When War Room hit the box office screen, many filled the seats to be encouraged in their walk with the Lord. What some may not know is the main female role was cast by Priscilla Shirer, the daughter of Pastor Tony Evans, who is also a well-known speaker. Shirer recently shared additionally encouraging words at a woman’s conference. Sometimes we forget who we are in Christ. In this conference, she reminds us not only who we are, but who our Father is and how good He is. “And what if, you got a good look at your God, and remembering who He is; and that you belong to Him.” Some may have asked the question, “Girl, who is your Daddy?” But, they’ve never heard Priscilla Shirer answer that question. “The world can’t understand Him. Armies can’t defeat Him. Schools can’t explain Him; and leaders, they can’t ignore Him. Herod couldn’t kill Him. Nero couldn’t crush Him. The New Age cannot replace Him and Oprah cannot explain Him away.” You will surely be encouraged, lifted up, and reminded about who God is and how He clearly sees you

you remember the movie war room I do yes

that is touching like that with a very

powerful movie do you remember the

mother older mother that prayed yeah oh

my was precious wasn’t asked she was

doing war if you haven’t seen the movie

war room you’ve got to see that movie

because it really shows us how we can

live our life as a Christian and just

you know be it be about the Father’s

business everywhere at not just in a

building somewhere and but the one who

played the wife is Tony Evans pastor

Tony Evans Texas daughter Priscilla

Priscilla showers

Priscilla sire and she was it’s one day

and intently why don’t they have to put

some of the most muddy feet with the

whole thing’s her shoes don’t crystal

had nothing to do with the movie but

it’s just like her husband happy anyway

there’s not a true thing it was just a

movie but she goes around speaking and

praise l’amour speaking in women’s

conferences and she just told the truth

like never before you start wondering

about where you are and and down low you

are you to remind yourself who you are

and the one thing that she said so

powerful that’s resounded now around the

world as she says God is so powerful

this is who he is this is who you are

but he says she says and Oprah cannot

talk him away she just keeps trying to

say all these spiritual things is like

it’s Jesus honey

it says what you need to know as many

but let’s go there now to her when you

feel like you can’t handle the task in

hand and you ask yourself girl who’s

your daddy

because I remember when Jerry said that

to me and I got a good look at it myself

Sakura felt taken care of not because of

me but because of who I belong to and

what if when you got a good look at your

God remembering who he is and that you

belong to him listen I think until the

Lord stops me from taking platforms and

ministering to women I will say this

until the day that I die reminding

myself as I do when I am quietly alone

and I look myself in the mirror and say

girl who’s your dad you know what I tell

myself I tell myself he is the first and

the last the beginning in the end he’s

the keeper of creation and the creator

of all he’s the architect of the

universe and the manager of all time

he always was always is always will be

unmoved unchanged undefeated and never

undone he was rude but rock healing he

was pierced but he’s pain he was

persecuted but brought freedom he was

dead and brings life he has risen to

bring power and he reigns to bring peace

the world can’t understand him armies

can’t defeat him school can’t explain

him in leaders they can’t ignore him

Herod couldn’t kill him Nero couldn’t

crush him the new age cannot replace him

and Oprah cannot explain him away

you can’t do it

you remind yourself and he obliged he

have love he has longevity and he is the

Lord he has goodness and kindness and

faithfulness and he is God he is holy

and righteous and powerful and pure his

ways are right his word eternal his will

unchanging and his mind is on us he’s

our Savior our guide our peace our joy

our comfort our Lord any rules our lives

I serve Him because his bond is love his

yoke is easy his burden of life and if

goal for us is abundant life I follow

him because he’s the wisdom of the wise

the power of the powerful the Ancient of

Days the ruler of rulers the leader of

all leaders his goal of a relationship

with me he’ll never leave you never

forsake you never mislead you never

forget you never overlook you and never

cancel your appointment in his

appointment book never when you fall

he’ll lift you up when you fail he’ll

forgive you when you’re weak he’s strong

when you’re lost ease your way when

you’re afraid he’s your courage when you

stumble he will steady you when you’re

hurt he’s going to heal you when he’s

broken when you’re broken he will mend

you when you’re blind he will lead you

when you’re hungry he will feed you when

you face trials he’s with you when I

face persecution he shields me when I

face problems he will comfort me when I

face loss people provide for me and when

we face death he will carry us all home

to meet him he is everything for


everywhere every time and in every way

he is your God and that sisters guess

who you belong to

that’s powerful as or not that is so so

power I want to pray for you right now

this is exciting day so we got to pray

we got to do the work of faith which is

believing and standing and praying and

doing and remembering who’s we are and

who we are thank you for watching vfn TV

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