Sid Roth appears on Kathryn Kuhlman’s television program, “I Believe in Miracles” in 1972.

I believe in miracles



I don’t have to tell you

I don’t even have to recite you know

that I believe in miracles and I feel

sorry to the human being today who does

not believe in a supernatural power of

Almighty God we forget sometimes that

God is still God Almighty and there is

no such thing as failure with you

oh good adequate is time today when I

tell you that the name my guest is Sid

Roth that’s surely in itself and so

excited about it because this Roth is

one of those wonderful young businessmen

from Washington DC who has had this

growth experience of knowing the Messiah

in the forgiveness pieces

Sid Roth first of all I want you to know

how wonderful it is to have you as my

guest today I’m privileged to have be

leave me and to know that we’re related

now there’ll be thousands of books who

understand that somebody with a name

like Kathryn Kuhlman and a man with a

name like Sid Roth and they went around

the world we could be related we belong

the same family heirs of God and

joint-heirs with Christ Jesus that in

itself is a miracle you know it well

said the Washington Daily News classes

you with the other very prominent young

men in business in our nation’s capital

as white-collar Jesus

freaks I think the greatest compliment

that they could pay you that was really

how in the world did you ever get

involved with Jesus Christ

considering that I come from an Orthodox

Jewish background

I saw take more than a couple of seconds

to give you an answer

I know and you’re a very successful

stockbroker in Washington DC you’ve been

in this business for how many years

well I’m 31 years old and I’ve been in a

stock business about eight years and

I’ve been in the business of Jesus

Christ about one year when you’re old

now and you’re a great success boat as a

Christian and as a stock broker a very

successful Christian and a very

successful stockbroker well tell me all

right get about your early trainee as an

Orthodox Jew well coming from a family

where my father is a deep believer in

God he gave me the traditional

background of training I went to skulk

later Hebrew school I was Bar Mitzvah at

13 that’s when a Jewish boy becomes a

man and my family was steeped and deep

in the ritual and tradition of Judaism

and I feel actually today I feel more

Jewish than I’ve ever felt in my life

because right now that’s all said please

I feel the same way about a do coming

and accepting net price of true Messiah

you are a better deal than you have in

your life abort right I believe that now

I’m truly an Orthodox Jew I’ll hold you

right weightless so do I so being

brought up in an orthodox as an Orthodox

Jew and

how did you ever get involved well you

know to me the Jewish religion as proud

as I am of it it’s not today the way it

started it’s not God centered it’s more

man centered and I never felt for thirty

years of my life a need or closeness or

reality of God and today I do

fortunately for me God knew my heart and

he put me in a position you see up being

a Salesman successful in sales I’ve read

every book I’m positive thinking and I

began to believe that the man the

individual can do anything and so what

God did is he backed me into a corner

stripped me of everything he got me

involved in the psychic world and I

didn’t realize I was tying in with the

devil when I was involved in astrology

and in mind-control I got involved with

that I was looking for power

I found a power there I found that

astrology isn’t fake it works the

brilliant mind you have a mind that

works very quickly it is you’d like to

explore the unknown I was looking for

power and I found it let me tell you

about some of the things that I was able

to do and I’m not saying that I’m

bragging I’m trying to explain it to you

I was able to open up a dictionary and

ask myself a specific question and just

turn at random and point to a word and

I’d have an exact answer to my question

I was able to close my eyes and you

someone would give me the name of

someone I’d never heard of before and I

could describe them and tell you what

was wrong with them physically and I

thought that this power was really

tremendous I began to be able to impose

my will on people then all of a sudden

within me a feeling said where is the

power coming from and I went to the

instructor that taught me the course and

I said where’s the power coming from and

he didn’t know so he sent me to the

instructor for the Oval eastcoast for

this particular course and I asked him

the same question and he wasn’t able to

answer my question and I remember at the


I had met a lot of born-again Christians

and they started tell me about

Deuteronomy 18 in which the Lord Jesus

Christ forbids having anything to do

with this sort of activity and I asked

him about it at the time

and he said to me said the only evil is

in your mind that’s the only hang-up

there’s no such thing as the devil and I

walked away from that man not being

completely satisfied because the loi

told me what it wasn’t he didn’t tell me

what it was he didn’t tell me who I was

tied into and then he was like nah Jesus

Christ he’s you know he knew how cuz it

was being a Jew to get to me and I

praise him for what he did

time after time little things like I go

to my car and find a tract about Jesus

just happened to be laying nearby there

I quit I quit my job in this search for

power and I decided to hang up my own

shingle to go into the investment

business for myself and because I had

this great ability why should I work for

someone else and the first fellow I

bumped into says said I’ve got an extra

office a secretary a desk I’ll let you

have it at no charge until you get on

your feet telephone would you like it

sure you know this this was my mind I

felt it was God turns out this fellow

though he was in the computer business

was a born-again Christian had prayer

