Where God guides, he provides. In “Bring Jesus Your Fear,” Pastor Steven teaches us that when struggle with thoughts of not having enough or not being enough, we can put our trust in the One who guides our every step. This is an excerpt from “Navigating Not Enough.” To watch the full message from @elevationchurch, click here:    • Navigating Not Enough | Pastor Steven…   #faith #peace #hope #stevenfurtick #elevationchurch Chapters: 0:00 – Fear Of Running Out 2:04 – I Don’t Know Where I Am 4:23 – Needing Guidance 7:30 – Stay With Jesus 10:07 – Jesus Won’t Leave You In Lack 12:44 – How Jesus Guides You 14:30 – It’s About People, Not Crowds

here are my two primary fears in life

all in one Bible verse and the first one

is the fear of running out which runs

deep for me I don’t know if there’s any

scarcity mentality in your life or some

kind of like deficit oriented way of

thinking where you wake up each day at

zero I don’t know if you ever do little

fire drills to try to figure out how you

could sell everything and live in live

underground live in a tent somewhere if

it came to that but the fear of running

out I can’t can’t tell you how I I I

can’t explain I cannot explain to you

how important it is that my phone is

completely charged 93% is not 100% I

cannot run out of battery what would I

do if the phone died I would die it’s a

fear that runs from everything from

iPhones to sermon material a lot of

times when I preach too long it’s

because I was scared I’d get up here and

have nothing to say so then I went and

messed around study too long and kept

you 3 hours but my heart’s in the right

place I don’t want you to show up hungry

and collapse when you leave because I

was watching the game instead so I

really really really relate to this

thing of where could we get enough the

fear of running out and then what makes

it even worse put the scripture back up

where could we get enough bread in this

remote place did you notice that so now

not only do I not have enough that’s my

first fear in life but I don’t know

where I

am and I need to know where I am and if

I don’t know where I am I need to be

with somebody who knows where they are

and that’s where you’re like but the

disciples had

Jesus so it really didn’t matter because

if you’ve got Jesus you’ve always got

enough and isn’t it interesting how

confidently you say that about them back


then but if we followed you back into

your neighborhood of not

enough and you know when you get a

little older you don’t even really know

if you can depend on your body in the

same way that you you could and I know

I’m not old or anything like that still

I’m still

vital but yo I I pulled a muscle when I

woke I thought I pulled a muscle when I

woke up this morning and I was like oh

no for about 5 minutes I was like who’s

going to preach and the worst part was I

pulled it yawning

not not lifting weights I wasn’t doing

yoga or anything I just yawned and

something pop just to remind

me just to remind me you know two

extremes that we get into I think when

we look at what we don’t have and what

we need there is an extreme that we go

into which is

denial you know no I’m good I’m good I’m

good until you completely

crash and then the other one is despair

where you are so aware of what you don’t

have that you don’t realize what you do


and so yes the disciples have Jesus and

yes he has all knowledge and yes he is

omniscient and he was and is and will be

all of those things for you but it does

not change the fact that they are in a

remote place with limited resource now

that’s who I want to speak to today you

are in a remote place with a limited

resource either of those is

Scary Just to be somewhere that is

remote I’m not talking about just

physically you know that I’m talking

about emotional states that you’ve never

experienced I mentioned stages of life

that you’ve never experienced it could

even be you know beyond just the

psychological it could it could be just

beyond the chronological it could be

that you are dealing with a series a

combination or a sequence of things that

you’ve never experienced quite like this

everybody say remote place remote place

now say limited resource limed resource

so I don’t have enough and I don’t know

where I

am and I don’t know enough to get where

I need to go to get what I need and I

don’t know where I am and I don’t have

what I need and those are my two biggest

nightmares in life so I decided to

preach about it

navigating not

enough if you are under the age of 20

you will never know the terror of

navigating by map

not an app called maps not an

interactive satellite guided device like

a map map I went in the gas station

yesterday and I was going to buy one to

bring out here and unfold it and like an

icebreaker for the crowd and say y’all


these everybody who pulls a muscle when

you yawn y’all remember

these and I was going to they didn’t

even have a map at the gas station what

is the world coming to I can’t get a map

at the gas

station Elijah asked me before he went

to college he said how did you used to

do it how did you get anywhere I said

Son it was

traumatic your mom isn’t great at

directions but she was better than me

when we first moved to Charlotte it was

the biggest city I’d ever lived in and I

would go have appointments with people

all through the highways and the byways

and the Mean Streets of Weddington waaw

Mint Hill

and I kid you not there was not a single

meeting that I took that I would not end

up on the phone with

Holly and she would be at the house and

I’d be on the road and she would be

guiding me the Holly Spirit would be


me and I don’t know we just celebrated

21 years of marriage I don’t know if we

would have made it don’t clap too quick

I don’t know if we’d have made it 5 if

we would have kept having to go that way

because you know the thing about us

communicating in this way is she had

never lived here

either so it all sounds good while she’s

telling me what to do from the house

with the map from two years

ago it changed everything you know

people say I would have loved to have

been a disciple and followed Jesus I

wouldn’t back

then you wouldn’t

either you know you might have you might

eventually have loved it but not in the

moment because I want you to think about

this they’re in a remote place they’re

they’re healing people who knows how

long he’s going to keep doing this it’s

been 3 days and he doesn’t seem tired

yet because he’s fully

God and now he pulls them to the side

and this is verse uh 22 cuz it’s all

