Since experiencing her own life-changing supernatural healing, Joanne Moody has made it her mission to give away the love and miracles of Jesus everywhere she goes.

My guest died
on the operating table.

She experienced excruciating
pain constantly for 14 years,

so when God offered
her a choice,

she did not want to return.

Then she saw what would happen
if she did not come back.

I believe you are the main
reason God sent her back, next.


Welcome, Holy Spirit.

Make this show
naturally supernatural.

My guest, Joanne Moody,
was raised Catholic.

At 24, she married
a man with addictions.

She got divorced. Her health
spiraled out of control.

Her business
and real estate crashed.

She was a popular opera singer

but lost her voice
and was left penniless.

Death looked better than life.

She cried out to God,
“Why do You hate me?”

Then God answered
in a license plate.

A license plate?

God is very creative.

I suddenly faced a situation
with my health where I thought,

“How can I go on?”
And I said in a car,

driving down the road,
“If You were real,

You would show me!
You must really hate me!”

And all of a sudden, a car –
a van,

a white van swerved
in front of my car

and almost knocked
my bumper off,

and the license plate
said, Deut 6:5.

I worked
as an exercise therapist

for the Honolulu Medical Group.

I lived in Hawaii, and I had
a bottle of sleeping pills

because when I divorced
my husband, I couldn’t sleep.

I had so much stress
with the finances and stuff,

and they gave me

– because I was very,
very healthy.

I was a triathlete.

Nobody would disparage
giving me drugs.

They gave me a whole bottle
of sleeping pills.

They said, “Take these,
you need them.”

So I did intend to take them
when I got home.

I intended to take the whole
bottle because I had had enough,

and I sat in my living room
looking at that bottle of pills

and looking at that
Bible somebody gave me,

and for hours and hours,
I debated Heaven

and hell, Heaven and hell.
I just knew it, and I decided.

I could hardly breathe.

I didn’t know the presence
of the Holy Spirit.

I didn’t know
the presence of God,

and I opened up that Bible,

and I had to look
at the chapter index

because I don’t know
the Bible at this point,

and I see Deut,
and I turned there,

and I turned to 6:5.

Deuteronomy 6:5, “Love the Lord
your God with all your heart,

all your soul
and all your strength,”

and I’m telling you
the power of Jesus,

Yeshua hit me,
and I fell to my knees,

and I started to sob,
and I said,

“God, I have never
lived like that.

I have lived for myself
my whole life,

so if You will forgive me,
I will love

You that way, if
You just help me.”

The Power of God hit me,
and I was transformed.

Within a week,
I had the Holy Spirit

visit me in the middle
of the night

and knock me out of bed,
was speaking in tongues.

I didn’t even know
what that was.

I thought, “I’ve lost my mind.
I’ve gone to the dark side.

I’m so – I’m crazy.”

SR: I’ll tell you what, some
good things started happening.

A man by the name of Mike
came into your life.

You visited a church
in California,

and you got a revelation.

JM: I did.

You never were taught.

Tell me about that.

JM: I did not understand God
is Father.

I’d never heard that.

I’d never heard about the love
of the Father before,

and I visited a church
in California.

I met my wonderful Mike,

who is my husband and my –
the love of my life,

but I visited this church and
heard about the Father’s love,

and these pastors
prayed over me,

and they said,
“You are so performance-driven.

You have no idea who you are,”
and I had never heard this.

It was revelation for me
on what actually occurred

when Jesus gave His life,

to restore me to a Father
who loved me and approved of me.

I hadn’t had that.

And then it gets better.

She marries Mike.
She’s happy.

JM: Yeah.

She’s expecting her first child.

Then the Hollywood script
abruptly stopped.

She was diagnosed
with a rare nerve disorder,

bedridden most of the time.

Then she found out she was
believing lies about God,

lies about herself,
and so are most of us.

Be right back.


>> We will be right back
to “It’s Supernatural!”

SR: Okay. So, Joanne, in 1999,
happily married,

expecting a child.
You gave birth to your son,

but then things started
happening. What happened?

