Chris Reed shares an urgent word for the body of Messiah. Get your copy of Did you Learn to Love? by Bonnie Jones [E-Book]:
hello Sid Roth here and I have to tell
you how do you like this new studio it’s
not mine I’m borrowing it it’s Chris
Reed for those that don’t know Chris
Chris is uh the new head of Morningstar
uh Rick Joyner uh turned it over to
really interesting Chris that Rick
turned it over to you and then he had a
situation where he had a step out of
Ministry for a short while it was almost
if he he had a premonition but I don’t
think he did or did he you may know I
just think it was God’s timing and the
Lord knows how to do everything in his
perfect timing and I’m thankful for that
well here’s what I wanted to tell you
before I turned Chris loose
you’re about ready to hear the most
Supernatural end time message that I
know on the planet right now
it it will everyone talks about the
coming Glory but they don’t tell you
really they are I mean I talk about
praying in tongues meditating on the
word intimacy with God these are Givens
but there’s something even more
important I had a friend who’s now in
heaven before he went to heaven
he died
and went to heaven and was sent back
and Jesus asked him one question
did you learn to love
as if
that was the purpose
of this walk in this flesh in this life
and the whole purpose is in our
activities everything we do
did you learn to love and uh Bob knew he
he didn’t get that a plus that Jesus was
looking for Jesus knew it too and he
chose to come back
and he walked the love walk
but it’s one thing to say do it
it’s another thing
to know how to do it
well this is why I say this is such a
supernatural end time message
I I don’t go every week to Morningstar
or once in a while and I decided I was
going to come to Morningstar this past
Sunday and Chris was speaking uh and um
when I was ready to go a circumstance
occurred and my wife couldn’t go and I
thought well maybe I’ll just cancel and
not go
I didn’t just cancel and not go I felt
no I’m supposed to go I mean I prefer
going with my wife rather than myself
uh and and so I went there and the first
thing I noticed when I went there
Beyond The Magnificent worship the first
thing that I noticed was Christian had
three people doing paintings and the
only one I had eyesight of was this
painting of the sunflower
and I thought isn’t that amazing that’s
got to be a sign from God why because
I’ve been talking for
quite a number of years now about the
sunflower prophecy
and I’ll tell you very briefly what it
this Prophet saw
me as a first Sun’s flower for the
Salvation of Israel and here’s why he
said that he said every sunflower has
about 1500 seeds these sunflowers are
built to bend towards the sun no matter
where they are they thrive in sunlight
that’s all they need
they’re hearty they’ll just Thrive and
come up quickly
these sunflowers
1500 seeds a thousand to fifteen hundred
these sunflowers represent the Great
Harvest and so this I pulsate for this
and uh the first thing I see is and
these are what are called prophetic
artists uh they just get inspired by God
what to paint and and Christian had
three of them but this was the only one
in my eyeshot and I kept watching and
watching I saw she had a sunflower there
which she was looking at but I didn’t
realize what she was doing there we’ll
talk about that in just a moment but
then it gets even more Supernatural I
remember the guy I told you about that
died and went to heaven it was sent back
did you learn to love Bob Jones guess
who I was seated next to when I came in
Bonnie Jones his widow
I I mean I knew that God was setting me
up for something then when I heard
Kress’s message
I’m sure God gave you that title well
what was the title of the message was uh
I’m going to butcher it but the lamb and
the line was one man yeah the lion and
the lamb are the same man yeah yeah and
but but even more important than the
title which you’ll get when he explains
even more than that title if you will do
what the Holy Spirit showed and by the
way for those that don’t know he is a
prophetic teacher everything he teaches
has prophecy and then he has one of the
most unique gifts I’ve seen of people
alive I’ve only seen two people that
function to the degree that he functions
in this gift
I mean you’ve heard of a prophet reading
your mail Chris
will read someone’s mail I mean in fact
sometimes he doesn’t even know what he’s
saying but the person he’s saying it to
know hey that’s where I live oh that’s
where I lived before I lived here I mean
you don’t know you don’t really know
that how significant these words are
until the person explains it to you
exactly it’s so you’re both operating by
a little faith yeah but just for
instance I recently had a vision of an
eagle coming in someone’s house and I
was telling this to this man in this
service and he had dreamed one week
prior to that of the eagle coming to his
house so I was a sign from God of Thee
