Receiving your healing was never meant to be complicated. It is as simple as putting God’s Word into practice. Sandra Kennedy’s groundbreaking teachings in The Simplicity of Healing are practical and apply to every area of your life.

Is there a supernatural

A world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!


Sid: Hello.

Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

So many people have so many
sicknesses and so many of these

people have tried everything the
medical world has,

everything that they’ve read

books up to here about healing,
and they’re stuck.

They believe it’s true, but
they’re stuck.

Well my guest has so many
incurable people healed that

16 hospitals and their
doctors send incurable,

the ones that medical science
has given up on,

patients to her and she says
healing is simple.

Would you like it to be simple?

Get unstuck.


Tens of thousands have been
healed under your ministry,

many miracles, many bonafide

But you’re special.

You must have special gifts and

Sandra Kennedy: I’m not special
at all.

What I do, anyone can do.

Anyone can do.

Sid: You’ve proven it.

You’ve trained anyone to do it.

Sandra Kennedy: Yes, I’ve
trained anyone

and they can do it.

Sid: Well you say something that
some people

get upset with, Sandra.

You say healing is simple.

Sandra Kennedy: Yes, I do.

Sid: So how come when I ask

how many of you need to be

99 percent of the hands go up
and that extra one percent

they’re just liars.

Sandra Kennedy: The biggest

Sid, is that most people are
trying to get from God something

God has already given.

And so they are begging God,
pursuing God,

crying out to God, reading

trying methods, trying this,
trying that to get God to do for

them what God has already done.

So therefore, they put all of it
on them.

It is a big [unintelligible]

Sid: You said one of the keys is
to fall in love with God.

Elaborate on that for us.

Sandra Kennedy: I actually tell
folks this,

and, Sid, it’s the truth.

If I can get you to fall in love
with Jesus,

that’s my job to get you to fall
so in love with him that you

just take from him what he has
already given you.

Most people know about God and
don’t really know God.

They don’t know what God has

They don’t know what God has

They don’t know the blessings of

They don’t know what God has

as I said, given to them.

So if I can get you to fall in
love with him just from his

Word, get you to fall in love
with him,

you will automatically be able
to take what somebody you love

has given you.

Sid: You know, a lot of people
approach this as almost formula.

Sandra Kennedy: Yes.

Sid: And that is, to me, that is
the missing ingredient.

It’s not formula.

Sandra Kennedy: It’s not formula
at all.

Sid: It’s God of love.

Sandra Kennedy: Right.

Sid: And getting to know him.

You like to teach a lot about
Proverbs 4:20.

Sandra Kennedy: You’ve got to
get into the Word.

You’ve got to understand what
the Bible has to say

about healing.

And when the Bible says that

that the Word of God is medicine
then you will take a scripture.

He said in his Word, “Heal me.”

Sid: My translation doesn’t say,
Proverbs 4 doesn’t say

“medicine”, but I know that’s
what the original Hebrew says.

Sandra Kennedy: Yes.

It says “medicine”, absolutely,
it’s medicine for you.

And if you keep that word, keep

like you do medicine, take it

noon and night, you take the
Word of God and you talk to

yourself what the Bible says to
you until you get it,

Sid, from your head down into
your spirit.

Now people get stuck, and I know
we’ve talked about this a lot,

people get stuck because they’re
stuck in their head.

They know how to parrot it back.

They know how to say it back to
someone what

the Word of God has said.

They know how to parrot what a
book has said.

They watch somebody, but they
don’t know,

it’s not real to them.

So all I have to do is have I
have a pain,

all I have to do is have
something change and I

automatically go with the
problem instead of what Jesus

has said.

But if I believe him, if I
really believe him then I’m

going to start saying back to

well this is what the Word of
God says.

What am I going to do and who am
I going to believe here.

You know, the Bible says this,
my symptoms say this.

You know, I tell people
sometimes to take their doctor’s

report, for instance.

You take your doctor’s report
and then take your Bible and put

it on top of the doctor’s

Now you got to believe one or
the other.

You’re going to believe one or
the other and the one you give

all your attention to is the one
you’re going to believe.

So you’ve got to give your

everybody here, everybody you
know who needs healing are

begging God to do something that
he’s already done,

every person you know.

Sid: Tell me about that man in
the coma that your team,

not yourself, people you just

what happened?

Sandra Kennedy: The man was in a

had very little time to live at

Went in there.

His wife was there, and I
mention that because she thought

they were crazy.