JM: I had a 91-hour
nonprogressive labor,

which sounds impossible
in America.

My doctor was out of town.
There was a series of events.

They did not know
for the next 5 years

I would have multiple
surgeries to correct

what was unfathomable
pain in my pelvis.

So I had been
a very radical athlete,

and I went to,
after having my son,

I could not sit or stand
without this –

It was like I was being
knifed in my pelvis.

SR: Wow!

JM: My nerves were
crushed in my pelvis.

My son had been
in the birth canal

for 91 hours
and sitting on that,

and I have very narrow nerve
canals, which is a precondition.

You wouldn’t know,
and my nerves were crushed

in seven places on my left side
and five on my right.

SR: This pain –

JM: It’s incurable.

SR: – that – Incurable?
JM: It’s incurable.

SR: And I understand there’s
a high percentage of people

that have what you had
that commit suicide.

Nearly 70 percent.

SR: You learned about
a surgery in France.

JM: Yes.

SR: So you go. What happened?

The surgery that they did,

when they did it,
they had nicked an artery,

and so when I got back
to my hotel room – I mean,

my hospital room,
I was bleeding from the back,

but no nurses would come.

They had great disdain
for American patients.

There were two Americans there.
They wouldn’t check.

They wouldn’t check,
and I started to go unconscious,

and my sisters
were in the room.

Our French interpreter
was back at the hotel

with food poisoning,

but she came bursting
into the hospital room,

“God told me to come here!”

At this point in time, I have
two sisters who don’t believe,

and this – I did not know that
my interpreter was a believer.

She said she was
throwing up in the toilet,

and God told her to run
over there, and I needed her.

I was completely – I went under,
unconscious when she came.

She ended up
calling the surgeon.

He came down.
They rushed me to emergency,

and I completely died
on the operating table,

and I suddenly left my body.

And all of a sudden,
I feel and I sense the Glory,

the weightiness,
the Kabod of God,

and it comes in, and I think,

“Oh, I have to duck!
He’s so holy!”

And His Presence goes –
And He said,

“I’ve seen your suffering,

and I know full well your pain,
and you can go with

Me now, or you can stay.

For the prayers, the saints
have given you a choice,”

and I was in shock
because I couldn’t believe that

– I had no theology for that.

I didn’t understand prayers
of the saints could do anything.

God is God. He makes a decision,
and then He said it again.

He said the same thing,
only this time

He added, “Because there is
much work for you to do,”

and I thought, “Oh, well,
I’m not going to do that

because look at that
train wreck down there.”

SR: “I like the way I am now.”

JM: “I’m not going
down there to that again.

No, thank you.”

And all of a sudden,
my son was in front of me,

barely 6 years old, blond hair,
blue eyes, big old cherub kid.

He’s so cute,
and he’s in front of me,

and my husband is
in the distance behind him,

and in a split second, I knew
if I went to be with the Father

that my son
would never know Jesus.

And my husband, from so much
trauma and so much pain,

would be immobilized.
And He started to tell me things

that were very personal
that I don’t share,

and then I felt the descent,
going into my body,

and the moment I reached my body
– He told me

that it would be an impact
unlike I’d ever experienced,

and it was like
being hit by a train.

I felt an impact, boom,
and I felt –

it felt like bazillions of
shards of glass all over me,

and then it ended,

and then I was in hell again
in that operating room,

and I felt a needle
go into my spine, and they –

Then I went black,
and over the next 3 days,

I would have two more surgeries.

It would take me a month
to get home, 8 months in bed.

SR: 2013 –
JM: Yes!

– arrives,

and there was a breakthrough
in the lies that she believed,

and the most wonderful thing
happened to her.

She’s at a meeting.
Tell me about it.

I was in a cessationist church,

but I prayed all the time,
but I never saw anyone healed.

I just knew
that God was a healer,

but I never saw anyone.

So I just never stopped praying.
I just prayed and prayed.

