This week on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, Judith MacNutt has such an anointing the spiritual scales will come off your eyes and many of you will see angels.

my guest has such an anointing such a

presence on her life that the spiritual

scales will literally come off of your

eyes and many of you will see angels for

the first time is there a supernatural

dimension a world beyond the one we know

is there life after death

do angels exist

can our dreams contain messages from


can we tap into ancient secrets of the

supernatural our healing miracles real

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years

researching the strange world of the



join Sid for this edition of

it’s supernatural hello Sid Roth here

welcome to my world where it’s naturally


and before we went on the air ice

I feel angels my guest provokes me to

jealousy she sees angels she told me in

the makeup room and around the studio

she has been singing angels have used to

have you seen Maddie I mean tell me you

say I don’t know I just feel list of you

you have a lot here yes I said still I

think it’s because you welcome them well

I well I welcome everything of God

according to the Bible yeah that’s where

I’m coming from

but you provoke me to jealousy and you

had godly parents your mother was known

for praying for the six sick when you’re

like eight years of age just a young kid

a doctor’s child had cancer how bad was

it was a very serious cancer it was a

tumor on the bone and they had to they

were going to amputate his leg and they

were taking him to Mayo Clinic for the

amputation before he went my mother


and at the time he got to Mayo Clinic

the tumor was gone and so he never had

to have the surgery did now this being a

doctor’s child imagine a lot of people

knew about it oh the whole town it was a

small town that I grew up old and I’m

sure they all knew about it everything

but to have that type of heritage yeah I

mean that is so wonderful I mean my

heritage is I wasn’t even sure there was

a God I know I mean I didn’t know my

left hand from my right hand the Bible

when it came to spiritual things but

then when you were eight I think

the devil tried to snuff your life out

because he knew what was going to happen

in your future there was a drunk driver

what happened well I was a little girl

and I begged my mother to go and see the

girls at the prom

and that’s so she let me ride my bicycle

out to the high school and I was on my

bicycle on the sidewalk and a young man

who’d been drinking came to the prom and

he first hit me and knocked me off the

bicycle and then he ran over me

and he did this because he was just

paying well your honor

she didn’t even realize he’d hit me and

so they carried me back to my home and

the same doctor I came over and said

don’t drive her the hundred miles to the

hospital she won’t make it and my

mother’s that was on my bed three days

and prayed for me and on the third day I

opened my eyes and I never had any

effects of the accident after that

now I hate to say this but Judith keeps

provoking me to jealous

she’s in one of my favorite places in

Israel the garden tomb and she had an

encounter with God again but but you do

know the Gentile believers to provoke

the Jew to jealousy that’s your DNA

you’re doing a good job tell me what

happened well I was in the garden tomb

and a group I won’t go into the whole

story but I was a young woman seeking

God I was in my early 20s and this woman

asked me if she could pray for me and I

it’s the first time I really saw the

light of God so powerfully on a person

and I thought it was just this one woman

that wanted to pray for me but she was

part of a tour group and they were all

spirit wait a second when you say the

light of God explain to me exactly what

you saw it was the light coming out of

her and sort of like those ancient

pictures yes Jesus and the Apostles and

they have like a light over the halo or

something yes it’s like glory or I don’t

know what to call it

and you can actually see I could see it

that day and she when I said yes to the

prayer even though I grown up in a

Christian home I needed more I’ve said

yes to the prayer and she called 40

people over that were on a tour group

and they were all spirit filled and they

they were just reaching for me because

they couldn’t wait to pray for sometimes

that’s not a good I know it’s good for

you it scared me though and they started

praying for

to have a deeper experience with God and

within a matter I don’t know a few

minutes I was lifted out of my body and

I the next thing I knew I was in I don’t

know what to call it it was another

round and I heard God’s voice and he

called my name

he said Judith and none of these people

knew my name so I knew it wasn’t a

person calling my name and I said yes

Lord and he said I love you he said I

have always loved you he said you’re a

mine and I heard these wonderful angelic

songs and I saw this brilliant light

‘men incredible experience and when I

opened my eyes I don’t know how long I

was that way but they were all gone I