They went in there, three or
four people went in there and

they began to speak, remember,
we don’t speak to the flesh,

we speak to the spirit.

We go in because you’re a

You have a body that you live

that’s what’s sick, and you have
a soul and your mind,

your will and your emotions, and
it’s your thinking that’s

messing up your body.

So you got to get your thinking

So they go in and they talk to
the man as if he

were not in a coma.

They begin to say what the Word
says over him.

Sid: By the way, your spirit can
hear no matter what’s going on

in the physical.

Sandra Kennedy: No matter what.

So you’re talking to the spirit.

And so you go and talk to him,
hello John.

His name happened to be John.

“Hello, John, I’m so and so and
the Bible says this,

and by the stripes of Jesus you
are healed,

and God sent his Word in you,
took all your sickness and all

your diseases.”

And you begin to speak to that

“Spirit, come on, come out of
that coma.

Come on, bring yourself and let
the healing power of God push

out the sickness.”

Oh I love saying this.

The healing power of God, Sid,
when you got born again,

the healing power of God, Holy

Holy Spirit, moved inside of

so you have inside of you right
now all the healing power of God

already in you, every, it’s in
you now.

When you got born again all of
God came in you,

which means all of his healing
power came in.

But I’ve got to get it from the
inside to my body.

My body is sick, my spirit is

Sid: All right, I want to talk
about that when we come back.

But what happened to the man in
the coma?

Sandra Kennedy: The man came out
of the coma days later,

weeks later.

Woman: Thank you, Lord.

Sandra Kennedy: Showed up at the
healing center,

walked down the street and the
person who happened to say,

“Hello, my name is such and so,”
she was walking down the street,

and he said, “Hello Velda.”

Her name was Velda.

“Hello, Velda, my name is John,”
which meant he heard her

in that coma.

Sid: My goodness.

When we come back I want Sandra
to step by step tell me what she

had to do, not when someone else
needed a creative miracle,

when she needed a creative

Anyone can teach it.

Anyone can speak a good game.

What happens when you need a
creative miracle?

Be right back.


We’ll be right back to It’s

We now return to It’s


Sid: You know, as I was saying,
Dr. Kennedy does not just teach

by what she’s learned.

She actually has put this into
practice in her own life.

That was an awful thing that
happened to you.

Your nice little doggy bit off
your lip.

That is not a cool thing to

Sandra Kennedy: No, that is not.

Sid: And so did you have the lip
in your hand?

Sandra Kennedy: That’s the first
question the nurse asked me in

the emergency room, where’s your

I didn’t know it was gone.

The dog, as I bent down, the dog
jumped up by accident,

and the mouth of the dog, he was
a Sheltie with a pointed lip

like that, closed here and
closed down on my nose to this

side over here, took that lip

I didn’t know what it was
because there was so much blood.

I had no idea.

So I just grabbed a towel, put
it on it,

called some friends and said, “I
think I need to go to the

emergency room.”

First thing they said to me is,
“Where is your lip?”

Well I had no idea if the dog
had eaten it or what.

I didn’t know where my lip was.

Sid: Now you’re talking up,
which I understand why because I

know what happened.

However, at that time I don’t
think you were so up.

Sandra Kennedy: Oh I wasn’t up
at all.

Here I am, I was horrified.


Sid: Can you imagine?

You’re deformed now.

Sandra Kennedy: I was actually

I’m deformed.

And so they told me I needed
plastic surgery.

The plastic surgeon came in and
he instantly said,

“I can’t do anything.”

He said, “If it was the bottom
lip it would reproduce itself.

This is the top lip, it won’t
reproduce itself.”

And he said, “I can’t do

He said, “It’s ragged.

I’ve got to cut it again and
then pull it together.”

And he said, “We’re going to
have to have to go to surgery

right now and then you’re going
to have to have three to six

more surgeries.”

And I instantly said, “I will
never have another surgery.”

And he just looked at me like I
was crazy.

And I said, “On top of that,
it’s my lip and I’m going to

pray for you.”

So I took his hands, never met
this guy in my life,

took his hand and prayed for

Went into the surgery, woke up
in the middle of him sewing up

my lip with black gut stuff.

As he’s sewing up my lip I heard
him tell the nurse,

“I don’t know why I didn’t do

I normally sew the lip totally

come back three weeks later,
slit it.”

And I’m thinking, I’m a

Don’t do this.

I’m thinking.

I can’t say anything.

