What does it really mean to be a new creation seated with Jesus in Heaven’s throne room? Mike Thompson says it means possessing your full inheritance as sons and daughters of the Most High God.

My guest was taken to Heaven

with an experience
much like Paul.

He could see spiritual warfare

from Heaven’s perspective
on earth.


SR: So Mike Thompson,
I can just visualize this.

You’re raised Baptist,
you and your family

have zero knowledge
of the supernatural.

And unbeknownst to you,

your parents get filled
with the Holy Spirit, and —

never heard this before —
and ambushed him. What happened?

MT: Well, my wife and I

had just recently married
at that point.

So they invited us
to their house, my parents did,

to come over and have dinner
with them on a Friday night.

They didn’t tell us
that they were having

their prayer group there,
so we were ambushed.

And it was nervous at first,
but we warmed up to the people.

And they asked us if we wanted
to be filled

with the Holy Spirit.
And my wife said, “Yes! I do.”

So she was first,
and then I followed her.

And we received the baptism
in the Holy Spirit,

supernatural experience —

that was our introduction
into the spiritual realm.

We’d been saved earlier,
but we had no awareness,

no situational understanding
of what God was doing in us.

SR: Well, that night,

you got something
you didn’t bargain for.

You had a visitor
that you really didn’t want.

MT: Yeah. That’s true.

We had received the Holy Spirit
— that was the good side.

The bad side is,
we went home that evening,

and we went to bed.

and I was awakened in the middle
of the night with this presence.

It was a dark,
fearful presence in the room.

And I saw a demonic presence
at the bottom of the bed.

And it just was terrifying me,
at first.

It came against my flesh;

I wasn’t aware
of what was going on.

But I knew enough, that I
just — it’s kind of humorous,

but in the air,
I made a cross, like this.

And I said, “In the name
of Jesus, I rebuke you!”

And it left.

But I knew, I became
acutely aware at that moment,

if I had not resisted that,

a spirit of fear
would have come in

and would have stopped me
in my journey

in entering
the supernatural realm.

SR: I am so glad
that the devil didn’t talk you

out of a legitimate
experience that you had,

because after the devil fleed,
because of the cross,

the supernatural opened up
to Mike and his wife.

What was happening
that hadn’t happened previously?

MT: Well, suddenly, we were
starting to get impressions,

and to hear things on the inside
of us that rose up.

And we started moving
the gifts of the Spirit.

Word of knowledge,
word of wisdom.

We started praying for people,
and people were being healed.

I had an angelic visitation,
or at least I saw one.

I went to church at that point;

we weren’t in the ministry
at that point,

we were just beginning.

SR: Mm-hmm.

MT: And I watched an angel
walk up behind the pastor

and just stand there,
and spiritually just support him

while he was preaching
that sermon.

SR: That had to — I’ll use
a term the teenagers use —

that had to blow your mind
to see this!

I mean, this only
happens in the Bible.

MT: Mm-hmm.

SR: It doesn’t happen
in real life.

MT: Right. It did blow
our minds, literally,

in the sense literal
meaning reshaped

and changed our perception
of everything.

SR: Right.

MT: And it was just so dynamic
and so powerful, Sid,

because the supernatural —

we realized that we were
both spirit and natural beings,

and that we could walk in both
realms at the same time,

that God would use us mightily.

SR: The thing
that intrigues me no end is,

I’ve read in the Bible
about Paul, the apostle,

being caught up
to the Third Heaven.

Well, Mike was caught up
to the Third Heaven.

But for starters,
define the First,

Second and Third Heaven.

MT: My understanding,
what I teach is that [Music]

the First Heaven is actually
the physical universe,

the stellar heaven,
which I include the earth into.

The Second Heaven, then,
is the spiritual realm.

It is the spiritual atmosphere
that surrounds and coexists

with the physical universe.

That would be the place
that spirits operate

and function,
demonic spirits,

angels, human spirits,
Holy Spirit, et cetera.