don’t know I must have been there for a

long time standing or wherever I was and

they were gone they were gone and from

that time I had an experience with the

love of God that’s what that tells me

well I read something in one of your

books you said something about liquid

love it’s like I felt something poured

out on my head and it came down over my

body and I’ve never felt I’ve never felt

God’s absence since then it’s like

something came his presence came to me

in such a supernatural way it wasn’t

just an experience that was wonderful

it’s like since that time on he’s been

just right with me and I know he’s there

and then she went back to Jerusalem and

actually worked at the garden tomb but

when it closed she would go into the

tomb and she would pray but then she

started having experiences with angels

and angelic music tell me about it I

would be drawn into the tomb and I would

sit in the outer chamber you know

there’s two rooms at the garden tomb

right a one where the body of Jesus was

and then a little outer chamber and

wealthy people tended to have those

tunes but I would go and sit in the

outer chamber and pray angels would be

in there they keep their presence there

to make it sacred I would hear the

heavenly voices of angels and the

instruments that they use and they’re

not of this world they’re very different

now yeah I assume you’re not a musician

or a musician you are so when you state

they’re not in this world you know what

you’re talking is ever elimination my

mother was a musician it’s not of this

world and the harmonies the angels

singing when they worship God is not of

this world when we come back I want you

two to talk about angels that accompany

us to protect us I can tell you is a

fact two things I can tell you a number

one I wouldn’t be here right now if I

didn’t have Angelica protection and

number two someone’s back and neck has

just been healed take it it’s yours

don’t go away

we’ll be right back to it’s supernatural

for he himself supernatural

although Sid Roth here with Judith

McKnight and we’re talking about angels

and here’s the most amazing thing when

Judith teaches about angels and talks

about angels people that have never seen

them or felt them or experienced them

start seeing them feeling them and

experiencing them angels protect us I

mean III know I would be here right this

minute without an angel protecting me

but tell me about the time you were in

Israel and you went to the florist shop

oh yeah that was that was God has saved

my life so many times and that was one

of them my friend and I were in the old

city we called O Jerusalem and we were

going into the new city for a prayer

meeting and I kept I was walking with a

friend to meet Lynn my friend at the

florist shop and I kept hearing this

voice say don’t go there stop don’t go

there and it coz became more and more

insistent don’t go there

and so finally I said we weren’t too far

from the florist shop when I finally

told my friend I don’t think we’re

supposed to go there and he said let’s

pray so we joined hands and we started

praying within a few moments a bomb went

off and the bomb was in the florist shop

and we would have been standing right in

front of the florist shop and it killed

everyone in the area I mean it was just

a horrible scene and of course my heart

went out to all those people but then I

thought my friend who was always on time

I was sure she was there I was always

late she was always on time

and he said if God born Jew he would

have told her to and so we went to the

prayer meeting and she was at the prayer

meeting and I said why didn’t you go to

the florist and she said I just kept

hearing this voice tell me don’t go

there and she listened the first time

she was always very obedient

tell me about healing angels there are

actually a nets there assignment well

the way we understand it said is there’s

healing angels there’s angels that

protect us and there’s angels that are

in spiritual warfare engaged in

spiritual warfare we have a healing

ministry of course so we see angels all

the time

and our prayer ministers see them all

the time tell me about the time you had

uterine cancer yes the healing angel yes

I was diagnosed they told me I was only

28 years old they told me I would have

to have a hysterectomy I wanted to marry

I wanted to have children and I heard

that Frances McNutt was in town and so

my friend and I went to a little home

prayer group at night where he was

praying and I was seated in a chair and

he had his hand on my head

praying for God to heal me and there was

only five or six of us there he had uh I

was sitting in the chair in my head kept

going back on the back of the chair and

I felt like he was pressing too hard on

my head

so I opened my eyes to ask him to not

press so hard and he had moved he was

standing across the room with his arms

held up praying and there was no one

with a hen

I had and so I knew it was an angel and

I literally couldn’t get out of the

chair for a long time I was held into

