Discover a unique cinematic experience with the feature film “Journey With Jesus” and two of the hosts of this tour of biblical Israel. @Tony Evans @Going Beyond Ministries

from god

you must expect a miracle

you have the power of choice believe on

the lord jesus christ

welcome to life today live reindeer

robinson good to have you here happy

veterans day and before we get into the

topic i do want to say that if you

haven’t seen the special video music

video we produced

for veterans on this veterans day it is

available at the stream you

can see it right there it’s called live

don’t die for a lie and we’ve gotten a

lot of great buzz and views on that so i

wanted to mention that up top

but today

oh we got a good one i got a fun one

today i have uh tony evans and priscilla

shire live with me right now and

well i’ll just tell you it’s a holiday

around here and so i’m the only it’s me

and the security guard at the office

today and i was like i got tony evans

the priscilla shire i’m i’m working

today because well i got to bring this

to you guys so i’m excited there’s an

event coming up next week it’s a film

it’s called journey with jesus it’ll be

in theaters next uh monday tuesday and


that’s november 15th 16th and 17th and

so you should make plans right now to go

see this because it’ll change your life

i think and so we’re going to talk about

it but first to get you into it here’s a

trailer for the movie check this out and

we’ll be right


live with dr tony evans and priscilla

shower now watch this

dad i cannot believe where we’re

standing right now it’s not just in

israel but like behind us the city of

galilee what it reminds me of is the

beauty and the grandeur of the fact that

the word became flesh but in the journey

of life and in the journey of obedience

while you smack dab in the will of god

storms do come when jesus invites you on

a journey you have no idea that where

he’s taking you to is something that is

beyond what you’re comprehending at the

time that you start out he needed his

friends often we discount the strength

of community in our journey to jesus

this is a church of the holy sepulchre

where we believe that

his greatest power was demonstrating the

power of sin and death

no i’ve never been so excited to see

nothing in all of my life

i love that it’s empty that’s right the

power of emptiness right there

when the power of jesus helps you to

overcome what looks like is overcoming


so i know somebody tonight is going home

to a consuming fire so let’s practice

right now praise him in the midst of

your problem praise him in the midst of

your challenge praise him for his glory

and then serve the lord with gladness

and let’s watch heaven come down and



that is journey with jesus uh you can

get tickets now it’s in theaters next

week and now

welcome to life today live dr tony evans

and priscilla shire great to have you


we’re glad to be here good to see you

always good to see you thank you all

right now my first question is probably

not the first question everybody would

have but i’m like when did you go to

israel with the covenant and stuff when

did you guys fit this in

well it was what two and a half years

ago yeah two and a half years ago so

this film was supposed to come out much

sooner but of course

the world shut down so but gratefully

the lord allowed us to go before uh that

happened and so we were able to capture

this footage and now be able to present

it to you was it uh was it the first

time for either one of you or for

crystal as well any of you guys or have

you guys been there many times

i’ve been here about five times he’s

been there a lot of times i’ve only been

there twice so it was great to be able

to tag along again with our parents so

i’ve never actually been i’ve been all

over the world and i get people give me

grief for this all the time i’ve never

actually been to israel

what what is it what is it like walking

around and seeing

the places where jesus walked

well first of all that means you you

need to be one of the first ones to buy

your ticket since you ain’t never

it lifts the truth of the bible off of

the pages of scripture and into your


and emotional and spiritual experience

it allows the bible as true as it is

to come and to give you a rhema

experience where god is speaking to you

because the atmosphere in which you are

rehearsing biblical truth

is in the same location where the actual

event have events happened in the holy

land so it it it gives you another

emotive level of relating

to to god’s word and to god himself

uh that that’s why it is such a

transformational trip

yeah i i think i get that because you

know going when we’re talking about

missions it changes when you when we go

to africa yeah you see it it’s not you

just the pictures it’s the people it’s

the smell it’s the touch it’s all that

and same’s true when i’ve been to other

places you know around the world like

ireland or china i mean you really

you really get something what did you

get out of it priscilla

well oh my goodness it’s a laundry list

of things that i got out of it but like

dad said one of the main things is just

now when i read the text when i read the

scriptures particularly the gospels

where jesus is preaching and teaching or

it says

where jesus went somewhere from one

location to the next location and you’re

able to just get a visual of how close

those locations were or maybe how long

