hey family pastor touré god bless you
listen this message that you get ready
to hear is going to change your life I
want to remind you about another message
it’s a message in my new book wholeness
winning in life from the inside out that
is going to be released on February 6
but you can pre-order it now I’m excited
about that book it’s going to change
your life a lot of times and things that
you’re expecting or hoping for outside
in life has to do with what’s going on
inside of your life and so the book is
amazing it’s incredible you can
pre-order it now at a discount but for
now let’s get into this message god
bless you I should apologize to parents
who I have judged harshly I am
apologizing because I will never forget
the first time I saw a child on a leash
in a mall and I judged I’m not gonna lie
I judge because I guess my parents sit
down game was so strong that they never
needed a leash for me there I’m not
saying that they would threaten us
because that would be illegal in 2018
but I grew up when laws weren’t in place
the way they’re in place now and so when
my parents say stay over here there game
there it was so strong it was the Holy
Ghost anointed stay over here or else I
will turn out Target Kmart Rite Aid is
that anyone else’s ministry was your
parents did somewhere and sit down games
so strong that even now as an adult when
they sit state sit down you’ll sit
wherever they tell you to sit I’m
groaning if my parents tell me that my
father could call me right now on this
stage and I would sit down because
there’s a fear that he put down on the
inside of me at an early age and so I
judged when these leashes these
became popular in culture and then my
two-year-old has now started like taking
off and running with such speed in such
dedication and commitment that I owe an
apology to every child and person who
was ever in a harness or a leash because
I want to put Ella on a leash like I
want to see when Jesus comes back I
wanna I don’t know if I have too many
children and not enough nerves or not
enough nerves and too many children but
for some reason I really just want her
to sit down and be still and I’m
thinking about tying her to me so she
doesn’t have an option so if you see me
out at the Grove with that leash and a
baby spare your judgment you don’t know
my life you don’t know you don’t know my
cardio you don’t know my situation I
don’t want to keep her on a leash I just
want to put her on a leash long enough
where I can like trust her to stay away
from strangers and to know where the
stairs are it’s not a forever kind of
thing it’s just enough of a leash to
make sure that she understands the world
that she lives in and so I want to put
Ella on a leash the way God put me on a
leash when I was born in a ministry
family I didn’t realize it until years
down the road but the thing that I
resented the most about being in a
ministry family the fact that I didn’t
feel like I fit in the fact that I
wondered whether or not I would ever be
able to be of use in the kingdom I
didn’t realize it but God put me in a
ministry family because he knew me well
enough to know that I needed to be put
on a leash and my family and the
environment that we were raised and
though it felt restricting when I was
growing up ultimately I look back and I
see it was protection you can’t tell
because everyone is dressed up here and
they have it all together and they have
like a lot of followers on Instagram
but everyone at some point in some stage
in their life has been on a leash it’s
the reason why God didn’t give us a
million or two million or three million
dollars because he knew that if he would
have given it to us at certain seasons
that some of us would have ended up with
a drug problem so he made us broke so
that we could be on a leash yeah
everyone has a leash or has had a leash
at some point in their life and as I was
really studying and preparing for the
text I realized that for many of us the
only reason why we are no longer on
those leashes are because we learned
enough from the pain of being on a leash
that when God took us out of certain
circumstances when he placed us in
certain rooms and environments the only
reason why we are able to stay in those
rooms and to stay in those environments
is because we started off on a leash
there are some things I don’t say to
people because I recognized that when I
did say things I hurt them and so it
taught me to put my mouth on a leash but
I feel like as we are preparing for 2018
that God is telling me and telling you
when telling anyone who was under the
sound of my voice that you learned
enough from your leash seasons that you
can now be unleashed
I believe that 2018 is the year that
many of us are going to be unleashed
like never before and I don’t mean that
in one of those walk around the building
six times so is seed and jump up and
down and then you’re going to walk into
your destiny I’m saying that everything
that has happened up until this point in
your life was a culmination of God
unleashing you even the things that felt
the most painful even the things that
left you feeling rejected that that was
ultimately God saying I had to teach you
the bounder
so that when I Unleashed you you
understood who your friends were and who
they weren’t I had to hurt you a little
bit so that I could protect you in the
long run I couldn’t make the road easy
for you when you came into the city I
couldn’t make everything just come so
easily because if it came so easily you
wouldn’t have been so desperate for a
touch from God you wouldn’t been so