the chair while God’s healing power just

went through my body and the next day I

went to the surgeon that was going to do

the surgery over in Tampa and he

examined me and he said you’ve been

totally and completely healed

there’s no cancer that is neat that

didn’t even take faith on your part no

III pray the healing angels show up

sometime while we’re speaking what was

so wonderful to me about that story is

we did marry later and we have two

amazingly wonderful children very

briefly tell me about that sign you saw

of the three angels though you knew you

were supposed to marry Francis well we

were at a retreat center because you

know he we both needed to hear it was

God’s will and we were praying in a room

together and three angels came into the

room while we were praying and one of

them leaned over next to him and said

something to him and I just knew that he

had heard and so I said when we finished

praying I said did you hear I didn’t

tell him about the Angels I said did you

hear he said no not yet and he went up

to the chapel and got on his face before

God and he said I’m not gonna move until

I know what I’m supposed to do and then

he heard it that he was meant to marry

and did hate me as this way tell me

about that conference you were at and

that literally the room changed that’s

extraordinary one I actually had that in

writing from several people the we were

we were in a conference this has

happened many times all around the world

we were in a conference and the whole

back of the room disappeared we were

having a healing service but you were

not the only one that saw this oh no no

at least six or seven or eight people

turned in

wrote it down than they had seen this

and Jesus a golden staircase came in

it’s like the room just vanished in this

golden staircase and Jesus came into the

room followed by just hundreds of angels

and Jesus went over to every person that

was sick and laid his hands on them and

when he walked away an angel would come

and take his place and stay with that

person and we had so many healing that’s

where I was going to ask you it’s

wonderful the angels yeah prayed but

what is the fruit that’s what people are

asking tremendous healing we had cancer

heart disease diabetes one several

people got out of wheelchairs it was an

extraordinary healing service at night

well I believe this you teach a little

bit on angels when we come back that

many of you are going to get healed

I mean I’m hearing this already don’t go


be right back

throughout the ages angels have been

God’s messengers protectors healers and

comforters to the people of God

sometimes their presence is as subtle as

a whisper of wind and other times as

visible as the Sun when you began to

grasp the importance of angels to God

you will be able to experience the

angelic realm and encounter the fullness

of God’s love for you we’ll be back with

more of it’s supernatural in just one



call now and dad Judith mcnutt’s

powerful book angels are supernatural

I said Roth here with Judith McNutt and

I’ve asked her to teach just a little

bit about angels because literally the

spiritual scales come off of people’s

eyes and they begin to see angels they

begin to feel angels you’ll you’ll feel

something just happen your head it’s not

a power suggestion it’s an angel as a

matter of fact I was talking to Judith

and both of us agree that God assigns

angels to everyone and I believe this

angel has been waiting for you to speak

and this angel wants to help empower the

promises of God in your life

Judith angels come in three forms

primarily explained they do they come in

three different ways and these these

ways are in Scripture – the first one

that we talk about is their spiritual

bodies and that’s kind of the the way

they’re seen in Scripture they’re very

bright they’re very large they have you

know spiritual bodies they have glowing

they’re like lightning one description

in Scripture bright eyes just very

loving and they’re very large when they

come that way the second way is human

form you know the Bible says to be

careful when we’re entertaining

strangers that it might be an angel

incurrence we have story after story in

the in the Bible where people show up in

there they’re really angels but they

look like humans and so those angels are


specific tasks to protect someone to

help someone and when they complete that

they just disappeared right in front of

their eyes they just disappear but by

the way before we get to the third form

yes I tell me about Edna speak

disappearing this is of an amazing story

Edna was a wonderful woman she was in

her 70s and she volunteered a year and a

half of her time to travel with us to

help take care of her children because

we were on the road all the time

and one night she was driving she was

you know alone and she’d prayed for

protection but she had a flat tire and

she was sitting beside the road no one

was stopping and she said lord please

send me the help I need and within

seconds an old rusty pickup truck said

she couldn’t even believe it was moving