it would have taken by foot because

you’re able to kind of see the the

direct line he would have traveled when

he made that journey or looking at the

sea of galilee so that when jesus said

to the disciples let us go over to the

other side and you can kind of see the

other side is right there have a visual

of what that would have looked like or

when jesus was standing on the shoreline

of the sea of galilee to preach or to

teach a crowd of people a multitude of

people having context for that and

visual for that is just a phenomenal

perspective to bring to the reading of

scriptures yeah i can totally see that



travel is a little difficult these days

it’s really kind of cool the

next best thing i guess would be no

substitute but being able to go to a

movie theater and see this on the big


and walk with you guys um

hey if you can’t fly you can at least go

to the movie theater yeah what do you

what do you think people are going to

get by sitting in a theater and seeing

you guys walk where jesus walked

well it’s the next best thing i mean you

know obviously to be there physically

but to join me and me join them and then

with my family i think it will engender

a desire

to grow closer to the lord because you

will have this greater sense of his

reality and the context of his reality

so if it fosters a greater faith

a greater sense of reality spiritual

reality then i think if they walk out

with that greater sense then it will

have served its purpose because it will

have ignited something it will have set

a fire in motion beyond what they

already come into the theater with to

grow spiritually to know more and to

experience more of the lord so that is

what we hope comes out of this

experience with journey with jesus

so anything that you saw that maybe you

you hadn’t seen before especially you

priscilla have you know

your dad’s a little more familiar with

the area was there anything that that

you saw that


you didn’t know or hadn’t considered

that that being there

showed you

uh well at the very end of our time in

israel they took us to what was going to

be a new site um that they had sort of

the archaeologists had recently dug up

and it was

um in nazareth so this would have been

where jesus was in his younger years and

there they were able to tour you through

what a garden would have looked like

then or where the people would have

planted what it looked like um one of


the military stage the watchtowers um

they were able to to find one that they

were able to let us see and then as a

tour guide was taking us through they

had people stationed throughout that

were actually doing things implementing

things um like

dying wool so that we could see how

fabric would have gotten different

colors or what a shepherd would have

been doing or a wine dresser would have

been doing in that day and age again

bringing life to these principles in the

scripture and one of them that i will

never forget i’m sure you remember this

two dad the guy that was dying the the


pieces of wool to make thread for their

garments well all the different colors

there was somebody there showing how

they would dye it but this one color


he dyed the wool scarlet and he told us

that of all of the colors this is the

only one that could not be changed once

it was dyed it wouldn’t dull it wouldn’t

it couldn’t be kind of converted to

another color it was just dyed

permanently which brings so much life to

that picture where though our sins be as


not another color but this one that is


he can wash us white as snow so hearing

that and seeing that within the context

of what it would have meant to those

people at that time um again cements the

love of jesus for us

and it heightens our friendship and our

appreciation for all that god has done

for us well you know i actually hadn’t

considered that in addition to seeing

some of the sites that are still

remaining because many of them are not

but yeah they can reenact

yeah and kind of like i don’t know

jamestown here in the united states or


just being there even if it’s not the

real people right you at least get a

sense of the culture i’m guessing that

you really do get a sense of culture


let’s face it here in here in the west

in the united states

we have

we’re very far from the first century


culture uh

how much does that context really bring

to life oh you know i don’t know the

parables and things like that

uh you know a lot because

when we read the bible we often don’t

get the backstory

of the things that influence what was

taking place there we just see the

information we just see the truth which

is good but whenever you get the

backstory of something

you get greater illumination of why

things happened and what was

what was behind it you you just take for

example the birth of christ and the the

shepherds well

these aren’t just general shepherds

taking care of sheep

these are shepherds taking care of sheep

that are going to be offered

so when you understand that it’s not

just sheep it’s sheep

that are going to be offered for

sacrificial purposes

then when you hear that jesus is the is

the you know lamb of god that think of

the way the sins of the world and the

shepherds show up in his birth

then it takes their presence to a deeper

level in our understanding of scripture

so it takes you deeper

yeah no i love that now in the trailer

dr evans uh we heard a lot of preaching

do you preach some sermons in the film