desperate to hear from me I had to do
something on the inside of you before I
Unleashed you on the outside or else you
would have been running wild instead of
running free and so my topic is
Unleashed and I want to go to acts 3
verse 1 and before we jump into the text
I need you to understand that we’re
going to be looking at the life of Peter
and Peter has had an incredible life in
an incredible ministry when we meet him
at x3 but it didn’t come easily he went
through the process of being unleashed
and Before we jump directly into the
text I want to let you know that God
doesn’t just unleash you at one time he
doesn’t unleash all of you at one time
he starts off in a process and there’s
levels to this thing and so before God
unleashes Peter fully there was a
process and so the process started when
he had an encounter with Jesus and he
was fishing and the first thing that
Jesus unleashed it wasn’t his hand it
wasn’t his destiny it wasn’t financial
blessings the first thing that Jesus
unleashed was his mind
Jesus unleashed Peters mind with one
simple phrase he said follow me and I
will make you fishers of men do you
remember the moment when God Unleashed
your mind to fully understand the
context of the power of a god of Jesus
rather saying that I will make you
fishers of men
you have to understand that Peter came
from a family of fishermen that the only
thing that he thought was possible for
his life was for him to be a fisherman
and then all of a sudden this man comes
along and he says I want to use what you
know to help you push into something
that you are unfamiliar with do you
remember when God planted an idea in
your mind that you didn’t have to be
like what you’d seen the first thing
that God unleashes is our mind I have to
unleash your mind because your mind has
been crafted and formed by experiences
and and cultures and families and if I
don’t unleash your mind then I will put
you in the room and you will be the same
12 year-old boy who thinks he’s unworthy
but if I unleash your mind when you walk
into that room you will believe that all
things are possible for you I have to
unleash your mind before I unleash
blessings some people are praying that
God would unleash their finances but
real people strategic people pray that
God would unleash in my mind so that I
can see opportunities where I can create
wealth and healing and and breakthrough
for other people God don’t unleash in my
wallet unleash my mind because if you
unleash my mind I can unleash my wallet
if you unleash my mind then I can come
up with the movie don’t give me a roll
unleash my mind so that I can create the
kind of movies that I want to see on the
big screen God unleash my mind so Jesus
unleashes Peters mind and Peter drops
the fishing pole and he starts to follow
Jesus so he unleashes his mind the
second thing he does is he unleashes his
eyes the reason why he has to unleash
his eyes is because he needs to be
exposed to the need that his purpose
will fulfill some of you have found
yourselves in meetings and on sets and
in relationships or mentoring certain
people and you’re wondering God why are
you allowing me to see so much pain so
much so much things so many things that
aren’t working out why are you allowing
me to see so much dysfunction and I hear
guys saying that I had to unleash our
eyes I had to let you know that I didn’t
just give you an idea that was gonna
fall flat on the ground but I had to
connect your I deal with the need that
it meets so I had to unleash your eyes
some of you saw things growing up that
no one should have had to see at all and
you ask God every time you close your
eyes and the memories come to your mind
God why did you allow me to see it and I
hear God saying because I needed you to
change it and so I had to unleash your
eyes and so Peter follows Jesus and he
sees him doing miracle after miracle his
mind has been unleashed his eyes have
been unleashed the third thing that God
unleashes in Peters life is his heart
because Peter follows Jesus he sees
Jesus doing miracle after miracle after
miracle and then when Jesus is about to
go to the cross Peter denies that he is
the Messiah that he knows him at all he
denies that he knows Jesus and so there
is this shame that Peter ends up
carrying but when Jesus is resurrected
and he caused a meeting he says grab the
disciples and Peter why did he say and
Peter because for a moment there when he
was denying Jesus
there was this separation but I believe
that when he called Peter to come and
meet with him after he had been
resurrected it’s because he wanted to
unleash his heart let me explain there
are moments when God reveals to you who
you are and what’s possible for your
life but then he also reveals the
insecurities that you’re going to have
to overcome in order to lay hold of it
but when God unleashes our hearts it’s
when we become fully aware
of the knowledge that God you know
exactly who I am you know I’m not
qualified you know I’m not eloquent you
know I don’t have it all together and
still you have called me anyway and
that’s when we go from knowing who Jesus
is to being in relationship with him
because he sees every part of you when
Jesus unleashes your heart it’s him
saying that I know you don’t have it all
together but I chose you anyway and you
can rest in the confidence of me knowing
who you are and giving you a platform
anyway I want to unleash your heart from
the idea that you’ve been too scarred
and too broken that you’ve got too much
shame when Jesus unleashes your heart it
changes the way you look at yourself
because you know that I am loved by a
