David Tomberlin saw three dark objects come out of him in the spirit… ▶▶Join our Naturally Supernatural membership to get exclusive perks: http://bit.ly/3enUXHz

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This episode originally aired in 2009. Stay tuned for more It’s Supernatural! Classics from our It’s Supernatural! archive! Copyright Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2023 #SidRoth​​ #ItsSupernatural​Classics​

hello sidroth here welcome to my world
where it’s naturally Supernatural my
guest David tumberland hears specific
names of people and then they are healed
I love it David when you were 21 years
of age you were on top of the world what
was going on in your life said I had
everything going for for me looking from
the outside in I I I was in college uh I
actually was a soccer player had
professional teams talking to me about
trying out in Europe and Latin America
had a beautiful girlfriend who was
actually a model uh I had my own
business I owned my own house 21 years
old owned a couple of cars and uh what I
always say is that if I had saw my life
from somebody else’s position I would
have been jealous of me you know isn’t
it like the movies though you see on the
big screen but you don’t know what’s
going on beyond the facade yeah
externally things were great and I
couldn’t this was the confusing thing
about the whole thing is I couldn’t
point to something that was wrong
everything was right um but inside
I I was I was really withering away I
was I was under this horrible depression
there was no real reason for it there’s
nothing I could point to no Financial
reason no relational reason um you know
I I was a young man had everything going
for me and uh I I slipped into this
horrible depression so much so that I
suicidal and uh I I I all I could do was
cry out to God and and and every I
remember every night I would I would cry
for hours and hours and hours I’m I’m
originally from Texas and and you know
as a young man in Texas we don’t cry
it’s against the rules it’s against the
handbook and so but but I’d never
experienced this before and and I would
weep and cry for hours and and actually
a couple of times I’d actually planned
to kill myself planned to commit suicide
and I remember one night I was watching
television happened to be a a Christian
television program and I remember uh
telling the god I said God I don’t know
how much longer can hang on but I I
committed my heart not to kill myself
that’s that’s what I did the other thing
that accompanied this whole depression
Darkness was I had a choking sensation
around my neck at all times and the only
time that that choking sensation would
go away was when I walked into the
church that I attended and and and then
when I came back out it would come back
on and so I started going to church a
lot obviously I was like can I sleep
here you know no really the only Rel you
would get is but there was one
particular service you went to tell me
about that uh it was in the spring I
want to say April of
1995 and uh I I was sitting in this
service and uh the gentleman who was
speaking was talking about what he
called the baptism of the Holy Spirit or
being immersed in God’s spirit and uh I
I had some friends that were of a a
different mindset and and they told me
that these this wasn’t real that’s what
they told me and they were good people
and they loved God um but I was
attending the service and uh I just
remember I I had been so emptied out by
this experience said that I I just told
God I said I don’t know if this is real
or not but I need something from you and
so at the end of the service the
gentleman invited the gentleman who was
speaking invited people if you want to
experience this immersion in God’s
spirit um then come up to the front so I
immediately stood up and uh I I began to
walk towards the front the what they
would call the AL to our area and as I
was walking I felt this unusual
Sensation that it was like I was walking
Upstream a river like there was like as
though there were water coursing through
my legs so if you didn’t know you were
in a building without water you would
have thought you were walking through
water right but it was it was you know I
just didn’t have a paradigm of the
supernatural at that time and I go this
is very odd I’m walking up a river you
know I’m having the sensation of walking
up a river yet I’m I’m I’m in a church
service you know so I get to the front
and uh I close my eyes and I’ve always
been the kind of person where I don’t
like anything fake I don’t like you know
people that are not genuine they I’ve
always just had a dislike for that and I
said God I’m not going to fake anything
but whatever you want to give me please
give me well the gentleman was praying
for people all along the front there
were probably a couple hundred people
there and I was just standing there and
they were playing music and I would
close my eyes and I would see a gold
light every time I close my eyes so much
to the point that I one time I opened my
eyes and I asked the gentleman next to
me I said was somebody just shining a
flashlight in my eyes cuz that’s what it
felt like that’s real yeah well and and
he looked at me like no people don’t
typically do that in ch they don’t shine
flashlights in your eyes but that was
the sensation as though you close your
eyes and there was a bright light and so
I was like wow this this is unusual
first the water and then the bright
light and I just close my eyes and and
and and uh the gentleman finally got to
me and put his hands on my head and
again you know in the back of my mind
I’m thinking of my friends who told me
this is fake this is fake and uh there’s
also when this comes there’s a
supernatural language that he was
talking about when this takes place so I