really well and good as long long as

he’s doing the work but then he called

the disciples to him and said I have

compassion for these people they’ve

already been with me now that phrase

been with me in the original language of

the Bible doesn’t just mean they hung

out it means that they’ve been cleaving

to me they’ve been staying with me

they’ve been hanging with me they’ve

been pulling on me they’ve been pressing

toward me they’ve been receiving from me

so Touch Somebody real quick and say

stay with him stay with them if you feel

crippled in an area of your life if you

feel lame in an area of your life if you

feel blind in an area of your life if

you feel like you’re muttin and area of

your life I got some good guidance for

you stay with Jesus good things happen

when you stay with them good things

happen when you stay with them and I

don’t think it’s a coincidence that they

stayed three


days read something in the Bible about 3

days I was just thinking about

that it it’s it’s really it’s really

wonderful to think about how you know

this this thing we say where God guides

he provides have you heard that one

where God guides he

provides I fully attest to

that I fully believe in

that my

life is a trophy of the grace of God

that everywhere he has led me he has

provided for me where God guides he

provides but the thing that that lean

leaves out if you just put it on a

bumper sticker that where God

guides he provides is that a lot of

times we are guessing about where he’s


us I know you don’t want to admit it

especially the men cuz you don’t want to

admit you’re lost you rather drive in



years I’m I’m not like that I would call

Holly I I would call her in a heartbeat

I didn’t I I had a girl who could read a

map and I was determined to tap into her

full resources there’s no male ego on me

I don’t want to be lost I’m too scared


that and you know if you get lost enough

in your life you will humble

yourself to the point where you say well

I don’t normally like to ask for help I

don’t like to admit I’ve never done this

before I don’t like to say I wrong I

don’t like to ask somebody that I need

them to show me in this area of my life

sometimes we just aren’t hungry enough

yet lost enough yet but there’s somebody

in this room and you

are and you are navigating a not enough

in your life in this season that has

brought you to the precipice where

although you have pressed in to Jesus

you are in danger of collapsing on the

way that’s what Jesus said I don’t want

you to collapse along the way and I’ve

got good news for you the Bible says

that Jesus has

compassion thank

you if God gave you a new car would you

praise him for

it paid off nice one fast one sexy one

yeah would you praise him for a new car

if God paid off your house would you

praise him for

it if God said

I’m giving you my compassion thank you

Lord there’d be nothing greater you

could Praise Him

for than the compassion of a

Christ who is fully

God fully God enough to meet all of your

needs fully God enough to stop a storm

fully God enough to heal somebody who

couldn’t walk and they go dancing out

fully God enough that the one who

couldn’t speak left shouting fully God

enough to do all of that and fully man

enough that after all is said and done

pull his disciples to the side and say I

have compassion for what they lack I

don’t know if there’s anybody in here

who’s in religious rehab you grew up

with a God who was waiting to crush you

underneath the weight of what you were

not yet but we meeted Jesus in Matthew

15 come on get glad about

it who has

compassion for what you

lack so the Lord is my shepherd I shall

not want that does not mean I will never

lack but it means that in every area

where I lack the Lord is faithful and

loyal to me that he will never leave me

in my lack and turn a deaf ear to me

when I call him

let’s praise God not for a car not for a

house that’s fine I got a car I got a

house but he has

compassion that he looks on my

weakness with

compassion that he looks on my lack with

compassion I don’t know I just noticed

that this week I noticed that Jesus said

I have compassion for these people verse

32 and the disciples answered the

request that Jesus made about feeding

them with logic and calculation you know

like men often do like like mankind

often does where can we get enough bread

there’s no door Dash on my phone we

don’t have an app you know some people

would say that Jesus is better than a

GPS but I don’t think he

is because when you use a GPS you get to

select the

destination but when you follow

Christ he will get you where you need to

go he’ll get you there turn by turn step

by step he’ll do better than reroute you

he will pick your big behind up and

carry your dead weight if that’s what it

takes but one thing about this savior

imagine a GPS that you didn’t get to

tell it where you want to end up that’s

Jesus Peter’s got this boat

right they’re going all around

ministering to people and uh and Peter’s

the one that’s driving okay but the one

who is driving the boat doesn’t get to

decide where it

docks I don’t think you heard what I

just said because I’m describing what a

life of following Christ

feels like

sometimes I’m driving this boat I’m

living this life I’m making decisions

I’m the one having to make these moves

I’m the one having to show up for these

things but ultimately I don’t get to

decide where this boat

docks Jesus

does God does that either brings you

great comfort or if you’re control

freak it really starts to mess with you

especially when you end up in a remote

place and Jesus starts healing people

and he shows no signs of stopping and he

wants the people to be fed and he pulls

the disciples to the side and says I

have compassion for these people and the

disciples answered verse 33 where could

we get enough bread in this remote place

to feed such a crowd now I need to slow

this down and we can study it go to

verse 32 again Jesus said I have

compassion for

these what did he

say I have compassion for these people

what did Jesus call

them look at the disciples in verse 33

where are we going to get enough bread

in this remote place to feed such


a it’s all about how you see

it the deciples see

crowds Jesus sees

people hey thanks for stopping by my

YouTube channel I hope you were blessed

today if you were share this with

somebody like And subscribe and leave me

a comment let me know where you’re

watching from what we can pray for you

about hope to see you back here again