father who sees me fully
he knows I’m crazy he knows I’m ratchet
he knows I will fight in a heartbeat and
yet he still allowed me to be your
pastor he knows my heart that wasn’t
funny that was me being transparent and
vulnerable – you are in you last he
knows me and he knew who needed me and
he knew who needed this heart and he
knew who needed me the way that I do
what I do the way that I do he knows my
heart and he says there is someone
connected to your heart just the way it
is don’t change
don’t try and shame yourself don’t try
to make yourself different to fit in
into what everyone else needs or think
you should be I know exactly who you are
and if you change who you are to fit
what other people need then you’re gonna
change the recipe I need for the kingdom
I called you just as you are I feel like
God wants to unleash some hearts in this
room today that some of you have been
wondering but I know you blessed me but
do you really know who I am on the
inside do you really know that I
questioned myself then I’m not sure if I
have what it takes do you know me you
gave me the job you gave me the
opportunity you’re allowing me to stay
in the city but I’m not sure if you
really know me and I hear God’s saying I
know you and I got you and I want to
unleash your
apart from the words that have been
spoken over you by other people’s
insecurities and other people’s
expectations of who you are to be so he
unleashes his mind his eyes his heart
and then he also unleashes Peters mouth
so after he’s been resurrected and and
he spends 40 days on earth and then he
ascends back to heaven he unleashes
Peters mouth Peter begins to preach and
and literally thousands of people are
saved and I love this because when God
unleashes your mouth
it’s when you begin to align your
language with what God says in heaven
it’s when you start saying yeah but no
weapon formed against me will prosper I
know I got this letter I know it looks
like my car has been repossessed but I
have begun to align my language with
what is true in heaven because God
unleashed my mouth I don’t speak
negative things over people anymore as a
matter of fact I’m crazy enough to
prophesy over my situation because God
my mouth the power of life and death is
in the tongue you got to be careful when
you unleash your mouth so he unleashes
his heart his mind his eyes his mouth
and the last thing that he unleashes and
I believe that prophetically that he’s
unleashing this thing and you all and
it’s what we’re going to be looking at
in the Textus when he unleashes Peters
hand when did God unleash your hand I
believe that God unleashed your hand at
12 a.m. on January 1st 2018 what do I
mean by that I mean that I believe that
there is a grace in this year for you to
unleash the work of your hands like
never before I believe that there is a
grace in 2018 for you to throw every
idea into this year because God has
unleashed your hand to function and
and build and create in a way that is
going to leave other people astonished
at what you’ve done and you will tell
them that all I did was let God unleash
my hand that I started throwing every
idea what do I I stop talking about it
and I started being about it I started
producing the kind of things that I
wanted to see I started speaking life
over my marriage and building up my
children because God unleashed my hand I
hear God’s saying anything you ask me
right now in my name I’ll do it because
I’m ready to unleash some hands I feel
the presence of God in this room every
time you see your headline also know
that God is unleashing a hand to lay
hold of what you see in the headline if
this is for you I just want you to throw
your hand up in the air and say God set
my hand on a fire God do something with
my hand that no one else can do but me
unleash my hand in 2018 God let
everything that touch have your DNA on
it unleash my hand I’m tired of praying
about it I’m tired of talking about it
I’m ready to go to work like never
unleash my hand I tell demons starts
Rivlin and stronghold start coming down
and chains are broken I’m sorry this
church girl that’s got happy but I see
some hands being unleashed in the spirit
realm I see some change taking place in
the spirit realm unleash my hand unleash
every idea i prophesy in the name of
jesus that every idea that is for your
kingdom and for your righteousness will
be unleashed unleash my hand from doubt
from insecurity from fear from
second-guessing unleash my hand this
isn’t the kind of message for everyone
this is the kind of message for somebody
who’s ready to be about it I’m ready for
my hands to be unleashed
I want to create the kind of music that
changes lives I’m gonna build the kind
of marriage that changes the divorce
rate Unleashed my hand you unleash my
you wouldn’t leash my mind you Unleashed
my mouth God just do this one last thing
and unleash my hands I’m ready I’ll do
it in your name I’ll do it in your power
I don’t want the glory god I just wanna
be unleashed
I wanna die empty unleash my hands so
the presence of God hands will be
unleashed the work of your hands will be
unleashed and so in Acts chapter 3 we’re
going to dissect how God goes about
unleashing Peters hands this is the last
thing this is the one thing that needs
to be unleashed before he can become the
rock that Jesus built his church on you
see Peter had a promise over his life
Jesus looked at Peter and said upon you
I will build my church this was before
he even denied him and so now we are
seeing the final installment of being
unleashed and it says in verse 1 now