she pulled up and this very handsome

blonde he had on blue jeans and a

t-shirt and these brilliant blue eyes

and a smile she said they just locked

you out and he came over and he never

talked to her he just got down and

started changing the tire and then it

kept looking at him because she just

knew you know there was something

special and she kept saying I know who

you are and he was look up in the smile

at her and then when they finished she

tried to get him to talk and he wouldn’t

but he got back in his truck which was

parked right behind her car and just for

effect the truck and the man disappeared

just she was like looking at the child I

mean there was no where it could go

where it could go it just vanished

and since Edna had that experience I

probably have 20 25 stories of that

angel in an old rusty pickup truck that

had been turned into me so he’s around

that sounds so exciting to me naturally

the third form that angels clerk forum

is we like you said a moment ago we

don’t see them but we feel them they’re

invisible but they’re right beside us

and we might feel a hand

on our shoulder or maybe on our head or

further back is hurting you know we

might feel mine just touching us there

and there’s no one there it it really is

kind of comforting because you can sense

a presence but when a hand is touching


and you can’t see it yeah I have to tell

you this whole show I have been sensing

the presence of angels what kind of else

are they oh you’re sensing healing

angels right now that’s what I was to

guess I would have said that yeah that

means you could pray right now and

release them over those that are

watching would you do that right now

I’ll be happy to be happy too Lord Jesus

we thank you so much for your presence

here we thank you for all the people

that are watching right now especially

those Lord that are suffering in their

body or in their minds and father we

pray now that you release healing angels

right into the room where they are Lord

we pray that they carry that healing

power right from you from the very

throne room Lord right into their bodies

and Lord we just pray for your specially

going up and down the back right now

spinal problems I’m hearing crack right

now there someone’s back is cracking

into place it’s cracking into place it’s

scoliosis is one of the problems and we

just we were sensing this earlier that

God was healing scoliosis and just you

know just it sometimes feels like fire

sometimes it feels like coolness so we

just pray Lord right now in your name

that all those backs would just come

into alignment and all that healing Lord

that you send with the Holy Angels we

just come in to those that are watching

right now and I am hearing right now

there are people with arthritis in their

fingers if you will just move your

fingers yes you’ll see that the you walk

right into your healing and hearts

hearts are being two ways mended from


I’m talking about emotional pain I’m

talking about anguish you’re being set

free right now and others are being set

someone’s getting a new heart right now

and boy is it strong on backs and necks

are you catching anything more Judith

yeah well when you said that about

hearts I thought of that scripture

Isaiah 61 where he’s come to heal the

brokenhearted and there’s so many people

suffering right now that are watching

that have a broken heart and so Lord we

pray for those broken hearts Lord to be

healed you know because the angel said

brought Jesus comfort remember they

brought him comfort and they brought him

strength and he was able to carry on so

we just pray now that those healing

angels will bring you the strength

emotional strength and healing of your

heart and your deep mind your deep mind

to experience that peace and renewal you

know my favorite angel story from the

Bible yeah it’s an angel came to Miriam

or Mary his name was Gabriel and he

announced that she was going to have a

supernatural son Yeshua Jesus The

Anointed One and this Anointed One came

to live a perfect life as a human and

died in your place and if you will

believe to the best of your ability that

he died for every sin you’ve ever

committed he died for every sickness or

pain or emotional hurt or trauma that

you’ve ever gone through take that great

exchange why be in prison get out of

prison make Jesus your Messiah and Lord

he’s come to set you free it’s up to you

just choose life why won’t you die


throughout the ages angels have been

God’s messengers protectors healers and

comforters to the people of God

sometimes their presence is as subtle as

a whisper of wind and other times as

visible as the Sun when you began to

grasp the importance of angels to God

you will be able to experience the

angelic realm and encounter the fullness

of God’s love for you we’ll be back with

more of it’s supernatural in just one



call now and get Judith mcnutt’s

powerful book angels are thrille my

guest says when he’s hit with things

like fear depression shame and

hopelessness when he taps into this

ancient mystery 100 out of 100 times

these things must leave