I said uh I said Lord again I’m not I’m
not faking this I want whatever you have
for me God I want what you have for me
but I will not fake an experience I was
at a low Point faking wouldn’t help me I
needed something real and so so uh all
of a sudden this guy puts his hands on
my head and this language begins to
shoot out of my mouth almost as though I
I’m not creating it I’m not making it
happen um and I’m just almost watching
it and then as soon as that language
comes out of my head in my mind I just
think this I go I wonder if I’m faking
this and the guy all I did was think it
the guy who was praying for me said
yelled at me in in an angry way he goes
you’re not faking
this and I go well I guess I’m not
faking this the next thing I know I’m on
my back I look over to the left I see
some ladi’s high heill shoes and I and I
I was raised Anglican or Episcopal and
you don’t fall on the ground in church
you know that’s not proper and so so uh
I go what am I doing on the ground in
church number one number two how did I
get here but what it happened is the
power of God had so hit me that I had
not been able to stand under that power
and so I’ll tell you what hold that
thought because you’re going to find out
three circular evil things that come out
of him and that depression lifts and
what he has in its place the whole world
should have don’t go away we’ll be right
back after this
word we’ll be right back to its
Supernatural we now return to its
Supernatural Sid Roth here with David
tumberland is David is a young man he’s
got everything in the world going for
him he’s no reason to be depressed but
he’s so depressed he’s suicidal he goes
into a building a man prays for him he
the power of God hits him he falls on
the floor he begins speaking in a
language he’s never been instructed he
has no really Paradigm for what’s going
on he’s wondering why he’s laying there
on the floor what happened next David as
as I laid there on the floor said I I
began to have this sensation come over
me and the best way I can describe it
was it was as though there was a little
person inside of me cleaning me out I
had all this heaviness inside my just my
heart and uh all of a sudden I I felt a
swirling kind of in my stomach area and
then these three uh black things popped
out of my body did you see it did you
feel it I saw it in the sense of I would
I would say it’s more in my mind’s eye
that I saw it but there I saw them very
clearly they were three black circles
and they came out of kind of my mouth
area and they just went po poop and then
floated back and uh and right after that
I immediately felt clean I felt I was no
longer depressed I I was happy to be
alive and uh instantly immediately after
that that third thing left me I almost
actually I almost threw up at this time
as well I don’t know if you’ve seen the
some of the uh movies like you know the
the different Deliverance movies or
exorcism movies but yeah I almost threw
up um but I didn’t but it they they came
out of me and I immediately felt this
peace This Joy and I as I laid there on
the ground I Heard a Voice speak to me
and say I felt this absolute peace and
and the voice said this is what heaven’s
like just this absolute fulfillment
absolute Joy to the degree that I was
suicidal and depressed was the degree
that I was absolutely fulfilled it’s as
though I felt every cell in my body had
achieved its ultimate purpose just this
radiant Joy overflowing and I I I was so
happy and elated the burden was lifted
off of me but I had one problem I was on
I was on the ground in church and I
don’t I don’t understand what’s going on
so I stand back up as I stand back up
the youth uh leader there came up and
said lift your hands and tell God you
want everything he has for you I lifted
my hands I said God I want everything
you have for me I fell down again then I
got up again I fell down again I could
not stand under that power and under
that presence of God it was
amazing David what was the love like
that you
experienced the word I would use is
saturation I was saturated in God’s love
I felt like a sponge that had been
completely rung out and then dipped in
oil or water or honey and just that
sponge completely filled up I felt whole
inside you got rid of these three let’s
call it what it is demons right where do
you think they came from you know my
belief is that they came from immoral
relationships that I was in ungodly
premarital activity that I was involved
in and um that that’s that’s just the
sense that I get that’s what I believe
they came from okay something new
happens to David all of a sudden he
knows things about people than he never
knew before like tell me the first time
this happened first time this happened I
remember it clearly I was driving to my
uh mechanics to get an oil change and
I’m driving there and I’m not thinking
about anything I’m just driving and and
all of a sudden I hear a voice speak to
me and it says I remember it like
yesterday and I’ll tell you word for
word he said your mechanic’s wife has
something wrong with the back of her
neck you need to pray with your mechanic
so that she can be healed that specific
word for word just like that and and my
thought was I’m just going to get my oil
changed I’m not I’m not on some kind of
this isn’t a church service I’m not this
isn’t a mission trip church service I
I’m I’m going to change my oil and
frankly you know many of us would be
excited about that today but I I was a
little nervous in fact I was so nervous
that when I got there I went to the
restroom hoping that the mechanic would
go on lunch break so I wouldn’t have to
to to deliver this word from God you
know and so so anyway he was still there
after I went to the restroom and so I I
said I I just kind of approached it how
do you approach that right I’m in
