Even when you feel far from God, He’s always close — walking through whatever you’re facing with you. This is an excerpt from “The Lazarus Factor.” To watch the full message from @elevationchurch , click here:    • The Lazarus Factor (God Of The Outcom…   #faith #peace #hope #stevenfurtick #elevationchurch Chapters: 0:00 – What Will You Do With Your Disappointment? 2:11 – God’s With You In Your Pain 4:14 – Take God To That Place 6:18 – Is Your Heart A Closed Tomb? 9:16 – God Loves You

God brings us to these points to see

what will we do with our disappointment

she met him at the gate and she

confessed faith in him even in the

absence of the miracle that she so

desperately needed

I believe that you are the Son of God

who is to come into the world and after

verse 28 she had said this she went back

and called her sister Mary a sigh the

teacher is here she said and he’s asking

for you and when Mary heard this she got

up quickly and went to him now Jesus I

love the Bible Jesus had not yet entered

the village but was still at the place

where Martha had met him he will stand

where you need him to stand and he will

come as far as you invite him so listen

what that means if you choose to keep

God at a distance

he stood at the gate

and Mary was mad too

I love how they were both mad but they

still got a miracle


I don’t know how this is going to go

over but give God an angry praise


Mary fell down at his feet not in faith

but in frustration

but she came to him

and everybody followed her out there

everybody that came around

Aunt Margaret

just started with the letter m

Mary Martha Martin


she said verse 32.

she reached the place where he was and

saw him and fell at his feet and said

Lord if you’ve been here my brother

would not have died

Jesus saw a weeping

the Jews who had come along with her

also weeping he was deeply moved in

spirit and trouble when he saw her pain

he participated in it

the Lazarus factor is not only

that God gives miracles in desperation

the Lazarus Factor says that he is with


in the pain of disappointment as well


and he asked Martha do you believe this

and he asked Mary for a location

where did you lay him

take me to that place

not the place that you let everybody

else see

that place

that place where you kind of buried

your belief in God

it was a rejection

that place

it was a loss

that place

it was a betrayal

that place

it’s a place where you feel exhausted

and it’s sometimes a place where you’re

embarrassed of it

it’s not the rooms in the house that you

show the guests

it’s the other rooms

that place

what I couldn’t figure out

was why did Jesus wait when he could

have come and spoken a word

and if he could have come and spoken a


why didn’t he just speak it from a


he didn’t even have to come to Bethany

to heal Lazarus

but I think he wanted us to see

that he likes to come close

to what other people would push away

everybody has a Lazarus

everybody has a turn that your life took

that you didn’t see coming and that God

didn’t prevent

and as simple as this message may be I

think it may be the deepest one that you

ever hear because God is saying take me

to that place

it is not a physical location

it is an emotional one

take me

to that place

where you laid him

where you stop being optimistic

where you started going through the


swinging an ax with no blade

take me to that place

where you just learned to manage the

addiction rather than fighting it take

me to that place where you just decided

to show people a facade because you

don’t think they can handle what’s

really you in the core of your being

that place

everybody has a Lazarus

and the question is not whether or not

you have a Lazarus the question is

what are you going to do about it

now Jesus made the the trip to the tomb

and when he got there some of y’all said

you were going to memorize more

scripture this year I’m gonna give you

one to start verse 35. Jesus wept

so you can go home and tell somebody you

memorized the whole Bible verse today

that’s the whole verse Jesus web how

powerful that before he spoke the word

he wept

before he demonstrates his authority he

demonstrates his empathy he wants you to

know I’m with you while you’re waiting

for it I’m with you while you’re waiting

for it I’m with you I was with you when

you didn’t see me I was with you when

you didn’t feel me I was with you when

people couldn’t do it for you I was with


and he wept

and when they saw that verse 36 many of

the Jews gathered there said see how he

loved them

look how much he loved him

and then some of the other Jews said

verse 37. could not he who opened the

eyes of the blind man kept this man from


so now I got one voice saying he loves

you so much

and then I got another voice saying if

he loves me so much then why

and the Bible says that Jesus once more

deeply moved did not respond to their

opinions but operated according to his


I feel the presence of God in this place

now watch this moment

and receive it for your Lazarus in your

life it says Jesus once more deeply

moved came to the tomb

it was a cave

but the stone laid across the entrance

Stone across the entrance means

nothing else is going in and nothing

else is coming out that’s some of your

hearts today

and then Jesus tells them something to

do that he could have easily done

without their help

take away the stone

isn’t that crazy he’s about to raise

this man from the dead

but he can’t push the stone

he could

but he didn’t

until the moment where you open yourself

to the possibility that God can do it

your heart is a closed tomb keeping dead

things in but here’s what’s beautiful

when when Martha responded to Jesus

command she was embarrassed because she

didn’t want to expose what was inside

she said Lord by this time there’s a bad

odor I don’t want anybody to see this I

don’t want anybody to know this I don’t

want anybody to go know what’s really

going on in my heart but then Jesus said

something did I not tell you that if you

believe you will see the glory of God

and get ready to praise them by faith

verse 41 they took away the stone and

Jesus looked up and said get ready to

praise Him Father I thank you that you

heard me I know you always hear me but I

said it for them that they may believe

that they may believe I sent you through

trouble that you may believe I sent you

through the sea that you may believe

that you sent me and then Jesus get

ready to praise in verse 30 43 come on

come on when he is at this he called out

in a loud voice Lazarus

come out


come out

44. when he said it the dead man came

out the dead tree came out the dead

thing came out the dead Place into life

the dry bones came together boom to Boom

here the word of the Lord Lazarus come

forth Praise Him




in a loud voice

he commanded that thing that was there

to come alive

and the Lazarus Factor says

you don’t always get Lazarus back

but his presence is always calling

something forth


come on let it sink in

you know I’m right about it

you know he’s the god of the outcome

you know he’s The God Who is working all

things together right you didn’t forget

that did you Martha

you didn’t let you didn’t let your

Lazarus convince you that he didn’t love


he loved Lazarus

he loves Larry Steven furtick Jr

he loves Holly Anna fertick

he loved he loved me so much

that he let something die

showed up at the spot

still showing up

at the tomb of every Lazarus

they didn’t want him to show up at the

tomb they wanted him to show up in the

hospital room

and this place I want you to know that

even though it’s not the place you plan

to be

he’s standing here

he has not forsaken you

he has not abandoned you

in Greek the word is ume

it means never

when he said never will I leave you

never will I forsake you it’s a double

negative ume it means never no never

father in the name of Jesus

I thank you that you heard us the first


I thank you that there’s nobody standing

before you today who cannot declare

that you are Weeping with us

in our disappointment

and your word is going forth into our


I speak to every Lazarus in this room

today in the name of Jesus

I called Joy forth in the name of Jesus

I call Peace purpose and Glory forth

for we know that this sickness

does not end in death

for the glory of God

the Lazarus Factor

he is getting Glory out of this



look at me for one moment I’m over my

time but I got to tell you something

it was the situation

that gave the opportunity for revelation

God is doing that in your life right now

hey thanks for stopping by my YouTube

channel I hope you were blessed today if

you were share this with somebody like

And subscribe and leave me a comment let

me know where you’re watching from what

we can pray for you about hope to see

you back here again really soon
