Mike Signorelli went from strong Christian to atheist. Find out what made him return to God… ▶▶From Chaos to Clarity by Mike Signorelli [Book & 3-CD Set]: https://bit.ly/3RZK5Ua

▶▶From Chaos to Clarity by Mike Signorelli [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/3rGiH2Q

Breaking Spiritual Stagnation: Get Unstuck and Pursue Your Dreams With Mike Signorelli’s new book, From Chaos to Clarity: No Turning Back, you will see how God uses all of your brokenness, fears and shame to bring revival into your life. Step out with boldness to launch the ministry that God has destined for you. Make choices that cut through the chaos in and around you and go after Jesus with all of your heart. Maybe you’ve been a believer for quite a while and there’s still some things that are holding you back, and there’s still some things that God had prophesied a long time ago that you haven’t yet seen come to pass. Well, we’re going to diagnose that and remove that delay and release it into your life. Unlocking God’s Promises: Overcoming Giants in Your Life With Mike Signorelli’s audio series, Obtaining God’s Promise for Your Life, you will drive out giants that are keeping you from your promise like self-pity, fear, counterfeit vision, compromise, shame, inconsistency, and selfishness. Pray 10 short prayers that unlock the thousands of promises of God with Scripture references focusing on healing, health, finances, restoration, strength and much more. ▶▶From Chaos to Clarity by Mike Signorelli [Book & 3-CD Set]: https://bit.ly/3RZK5Ua

▶▶From Chaos to Clarity by Mike Signorelli [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/3rGiH2Q