meetings their morning noon and night

more born-again Christians were walking

in and out of those doors holding prayer

meetings for me fasting for me you know

it I didn’t know it and I and the thing

is this is how beautiful that God works

I had nothing to do with this this was

God laying it on their heart to brave

for me and then God had a few other

things happen within the occult to me

for instance I remember one day I was in

a seance type meeting and I had my eyes

closed and all of a sudden I saw

something come out of my body and it was

me and I told the lady next to me and

she says oh that’s terrific that’s your

astral soul that has just come out of

your body but be very careful because

sometimes when you knew at this your

astral soul won’t find its way back into

your body and this scared the heck out

of me and then the next day next day I

talked to someone and they said by the

way said and you know this is a

completely different person they say if

this astral soul of yours comes out of

your body while your

it was explained to me that while you’re

sleeping your astral soul goes out of

your body and you don’t even know this

and so now here my soul is going out of

my body I don’t know it I may wake up

and my soul won’t be back in and I’m

really worried at this point and then I

get a hold of a book which the Lord gave

to me I went into a bookstore to get

some books on psychic phenomena and I

saw one book called the Bible the Jew

and the supernatural didn’t know a thing

about it but you know I was interested

in I was Jewish on in Supernatural so I

started reading this book and it talks

about Brian Epstein by the Beatles and a

number of other prominent Jews that have

lost their lives

the reason being they fooled with the

occult because it’s a sin for anyone to

fool what the occult but it’s a greater

sin for a Jew to fool with it and you

know we’re so prone to do this being

Jews looking for power and not having

had it for 2,000 years because we we

didn’t realize that Jesus Christ was our

Messiah but anyway these things kept

happening I read this book and it

described it was sort of like God when

you break into the occult there’s a

manhole cover and you can take one step

over that manhole cover and get into the

supernatural world but the only way back

is straight down into hell and I

remember all of these things happening

to man I came home at night I had a

mezuzah that’s a Jewish thing with the

Torah in it

around my neck I had a Bible which I’d

gotten by that point I put that under my

pillow I said to my wife who was born

Baptist and converted to Judaism

I knew she knew more about God knighted

say a prayer for me so so I had the

Jewish guide I had her saying a prayer

to Jesus I had the Bible until I was

afraid to close my eyes because of the

fear of this thing about my soul leaving

that God did this now looking back it’s

you know I can laugh and joke at it but

it was a very serious thing and I all

though I didn’t say it with my mouth

with my heart I say God you’re the only

one I can turn to and you know something

he was there he was there and praise God

so many beautiful things have been

happening since I’ve invited them into

my heart

what was your experience

that moment that new birthday experience

it was the most real thing in the world

do you Jesus Christ is as real to me as

you are sitting right opposite me and

you know the thing I want to emphasize

is I had because I guess I was Jewish

and he just kind of hit me over the head

over and over and over and I’d like to

tell my story because he did I want to

emphasize the point that the Bible says

the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard

seed which is a tiny tiny little seed

and you take Jesus Christ which is this

tiny little seed and you put them into

your heart and you feed them with the

word and he’ll grow just like that acorn

isn’t an oak tree instantaneously Jesus

Christ doesn’t grow instantaneously he

grows on faith and I know for my own

personal experience from the experience

of many of my friends that if you’ll

invite him into your heart he’s on the

outside it’s sort of like you driving an

automobile you know and he has a

difficult time driving your car from the

outside but he can do it because he’s

got look what he did to my life but you

know when you invite them inside that

automobile you know what happens it’s a

heck of a lot easier for him and that’s

where he wants to go and why I’m just so

grateful to him and I feel like I can’t

do him enough justice for what he’s done

for me

do you know that this is a very

successful stockbroker who’s talking

this is a businessman from our nation’s

capital a successful book but sit it’s

real it’s now it has been something the

past if Jesus now this wonderful

relationship now that this is what’s so

exciting in other words like I’m telling

you what happened a year ago but you

know if I can’t tell you what happened

yesterday or the day before two days ago

I’m in serious trouble with God because

he’s so real every single day he

influences my life just a couple days

ago I was giving a talk at a junior

college for mutual funds this was an

adult education class and the professor

was a client of mine he said said I know

where you stand with God don’t don’t

give anything about God during this time

because it’s a school you know

and I said okay these are the ground

rules fine but I wore a little pin that

said PTL and the very last question from

the from the students was what is PTL

stand for it

phrase God you know he planted that

question and I said well the professor

has said I cannot comment on this until

after class however anyone that’s

interested in staying I’m going to tell

you about the most important thing in my

life and ten students stayed and I

talked for about an hour about PTL which

is praise the Lord and two people

accepted Jesus Christ one was Jewish and