the prophetic visiting him him
encountering the Lord Jesus Christ so
it’s the secrets of the heart but it
also builds
people’s faith and that’s one of the
reasons why we do a school the prophets
here is to train and equip people to
know how to hear the voice of God to get
Revelation but then interpret it
correctly to know the application and
the timing now you’re having a school
the prophets come up very quickly just
briefly yeah it starts in September of
2023 we do it every year and it’s one
weekend a month it goes uh Thursday
night Friday and Saturday morning and
what’s beautiful about it Sid is
somebody can come in person and stay
here at Heritage International
Ministries we have a hotel on site with
discounted rates cheaper than other
and then there’s seven sessions in those
in that day and a half in that one
weekend per month that goes from
September until May they can do it
online at home in person they can come
here each month or they can do it at
home and they get all the activation all
the teachings if they do it at home
online or if they do it in person they
can find out all there is they can
register for that at we’ve had between three and
four hundred do it the last two or three
years and Sid
90 percent of the students have
dramatically increased in words of
knowledge words and wisdom prophecy
dreams dream interpretation everything
prophetic well I’ve talked to some of
your students and they Rave about the
change they’ve had by just taking this
I I fail to do something because I
remarked on it I always at the beginning
of a show I say welcome Holy Spirit have
your way but I was complaining to Chris
when we were just starting I said Chris
I thought my show was the only one that
had that degree of Glory the minute I
sat down in your studio I felt the
presence teach yeah
so The Lion and the lamb are the same
man now this is a condensed version of
it the full version of it people can
find it on
but where I get this concept of The Lion
and the lamb being the same man
is which comes out of the Book of
Revelation which of course the Book of
Revelation is the revelation of Jesus
Christ or the revelation of Yeshua
hamashiach it’s first and foremost about
revealing him his nature his
characteristics many people think it’s
the revelation of the Antichrist or end
time events and those things are
included but it’s primarily a book about
revealing him in symbols and pictures
and imagery and so in Revelation chapter
5 and verse 5 and 6 there was this
conversation going on in the throne room
about the seven sealed scroll that
needed to be opened and the this this
elder was weeping they were weeping
who’s worthy to open the scroll and this
person speaks up and says wheat not in
Revelation 5 verses 5 and 6 weep not the
lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed
and behind the Throne of course were the
four living creatures but then it’s
something interesting that is said it’s
so remarkable he’s told Behold The Lion
of the tribe of Judah has prevailed but
then John says I looked and I beheld a
lamb as if it had been slain
so he is called a lion but John looked
and saw a lamb as if it had been slain
willingly laying down his life a willing
sacrifice sacrificial love
so when John looked to see the line of
the tribe of Judah he saw that land
which is hence my title The Lion and the
lamb are the same man we know Jesus or
Yeshua being fully God fully man lion
and lamb now this is what’s important I
think Sid to get
when we think of a lion we think of the
king of the jungle we think of Claws and
teeth we think of predator and prey but
this kind of lion-like lamb okay he is
fierce and powerful and conquering
because he is a lion but he’s not like a
carnal or Earthly lion his scarcity his
power his conquering ability was what
was displayed in the life of the Lord
Jesus Christ so when John looked
for a lion
he saw a lamb as if it had been slain
that part was put in there so the
victory as we know of our Lord Jesus
over Satan and the works of Satan was
done through his Fierce love manifested
through that Meek nature of the Lamb who
laid down his life willingly as an
servant an obedient servant fully
surrendered and you know if we were to
Define love biblically John 3 16 you all
know it for God so loved the world that
he gave his only begotten son the
whosoever believeth in him should not
perish but have everlasting life but how
does God’s love which involves sending
giving up his most prized loved
possession how do we take up that cross
Jesus said If any man is going to follow
me we got to take up the cross and
follow him well what is that cross well
First John 3 16 tells us how we apply
what Jesus did for us in Saint John 3
16. here’s how we perceive the love of
that he would lay down his life for us
as we ought to lay down our lives
for the brethren
that’s profound because in reality he’s
saying this is how we live out and
fulfill what Jesus did for us as the