And I actually heard
the audible voice of God,

and I heard this,
“Go to Voice of the Apostles.

You’ll be blessed,” and I rode
all the way to Florida

with my elbows on the seat
and on my knees.

When I got there, I felt like,

“Oh, my gosh,
I’ve never felt this.”

I walked into that meeting,
7,000 people in Orlando,

and I was like, “Aaaaah,
I found my tribe!

The Holy Spirit is”
– It was thick in there,

and I thought,
“What is this place?”

And I had over 100 people
pray for me during the week,

and I did not get healed.

I got blasted
by the Holy Spirit.

I went out for 4 hours,
but I wasn’t healed,

but my friend,
who was Orthodox Catholic

when I brought her to that event
with me, got arches in her feet,

and she was going –
She got healed.

She had flat feet, and I watched
the Lord give her arches,

and she was going up
to give a testimony.

So I was laying on my belly,

and I was filming her
from the way back,

so that she could
show her husband,

and a man, a tall man with
white hair comes towards me,

and now I’ve got
a little tribe of people here

who had been praying
for me all week,

and that’s how it goes
at conferences.

You just sort of attract people.

He walks up to me, and he goes,
“What’s your story?”

I said, “14 1/2 years
of nerve damage,

chronic pain,
seven opiates, and I’m okay,”

and he goes, “Well, is it
all right if I pray for you?”

So I do this.
I’m so – I’m sarcastic anyway,

but it’s a gift from the Lord,
but I put my hands out.

He put his hand on me,

and the Power of the Holy Spirit
knocked me back,

and I fell out,
and I’m out on my back,

and when I open my eyes,
all of that tribe

that has been trying to pray
for me all week is around me,

and they’re like, “Oh, my gosh,
she must be healed!

She must – Did you see that?
She must be healed!”

And I come up,
and I get on my knees,

and I go, “I’m not healed.
I got the same pain,”

and now I’m really like –
I was over it before,

but now I am over it,
and back comes the man.

Here he comes again!
I’m like, “No!”

And this time, I’m so irritated,

I don’t even get up
off the floor.

That’s how irritated I am.

I stay on my knees,
and I read his name tag.

It says, “Richard H.”
I go, “Hello, Richard.”

He goes,
“I need to pray for you,”

and I just looked at him,

and I said, “Look, I’m okay,”
and he go – He does this. “No!”

I’m thinking, “Oh, it just gets
weirder and weirder here.”

“God healed me!
He healed my wife!

He healed my son, and now
He’s going to heal you!”

And then he looks
at the group of people,

and they’re all like,
“Ooh, man, get back, Jack.”

And he goes, “All right, y’all.

I’m going to sit on the end
of this row,”

and then he looks at me
with fire,

Jesus eyes,
and holds my face like this.

He’s like, “Don’t move
your eyes from my eyes.

Keep your eyes on my eyes.”

I’m thinking, “This is
a freak show right now,”

but the Holy Spirit,
when he touches me,

the Holy Spirit goes –
right through me, and he says,

“You have believed
the lie of the enemy,

that you are unworthy
to be healed.

You have believed that God
is not pleased with you.

You have believed
that you are untrustworthy.

You have believed these lies
from the pit of hell,

and I want you to open up
your mouth right now!

I want you
to forgive your Father.

I want you to stay,
‘I repent of these lies, Jesus.

I break my agreement.'”

The power of agreement,
I agreed with all these lies,

and every time I would say,

“I break the vow
that I’m unworthy.

I break the vow
that I’m not trustworthy.

I break the vow
that God abandoned me.”

I felt these things
coming off me.

It was like bricks,
and then he goes,

“And I’ll tell you, demons!”

And I was like, “Man, this guy
is like – He’s like a show.”

And then he started – he said,
“Spirit of death,

spirit of trauma,
spirit of infirmity, get off!”

And all this weight
came off me –

and I felt like
I was going to float up.

It was so crazy, and he goes,
“All right then, Michelle!

