’s watching this and

hearing this because God is saying I

want to take you out there but I don’t

want you to capsize I want to use you

and all those things I’ve shown you in

your heart but if you don’t spend this

time maturing it’s gonna damage you more

than you’re gonna reach destiny so

toys-r-us ministers they value what

sounds like the truth and maturing

ministers they value the only truth

which is the Word of God

I’m begging every person everybody they

say statistically have increased their

social media usage almost 50% since

Corona has come into our world I’m just

asking you to dial back what every other

word is saying and getting lost in the

Word of God why Pastor Mike because more

information won’t mature you only

revelation will

people have told me things for years

that I needed to do but when God told me

in his word when he showed me something

that convicted me when he gave me a

revelation that that’s you you’re acting

in pride or you’re walking in this or

this that revelation revealed truth it

changed or transformed my life it made

me mature there are many things I keep

talking about me and my wife cuz a lot

of y’all are in situations where this

the most time you spent with your spouse

in the years and you like who did I

marry oh my god but what I’m saying to

you is in this season you need to stop

fighting each other and you need to ask

God what does you want to change in you

yeah yeah the y’all are now forced to be

in each other’s space some of y’all this

is the exact thing that God needed you

to have because you’ve been able to

ignore what’s been festering in your

relationship out of busyness but God is

trying to not just allow you to heal he

wants you to be whole remember unity is

the first point of this whole thing when

you mature you want unity and what I’m

telling you is there sometimes that

you’re gonna communicate with your

husband your wife your children and

you’re gonna be able to say you know

what just talking to you is not gonna

change this convincing you about this is

not going to change this there’s many

times I’ve been stubborn about something

and my wife said Michael I don’t care

what you say I’m going to God about this

she liked telling God on me and I

promise you I’ll be stuck to my ways I’d

like ain’t never changed on our getting

pray or two days later in the Holy

Spirit saying like you’re prideful

you’re doing the wrong thing and I’m

gonna show you this in Scripture and I

come back to my wife and be like baby

I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I didn’t wanna

be where you are just hold me

like that’s what I do at that moment

because not because she changed me but

when I hold on to not what sounds like

the truth but I hold on to the only


that’s the only thing that can mature me

and make me change and God saying I want

to send you I want to send you to be my

ministers in entertainment and

government in education in the finance

on Wall Street I want to send you in the

tech industry but I can’t have toys-r-us

ministers there I can’t have immature

ministers there

I gotta have maturing ministers there

and that’s why in verse 16 it says we

take our lead from Christ who was our

example who is the source of everything

we do

he keeps us in step with each other his

breath and his blood flowed through us

this is the reason why we have to mature

look at it right here the end of the

first it says it’s nurturing us so that

we won’t grow up everybody shout at me

grow up come on say grow up he doesn’t

just want us to grow up but he wants us

to grow up in a certain way grow up

healthy in God robust in love let me

give you my last point toys-r-us

ministers value staying the same I don’t

want to grow up I just want to be a kid

I don’t want to grow up I just want to

have my anger I don’t want to grow up I

just want to be an individual

I don’t want it and whatever you’re

immature statement is God’s saying

that’s just exposing that you’re a

Toys’R’Us Minister he said but maturing

ministers value growing up healthy and

today I’m just asking everybody not to

just accept the call to be the minister

here but accept the responsibility that

comes with this race

except the the promotion and except it’s

gonna have to change in your pride

I want everybody listening to me to

mature how do we mature by spending time

with God by cutting off distractions

look what John 3 says 1 & 2 dear friend

Arthur John it says different I hope all

is well with you and that you are as

healthy and body as you are strong in

the spirit what that means

is your spirit health and your physical

body should be equally as strong and I

know there’s people right here that do a

lot for their physical body and their

spirit man is scrawny and weak and

there’s a lot that do a lot for their

spiritual body I know people who can

pray the heavens down but will die 20

years early from diabetes cuz they won’t

make sure their soul is in health and

their body is in health what God is

saying for all of us he’s like I got big

plans for my ministers you’re gonna be

out in the world you gonna be changing

stuff you’re gonna do stuff but I need

something for you I need you not to

think immaturely about this we’re