saving Act of humanity Jesus said in
John 15 no greater love hath any man
than this that he would lay down his
life for his friends so this yielding
giving up this privilege to win to to
win the argument to be right I think
sometimes we’ve skewed the idea of what
the land the lion of God is he is called
the lion once in the Book of Revelation
but he’s called the lamb 25 times yeah
you know Chris I’ve been a Believer over
50 years and I I like Paul
I I say very clearly when I heard the
message you’re about ready to hear I
came under
deep conviction and that’s good
because that’s one reason that the Holy
Spirit has come
but when I get to heaven I don’t want
Jesus to say did you learn look I don’t
want to come back I want to stay I don’t
want Jesus to say did you learn to love
go ahead yeah so Jesus as you know Sid
is called many things in Scripture
he’s called The Prince of Peace he is
the bread that come down from heaven the
Good Shepherd the Mighty God the Prince
of Peace the Everlasting father the
chief Apostle
but as I said a second ago he’s called
the lamb 25 times just in that one book
of Revelation that in itself is a
revelation of Yeshua hamashiach
is the fact that he’s called that 25
times it’s something that the almighty
wants us to know about his son Yeshua
hamashiach and that is he conquered as a
through love in other words the strength
of the Lion of the tribe of Judah is is
that he is like a lamb you know in the
kingdom of God everything is directly
opposite of the ways of the world in the
kingdom of God the Way Up Is Down
you know and it’s not to take it’s to
and and so I think it’s important
that even in scripture we look Jesus did
not overcome with Force he even
disappointed his disciples because they
were looking for someone to liberate
them from Rome a political Messiah he
didn’t overcome with Force okay but he
overcame with Sacrifice by laying down
his life and you see this is the way
Jesus didn’t just become this when he
came to Earth he had always been this
way and that’s why Revelation 13 says he
was the lamb slain
from the foundation of the world so this
lamb likeness was always in the heart of
God that’s always who God has been like
God is like Yeshua Yeshua Jesus Is God
and to me what is so profound as he
conquered by love unlike the Pharaohs
and the Caesars of history when one
culture dominates another one by force
and takes their land and their goods and
overcomes them and forces that culture
lose their culture and absorb the the
Conquering armies no Jesus will come
back and but when he comes back you know
we’ve often wondered how is he going to
come back we we know he’s not going to
come back to take sides he’s going to
come back to take over I think he is
going to be consumed the enemies of God
are going to be consumed by the
brightness of his person it says that in
the Bible his his brightness of his love
he conquered by love not by force and we
are at a war but not a conventional War
the weapons of our Warfare are not
carnal natural okay bombs guns knives
But Mighty through God that goes against
the carnal human nature which is to get
and to take and to climb higher and to
push someone out of your way so that you
can climb another step higher no do not
overcome evil
with evil but overcome evil with good
you know Chris on that point
I have learned a valuable lesson uh
there are various demonic spirits and
principalities and powers of Darkness
one is called Leviathan it kind of
twists what you say all around do you
know the way to get rid of the
leviathan’s spirit exactly what Chris is
teaching what you think proved to the
person that there’s they’re all mixed up
no the more you love the more that
spirit trembles and leaves
that’s the key you know that’s such
rather than out in the name of Jesus
I’m going to walk in Jesus kind of love
yep and it’s forceful it’s powerful but
not in the carnal definition of force so
you know it the reason why the lamb in
Revelation 5 it says judgment was
committed to him the father gave the son
The Authority for judgment and the son
or the lamb was granted the right to
open the scroll book
there’s a reason why he’s able to judge
is he was willing to lay down his life
for us
we can never have authority to judge
someone that we’re not first willing to
die for
and that’s what that means we can’t
judge anyone
I’m sorry I had to say that they’ll lay
down your life Wow sacrificial nature of
the Lamb it may be meekness but it’s not
weakness the meek shall inherit the
earth not the strong not the Macho not
the tough and the proud or the
egotistical the meat it goes against the
carnal nature the beastly nature of the
Fallen nature of man Jesus wasn’t a goat
and we know in Matthew 25 he’s going to
separate the Lambs from the goats and
and that applies to individuals I
believe as well as Nations now how did
Jesus look like a lamb well he opened
not his mouth
he reviled not back he didn’t threaten
unlike a goat who butts and Kinks and