Peter and John went up together to the
temple at the hour of prayer it’s
important to recognize that though Peter
has experienced the fullness of the Holy
Spirit he has preached sermons that
brought thousands of people to Jesus he
has walked alongside Jesus why he
performed miracles he has been unleashed
in every single dimension except for one
but he is still following the customs of
Jewish tradition at that time you’ll
know your
ready to be unleashed when you don’t
allow what you do to control who you are
it sends the reason that Peter could
have decided that because he knows this
spirit of God because he was in
relationship with the Jesus that he no
longer had any need to go to the
synagogue anymore but just because
you’re capable of doing something
doesn’t mean it should change who you
are and so Peter and John they’re headed
up to the temple at the hour of prayer
and they’ve got this secret on the
inside of them like the way you walk
around this city like you got this
secret down on the inside of you like
the way you walk around this city when
you know it’s not your time but when it
is your time everyone’s gonna know it’s
your time because I got this secret down
on the inside of me so I’m not in
competition with anybody and I can
applaud when someone else wins because I
have this secret down on the inside of
me where I don’t have to be acknowledged
at every single turn because I got this
secret down on the inside of me and I
know that at the end of the day that if
it wasn’t for His grace that I wouldn’t
even have this secret so I function a
little bit differently I can be called
and still humble I can be called and
still fall in line and so Peter and John
are still following with tradition
though they have experienced the
fullness of the power of God and it is
at the ninth hour that is 3 p.m. in
Jewish culture and at 2 verse 2 it says
and a certain man lame from his mother’s
womb was carried whom they laid daily at
the gate of the temple which is called
beautiful to ask alms from those who
entered the temple this is incredible
because we have to set the stage and
help everyone to recognize that this
lame man has been laid here every single
morning at the gate called beautiful to
beg and ask for money his legs don’t
work he’s broken
he’s been broken for a very long time
and he’s not asking for a healing
though he’s right outside of the temple
he’s just asking for enough to get by as
I was studying I was tempted to make
this message about the lame man at the
gate called beautiful because I feel
like we asked God for the wrong things
that instead of asking him to heal us
were right outside the temple right
outside of the place where we have the
power to experience breakthrough and
instead of asking God to radically
change our hearts him heal ours
perspective than to change our mind
instead we asked him for a job this
slain man is laying at the gate called
beautiful and I realized that in the
context of this message that the lame
man is not the people in this room but
rather the world that you live in this
world is lame it’s broken things come
out every single day that proves to us
that this world is broken and convoluted
and racist and racist I’m not going to
get political but races amen and and in
pain and mental illness and domestic
violence it’s all real and I realized
that we have been caught to be Peter and
John in this world and that too many of
us have become so comfortable being lame
that we don’t realize that God has
unleashed your hand to produce healing
in the world that you’re currently
complaining about and there will be
seasons and reasons where we have to be
the lame man again but in the context of
this year in 2018 and what I believe in
have experienced in just a few short
days that this year has even started I’m
telling you that you are not the lame
man you are the person who can bring
healing to what’s broken verse 3
continues and it says when the lame man
saw Peter in
John about to go into the temple he
asked them for money and you have to
recognize the desperation and when she
was asking them for money this is the
ninth hour this is the last shot that
he’s gonna get to get any money for the
day there were three hours of Prayer the
ninth hour represents the last one the
evening time of prayer so whatever he is
secured at this point if he doesn’t get
it in this ninth hour he’s not going to
get it at all he was desperate just like
this world is desperate just like this
world is crying out eagerly groaning and
moaning and labor pain labor pains for
the sons of God to be revealed we are in
a desperate hours family we don’t have
time to be anything less than what God
has called us to be like the lame man
sitting outside of the temple at the
gate called beautiful we are in a
desperate hour and Peter and John they
look at him and fixing his eyes on him
with the John Peter said look at us the
first thing he did was stand and get the
world’s attention he got the lame man’s
attention the first thing that God is
going to do is he’s going to start
creating you to have attention that you
didn’t even have to work for he’s going
to start producing opportunities where
you have the ears of influencers where
people start looking at you asking you
for help and so Peter says look at us in
verse 5 continues and it says in verse 5
continues it says so
so the lame man at the gate called
beautiful he gives him his attention but
he’s expecting to receive something back
this is just a footnote as I was
studying I feel like so many of us are
asking for attention that we can’t do
anything with that when this lame man at