And then
the Third Heaven [Music]

is actually
the dwelling place of God.

That’s what we think of
when we say “Heaven,”

do we want to go to Heaven?

You know, the Bible declares
that God is the creator

of all of the strata
and the heavens, and that

He lives in the highest
of the heavens,

so that’s the Third Heaven realm
which, as you mentioned,

the apostle Paul reference
in Second Corinthians 12.

SR: Okay.

You’re at a prayer meeting,
and all of a sudden —

did you leave your body?
What happened?

MT: You know, I was not
completely aware

of what was happening.

You know, Paul even said whether
in the body or out of the body.

SR: Right.

MT: And so I was
in that prayer meeting,

and I sat down on the carpet,
leaned against the wall,

and I felt this lifting,
“anointing” I called it,

because of prior visions
and experience and encounters.

And it lifted me up.

I went through the ceiling
and then through the roof.

And I was

at nighttime looking down at all
of the lights of the city.

And my glance
kind of went upwards,

and I saw these reddish amber,
dull lights.

I knew there was a absence
of the glory of God,

so that —
went right through those.

And I found myself standing
in the throne room of Heaven

with Jesus on the throne.

SR: Did it look like
what you would have expected?

MT: I — no.

SR: No?
MT: No, it didn’t.

SR: What did it look like?

MT: What caught my attention
at first was all of the sights

and the sounds of Heaven.
There was a rainbow color,

a swirling mass of colors.

They were deep, deeper than
anything I’d witnessed on earth.

Sounds of talking and music,

and things that
I was unaccustomed to.

There were angels
that were standing around

on both sides of the throne,

because the throne
was in front of me.

There were a few beings
behind the throne

that I couldn’t tell
exactly what they were.

I wondered if they were
living creatures; I don’t know.

Does it appear shadowy?

Or did everything appear
as real as the two of us?

MT: Oh, it was totally real,
just like this.

SR: Okay.

MT: Yeah, the two of us.
I was there.

And the very first thing
that I noticed, Sid,

in Heaven, is an absence
of all of the things

that plague us on the earth,

as far as fear and condemnation,
sense of failure —

any of those negative emotions
that we struggle —

they were all completely gone.
And I felt complete love,

acceptance and value
from the Lord, Jesus Christ.

And in my heart, I was saying,

is this what it’s like to be
a new creation in Christ Jesus?

Is this what
You created us to be, Lord?

It was amazing!

And then I turned,
the Lord turned me around.

And He had me look in
this portal down to the earth.

And the second thing that I felt

was a complete sense
of boldness and authority.

You know,
the Lord spoke to me,

because as I was looking down
to the earth,

I saw that prayer
meeting down below,

the people that were praying.

SR: Oh!

MT: I saw those amber
reddish demons

that they were dealing with,
the lower-level ones.

But up above
was a larger dull green.

And the Lord said, “That’s the
general that’s commanding them.

Launch your warfare from here.”

As a matter of fact,

He used a term
that you had never heard before.

MT: Hmm-mm.

SR: He said,
“I want you to go back to earth

and teach on
Third Heaven Authority.”

So he’s going to teach
on something

that he’s never heard before.

How did you even
get this information?

Do you think it was downloaded
into you, supernaturally?

Or how did you get —

MT: It was a combination
of all of those things.

Because when the Lord said,
“Launch your warfare from here,”

it was because He spoke

and I heard it
come into my back,

and it kind of just
echoed around inside of me.

Then other words came,
and they float out of my mouth.

And as I was looking
at that demon,

I heard myself
binding its assignment,

dislodging its assignment,

breaking communication
structures —

all those kind of things.

Angels were shooting down
and hearkening unto the voice

and the command
and the authority.

And when it was all over,

and He gave me
that assignment about,

“Teach my people
Third Heaven Authority,”

it was to teach them
a Heavenly perspective.

And the Lord specifically said
that rather than from earth,

looking up with all of those
fears and emotions

and circumstances,

to look down from above
with a absence of those,

understanding who Jesus
has created us to be.

