In this video from the Discerning the Voice of God Bible study, Priscilla Shirer uses the experiences she had in gymnastics to explain how the Holy Spirit works in our lives.

when I was growing up I was in

gymnastics that was one of the many

activities that I wore my parents out

doing when I was growing up there were

four of us and all of us were in

different activities whether it was

track and field or volleyball or

basketball football all of it and I was

in gymnastics for a while I did it as

long as I could till I got to tall

towering over all of the the real

gymnasts the little short sweet real

gymnast and I loved all of the

activities that were a part of or all

the events that were part of gymnastics

but I got to tell you one of my

favorites was the balance beam I enjoyed

the balance beam I was a little too tall

and lanky for it to really get really

good at it but I enjoyed messing around

on the balance beam and I remember that

I would stand one foot in front of the

other trying to Center myself trying to

get some equilibrium so that I could

stay upright and what I recall the most

about that event was my coach my coach

would always go and he would rarely

stand head-on

looking at me from the side where he

could see the entire beam and me

standing in the center of it most of the

time he would often go to the back side

of the beam where he could see it in a

single-file and he would look very

intently down the single file of the or

the alignment of the balance beam and he

was looking not mostly to see if my feet

were on the beam correctly what he was

looking for was to check to make sure

the alignment of the rest of my body was

centered with where my feet were he was

trying to see if my hips were shifted

into the right place if my shoulders

were in the right place if my neck if my

head was centered in the right place he

would not give me any further

instructions about what the next most

difficult thing I could do was the next

flip that I could turn the next spin

that I could make he wouldn’t give me

any further instructions until first he

knew that everything was in alignment he

knew that I could hurt myself if he gave

me any further instructions before I got

everything lined up exactly the way that

it needed to be you and I are not called

to perfection hallelujah

but the holy spirit stands back and

sometimes the whispers the impressions

that he gives us the first Inklings that

we have of God’s work in ours in our


it’s because he’s watching us and he

just wants to see if there’s an area of

pride that needs to be realigned if

there’s an area of fear that the enemy

is using to cause you to be disjointed

in some way from the will of God he

wants to realign that in your life if

your ego is standing in the way if he

wants to make sure that there’s no

intimidation that the enemy is using

against you to keep something out of

alignment in your life if there’s

something you’re holding on to too

tightly that he knows that you’re gonna

need to just loosen your grip a little

bit so that the spirits bill at bidding

you’ll be willing to let go sometimes he

withholds some directions until first he

makes sure that your alignment is

squared away