the gate called beautiful gave him his
attention he was expecting to receive
something back what I’m saying is that
this is a time where you’ve got to have
substance you can’t just be attractive
can’t just sing a song when somebody
starts gazing at you when you start
telling somebody to give me some
attention you better have something to
give them back that’s a word for
relationship stop trying to be in this
relationship where you are started where
you’re asking for attention just feed me
feed me feed me and be prepared to give
something back
some of us want attention but no
some of us want attention to fix our
insecurities and to make us feel better
about ourselves and to create this false
confidence but we don’t have anything to
give back stop asking for things if you
can’t have this reciprocity it’s
necessary in this season we don’t have
time to just be giving you attention and
you don’t have nothing to say or nothing
to add to our life if I’m gonna give you
some attention I want to know that once
I give you some attention that you are
going to change who I am as a result of
it because I recognize that my attention
is an investment if I give you attention
then I’m missing out on all these other
opportunities to grow so if I give you
my attention give me something bad give
me something to work with give me
something that makes me challenge the
way I think that makes me grow and
become a better person because I don’t
want to be the president of your fan
club I want to be your partner that
wasn’t in my notes for the lane man to
shift his attention to Peter and John he
had to be expecting something in return
because he was watching other people
walk by while he gave his attention to
the person in front of him and I love
this because verse six continues and it
says then Peter said silver and gold I
do not have but what I do have I give
you in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth God is not going to unleash
your hand in the name of Ser Jake’s
he is not gonna unleash your hand in the
name of Sony he is not going to unleash
your hand in the name of proving
everyone wrong about you the only way
that God is going to unleash your hand
in this season I’m sorry is when you tap
into your purpose in such a way that
there is no doubt that the only way I
can do what I do is if I do it in the
name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I’m
trying to unleash something and 20:18
that when I look at lame man then lame
situations and lame industries and and
lame relationships that I say I’m gonna
unleash something in your life in the
name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth the
name that is above all names the name
that one has heard every knee shall bow
and every tongue shall confess did you
know that you were not out here in Los
Angeles in the name of your mother or in
the name of your father you are in this
room and in this season and in this
industry and in this opportunity and in
this marriage and in this school and
watching on YouTube in the name of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth you got power that
you haven’t even tapped into you got
power to do miracles baby because you’re
not doing it for fame and you’re not
doing it for money you’re doing it in
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth the
name that got in a tomb and came up
three days later I’m talking about
resurrection power I the man cancer will
flee in the name of Jesus Christ there
is a divine mediator between me and when
I start prophesying I don’t do it for me
I do it in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth Peter said I got something to
give you but what I’m gonna give you you
didn’t even know to ask for I’m gonna
give this world something that they
didn’t even know to ask for I’m gonna
give this job something that it didn’t
even know to ask for because I’m doing
it in the name of Jesus Christ of
I’m not doing it in my name I’m doing it
in somebody else’s name I know it looks
like my name did it but it only looks
like my name to the foolish I because
those who know the works of the Lord
know that she’s not standing up there
because she did it all right she’s
standing up there because she’s doing it
in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
I know it’s old school and it’s
offensive to some people to say Jesus
Christ of Nazareth but this church girl
knows that the mediator the one who went
ahead of me the one who is the perfect
example of Who I am and who I can’t
become it’s Jesus Christ of Nazareth I
know some people how long mountains in
and some people come on Stars but when I
get in trouble how in the name of Jesus
because I know who he is
and I know who he’s calling me to be I
know it’s old school I know somebody’s
offended but that’s alright because the
power that’s in that name has brought me
from my mighty long way Jesus Christ of
Nazareth the whole name the government
name the name that makes demons tremble
there’s power in the name there’s a
wonder working power can I just for 10
seconds have a little bit of a church
group raise because I know the name of
Jesus has saved me like no one else
I am Who I am because Jesus came before
me I’m not just TD jakes daughter I’m
doing this in the name of Jesus Christ
and answers I’m not this so-and-so child
I’m Jesus Christ of Nazareth
you gotta know when you start praying
that you’re not praying in your name
that’s why we say in Jesus name I pray
because if I pray it in Jesus name
he’s sitting on the right hand of the
Father and he can put in a good word for