What kind of insight did

He give you when,
from that perspective

of looking down
on this general, demonic general

and these demons,
these dull-colored objects,

and the prayers
that were going on,

that is to give you a handle
on prayer like few humans have.

MT: Well, it drastically
increased my boldness,

because at that
particular point,

I had some weaponry
and I had some ammunition

that I didn’t precedingly have,

and that was that
we are high and lifted up;

we are seated with Christ
in heavenly places,

and that we have
the ability —

I talked a little bit
about perceptions,

spiritual perceptions,
that we are spirits,

and so forth, when I got saved
and filled with the Holy Spirit.

But now, I’m learning
something about perspective.

And that’s what the Lord said,
it’s about perspective.

It’s about allowing the
Holy Spirit to come within us,

and whether it is
from an encounter

where we’re lifted up in Heaven
and looking down,

or whether it’s that Heaven
is in us,

because, you know,
the Kingdom of God is in,

among and around us,
we are extensions of Heaven,

and that the Holy Spirit can
give us that perception below,

but that it is we are
above the circumstances,

and we command
those circumstances

and we can see it
from Heaven’s perspective.

SR: All right,
you’re begging the question,

is this just some special,
like, happened to you

and happened to Paul,
or is this for everyone?

MT: Oh, it’s absolutely
for everyone.

SR: Okay.

MT: He wouldn’t have told me,

“Teach My people
Third Heaven Authority,”

if it wasn’t for everyone.
And so it is.

People can receive
that right now.

It will enhance their life,
it’ll give them the ability

in the spiritual realm
to hear the voice of God

and to operate
from Heaven’s perspective.

SR: So you’re teaching
on perspective

is as important as —
this is what I’m getting —

MT: Yes.

SR: — is as important
as actually being caught up

into the Third Heaven.

Some will be caught up
into the Third Heaven

that sit under this teaching.

But all will change
their total perspective

on spiritual warfare,
on prayer,

on every single aspect
of the power

that is available to us.

I imagine you were
really struck,

seeing how much power there is
to these spiritual prayers.

MT: Oh, totally.

In fact, just being
enveloped in that scenario,

and with all
the power of God,

it tremendously
increased my faith.

Before, I was a man of authority

because of the Scripture,
through the Word.

But all of a sudden,
it was natural.

I’ve been there.
I’ve done this.

It’s, like, okay,
demons have to flee.

I don’t even question.

I don’t even
have to follow them.

SR: So there’s no doubt.

MT: No doubt.
SR: That’s called faith.

MT: Yeah.

Faith is the absence of doubt.

How would you like to be that?

When we return,
Mike will teach you

how to walk
in Third Heaven Authority

and release miracles, boldness
and victory in your life.

[Applause] [Music]

>> We will be right back
to “It’s Supernatural!”

>> [Music]
Call now and get Mike Thompson’s

>> [Music]
Call now and get Mike Thompson’s

revelatory four-part audio
CD teaching series,

“Third Heaven Authority,

Operating from God’s
Vantage Point

and Authority
to Destroy the Enemy.”

This is an exclusive offer
for our “It’s Supernatural!”

Yours for a donation of $29,

shipping and handling
is included.

Ask for offer number 3788.

How would you like to live

above those circumstances

and have authority
over those circumstances,

praying right there
from the throne room of Heaven?

>> Through “Third Heaven

you will understand
that the Kingdom of Heaven

is inside you
and all around you,

obtain the authority
to command angels and demons

and launch warfare
against the enemy,

find out how to initiate
encounters with the Holy Spirit.

Learn how to operate
from two realms;

that of Heaven
and of earth, simultaneously.

Understand how to release
four levels of authority

from Heaven’s perspective.

Find out how to yield
to the Holy Spirit’s ability

to catch you away in the Spirit
with dreams, visions,

flowing into God’s anointings.

Begin to walk in and release
your God-given authority

from Heaven’s perspective.