resists to promote himself no it was the
Bride of Yeshua will have to receive of
the nature of that bridegroom the meek
nature the lamb is worthy to receive
glory honor power and riches so it’s the
lamb from the foundation of the world
and in Revelation chapter 21 and 22 the
last chapters of the Bible the lamb is
mentioned several times
you know you think about the come see
the New Jerusalem the the the the the
Lamb’s life the the scriptures on and on
that we’ll get to in just a minute but
the Book of Revelation is the is is the
book about how that the nature of the
Lamb of God is what makes him the lion
of the tribe of Judah
who overcomes to sit and whoever
overcomes the way he overcame using this
lamb nature will be granted to sit in
the throne with him so how does the lamb
nature then translate into the glory of
God the golden Global Glory as you I
said and and that’s really so important
because it’s coming
it is coming in fact I told Chris every
show I do whether it’s even this one
right now I’m expecting it to happen
but the question is he’s going to start
with a few people that’ll be like
lighthouses to reflect this to the world
I pray that you heed what Chris is
saying because
I think God wants you to be a lighthouse
this is the key to the glory and this
part this next part is really important
fear not little flock
for it’s the father’s good pleasure to
give you the Kingdom so we know that in
Revelation chapter 5 and verse 6 the
lamb is in the midst of the throne well
the throne represents Authority and
power right
so the closer that we
um abide in the nature of the Lamb the
more closer we are to the throne or the
the place of power in authority
so real Authority in the Kingdom only
comes by joining in nature with the one
who overcame the unconventional way not
by force but by laying down his life
Jesus Yeshua said no man takes my life
from me I lay it down now Revelation 14
1 then I looked and behold a lamb
standing on Mount Zion Mount Zion is the
place where David’s Tabernacle and the
glory of God rested in the Old Testament
it’s interesting the lamb is standing
so it’s telling us that the sacrificial
love or the qualities natures and
characteristics of the Lamb is where the
glory of God is that’s where you’re
going to find the glory is find the lamb
and adopt it be joined to it so the more
we learn to to abide in the nature of
the Lamb of God it gives us the strength
to conquer his lions
we will be filled with his glory when we
adopt and receive an impartation of his
identity now look at the glory of the
New Jerusalem Revelation 21 verse 22 and
23 I saw no temple in it now think about
it this is the end of the Bible right
for the Lord God Almighty and the lamb
are its Temple the city had no need of
the sun nor of the moon to shine in it
for the glory of God illuminated it
the lamb is its light I need you to see
that again the glory of God illuminated
it the lamb is its light so that verse
tells us right there the glory of God
that brings lumination is found in the
lamb who gives us his light by following
him in his nature characteristics
personality and it goes on to say
that uh that that the lamb nature of
course is all of those things and the
glory is laid is the laid down nature of
the Lamb if you remember the temple
where the glory of God fell when Solomon
built it the Shekinah Glory of God
that’s where sacrifices and Lambs were
offered and killed that’s where the it
was where the blood was sprinkled where
death occurred that’s where the glory of
God dwelled between the faces of the
cherubims on the Ark of the Covenant so
we see from the foundation of the world
he was the lamb slain and we see it that
at the end of The Book of Revelation
he’s the lamb the the light is the Lamb
the glory of God is in the land John 17
verse 22 and the glory which you give me
Jesus says to the father I have given
them what are we pursuing the glory of
God the glory the father gave the son
the that they may be worn as we are one
i in them and you and me that they may
be perfect in one and that the world may
know that you have sent me and have
loved me as and have loved them rather
as you have loved me now let’s look at
the qualities of a lamb the lamb is Meek
and obedient Isaiah 53 7 he was
oppressed and was afflicted yet he
opened not his mouth
he was led as a lamb to the slaughter
and as a sheep before its shears is
silent he opened not his mouth this idea
of always having a be right or when the
argument or to have the final word or
the final say or to be heard or be seen
that’s the opposite of the Lamb see
Lambs don’t have sharp claws they don’t
have sharp teeth and sometimes
Christians have sharp tongues
which they can bite and devour one
another with malice and anger and I
believe it was James that warned the
church to not bite and devour one
another so Lambs aren’t dangerous in
fact they’re harmless
they don’t resist being slaughtered