I’m going to pray for her pain.
Now it’s going to go.

Now, Michelle, you put your hand
right here,” on my pelvis.

He goes, “I’m going to put
one finger, this one, finger.

I’m going to put one finger.
It’s going to go right here,”

and then he goes,
“In the Name of Jesus,

I command all this pain to go!”
And it did.


And then he goes, “Come on,

Glory! Glory! Glory!”
And he goes, “All right then!

Now we got to get up
and give God the glory!”

And they drag me up
on the platform,

and I give testimony, and I did
– That testimony is online,

and I look like an emaciated
drug addict

because that’s what I was.

Sid, they gave an altar call
that night, and they tell me

that over 400 people got healed
of nerve damage that night.


The power of the testimony,
the Spirit of Jesus.

SR: What happened to
all those addictions?

JM: Oh, come on!
This is the best story.

Okay, I want to say
I am not advocating this.

I am not telling you
to go off your meds.

I’m telling you
what happened to me.

I went back to my hotel room
at 4 a.m.

By the time God lifted
off me enough

and all the stuff
that happened, I –

SR: You can’t take

– You can’t just go off
cold turkey from those –

JM: Are you kidding me?

SR: Those are powerful drugs.

JM: Just from Klonopin alone,
you can’t do that. You

– My doctors always said to me,
“If some

– by some miracle you can be
weaned down in these drugs,

you’ll have to go
into the hospital.”

I went to get a – OxyContin was
just one of my drugs.

I went to get OxyContin
out of the bottle at 4 a.m.

because it was such a habit.

By clockwork,
this is how I lived,

and I hear the Holy Spirit say,
“You don’t need that anymore.”

He said, “None of it,”
but I just did that,

poured them all down,
flushed it,

and I got on an airplane at 6
a.m., and the guy next to me,

I read his mail.
I told him his –

He had two daughters
on the plane.

I – the Glory of God
– People got on the plane

that were at that conference,
and they said, “I saw it.”

SR: Why don’t you tell me
what’s going on in your hands?

JM: Oh, well, Randy Clark

prayed for me
and Dr. Mike Hutchings also.

Both of them
are just amazing friends,

and the moment that they prayed
the Fire of the Lord

to come on my hands,

I didn’t really know
what that was.

I’ve talked to Randy and Mike
about it over the years,

and they say that it’s an
anointing for healing, but it –

SR: It was like a circle.

JM: – it comes across my hand
like this, on the bottom,

and I feel the Lord’s presence
to heal people,

but when I came in here,

as everything started to get
ready to be on the air,

I started to feel the fire
in a ring like this,

and when it’s fiery like it is
right now, I said to you –

SR: All right.

JM: Yeah.
SR: Hey, hold it.

JM: Okay.
SR: When we come back,

is it okay if she releases
this fire over you,

where miracles happen?
Is that all right?


>> We will be right back
to “It’s Supernatural!”

[Music] JM:
Hi, I’m Joanne Moody,

and I am so excited for you
to have the resources

that we’ve made
available to you.

“Everyday Supernatural:

Experiencing God’s Unexpected
Manifestation In Your Life”

is my new book,

and it’s going to empower you
to be a world changer.

Every day there
are people out there

who need you
to pray for them,

but they don’t need
you to be weird.

They just need you to be you.

Then we’ve got an exclusive
four-part audio teaching series,

“How to Experience God’s
Unexpected Manifestations.”

This is going to come
through love, identity,

freedom and empowerment.

There are four rich teachings
also coming with activations

to get you ready
to go out to your family,

to your neighbors.
We also have for you

a four-sided
identity statement card

that has transformed my life,

and I know it will
transform yours.

>> Don’t miss out on
getting Joanne Moody’s brand-new

must-read powerful book
“Everyday Supernatural:

Experiencing God’s Unexpected
Manifestation In Your Life”

plus her four-part audio
CD teaching set

“How to Experience God’s
Unexpected Manifestations.”