I it’s just this is Jesus Christ now you

see I

I had nothing whatsoever to do it

there’s a matter of fact that particular

Monday night I was asked to talk at a

church for a bunch of Christians that

most of them were not born again and not

going through this experience that I’m

talking about and I really wanted to go

to that church more than talking about

investments and I was trying to figure

out some way in my mind to get out of

that talk but you see how beautiful God

is instead of me doing my will God block

me I could get out of that talk for

anything I had to give that talk into

Souls came to Jesus Christ your mother’s

attitude about all this well either an

understanding a mother is a mother yes

there’s an understanding but when it

comes to Judaism there’s something

ingrained they saw it’s a shame that so

many people think of Christianity in the

light of what it really isn’t in other

words when you read the Bible and find

out what a Christian is you know most of

the things that have gone on for the

last hundred years in the name of

Christianity really aren’t I’ve got a

cousin that was was in Germany when

Hitler was there and she had twin

children and she the Gestapo took one of

the children and threw him out the

window and died and in her mind this is

Christianity this is the Christians did

it they don’t understand a lot of people

take the title Christian but they’re

none unless you’re born again and know

Jesus Christ

it doesn’t matter where you’re born

doesn’t matter what you’re born in a

Jewish home or a Christian home it’s a

new birth it’s a brand new experience

and if you haven’t had it you haven’t

you haven’t had life you have you

haven’t experienced anything as the

businessmen in that article they’re all

very very successful and money just

can’t buy what I’m talking about

and most people can I can’t put it in

words you have to experience Jesus

Christ tell them to come into your heart

and take over your life

the scripture says flesh and blood hath

not revealed it unto thee but my father

which is in heaven

it’s a spiritual revelation it’s not the

intellect yeah you you depended on the

intellect for so long videos that’s

right you’re a brilliant young man just

from very short time that I have had an

association with you

Sid Roth your ability demand you’ve

always known that you had its ability

when it would come to the mind and you

suck everything through the mind but you

don’t get this experience to the mind

gotta approach the kingdom of heaven

like a child it’s a heart is it changed

you completely well my wife says you’re

not the man that I’m married I’m a

completely new person and I praised by

the way because I didn’t care for the he

look Sid Roth and your new the old Sid

Rowse better than anyone else that’s it

every prisoner has delivered himself and

kick you and I would be amazed but a

mask most folk

covering the real prisoner there that’s

what’s so beautiful about Jesus you

don’t have to cover up you don’t even

have to direct because he becomes your

Lord he just takes this hunk of dust

which he created and he tells us what to

do he’s my boss and he’s boy he’s doing

such a beautiful job and run in my life

I wouldn’t want to take it over again

for anything

he’s look at this here’s a Jewish boy

that knew nothing about Jesus Christ you

know the only thing I knew about Jesus

Christ i read a ripley’s believe it or

not book and it said Jesus Christ was a

Jew and I remember going to my parents

with that and saying is that true and I

got so mad Jews today don’t know about

Jesus Christ they don’t know about the

scriptures in the Old Testament the

Bible says the scriptures say the Jews

will have spiritual scales over their

eyes and it’s unfortunate now you see I

had an excuse although I had an Orthodox

training I never read the scriptures I

never searched them I knew the Bible

stories and things of that nature but I

never searched them now I’m searching

them I’m reading the Old Testament and

page after page is nothing more than

prophecy about Jesus Christ it’s all

God’s Word the Old Testament the New

Testament and if a Jew if a Christian if

anyone will just search the Scriptures

its life what does they say in John in

the beginning was the word and he was

with God and he was God and the word

became flesh well this is God this is

God and if someone will just read it

they’ll experience that new birth it’s a

very personal type thing it’s it’s

between you and God it’s not between you

Sid Roth or you Kathryn Kuhlman and God

you can go directly to God by reading

his word and the last few people that

have come to know Jesus Christ that I

had a chance to testify to came to

Christ from only one way I gave them

enough and seeing what the changes

occurred to me to want to read the word

and when they read the word they met

Jesus Christ

and Sid Roth good day you’re a better

dude than you have ever been in your

life I like to use the term completed –

yes you and I are members of the same

family same Heavenly Father the same

Messiah the same wonderful Holy Spirit

how better can we tell you I sit here so

deeply moved by the words

Sid Roth his book

he has told you better than I have the

ability to tell and yet neither one of

us can tell it as the Holy Spirit will

reveal it to you whether you’re George

Gentile jesus said you must be born

he must be there’s no other way Jesus is

all these dentists he was a very similar


the cruel Messiah won’t you judge now

whether you’re kneeling whether you’re

seated just look up just a little child

come to you miss did rod came to him and

just look up and say dear Jesus I want

to know you and that one is experiences

I want peace of mind and peace of soul

please come into my simple so simple

your tape of skills from of your high

you’ll know him in we have attained

necklace is an example but the Derry

person of the son of God you Messiah

when you know you’re like that then you