now this is pretty graphic but think
about this a lamb will stand still while
its throat is being cut sounds like
Stephen in the Bible
who while being stoned lifted up into
and saw Jesus standing at the right hand
of God and you know what Stephen said
lay not this sin to their charge wow
could you say that could I say that I
don’t know if I could say that yet but
Jesus was harmless Hebrews 7 26 and I
have to add one more thing sure I
believe when he was being stoned he was
in so much of the glory which is the
Manifest presence of God
that he didn’t feel one ounce of pain I
believe that I do too and the fact that
he saw the heavens open and the glory of
God shining on his face
I believe that willingly laying down his
life not compromising his faith in
Yeshua but that laying on his life that
that that willingly uh obediently
surrendering even to the hands of his
enemies it’s incredible because there
was someone who was holding the coats of
the stone throwers
and his name was Saul of Tarsus who
later became Paul I believe the road to
Damascus light or Glory that blinded
Saul started blinding him the chapter
before when he watched Stephen calling
upon God saying Lord Jesus lay not this
sin to their charge he was like Jesus
when Jesus said when he was being nailed
to the cross father forgive them they
know not what they do so Stephen was
just like Jesus and Saul saw it and Saul
became Paul who wrote two-thirds of the
New Testament Stephen
was the first seed he then planted a
seed in Saul of Tarsus who became Paul
the Apostle and began what was the
sunflower Harvest to Jews and Gentiles
worldwide wow absolutely so so think
about this Jesus
Hebrews 7 26 the Hebrew writer said for
such a high priest was fitting for us
who is Holy harmless undefiled separate
from Sinners and has become higher than
the heavens are we harmless with our
attitudes and words are we hurtful or
are we dangerous are we self-serving
you know Matthew 10 16 Jesus said behold
I send you out as sheep in the midst of
wolves so he was saying there the
disciples were to be like sheep
therefore be wise as servants and
harmless as doves so the lamb nature is
complete submissiveness and yieldedness
and surrender to the father’s will that
Jesus demonstrated that Stephen lived
out that began the conversion in Saul of
Tarsus the writer of two-thirds of the
New Testament
Stephen’s willingly laying down his life
asking for the one stoning him to to
their sin to not be held to their charge
was the first seed of conversion in Paul
now we are called to follow in the
footsteps of the Lamb first Peter 2
20-23 for what credit is it if when
you’re you are beaten for your faults
you take it patiently but when you do
good and suffer
if you take it patiently this is
commendable before God
for to this you were called
that goes against law the Americanized
gospel doesn’t it for to this you are
called because Christ also suffered for
us leave us leaving us an example that
you should follow his steps who
committed no sin nor was deceit found in
his mouth who when he was reviled did
not revile in return when he suffered he
did not threaten but committed himself
to him who judges righteously
and Jesus said in Revelation 3 21 once
again to him who overcomes will I grant
to sit with me on my throne even as I
overcame well how did Jesus overcame
we’re describing that
now Revelation 19 7 it says let us be
glad and rejoice and give him glory for
the marriage supper of the Lamb not the
lion not the chief Apostle not even the
Lord he’s all those things too
you you shared something when I was
there that I think every person in the
audience you touch their Spirit deeply
and it has to do with the problems that
we have and let me tell you if you’re a
human you got problems that’s part of
this Human Experience especially now
with everything going
crazy we Jewish people have a word
called Meshuggah everything is Meshuggah
everything is upside down we need
someone once more to turn the world
right side up or upside down depending
on how you look at it
Chris everyone’s got problems but we’re
approaching it as
the devil’s responsible stop stop stop
teach what you did at a meeting well the
truth is the study of theology is the
study of God the study of christology is
the study of Christ his characteristics
is his attributes that are revealed in
this imagery in the Book of Revelation
now the Bible tells us in other places
as you know Sid that Jesus overcame
death Hell In The Grave he defeated
Satan he took the keys of death hell and
the grave and so the Real Enemy of the
believer is not Satan he’s been defeated
in fact the Bible says we’re seated with
Christ in spirit in Heavenly places far
above all principality or power or might
or demon
so the reality then is is when we try
and rebuke the devil when we have
problems or struggles and we rebuke the
devil and the problem doesn’t go away it
might just be it’s not the devil and it
might just be it’s not a lack of your