Plus, you will receive
her bonus card,

“My Kingdom Identity: Who Are
You? What God Says About You.”

This is an exclusive offer
for our “It’s Supernatural!”

audience, yours for
a donation of $35.

Shipping and handling
is included.

Ask for offer number 9827.

Heavenly Father, I thank

You for Your son
and Your daughter

listening to this right now,
watching this right now.

Lord, I pray that whatever fear
has settled in their heart

or in their mind,
whatever complacency,

whatever stumbling block

the enemy has tried
to put in front of them,

right now, in Jesus’ Name,
I say rise up.

>> Call or you can send
your check to Sid Roth,

“It’s Supernatural!”

PO Box 39222, Charlotte,
North Carolina 28278.

Please specify offer number 9827
or log onto

Call or write today.


>> We now return to
“It’s Supernatural!”


Just this is so important.

Please listen to every word.

Before I turn Joanne loose
to pray

because every time
this happens, miracles erupt,

there really is a Heaven.

There really is a hell.
There really is a God.

There really is a God
that is pure love.

There is a God that has
a good plan for your life,

and He wants you to have
your own experience with Him.

I don’t care what
your background is.

If you will say this prayer
out loud with me

and mean it to the best
of your ability,

you will have
your own experience.

I don’t know what it is.

Whatever you need,
you will have it,

and you will say,
“I don’t believe in God,

I know God.
He’s my best friend.”

That’s what you’ll say.


So repeat this prayer out loud
with me

and mean it to the best
of your ability.

You can’t do more than that,
but you can do that.

Repeat out loud.

Out loud, it’s important.
It’s in the Bible.

That’s how I know that,
out loud. Dear God.

>> Dear God.

SR: I’ve made many mistakes
in my life.

>> I’ve made many mistakes
in my life.

SR: For which I’m so sorry.

>> For which I’m so sorry.

I believe.

>> I believe.

SR: The Blood of Jesus.

>> The Blood of Jesus.

Washes them away.

>> Washes them away.

SR: And I am clean.

>> And I am clean.

SR: And now that I’m clean.

>> And now that I’m clean.

SR: Jesus, come
and live inside of me.

>> Jesus, come and live
inside of me.

SR: I make you my Savior.

I make you my Savior.

SR: And even more important.

>> And even more important.

I make you Lord of my life.

>> I make you Lord of my life.

SR: I want to experience
Your Presence.

>> I want to
experience Your Presence.

SR: I want to know You.

>> I want to know You.

SR: As my best friend.

>> As my best friend.

SR: Amen.

>> Amen.

SR: Joanne, look in the camera
and pray whatever God shows you.

Heavenly Father, I thank

You for those
who are watching right now,

and I call upon Your Name,
Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah,

King of All, and I say,
“Come, Spirit of the Living God,

and fall fresh, Lord,
on each and every one

who is hearing my voice
right now.

Come, Holy Spirit.

We invite You, Lord, to come
and heal those who are sick,

heal those who are blind,
heal those who are deaf,

heal those who are lame, Father.

You said, “The lame walk.
The blind see.

The deaf hear,”
and in the Name of Jesus,

in the Name of Yeshua, Yahweh,

Most High God, El Elyon,
Jehovah Rapha,

Jehovah Shammah,
Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Shalom,

Sir Israel,
Jehovah Mekoddishkem,

Jehovah Maschi, God,
our Refuge,

El Hakkavod, God of Glory,
come down now!

And, Lord, I speak to cancer.
I hear

You say, “Cancer,
be gone right now,”

in Jesus’ Name,
and any root of evil

that is holding cancer
to your cells right now,

I curse every root
of cancer in your cells,

and I call it out
in the Name of Jesus,

and I say,
“Spirit of affliction,

go from these people
in Jesus’ Name.”

SR: Go out, get a tennis racket

because your wrist
has just been healed.

JM: Come on.

Thank You, Messiah. Thank You.

JM: Come on. Thank You, Jesus.

Thank You, Lord.

Thank You, Lord.
Thank You, Lord.