mechanic shop their belts on the wall
cars are lifted up and this guy’s like
hey what kind of oil do you want your
car and I go listen uh this is unusual
but does your wife have something wrong
with the back of her neck and he goes no
why would you ask me and he goes yes H
how did you know that he was shocked I
was shocked you know he he goes she just
told me that this morning so he had just
found out so he knew there was no way I
could know outside of I could see how
shocked you were I mean forget him being
shocked you must have beened it was hot
potato you know we were all scared you
know we he was scared I was scared but
there there we were in the midst of a
god encounter yeah well you know this is
called a word of knowledge uh he he
knows things about people and then God
demonstrates his power I’d like you to
see how this word of knowledge operates
let’s go to the screen and have this
clip of a word of knowledge two of
them and so you know it takes Faith
every time we step out it takes Faith
every time we step out in fact right now
I I keep hearing the letters r EEG I
don’t know if that’s a first name Reggie
I don’t know if it’s a last name is that
right get up here man see I’m telling
you but you know what I I got to I want
to just confess to you every time I get
a word of knowledge I always in my heart
I go oh I’m not going to give that I
don’t want to give that it’s the guy
standing in front of me God’s calling it
out to prove a point do you understand
that it’s but I have to have faith I
have to be willing to look dumb come on
come here Reggie father in Jesus man
miracles on you like crazy father in
Jesus might name take my hand father I
break it right now I feel like there’s
been an attack on your household I see
that family and and father I bless the
family right now and uh Lord I just
release courage to my brother right now
do you guys get how ironic that reeg is
standing right in front of me isn’t that
weird seriously do you see what I’m
talking about though it’s Faith you got
to step out who’s got the neck problem
and you have the pain right now neck
problem come here father in Jesus mighty
name I command the neck pain go out of
her neck right now begin to move it
begin to move it just in faith sometimes
if we don’t think and we just trust just
trust pain continue to go pain continue
to go pain continue to go in Jesus
mighty name thank you Lord more fire
more fire more fire more anointing
healing anointing be released I’m
releasing the healing virtue by faith in
Jesus mighty name and tell me what
happened always tell the truth it’s
still there you’re still feeling pain
right there okay praise God for that
because this is an opportunity for God
to do his thing father in Jesus might
name I break that pain right now in
Jesus my name stay there for a second I
want to give you one more dose ma’am and
I thank you for your honesty this
legitimizes what we’re doing cuz some
miracles happen immediately some happen
over time we see it over and over again
I never get discouraged because we pray
in faith and trust God to do the work am
amen so father are you feeling something
happening what’s going on better it’s
getting better we’re going to stand in
FA how many of you want it to be all the
better loose that neck in Jesus mighty
name man I feel the anointing father I
thank you for the work that you’re doing
neck be healed oh Shaka be healed in
Jesus mighty name thank you Lord thank
you Lord go we’ll be right back to H
Supernatural we now return to its
hello Sid Roth here with David
tumberland and you just saw a a h clip
of how the word of knowledge operates
David what exactly is a word of
knowledge how would you explain it you
know simply put it’s just when God
speaks a piece of information to you as
you saw in the video there you know
those were pieces of information about
people’s name their sickness could be
anything like my mechanics his wife’s
specific area where she was sick simply
put it’s a it is a word of knowledge
it’s Knowledge from God that he speaks
to you okay you had some pretty
outrageous things happen in Holland tell
me about that this was just a few months
ago uh I I was ministering just right
outside of Amsterdam and uh I was in a
service and the names over there are
different they’re not Bill Henry Steve
like we’re used to and so the Lord did
something unique he started giving me
the spelling the first part of the
spellings of the names and so I I would
spell out part of their name and they
would come up and say a name that I had
never heard of but uh it was it it
really hit home for them and me that you
know God is just on top of the situation
and uh knows knows the people example
you know I remember there was uh one and
I still couldn’t tell you today the name
uh but uh I I spelled it m a r God just
kept speaking to me m a r and up comes a
lady with a name that I’d never heard of
and I want to say that she had a a a a
healing condition that was immediately
healed that that I don’t actually recall
right now but but what I remember what
really stood out was just the spelling
of the name and how amazed she was and
how amazed I now this has been happening
to you for a long time but are you still
in awe when God does this it’s always
fresh to me it never gets old it’s
always spontaneous exciting uh how about
the lady in London oh this was right
outside of London and I had called up a
a a health issue a health condition and
the lady came up I’m holding her hand
and I and then God starts speaking to me
Susan Sue or Susan Sue or Susan and and
because I’ll get part of a name that
I’ll get more Sue or Susan so so that’s
how so you get a a a partial information
so to speak sometimes it’s just that
repetitive pulsating Su sus and Sue
Susan like that that’s just how it came
to me and so I’m holding this lady’s