playing for the long haul I want you to

be effective for so many years so I need

you to physically be healthy and I need

you to be spiritually healthy that means

anything that’s toxic anything that is

over sugared anything that is so good to

my flesh everything that i


in my actual flesh he’s saying that’s

the thing that’s going to cause you not

to be able to do everything I’ve called

you to do and I’m looking for ministers

that will accept the call to mature I

know this is a heavy word right now

but my greatest days of effectiveness

are right in front of me because I’m

deciding to put away the childish things

you know that description when it says

when I was a child I thought like a

child I talk like a child I spoke I

interacted as a child but when I matured

here’s the decision I put away childish

things why do you put away childish

things so you can fulfill the call that

is on your life I want to pray for you

right now hands lifted all over I don’t

care if you’re in high school middle

school I don’t care if you’re a senior

citizen or a senior Saint I need you to

know that the Word of God this is not a

sexy word this is a transformative word

this is a word that if it gets down in

your heart and you would stop doing the

things that a child is minister would do

would you put all of them up on the

screen for me see a toys-r-us minister

is being the only one only cares about

how it’s packaged the outside only cares

about and values the playground

companions what sounds like the truth

and staying the same God says by faith I

want you to ship and I want you to

become a maturing minister that is more

concerned and values being one or being

in unity concerned about what is in the

package not just what’s out it’s

concerned in values take ground

companions people that will have faith

with you and as valuing that the only

truth which is the Word of God

and values growing up healthy God says I

can take you to any sphere and use you

today I want you to lift your hands

because I’m about to pray that we would

answer the call to mature in the name of

Jesus father god I pray for every person

listening and watching right now I thank

you that right now in this moment you

are moving in their hearts father God

somebody’s heart has been closed this

whole time but right now a crack just

happened and I’m thanking you right now

in the name of Jesus that they are gonna

become the ministers you called them to

be your word says that it would be our

duty and our honor to walk worthy of

what you’ve called us to so I’m speaking

to every distraction I’m speaking to all

selfishness I’m speaking father to

everything that has given us excuses

father by your son and in

your blood we have been made new all

things have passed away and today father

I thank you that we step in and own are

calling as maturing ministers that we

will no longer be tossed to and fro but

what the news says and what Corona says

and what finances said but we would drop

our anchor on the Word of God and I

declare and I believe father that

families are getting stronger right now

that singles are getting stronger right

now that that that businesses are

getting stronger right now not because

of the work you’re doing on the outside

but because of the work you’re doing on

the inside to take God in our homes we

surrender to you on podcasts we

surrender to you taking a walk we

surrender to you god we stop and say

mature us God let us not be stuck in

prolonged infancy but today make our

marriages our lives our perspectives

mature in you we trust you we believe

you and we thank you that this will not

be by might nor by power but the only

way this can happen is by your spirit

God and so we need you we invite you in

in Jesus name Amen

hey listen everybody just watch him

right there in the comfort of your home

if you never invited the power source

into your life

remember incense people acted righteous

but they denied the power of God today I

want you to not just be a good person I

want you to invite the power of God into

your life and it’s so simple all you

have to do is ask God according to

Romans 10:9 to come in believe that he

saved you and sent his son repent like

and all that means it’s turn like I’m if

I was going this direction I’m just

turning and God says I want you to turn

to me today and all throughout this week

there will be people getting saved at

this moment there are family members in

the room with you right now and their

family members you sent this link to

that’s why it’s so important to share

what God is doing because this is the

thing that can change somebody’s

eternity today I want to pray for you

if you’re saying pass them I got no

longer want to be in control of my life

I no longer want to be the one that’s

controlling everything that’s happening

and I want the God of the universe to

get in the details of my life if you

want to pray this prayer with all of us

I want you to just slip your hand in the

air real quick it doesn’t matter if

anybody’s standing next to you it

doesn’t matter who’s around just slip

your hand in the air even if you’re in

the room by yourself just slip your hand

in the air you could put it down God saw