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my guest says who you were

yesterday who you were just a moment ago

does not need to dictate who you are in

this moment I’m telling you this is your

time to fly


next welcome welcome Holy

Spirit display your VIs isible

Glory my guest Mike sarelli was raised

like many people viewing raised to fail

his home was broken his father horribly

beat his

mother and his dad cheated in his

marriage then his father committed

manslaughter Mike was raised by a single

mother in a poverty written Trailer part

but something interesting happened that

changed the destiny of your life at age

four yes it I want you to imagine this

picture my mom has two black eyes broken

ribs she’s a victim of domestic violence

and her husband just walked out on her

so she’s all alone and she’s smoking

cigarettes reading the local newspaper

and she goes to the help wanted section

and there’s a local church pastor who

ran an ad and he said I’m looking for a

worship leader my mother had the

audacity to pick up the phone and she

calls and she said hey I’ve walked away

from the Lord I’m no longer serving him

but when I was a youth I used to

actually lead worship at my youth group

and I could be your worship leader the

only problem is I’m not really a

Christian anymore that is a

problem and so this pastor and I’m so

indebted to this one decision he made

because I’m living in his yes this

Pastor said honey I’m grabbing my wife

and we’re going to come to your house

right now and we’re going to lead you

back to Jesus and you will be our



then at 16 what happened yeah you know I

was always painfully shy very awkward

very easily intimidated by other people

it’s hard to believe now I know it’s

hard to tell right now but that that’s

really who I was I was traumatized and I

experienced a lot of hard things growing

up and so as a result of that I was

known as the shy kid and even though

from that moment on we attended church

every Sunday and my mom LED worship my

goal was to get out of there as fast as

I could and I didn’t really have my own

relationship with God but I had this

intense ferocious desire for the word of

God and so secretly every night I would

read the Bible cover to cover Genesis

through Revelation well finally by the

time I was 15 years old and now I’m

turning 16 years old I’m doing my third

lap Through the Bible and I get to acts

chap 2 and Pentecost happens and the

Holy Spirit begins to invade the Earth

they’re speaking in new tongues and then

this man Peter gets up and he boldly

preaches this message and thousands are

added to the kingdom and I remember it

felt like I was reading a soap opera

because now as a teenager I’m

understanding it for the first time and

I’m like wait a minute not Peter like

this guy’s an

idot this doesn’t make any sense that he

would be the one but then it was almost

like the atmosphere of my bedroom that

it started to be charged with like

electric static activity I I don’t know

how else to explain it because the

gospel was starting to make sense to me

I started going back and thinking about

Moses Moses was a failure I’m thinking

about Elijah and he kind of was

depressive and a little emotional and I

started realizing wait a second God

always chooses the least likely that’s

the whole point so then in my atct

bedroom all alone I close the Bible I

sit on the edge of my bed and I said the

most dangerous prayer that I’ve ever

said in my entire life I said God if

you’re real if your holy spirit is real

I want all of it I want all of you I

want you know and I said it just like

that said now this is do you mean it I

absolutely meant it for the very first

time because I had seen other people

experience the Holy Spirit growing up

but it wasn’t real to me but when I said

that prayer in the Solitude of my own

bedroom all of a sudden I had a radical

encounter now it was late at night and

all of a sudden this wind started

rushing through my bedroom so much so

that I jumped up and went and slammed my

window thinking it was a natural

phenomenon I felt the fire and presence

of God all over me it was as if I just

stuck my finger in a light socket and I

started to speak in another language had

you ever done that before no I had never

done that before as a matter of fact

there was a war going on inside of me

between the old mic and what God was

birthing in that moment and I was trying

to stop Sid but I couldn’t even stopped

speaking in tonu as a matter of fact I

woke my mother up she came running

upstairs and said he’s having a personal

Pentecost I I I think that is so

phenomenal but then believe it or not it

gets better he’s walking along the

street minding his own business and a

woman he didn’t know walks up to him and

says yeah this woman walks up to me now

mind you my goal as an introvert was to

get away from everybody in the local

church we’re like attending this small

Church on the south side of Chicago I

walk out of the church and this woman

now approaches me now this is the way I

remember it it was almost as if she saw

a ghost the blood left her face she she

stretched out her hand like this and she

was shaking and she said I’ve never seen

you before in real life but I saw you in

my dream I had a dream you preached at

my church and Revival broke out you were

in my dream now this was not

inspirational to me this was incredibly

intimidating it was terrifying it was

terrifying the the exact words in

response to her were woman you’re

crazy but I’m so thank because she was

persistent she knew what God showed her

in that prophetic dream again I’m living

in her yes because that woman she hunted

me down every Sunday for the next couple

of weeks and waited until church was

over and said are you ready to accept

the assignment of this dream finally my

pastor who was also annoyed by this

woman brought us into a meeting together

and said listen you don’t know Mike he’s

shy he’s introverted he’s not AE

preacher he’s just a teenager and then

he looks at me Sid and he said Mike just

finally tell this woman you can’t do it

and there’s something about the way he

worded it that now I know what it is it

was the Holy Spirit on the inside of me

all of a sudden this almost like a

righteous indignation rose up and out of

nowhere I said I’ll do it and she got

silent he got silent I got silent said

what what did I just say but my spirit

was speaking faster than my flesh fast

forward now you’re speaking in that

church what happens I’m wearing a

borrowed suit I didn’t even own my own

suit and I stand up in front of the

church the first 30 seconds of the

sermon I’m stuttering I’m stammering and