faith exactly the mind the Bible says
the natural mind receives not the things
of the spirit and just like the Bible
speaks of the Holy Spirit it says out of
your belly shall flow rivers of Living
Water you know the spirit starts from
your innermost being and it comes up out
of your belly through your throat and
many times especially
if you are a a very intelligent person
uh it can get dammed up in the brain I’m
talking Spirit but but if whether it’s
tongues in another language or whether
it’s prophecy in a known language it’s
got to come up out of your innermost
being up your throat bypass your brain
and come straight out your mouth that’s
what is called being yielded to the
spirit and so the truth is when we have
uh this understanding that the mind can
be the biggest enemy and if that is
removed out of the equation then we can
also understand that the people that are
in our lives that rub us raw or rub us
the wrong way or offend us or talk about
us or criticize us they may be allowed
to be there to Buffet us to change that
part of us that remains unchanged and
not yet conformed to the image of the
Lamb so Sid when we choose
take the back seat to others when we
choose to allow circumstances that we
can’t control that we respond correctly
when we choose to love the people that
are sent to us to help crucify that part
of us that remains uncrucified with
Christ we do learn to love and like the
sunflower we grow up to follow the Sun
Now quickly I want to go through this
let’s look at the nature of the Lamb a
little more we know that we’re called to
follow in his footsteps number one he
bore a debt that he didn’t know he took
our sin debt he didn’t expose us love
covers the multitude of sins he’s
patient listen to this Romans 10 21 all
day long I’ve stretched out my hands to
a disobedient and contrary people he
prayed father forgive them for those who
were nailing him while they were nailing
forgive them for they know not what they
do okay he doesn’t hesitate to show
Mercy it says in Psalms 86 and 5 he is
rich in Mercy to all who ask it
but he not only forgives Sid he forgets
he doesn’t think about our sins
despising the shame he didn’t Grumble or
complain about it listen to this it says
for the joy set before him
he endured the cross
despising the shame he was willing to be
humiliated hanging naked
on a cross
to yield and surrender to the father’s
will he obeyed unto death he made
himself of no reputation Ephesians 5 and
1 and 2 therefore be imitators of God be
imitators of God as dear children and
walk in love as Christ also has loved us
and given himself for us an offering and
sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling
aroma so as we put off the goat nature
and we walk in the nature of the Lamb we
actually send up a sweet smelling Savor
in heaven Romans 15 7 therefore receive
one another just as Christ also received
us to the glory of God
Matthew 16 24 of quoted if anyone
desires to come after me if anyone that
includes you and I let him deny himself
take up his cross and follow me so as
the apostles followed Jesus and all of
them save one died a death of a martyr
they embraced the cross manif manifested
sacrificial love and as they manifested
sacrificial love the life of Jesus
replaced theirs
and Jesus was revealed to whoever they
were ministering to now this is my
favorite verse out of all of them Sid
and if this one doesn’t summarize it I
don’t know what does
second Corinthians 4 verses 7 through
but we have this treasure in Earthen
that the Excellence of the power
may be of God
and not of us
we are hard-pressed on every side yet
not crushed we are perplexed but not in
persecuted but not forsaken struck down
but not destroyed
always caring about in the body the
dying of the Lord Jesus
that the life of Jesus Also may be
manifested in our body
for we who live are always delivered to
death for Jesus sake that the life of
Jesus Also may be manifested in our
mortal flesh
so he goes on to say so then death is
working in us but life in you Sid that
just moves me to no end when he says
always caring about in the body
in our body the dying of the Lord Jesus
that the life of Jesus may be manifested
in our body and through our body this is
the principle as we die to self
okay selfish Pursuits
as we die and allow selfish ambition to
allow its death to work in Us by laying
down our lives giving up our right to
win our our right to to write uh to be
right our right to Prevail or succeed
according to the world’s definition of
as we do that the Life of Christ or the
glory of God is released to others
and that is what’s so profound to me
you know Revelation 9 I’m sorry
Revelation chapter 21 9 through 27 he
never ceases to be the lamb and said
right there in verses 9 through 27 just
in those 17 or 18 verses in one chapter
when it’s talking about the new Heaven
and the new Earth the lamb is mentioned
five times by name in just 17 verses in
Revelation 21.