me and he can say you can do it for her
because when you give it to her she’s
gonna do it in your name y’all seen dad
yawning got happy can you come play them
back too close now y’all know y’all not
supposed to be having church like this
at the potter’s house at one la but I’m
trying to tell you that when you start
doing stuff in the name of Jesus that
when your heart has been aligned and
your mind has been aligned and your eyes
have been aligned that when you pray and
say God unleash my hands for you so that
I can do miracles in your name so that I
can produce glory in your name I don’t
have an investor I don’t have an agent I
don’t have a book to you but what I do
have I have in the name of Jesus and
that’s all I need because if I can do it
in the name of Jesus then I can do all
things through Christ who strengthens me
if I can’t do it in the name of Jesus
the depression can’t
me down if I can do it in the name of
Jesus the generational curses are broken
and I can do it in the name of Jesus
then addiction has to flee if I can do
it in the name of Jesus then so it has
no hold over me I place my hand in the
name of Jesus
you know why you gotta do it in the name
of Jesus because he gives you power to
say rise up and walk my dreams gotta
rise up and walk this world gotta rise
up and walk and if I had to do it by
myself I would be afraid every time I
saw is CNN alert but because I don’t
have to do it by myself because I can do
it in the name of Jesus I can tell
political structures to rise up in the
world in the name of Jesus stop holding
people down in the name of Jesus
in the name of Jesus in the name of
Jesus in the name of Jesus victory in
the name of Jesus dreams in the name of
Jesus purpose in the name of Jesus heal
my marriage in the name of Jesus heal my
broken heart in the name of Jesus help
my children to know you in the name of
point me in the direction apartments in
the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus
but see that’s all 28
but my dance paradigm see
I’m afraid to even have an altar call
cuz I think everybody needs to be here
because I feel like God wants to import
power into your purpose that he wants to
import power into your destiny that he
wants to impart strength into your
destiny in the name of Jesus and the one
who went ahead of you and the one who
protects to shame that come into the
ultratop to begin worshiping excessed
you you can join down here but I’m gonna
pray in just a minute
and I believe that God is gonna unleash
power in this room destiny in this room
that he’s going to unleash who you
really are not who made you not who your
insecurities created the Power movement
like never before
all over this building every hand lifted
every hand listed you paid your dues
you earned your scars you got the wisdom
out of the wounds God is about to
unleash you like never before
I feel the Spirit of God unleashing
miracles in this room if you have a need
this is the environment to sow it in if
you have a desire this is the place to
throw it up I want to hear your mouth
lifting up praise all over this building
lifting up beers all up in this building
lift up the thing that’s been holding
you back because I’m gonna pray and the
blood is gonna cover it I’m gonna pray
and by His stripes you will be healed
because I’m not gonna do it in my name
I’m gonna do it in the name of Jesus and
I’m crazy enough to believe that the
same man who made that lame man walk
it’s gonna produce a miracle in your
spirit of the Living God unleash your
glory spirit of the Living God
untie my hands spirit of the Living God
loose them from depression spirit of the
Living God unleash them from
generational curses spirit of the Living
God unleash them from addiction spirit
of the Living God unleash every dream
unleash every purpose unleash every
heart spirit of the Living God
the creep victory have the creep freedom
decree liberty decree destiny decree
that their time is not open but it has
just begun unleash soca unleash so God
give us freedom and wisdom and maturity
and price.i Malaysia
unleashes unleashes as only you can do
you have my mind
you have my heart you have my eyes you
have my mouth and I’m giving you my
hands tell me what to be older
tell me what’s her release tell me how
to grow show me how to take this glory
that’s been on the inside to build a
monument for your grace on the outside
let every eye that sees me and sees my
work and here’s my lips let them be
reminded of you God I’m saying you can
trust me that I’m ready and that
whatever I’ll do I’ll do in your name so
I’m offering myself to you God I’m
asking that you would give them ideas
that you would give them courage that
you would give them strategy and that
you would give them insight and focus on
what they are to build this year and
that as you give them that focus that
they will not bring insecurity and doubt
to the table but that they would bring
your name to everything they do that
they would say in the name of Jesus
Christ I am more than enough in the name
of Jesus Christ my gift is gonna shake
up this nation in the name of Jesus
Christ I wanna do something that breaks
strongholds God let them never forget
the power that exists in your name
and that they are not in this thing on
their own and because in my name the
prayer isn’t enough I say in Jesus name
I pray
hey my friend I pray that that message
blessed your life it blessed me for sure
I want to also encourage you to pick up
wholeness winning in life from the
inside out this book is going to change
your life
god bless you I’ll see you next time