then all of a sudden that same familiar

power of the Holy Spirit you know acts

chap 1:8 says after the Holy Spirit

comes upon you you will receive power to

be Witnesses all of a sudden I begin to

preach preach and I was almost like

listening to myself say things that I

didn’t even have the natural ability to

say and true to that woman’s dream one

person jumped up out of their seat

shouting then someone else then someone

else then young people coming to the

front of the church repenting receiving

Jesus Christ and Revival broke out but

then as we get to the end of the service

she comes to me again and this woman she

actually brings her um her daughter to

me and she said okay Mike this is the

last part of my dream to be fulfilled

and I’ve waited for this moment she said

pray for my daughter for healing and I

look at her young daughter and she had

been born with a decrepit hand and said

I was not Seminary trained I was not an

expert just weeks prior I had barely

stepped into the baptism of the Holy

Spirit but I just prayed another simple

prayer I laid my hand on that woman’s

daughter and I put placed my hand on her

head and I said said Jesus heal her

daughter we thank you for healing right

now and said her decrepit hand stretched

forth like this now let me just tell you

you would think that there would be

shouts of Celebration it wasn’t like

that it was almost like shouts of horror

because the fear of God settled over

that place I mean people became so aware

of how capable God is how real he is

I’ll never forget the screams it was

like a mixture of Celebration but also

the fear of God it was an incredible


move this is hard to believe what I’m

going to tell you right now but 18 he

goes to college now you would think

nothing could shake someone out of their

faith that’s had those kind of

encounters but colleges many of them I

believe are geared to talk Christians

out of their faith and the professor

says only idiots believe in Jesus and


unfortunately the spirit behind it

caught him and he became an atheist but

then God is so smart God gave him a

roommate and well tell me about the

roommate yeah I believe in Divine

appointments God had a plan when I was

four years old he had a plan when I was

16 and when I became a young man I was

seeing his plan on display again so I

thought I was randomly I’m using air

quotes randomly moving into a house and

being assigned a roommate well guess

this guy ends up being an Ivy League


Theologian and so even though that

biology Professor swed all of those

seeds of doubt and I believe that

there’s many students across this nation

that are dealing with those seeds of

doubt it’s almost like it grows one

cancerous cell after another until it

invades your soul and your mind but he

took that entire school year and

systematically begin to destroy each and

every single one of those atheistic

cancerous cells in my soul and by the

end of that school year I had a firm

foundation it was almost as if God was

upgrading me now and he was saying okay

now I’ve given you the tools to contend

with your faith against atheism okay so

now he’s a solid believer he gets

married but what was his role model how

was he

raised and they came back to haunt his

marriage and there was no way that

marriage could

survive but guess what God not only

restored his marriage Mike and his wife

do seminars on helping others restore

their marriage now Mike started a youth

group filled with wounded and abused

Trailer Park youth one meeting the VIS

visible Glory cloud of God the same Shah

of Glory that the Jewish people saw in

the wilderness

suddenly appeared before this broken

group of young people all of the youth

there with their natural eyes saw that


Cloud Miracles exploded be right

back right back to its

Supernatural are you feeling really

stuck in the mud and going nowhere

spiritually in your life are your dreams

and Visions on hold you are about to get

unstuck you’re going to be going through

a transformational experience and then

when you’re done you’ll say I’m a

completely different person my life has

changed forever the person I was when I

started it and the person that I am now

is two completely different people I’ve

been actually given a road map now to

step into my purpose with Mike’s new

book and 3 CD audio set you will make

choices that cut through the chaos in

and around you and go after Jesus with

all of your heart drive out giants that

are keeping you from your promise like

self-pity fear compromise and

inconsistency pray 10 short prayers that

unlock the thousands of promises of God

with scripture references focusing on

healing Health finances restoration

strength and much more call or go online

at sidroth.org to receive Mike sarelli’s

new book from chaos to Clarity no

turning back plus you will receive his

brand new exclusive 3 CD audio teaching

series obtaining God’s promise for your

life you can’t get this audio CD set

anywhere else yours for a donation of

$29 shipping and handling is included

ask for offer number

9953 or send your check to Sid Roth It’s

Supernatural PO Box 39222 Charlotte

North Carolina at 28278 please specify

offer number

9953 we now return to its

Supernatural I know you can hardly wait

I can hardly wait to ask Mike what

happened that momentous night with your

youth group so when we were raising up

this youth group we made it our mission

let’s find the most hurting kids in this

entire neighborhood as a matter of fact

said we even found a group of families

that were living in the woods without

any modern plumbing and we would pick

them up we would clothe them and we

would just worship with them and and we

were building a community of faith and

that particular night though I was

playing my acoustic guitar one of the

teenagers were leading worship with me I

broke two strings super frustrated and

then I got this reminder from the holy

spirit it’s not about the strings on

your guitar because you worship me in

spirit and in truth so we just begin to

sing the same chorus over and over and

over again and I said keep going keep

going and I’m looking out at this

audience of teenagers knowing all of the

dysfunction all of the pain from their

family but there was such a pure worship

that was coming out of them you know it

was just unadulterated they had nothing

I mean they come from nothing and it was

just Brokenness and surrendered well all

of a sudden I’m sitting on the stage and

I have one other person with me

and we’re leading worship I see this fog

begin to roll into the back of the

sanctuary now my initial thought was

okay I’m wearing contacts and I’ve been