that you don’t matter if anybody else

sees it see this is the greatest

decision you could ever make it’s a

decision that take took me from being a

liar a manipulator one who was addicted

to pornography had a lot of darkness in

my heart was doing things wrong cheated

on my wife before we became married

caused all this pain all that stuff God

took all of that and when I made this

decision for real not for an outward

appearance but so God could do an inward

work on me it didn’t make me perfect but

boy I started progressing and that is

the promise that I gave you today

through this pandemic we’re walking

through God says you’ll never walk alone

I’ll go through it with you and today I

want to let you know that you just made

the greatest decision of your life

transformation Church all over the world

we’re about to pray this prayer together

and I want you to know that this is when

heaven rejoices this is when people

start their journey to becoming the

minister who’s the minister here the

people who are about to give God their

life come on all over this world let’s

pray this prayer to get together out

loud I want everybody to say it’s a god

thank you for sending your son Jesus

just for me today I relinquish control I

give it to you

I believe you lived you died and you

rose again just for me today

I make you my Lord and Savior change me

renew me

transforming I’m yours in Jesus name


hey listen there are thousands of people

who just made that decision in your

house right where you are come on right

now can we rejoice with heaven turn up

with heaven and let’s give God praise

for brand-new family

brand-new ministers can I tell you the

most exciting thing is that two weeks

ago over 570 people gave their life to

Christ you thought the church was closed

no baby the building is closed but the

church is wide open last week three over

350 people gave their life to Christ and

I’m believing right now that as you’re

gonna text this number that comes on the

screen I want everybody to do it who

just made that decision or rededicated

their life I want you to text this

number we’re gonna give you resources

we’re gonna help you we’re gonna be

providing content all throughout the

week we have a YouTube with tons of

resources go back and watch damaged

goods go back and watch grace like a

flood go back and watch crazy faith go

back and let that word saturate you so

you can begin to mature go back and

watch charged up I’m giving you these

resources because the one thing about it

baby is babies are fed adults find they

own food let’s stop right there I don’t

even need to do that but I’m just

encouraging you through the week don’t

wait for Sunday for me to feed you all

throughout the week be going to God fine

content allow him to feed you so that

you can mature the only way a baby can

grow is by eating

what I’m saying is the only way that you

can grow is by eating the Word of God

today I’m so proud of you love you and I

believe in you I’m gonna pray a blessing

over you and this is what I’m asking you

all through this week just ask the Holy

Spirit what are you trying to say to me

through this message

some of y’all gonna watch this back some

of y’all gonna send it to people what

are you trying some of y’all gonna meet

in groups over zoom and FaceTime but the

question is what are you trying to say

to me Holy Spirit father I bless you for

the word you gave today I thank you for

every person that came into salvation

god I feel your presence right now god I

thank you that in this moment that

everybody watching and everybody

listening father God that you are taking

them to another place in you that

workers not even worthy of being

compared so what you’re about to do god

I thank you right now that this will be

the best week of their life no matter

what comes

no matter father god what bad news comes

we drop our anger in you and father I

think of that transformation in crisis

happening all over the world right now

father we will continue to represent you

and be your ministers every place that

we go we trust you we believe you and we

thank you in Jesus name we agree

somebody say Amen

hey when they ask you who’s the minister

here you say I’m the minister here

somebody said I’m the minister here hey

we love you we’re praying for you and we

will see you right back here next week

let’s go out and live a transformed life

holiday thank you so much for watching

transformation churches YouTube and I

just want you to take another step if

this is feeding you join transformation

nation let’s everybody that doesn’t live

here in Tulsa watching live with us on

Sunday mornings gather your family let’s

make this thing an every week situation

and please share share if it has

impacted your life there is somebody

that is waiting for you to share this

with them and transformation is only a

click away and there’s one more thing I

want to ask you to do pray about giving

if you want to help us take this message

all around the world and represent God

to lost-and-found people for

one reason transformation in Christ you

can do that right now by clicking the

giver I cannot wait to see you the next

time we’re here live a transform life
