Bill Johnson shares how to process disappointment and loss. Navigating disappointment with a soft heart, and dealing with things quickly will keep discouragement from taking root in our heart.

i’ve known you know folks who’ve

struggled for three months you know

wrestled with you know stuff

or yeah been stuck for six months and

are are you

like over the years you it’s just gotten

smaller the season’s gotten smaller or

is it

that um you know if it took three months


for every loss or disappointment my

entire life

beauty morning i would be in a cave


you know because i mean when you we have

so many situations going on around you

and i don’t want to make a light of it


you have to learn a process that becomes

a little bit quicker than before

yeah otherwise you live under this

influence yeah you live in a reaction to

disappointment you live in a reaction or


you just pretend it’s not there you just

live in the denial thing and and that

doesn’t help anybody either

so there has to be there has to be a

process and what happens

is i don’t want to make light of

anybody’s disappointment anybody’s lost

because it is so painful

but if you if you go through a couple

big ones you know where you’ve walked


you have a certain immunity to

bugs that would weaken you

in another season it doesn’t mean


it’s not callousness yeah but there’s

there is already something built

internally in a person that’s walked

through this process through personal


not just a distance not just i’m

mourning with a distant friend

you know through disappointment i’m

trying to walk them through i mean

personal stuff when you walk it through

purely and faithfully you know it really

it does build something in you it

doesn’t mean

it doesn’t mean you’re not devastated

again yeah but it means the recovery


you know it does become a question

experience his faithfulness in that and

and yeah exactly like he will be

faithful again yeah

it it it hurts it hurts laughs again


exactly it hurts like crazy and um

my my view is this is there you know one

of the cr you made

a question about devastation stuff there

may be chaos

going all around but in this place with

the lord there isn’t

you know and so my

my way of thinking my view of life view

of the world

all that stuff is going to be shaped by

either what’s going on out there

or what’s going on in here and i’m

either going to live

in reaction to chaos under the influence

of chaos

or i’m going to live out of this place

of absolute

pure affection for christ and authority

to influence the world around me

and that’s that’s where the breakdown


is because if so much

even ministry uh preaching and prayer


so much of our life is is patterned

after what we’re picking up out here


yeah that’s not it’s not necessarily


it’s just inferior to picking it up in

here and then living offensively

you know transformationally to the world

around us and i feel like that’s

that’s a part of the dna that god’s put

in us is to learn how to

yeah learn that all right get alone with

god as much as you can

silence the exterior noise silence the

the static that’s going on all around

you as much as you’re able to

put on worship music if you need to do

whatever you need to do

you know sing a song sing a psalm

you know read old prophecies over your

life whatever it might be

but you do that just to get yourself

into a place where you become

conscious of him again and you just do

your best to become conscious of the


and in that place you know i don’t i

don’t like just bringing problems

all the time you know the chaos and the

world around me you know there’s so much

chaos going on it would be

24 hours a day non-stop i i want to

discover what’s right

and from there live towards the the

stuff you know

and that’s the only way i can do it and

i i know benny does the same kind of

thing she

you know she just really fights for that

place of you know just

absolute peace with the father the joy

there’s always joy of the father there

just always is

it’s always there it’s always available

and then in that place

we start ministering to people around us

of situations and it may require me

to leave my personal joy and mourn with

those that mourn

or to sit down in the gutter with this

problem and that problem but

you know it’s it’s that place with the