Get ready to see salvations,
healings and miracles

begin to occur
everywhere around you.

You can’t get this series
anywhere else.

SR: You will learn
how to pray from Heaven

looking down
on your circumstances,

instead of from earth,
looking up.

You’ll also learn how to live
without negative emotions,

like anxiety,
fear, worry, depression.

MT: There’s a boldness,
there’s an expectancy.

And I want all of the people

to have that kind of
expectancy and boldness,

and to realize who Jesus
created them to be,

and what
He has called them to do.

>> Don’t miss out on getting
Mike Thompson’s

revelatory four-part audio
CD teaching series,

“Third Heaven Authority,

Operating from God’s
Vantage Point

and Authority
to Destroy the Enemy.”

This is an exclusive offer
for our “It’s Supernatural!”

Yours for a donation of $29,

shipping and handling
is included.

Ask for offer number 3788.

Call, or you can send
your check to

Sid Roth
“It’s Supernatural!”

P.O. Box 39222, Charlotte,
North Carolina, 28278.

Please specify
offer number 3788.

Or log on to SidRoth.org.
Call or write today.



>> We now return to
“It’s Supernatural!”


SR: Mike, although these CDs
are brand-new

that we’re making available,

you’ve been teaching this
for many years now.

MT: Yeah.

SR: What kind of feedback
do you get from people

that have sat under the same
teaching our people

are going to get?

Oh, so many reports,

testimonies from people
all over the world

who have experience by it.
A few things, like for instance,

in a meeting one time,
I was preaching.

While I was preaching,
a woman in the congregation

listening to me talk about
Third Heaven Authority

was taken to Heaven.

And she saw a child that she
had lost and died early,

and she had been grief-stricken
for many years.

And God, there in Heaven, began
touching her and healing her.

Another one is that a woman
in one of my meetings

when I was teaching,
about two weeks later,

she called me, and she said,

“Mike, ever since I heard
you teach on it,

God has been doing
something different with me.

When I pray for people,
when I lay hands on people,

suddenly I’m just taken up
above them

and I’m looking down,
not on this linear perspective,

but from above.”
And she said,

“The gifts are operating
more fluently in my life now,

and I’m having
much more effectiveness

in getting people
delivered, healed.

The power of God’s
flowing through my ministry,

I’m seeing visions.”
It’s for all of us.

SR: For those that are viewing
right now

that are very anxious
to get your teaching CDs,

give us a couple
of starting tips

of experiencing
Third Heaven perspective.

MT: Yes.

I would say anybody can do it,
that’s very important,

because I don’t want people to
think they have to be like me,

or be caught into
Heaven itself to see it,

because like I said earlier,
Heaven is in us.

So the starting point,
number one,

is that it’s very important
for people

to become doers of the Word,

just begin to operate
in authority.

You’ve got to believe
that you have the authority,

Jesus has given it to you.

And then start
acting on the Word,

and let the Holy Spirit
flow through that.

Signs, wonders,
great things will happen

if you just do it and pray.

Number two, then,
is that I would encourage them

at that point to then develop,
just stop and develop,

because they’re hearing me
right now talk about this.

There’s something there
they can grasp a hold of,

and the anointing on that,
where on the inside,

they can begin to see themselves
rise up above that situation

in an awareness from above,
and look down.

SR: Yeah, you used to be
able to be above your

and be able to realize

that you are seated
in heavenly places by faith,

and to realize that authority
and power that you have.

It’s just a totally
different perspective.

MT: It is.

Perception and perspective,
the two words I’ve been using.

is spiritual perception,

that we are spiritual beings,
not just natural beings.

Perspective is then
in the spiritual realm

that we are seated high above
all principality and power

and might and dominion,
and every name it’s named,

because we are in Jesus Christ,

and so that otherly
heavenly perspective.

So number three, then, is after
they’ve done the first two is,

that at that point,

while they’re developing
this awareness

and they’re growing
through it,

is allow the Holy Spirit
to catch you away.

Allow Him to take you
into the spiritual realm.