And I said, thank God that’s why
you didn’t sew it up.

When I came out my nose was
sitting over here on this side

because he pulled it.

They had to pull it.

So I’m lopsided like this, Sid.

I’m lopsided.

The only part of my lip that’s
open is a little teeny hole

right over here and I could just
talk with a microphone like this

on this side.

Sid: Yes, but you’re not going
to talk on a microphone with

people looking.

Sandra Kennedy: I had a healing
explosion ten days later.

Sid: I know, but don’t you know
what you looked like?

Sandra Kennedy: Yes I did.

I knew.

And when I went in, the first
thing I said was,

okay this is how I look.

This is the way it is.

And what I ended up doing was I
went home and I got all the

pictures of me smiling because
he told me I would

never smile again.

They would never be able to see
my teeth ever again.

And I got every picture of me

plastered it all over all the

all over in the kitchen,

And then every time I’d go by a
mirror or go by something I’d

speak to that lip and I would
command it in the name of Jesus

to move.

I’d command it maybe 30 times a

I command you.

He said it wouldn’t remove,

it couldn’t move.

And I said, I command it to

When I go back to see him I kept

no I will never have another

I will never have a surgery.

And he kept trying.

He brought out a book with cleft
lips and all kinds of

deformities, and he said to me,
“I want you to look at this.”

I said, “I will never look at

I don’t want to get it in my

I will never look at it.

I won’t look at anything except
pictures of me smiling and what

I want this lip to do.”

And the day that I had the
healing explosion that I looked

so bad, I turned my back to the
congregation and I said,

“It’s every man for himself.”

I turned my back to the
congregation and I said,

“I command you to move.”

And God as my witness I’ve never
had a surgery,

not one single thing.

And see, I think you can count
my teeth pretty well.

Sid: I see.


Well you talk about two things.

I want you to briefly comment on

persistence and actually acting
on the Word,

not just thinking about what the
Bible says.

Sandra Kennedy: Remember, it
matters what you think.

That’s why I wouldn’t get that
book in front of me.

I wouldn’t get the pictures in
my mind.

It matters.

And when I made the statement
earlier that I’m aware that all

of God’s healing power is inside
of me,

and the only thing that’s
blocking God’s healing power

from getting to my body, that’s
anybody who’s listening,

the only thing that’s stopping
it is my mind what I’m thinking.

So I’ve got to persistently stay
tuned to the Word of God until

it gets my passed my mind into
my heart that I believe it more

than what I see.

Sid: Yes, but what if it wasn’t

What if someone is listening to
us right now and they’ve done it

all wrong.

They have a picture in their
mind of them dying

of a dread disease.

What can they do?

Sandra Kennedy: They can do
exactly what I did.

They’ve actually got to change
their thinking.

The thinking is the process.

You’ve got to change your

They need to start visualizing

They need to see themselves

They need to see if they’re
skinny and emaciated,

they need to see their body
getting weight on it again.

They need to believe that Word
of God that it’s released in

their body and that there’s
something happening

in their body.

And what it is the power of God
that God has released in you.

They’ve got to just speak to
that body,

keep speaking to it.

Say I can’t lift my shoulder.

I command it in the name of

shoulder, you will lift.

You will in the name of Jesus.

The number one healings that we
see are cancer,

percentage-wise are cancer and
we curse it.

We curse it and we tell that
cancer it will die in Jesus’

name, and we keep seeing it go,
seeing it go.

And the secret, you release your
faith by praise and gratitude.

So I have to say, Lord, I’m so
thankful healing is inside

of me already.

I thank you it’s in me.

Isn’t that wonderful?

I thank you it’s in me and,

I just release it now.

Sid: So what you’re telling me,
if I’m understanding you right,

it says it says in Proverbs that
the Word is medicine.

You take as much medicine as you

Sandra Kennedy: Yes.

Sid: If you knew that you had a
medicine that would heal you and

you could have as much as you

what would you do?

When we come back I’m going to
find out what a woman did that

was diagnosed with cancer and
got a hold of this teaching.

Be right back.


We’ll be right back to It’s

We now return to It’s


Sid: Some of you are trying to
wrap your mind

around this concept.

It’s so simple, yet so profound.

The healer, not a little bit of
the healer,

THE healer is living within you.

You don’t have to run to some

He’s in you.

You talk about, and this is so

the power of agreement.

What do you mean by that?