hand I go Sue Susan Su I’m looking
around the the meeting room su su she
goes Ah that’s she’s all polite and
British you know that would be me you
know and it was the lady that I was
praying for and uh so she got hit by the
power of God and uh and and was touched
mightily now does this happen only in
churches or does this happen wherever
you are well like the first example that
I gave you know it happened at the
mechanic shop you know it happens out
and that’s really exciting um and then
then it’s fun when it happens to church
it it never gets old it’s like you know
it’s like a fisherman catching a fish
you know I don’t care how old he is how
many times he’s caught a fish it’s
exciting when you catch one now between
you and me are there times when you hear
something and you’re out in public and
you just uh I don’t I’m I’m I don’t want
to say it it may not be true or you
always think I mean you’re really taking
a risk when you’re doing this you always
think that but at the end of the day
what I try to do is not care about my
position but care about the person’s
position that needs to hear from God and
I go you know if I’m wrong then I walk
away and you know what are they going to
do chase me down so so I just you know
try to deliver whatever God speaks to me
and also there’s something that happens
when you get a real clear word of
knowledge you may be nervous you may be
scared but there’s a faith that comes
with that word of knowledge and then
you’re excited to do it now you like to
teach a lot on the on how everyone can
move in the word of knowledge well do
you believe everyone can absolutely
everybody who’s been immersed in the
spirit of God is has access to the gifts
of God and Gifts of the Holy Spirit
and uh I believe anybody can and really
it comes back to Jesus’s simple
statement my sheep hear my voice so
right now look in the camera and tell me
what God’s speaking to people okay well
you know uh actually said I heard this
earlier um just a couple of healing
words one for arthritis and uh there’s a
gentleman watching named Barry see it
just comes on me just as I’m speaking
this there’s a gentleman watching named
Barry and you have arthritis and uh God
I just ask you in the name of Yeshua
just touch him now bury now heal him now
in Jesus mighty name also those watching
who uh you may have arthritis your name
is not buried believe in faith and I
believe God will touch you and heal you
right now um there’s also a knee injury
uh motorcycle from a gentleman in a
motorcycle uh accident recently in the
last week two weeks seven days that’s
what it is exactly see I thought it was
a week two weeks and then I see seven
days that’s what it was who did you see
that yeah yeah that’s neat yeah yeah so
it’s almost like a TV screen but uh more
in my what I would call my inner eye
inner ear you know I hear internally
it’s not like I hear like I hear you
speak but I hear in my heart and then
also see as well are you seeing anything
else yeah well we I could literally do
this for a long time but uh God I just I
I want to ask for Faith for people to
believe to do this for themselves you
know if you the closer you get to God
it’s just like having a relationship on
Earth you would tell me things
because we know each other and God will
tell you things if you know God and get
close to him so God I release that Faith
right now and just that trust in knowing
you to operate in the word of knowledge
skin disease there’s a rash right now
being healed there’s a rash in Jesus
name being healed thank you Lord cancer
is going right now in Jesus name uh
thank you Lord uh fibromyalgia
fibromyalgia thank you God in Jesus name
be healed thank you Lord in fact the the
person with fibromyalgia that’s being
healed you’re feeling like a wind an
unnatural wind it’s not it’s not from a
breeze it’s just there’s like a wind
coming over you right now that’s God
healing you it’s a lady thank you thank
you Lord in Jesus name but you know what
I’m reminded of that young 21 year old
that was filled with depression that
these evil spirits lifted off of made
Jesus his Lord filled with God’s spirit
and tell me again what you felt how
clean you felt and how much love you
felt it it it was truly going out of
Darkness into light where I felt
depression I wanted to die I had and no
hope I had no joy the opposite happened
after the spirit of God touched me and I
was immersed and saturated with the
spirit of God and that’s what I remember
more than anything as much as the light
and the river and the falling down and
the the evil spirits coming out more
than anything I remember that love that
I just felt cared for I felt loved how
would you like to feel loved
how would you like to feel cared
for are you
depressed are you in fear are you in
torment I know something I know God it’s
not a respector of persons what he did
for David he did for me what he did for
me he is just he’s running with his arms
wide open towards you right now and all
you have to do is received you see he
actually came 2,000 years ago his name
in Hebrew is Yeshua in English is
Jesus and he died for every sin you’ve
ever committed so that you can stand In
God’s Presence without
condemnation and receive that love if
you would pray with me that’s the first
step it’s like putting your little TOS
in the water but I believe there’s going
to be a river
that is going to hit you say out loud
with your mouth I believe that Jesus
died for my
sins I turn from my
sins Jesus come inside of me say it out
loud Jesus come inside of me take over
life I make you Lord Of My
Life fill me with your spirit fill me
with your Holy Spirit to overflow going
let me experience your love Jesus and
even when we go off the air you keep
telling him I want to experience your
love I love you Lord I love you Jesus I