so this carnality sees lion likeness as
being rough and harsh and rude and Bully
and Macho and arrogant and hard-headed
and I’m not going to let anybody push me
around or hard to work with
defiant self-defending self-serving they
the carnal man defines that as strength
but that’s not the lion-like Lamb of
that’s the Devil Himself
if you live by the sword you’ll die by
the sword
see we have come under this false
conclusion that we think that Jesus has
to become like Zeus or Hercules to
accomplish the future plans to save
Israel do you know when Yeshua returns
and he puts his foot upon the mountain
and the Jews after going through this
terrible time of tribulation I love the
Jewish people they look and they see the
wounds in his hands Zachariah said
and they asked him now think about it
he’s now getting them to finally turn to
him blindness is coming off of their
eyes to see who their Messiah was where
did you get these wounds he said I
received them in the house of my friends
that will be the moment their eyes are
open and the Jewish people
receive their Messiah and so you see the
the Gentile bride and the Jewish people
conform the one new man Jew and Gentile
in one body
and so I think this is what we’ve got to
get especially in charismatic
Pentecostal circles remember this and I
want to close Jesus
was baptized at the age of 30 Yeshua
he there’s not yet when he was baptized
one Miracle had not yet been recorded he
hadn’t turned the water into wine he
hadn’t cleansed the leper he hadn’t done
one Miracle he hadn’t preached to crowds
any of that and the father spoke from
heaven and said this is my beloved Son
in whom I’m well pleased now I want you
to think about the moment talk about a
glory of God moment God Parts the
leans over the bow of Heaven sends down
the Holy Spirit and Booms with his voice
this is my beloved Son in whom I’m well
pleased in other words God the father
was declaring his pleasure in his son
before his son did one Miracle or Drew
one crowd and I think sometimes we base
our identity
in how many miracles or accurate
prophecies we give or how big of crowds
we draw when that’s not where our
identity should be based our identity is
based in this quote
I am undeservingly
unexplainably loved by God and received
by him thanks to Jesus
God has pleasure in me
just like he has in the only begotten
son and he’s conforming me to look more
and more like Jesus every day in every
trial and test and trouble I go through
is to ultimately work a death in me
until the life of Jesus Springs forth
so I think it really just depends on
this Plumb line Revelation I believe for
the church in this hour
are we going to be a part of the 5 000
to get the bread and fish or we’re going
to be a part of the 70 that receive
power to cast out Devils or we’re going
to be a part of the twelve
I mean that’s that’s a great place in
history we could be a part of the three
that go with him to the amount of
transfiguration Peter James and John or
we could be like John at the foot of the
cross and be the one
who follows him to death John was the
only one from five thousand down to 70
down to 12 down to three to one disciple
stood at the foot of the cross and you
know what Jesus was thinking of in his
dying moments
John take care of your mother
he was while he was suffering and dying
he was thinking about someone else
and so will you follow the lamb
will you walk in sacrificial love will
you lay down your life Your Privilege
your ego
to have the glory of God because
wherever the lamb is found
that’s where the glory of God is let the
lamb be found in you Chris lead us in a
prayer of repentance and a fresh start a
fresh beginning I I don’t know about you
but I want a fresh beginning
I think I do know about you
lead us in prayer and let us repeat it
after you
Heavenly Father heavenly father in the
name of Yeshua our messiah in the name
of Yeshua our Messiah we repent of all
lies that we have accepted as truth we
repent of all lies we have accepted as
truth and Lord we ask that we would be
conformed to the image of the lamb and
Lord we ask that we would be conformed
to the image of the Lamb as we Behold
Him as we Behold Him let us become what
we behold let us become what we behold
let us see the revelation of Jesus
Christ let us see the revelation of
Jesus the Messiah Yeshua hamashiach
Yeshua hamashiach and John the Beloved
was that one at the foot of the cross
and John the Beloved was that one at the
foot of the cross that Saul the
revelation of Yeshua the Messiah that
saw the revelation of the Yeshua the
Messiah let me join that John company
let me join that John company let me
join that Land Company let me join that
lamp company so that I will be a part of
that flock so that I would be a part of
that flock
in the name of Yeshua our King in the
name of Yeshua our King amen amen David
said it like this we don’t think about
it but Psalms 23 the most famous chapter
in the Bible
the Lord is my shepherd
what has this Shepherd a lamb I shall
not want he makes me lie down in Green
Pastures he leaves me besides Still
Waters he restores my soul he leads me
in the paths of righteousness for his
name’s sake and even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of
death I will fear no evil for you are
with me your rot in your staff they
comfort me you prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies you anoint
my head with all my cup overflows surely
goodness and mercy shall follow me all
the days of my life and I’ll dwell on
the house of the Lord forever who says
that a lamb talking to a shepherd
thank you for coming to Morningstar
today and in this pain being the one by
the way it was painted by Linda who’s
one of our painters a dear precious
member of Morningstar and the title of
this painting is third heaven sunlight
and as you can see up here at the top
you have the sunflower growing towards
the sun in a portal opening up of the
heart which represents the glory of God
is the love of God and that is the key
to walking in the glory of God for the
Harvest well you tell Linda I am greatly
appreciative we are giving this to you
I’m going to put that right in my office
and uh thank you Linda
thank you for joining us please take
this to Heart let this not be another
good message
take it to heart
completeness in your spirit soul and
body and you can say I learned
how to love