Allow Him to speak to you

and give you that
Third Heaven awareness.

Some of them will go to Heaven,

but many will just receive
this understanding,

and so they begin to release
and to pray

and to operate from that
position in the spiritual realm.

That’s a flow of anointing.

Now Mike, I have had many guests

that they see all this smoke,
like the visible Glory of God.

Many people
are reporting this now.

MT: Mm-hmm.

SR: And you have been
seeing this for a long time.

But you teach
and have seen something

that I have never heard
people teach on.

You call it
the “rainbow glory.”

MT: Mm-hmm. Yes.

SR: What is this?

MT: Oh, for decades
in my ministry,

I’d seen just what
you described, the glory,

the Shekinah glory,
the cloud, in meetings

and other places,
tremendous glory.

[Music] But in 2010,
when I went to Heaven,

I noticed the rainbow
that was the glory.

Remember in Ezekiel 1,
and also in Revelation 4,

those two prophets talked about
the rainbow over the throne —

SR: Right.
MT: — being the Glory of God.

SR: Hmm.

MT: And so that’s what caught
my attention.

Then I began having visions,

where the Lord was
taking me away

and He was beginning
to show that glory

coming to the earth
for this great majestic revival.

Some people call it in time,
I don’t know.

I just know that God’s
on the move

and that we are
going to experience

the greatest numeric move of God
that this planet has ever seen.

And I have seen in visions
that rainbow colors flowing.

I’ve also seen it
in actual meetings.

I’ve seen it come into the room.

But in those visions,
I’ve seen it empower people.

And that rainbow glory would go,

and the evangelists
would run into the fields

and then run into the cities
and proclaim Jesus.

And I’d see
the rainbow glory going.

And then people who were
just there, they just [gasps]

breathe — and the glory,
it would go into their lungs.

And people would be saved
and filled

with the Holy Spirit
and healed.

And just this mass evangelism
on the power of God.

I believe it’s connected
with what my ministry,

at this point, that assignment
teaching Third Heaven Authority,

because it’s connected
with the Throne of God.

SR: You know, we’re coming
in as you teach,

and many of the prophets
that have been on my show teach,

we’re coming into
a new season in God,

in which the veil between Heaven
and earth is so thin —

so if you can take this
teaching, you can have a leg up,

so to speak, over this
new move of God’s Spirit.

It’s going to be different

than anything
you’ve ever seen before.

MT: Mm-hmm.

SR: Mike, I want you
to pray for our people —

I’m not even going to
tell you what to pray.

MT: Yes.

SR: You yield to the Holy Spirit
and pray from the Third Heaven.

MT: Right now I want everybody
that’s watching

to just stop for a minute.

Do you feel
the anointing of God?

The anointing of God
is not only here in this room,

but this anointing is flowing,
it’s flowing out on the airways.

It’s flowing into your house.
It’s flowing into your body now.

You can sense the Holy Spirit
and Him

breathing upon that,
within your being now.

And I ask you
to just yield to that.

Yield to the Holy Spirit.
There’s something —

He’s going to show
you perceptions

and He’s going to show
you perspectives.

So right now,
in the Name of Jesus,

I ask that there be a shift
within your heart,

there be a shift in the dynamic
of the way that you are thinking

and you perceive things,
as the Holy Spirit comes in and

He lifts you up, and

He takes you into
otherly places right now,

in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Release by the power of God
into your life.

I’m going to do
that one more time.

Release that into their lives,
Lord God.

Now receive it.
Receive it.

And you’re on your way
in a journey

now with the Holy Spirit
and supernatural things.

It’s for everyone.
You’re a supernatural creation.

You’re a Third Heaven creation,

operating Third Heaven
revelation and functioning,

and Third Heaven Authority.
Believe it. Receive it.

Do it.
And let the Holy Spirit

Do it.
And let the Holy Spirit

carry you into those places
as part of your destiny,

and your walk with the Lord,
in Jesus Name, amen.

>> [Music]