wearing these contacts too long that was

my real thought so as I’m strumming the

guitar I’m wiping my eyes like this you

know in between to clear it and it’s

still there and then all of a sudden it

starts rolling and deeper my second

thought was maybe the building’s on fire

and I need to get these kids out except

for the fact that it was also a daycare

with a great fire system and it’s not

going off so clearly that’s not it but

here’s where it gets strange all of a

sudden as the fog comes in deeper the

girl who’s leading worship next to me

says Pastor Mike can you see that that’s

when I realized something Supernatural

was taking place now what’s so amazing

about this story is this fog which was

the glory of God it rolls in and as it

touches the backs of the kids so they

can’t see it they all simultane L fall

to their face and then each row that it

hits they all fall down as it comes in

without them being able to see behind

them and so as it reaches the front

before you know we’re all on our face

weeping the holy spirit is touching each

life people are receiving healings are

they repenting oh deeply I mean deeply

and I believe they were even dealing

with generational things because they

inherited so much from their parents and

grandparents it was like the Lord was

truly doing something in that moment

marking the whole room it was so

incredible today Mike HZ as an apostle

and has a group of churches you call

your churches the one Church why yeah

you know for me I I was going to a

conference with my wife I was in a low

point this is before we launched the

church and Ministry is really difficult

and I looked at my wife and my two

daughters and I said I feel like a

failure we’re struggling financially

Ministry doesn’t seem like it’s taking

off and maybe I should just quit this

maybe God didn’t call me to go from

Indiana to New York City to start a

church maybe I’m delusional and I didn’t

hear from God so I turned to my wife in

the parking lot before that conference

starts and I tell my wife all of this

and I say

Julie I’m going to come out of this

conference quit Ministry just make a ton

of money and we’re going on vacation and

we’ll start a new life my wife puts her

hand on my shoulder and she said Mike

we’re not doing that God did call us to

go to New York City and we’re going to

do this thing so we go through the

conference the whole day and finally we

get to the last session and this man

gets up his name is Juan Verkin and as

he’s teaching all of a sudden he gets to

the outro of the sermon and he said you

know I was praying and interceding for

this conference today and as I was

praying this morning the Holy Spirit

allowed me to hear a conversation

happening in one of the cars between a

married couple now I started getting

nervous and he said their conversation

was the husband was saying I want to

quit Ministry I just want to give up I I

want to be done with this and he said if

that’s you the Lord wants me to tell you

it’s time to go V1 then he began to say

I was on a private jet with John Maxwell

and as the jet took off the Runway I

heard the pl the pilot say V1 and when

we got to cruising altitude I walked up

to the cockpit and I asked the pilot hey

when we took off the Runway what did it

mean when I heard you say in the radio

V1 he said oh that’s simple V1 means the

point of no return no turning back this

thing’s going to fly and you know what

he said if there’s an engine fire or a

tire blows out that plane still going to

fly because it’s reached that velocity

speed so I told my wife I said Julie we

came back back to the car we’re back in

the parking lot I said you know we’re

going to name our church right and she

said what and I said it’s got to be V1

church so we’ve been asking people in

New York City from every Walk of Life to

turn to Christ no turning

back you know what time is slipping away

yeah but you make a statement that stuck

to me like

oatmeal you this is his statement I’m



explain you know Joshua and Caleb they

go into the promised land with 10 other

spies 10 spies come back and they say

compared to these Giants we look like

grasshoppers but then two of them come

back and say we’re not impressed because

be compared to our God those giants look

like Grasshoppers and

so what would you say to a doctor who

gives you a

a a death rep yeah far too often we look

at the doctor’s reports with all their

degrees and and all of their knowledge

and we’re impressed by that report but

guess what I don’t just have a physician

I serve the great physician and I say

his report is the impressive one I’m not

impressed with this

report you know today Mike is seeing

outrageous Miracles even over the phone

people are being healed by cancer just

by hearing his voice you don’t have to

be here to receive the same healing you

can do right right in television um you

have tumors dissolving people with Ms

people with years of trauma instantly


Mike this is your time to fly

pray right now I believe even through

your devices even through your

television God is touching in your body

right now if you have a tumor or cyst

and you can tangibly feel it I want you

to place your hand over it and feel it

disolve right under your hand right now

listen the great physician is there

through the Holy Spirit touching and

healing I believe that lesions from Ms

are actually dissipating right now and

you will receive a medical verification

of this moment right now so let me begin

to pray Heavenly Father open up deaf

ears heavenly father increase hearing

right now Lord I Thank you that every

single person around the world that you

are doing what only you can do father I

thank you that you are actually healing

someone’s neck right now you’re healing

even their knees rheumatoid arthritis be

healed in the name of Jesus father we

give you all the glory and all the honor

amen God is saying to you right now

the thing you’re struggling with

finances the thing you’re struggling

with marriage the thing you’re

struggling with children the thing

you’re struggling with

addictions God is saying to the devil

causing that it’s not flesh and

blood I’m not

impressed you tell

God I’m not impressed with the the devil

I’m not impressed you take that doctor’s

report you

say I’m not

impressed I’m not impressed say out loud

with me right

now I make Jesus out loud I make Jesus I

make Jesus my Messiah and Lord my

Messiah you have forgiven me of all of

my sins for me

you live inside of me you live inside of

me fill me with your Holy Spirit fill me

with your the Holy Spirit and devil and

devil I’m not impressed I’m not

impressed I’m only impressed with the

Living God impr