Sandra Kennedy: Agreeing with

You’re going to be agreeing with

You’re either going to agree
with the doctor,

thank God for good doctors, but
you’re going to either agree

with the doctor or you’re going
to agree with your symptom.

You’re going to agree with

So you need to start agreeing
with the Word of God.

Get somebody to agree with you.

Sid: All right, but do you deny
your symptoms?

Sandra Kennedy: No.

You deny the right for them to
be there.

Sid: I see.

Sandra Kennedy: You don’t deny

but you deny, you don’t have a
right in my body.

I’m not saying you aren’t there.

I’m saying you don’t have a

I do that.

Now remember, a symptom is not a

Your mouth can make it a

Sid: You’re just describing the
power of agreement in reverse.

Sandra Kennedy: Absolutely

Sid: All right.

We have readers that read, we
get manuscripts before they

become books.

We got a manuscript in, your

and this has never happened

Our readers read lots of books
on healing.

This woman was facing surgery
and after reading your book

something clicked and she didn’t
need surgery.

Let’s have Lori tell you

Lori: I was
experiencing excruciating pain

in my shoulder and was diagnosed
after an MRI

with a torn rotator cuff.

The doctor actually said it was
hanging by a thread and I would

need surgery.

Doctor: I’m sorry to tell you

but you’re going to need

Lori: While I was reading “The
Simplicity of Healing” it

connected with me on a personal
level that changed my mindset

concerning my own healing.

I already had knowledge of the
principles of healing,

but it helped me to see where I
had head knowledge,

but wasn’t letting it get deep
into my heart and spirit.

While reading this book, God
revealed to me the moment I came

into agreement with the symptoms
and how the symptoms actually

became a condition because I
came out of agreement with what

God had said and came into
agreement with the enemy.

I repented when I realized what
I had done and immediately the

pain left my shoulder.

Look, God healed me.

Doctor: What?

Lori: Yes.

Sid: You know,

as she was talking about what
happened I could feel the

presence of God coming.

Sandra Kennedy: I could, too.

Sid: What’s going to happen to
our people that are watching

right now?

Sandra Kennedy: If they grab
hold of it and will grab hold

and begin to agree with God and
thank him with gratitude,

the healing power of God that is
already in them will begin to be

released inside of them, pushing
out that sickness and disease.

They have to continue to praise

thank you, Lord, God.

Most people know the principles
in their head.

Same thing she was saying.

But it dropped down inside of
her and it became real to her,

and it became more real than the
problem on the outside.

And you begin to say, if you
will do it,

if people will do it, if they
would just begin to say,

thank you, Lord, that I am

thank you that you’re doing this
in my life,

thank you, Father God, that the
healing power is in me.

I agree with you.

You said I’m healed, so bless

I’m healed.

You know, you’ve got to get in
agreement with somebody.

I’m going to agree with you,

Sid: Okay.

I hear what you’re saying.

But again, one of your staff

director of ministry, develops

How bad a cancer?

There’s no such thing as a good

How bad?

Sandra Kennedy: Well she totally

The mass was just all the way
across her stomach,

just totally that way.

She just happened to be a nurse,

And she said that the Word is
more powerful than a two-edged

sword, and so she went in and
let the Word become a scaffold

to her and she spoke to the

and believed God to cut that
cancer out.

No pain.

The pain did not leave.

I mean, she was hurting just as

Every time she’d go back to the

Sid: That took raw faith.

Sandra Kennedy: Absolutely.


And the pain did not leave until
the day she got the full report

that she was totally

And she didn’t have surgery now.

She never had surgery.


Sid: Are many people with cancer
healed in your organization.

Sandra Kennedy: Yes.

The number one healings are

I mean, we get calls from all
over the world.

We teach people exactly what I’m
teaching here: How to believe

God, how to get in agreement
with God,

how to expect God to keep his

how to expect God to do what he
says he has done.

And most of us believe that
we’ve got to get God to do

something and it’s a whole
different concept when you’re

praising him, but he’s already
done it.

Sid: Do you know what I’m

and I’m going to shout it to
you: Never give up!

Sandra Kennedy: Never give up.

Sid: Never give up!

Never give up!

Sandra Kennedy: Never give up!



Sid: Next week on It’s

Robert Henderson: Hello.

I’m Robert Henderson, author of
“The Court of Heaven” series.

Did you know that God is
passionate about you fulfilling

your purpose?

Join me as we learn how to
unlock your destiny from the

courts of Heaven, right here on
It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth.