God has his eyes on everyone.if you are going through some stuffs and everyone has abandon you and cant see you, God has not, He’s got his eyes on you. He is going step into your life and solve it for you.

we serve a god who sees us

he knows every single tear that you’ve


every single one that has fallen from

your eye it has not gotten lost in the

carpet fibers of your bedroom floor

every single one of them he is captured

in the palm of his hand you need to know

that every moment you’ve spent awake at

night trying to go over that problem and

figure out a solution and and exert your

frustration every single moment you’ve

spent up at night your spouse may not be

aware that you were up that second and

third and fourth hour your spouse might

not know but you serve a god who sees


you need to know that your best friend

may not be aware your mom or dad may not

be aware the person sitting next to you

may not have a clue what you’ve been

going through nobody may know but you

serve a god who’s got his eyes on you he

sees you

he saw you today if you sat down because

you needed prayer even if you were

missed in the shuffle and no one reached

over and touched you and prayed over you

earlier when we prayed together you felt

like you were all alone because maybe

you even came here by yourself you need

to know you are not lost in this crowd

you serve a god who’s got his eyes on

you he knows the details of your fishing

trip gone bad

he knows what you’ve been giving he

knows how disappointed you are that you

have not been yielding what you feel

like is a worthy benefit for the

investment that you’ve been making it

may be lost on everybody else but you

serve a god who’s got his eyes on you

never in a million years

should we let the fact that our god sees


roll off of our shoulders casually as if

it’s no big deal




y’all i can’t i mean i can’t believe it

i can’t believe that the god of the

universe who

sent his son to give his life so that i

could have a ticket to eternity i can’t

believe that after all of that he didn’t

dust his hands and say that’s enough for

you to worship me for the rest of my

days i don’t actually have to be engaged

in your life because honestly if he

never did one other thing then give us

an opportunity to have relationship with

him and spend eternity with him that

would have been enough for us to

celebrate all of our days but when that

might have been enough for us it wasn’t

enough for him

he said no i’m going to engage your life

every single day i’m going to give you

the spirit so that my presence can be

with you i’m going to offer you comfort

i’m going to walk beside you i’m going

to be near you during the disappointing

times and the frustrating times during

the times when we’re celebrating during

the times where we’re rejoicing but also

during the times when we’re irritated or

overwhelmed with life he says i love you

enough not to wait till you get to

heaven to have a relationship with you

but to give you little bits of heaven

while you’re right here on planet earth

we serve a god who sees us i can barely


i can barely stand it without tears


down my cheeks when i realize that he

doesn’t have to have a relationship with

me he chooses to