yeah i do some teaching along the way

and at certain sites what happened at

that site what biblical story was

taking place at that particular location

so that we connect the written word with

the location and people can see where

what they read

or are reading actually happen and of

course that makes the site

uh uh dynamic as part of the

proclamation yeah that’s very very cool

all right we’re talking about this right

here journey with jesus it is a

movie in theaters next week for three

nights only uh november 15 16 17 monday

tuesday and wednesday you can go to i’ll put that

in the chat for those of you who are

watching chat naval channels uh and you

can go pick up tickets see where it is

in your area and join

dr evans priscilla shire as well as

crystal evans hurst

um in

israel in the holy land and the places

where jesus walked and uh

wha why didn’t you guys drag anthony

over there with you how he missed out

over there

he did he did some singing over there

yeah he did yeah and some music so we

got we got anthony evans music in this

movie as well

i think so are they yeah i think it’s

what one yeah i think there’s a clipper

yeah of him too yeah and in fact you

know this was the last trip my late wife

lois got to go on so there are clips of

her too so oh no

yeah i didn’t i did not realize that and


you know people that don’t i mean we


life outreach international life today

we’re we’re close with the evidences and

i got a

i i loved lois i mean i didn’t know her

real well but had plenty of chance to

sit down and talk with her here one of

the sweetest is it hard for you to watch

this film with her in it well they’re

they’re they’re portions of it that you

know go back some tender moments and

fond memories but

uh but i’m glad that we were together as

a family

for that because that that makes it

extra special no doubt no doubt well wow

well thank you for sharing that

with us

just the whole family i mean

i i love it i i love the whole concept

what are you hoping people really

get when they go to this you know

cinematic experience aside from

you know just seeing the pictures which

is worth going right there

is there something you hope that they

will just really come home with

that their faith is real

that that this is not a pie in the sky

this is not ethereal

this is real stuff in real life jesus

was a real person in a real place doing

real miracles teaching real truth

and you have a real savior that reality

of christ coming through loud and clear

and in living color

you know what i i love another aspect

that’s undercurrent of this that i love

is you know dr evans you’ve you’ve

dedicated your life

bridging cultures here in the united

states but now you’re over here in

israel a whole other culture and i just

love the fact that the gospel transcends

any age

any culture

male female

it’s what unites us and so i love i love

the whole

the whole emphasis here um

and and i i

know that you’re going to say if i ask

this this is something that everybody

can enjoy this is something that brings

us together under christ

well the beautiful thing about it is the

group we took with us black



female hispanic we we we were all

celebrating the one savior yeah in

israel and so

in a disunified culture

we should be able to rally around a

unified fame

love it uh okay i got one question from

the audience um


i like this question because you know

we’re in production here there’s always

something that that happens behind the


that uh is a memorable story but doesn’t

make it into the film typically anyway

is there anything that happened over

there that we won’t see in the

in the movie but that uh is uh is worth

a little behind the scenes peak here on

life today live oh that’s a that’s a

good question

i will say the first thing that popped

into my mind when you asked that

question was

there is some incredible food in israel

i will tell you

we went to magdala to a little spot in

magdala that our friend steve dick took

us to our family to for lunch one day

and i’m telling you the the

mediterranean vibes of the food that

they provide there man we were chowing

down and enjoying ourselves and because

we knew there were no cameras at that

particular lunch we really enjoyed


we didn’t have to eat delicately we

could just sort of chow down

that’s worth the plane ticket right

there and get some good water

all right well man i appreciate what you

guys are doing i love what you guys are

doing i know you’ve got a lot of

interviews so i’ll let you go pretty

quick is there anything else you want to

add that we need to know about the movie

or the experience um i just want to give

you guys the closing word here

well i just want to invite everybody to

come take a look at it be a great

evening out for you your family your

small group your sunday school class uh

to just

just walk with us as we walk with the

lord in the holy land and let’s all get

excited about our savior together so

i hope you come and check it out and

hope you’re impacted by it and also we

love you and we love your family and

we’re so grateful that you all would

spend time with us again today oh you’re

very kind very kind

love the evans family all of them

appreciate your time appreciate you guys

watching what check out

and get a group i can gather you got the

weekend you got planning time take them


but lord


i just come as a bankrupt sinner

saying lord have mercy on me