In “God Can Handle Your Broken Heart,” Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church reveals that our journey begins with steps of faith – and that Jesus is ready to walk with us along the way.

God is not scared to walk right up

in the details of your situation. A bird falls
out of the sky, and he counts it and puts it

on the ledger, and you think he doesn’t
know about your loneliness, your tears,

your heartbreak? Do you think he’s intimidated by
your skepticism? Do you think your broken heart

can chase him away? The Bible says, “A broken
and a contrite heart he will not despise.”

The only heart he can’t get into is the
one that is closed up through pride,

but if you open yourself,
even with your face downcast…

Cleo said, “Hey, man, are you…?” This is ironic.
The host of heaven has come to earth. He died

and rose again, lived a perfect life, and Cleo
says, “Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem…?”

Remember, he made it. They’re treating
the God of the world like a guest.

This is so funny to me, how we get it twisted,
how we get it out of order. We start thinking God

needs to consult our blueprint of how our lives
need to be built. I can get this way as a pastor,

telling God what he needs to do in my
church. You get this way as a parent,

what God needs to do with your children.

Cleopas launches out on this long, long
speech, telling Jesus what happened to Jesus.

God has a sense of humor, because he lets
him talk. Cleopas gives him his speech,

and Jesus lets him finish. “Are you the
only one who doesn’t know what happened?”

The one it happened to is standing there,
and Cleo wants to tell him what happened.

“What had happened was Jesus of Nazareth was a
prophet, powerful in word and deed before God

and all the people.” They are standing before
the great I Am, and they start with “He was.”

There he is, and they’re stuck in “He was.”

Are you missing what is because
you’re stuck in what was?

“We hoped he was the one, but it took a turn
for the worse. The chief priests and our rulers

handed him over to be sentenced
to death, and they crucified him…”

Jesus is nodding. “Tell me all about it.” Verse
21: “…but we had hoped…” Had I been Jesus,

I would have stopped you right there,
because hope that is seen is not hope at all.

If you had hoped and don’t hope anymore,

what you had wasn’t real hope, because
real hope can hold on, even on Friday.

“I had hoped it would be over by now.
I had hoped the medicine would fix it.

I had hoped they’d say yes. I had
hoped they had asked. I had hoped.”

Hope is standing in front of hopelessness.
Christ and Cleo. The cross clashed with Cleo’s

expectation, and now his experience has left him
downcast. “We had hoped that he was the one.”

“I thought I would be further along by
now. I thought I’d be married by 26.

I hoped they would be good to me, pay me back,
and appreciate me after all I did for them.

I had hoped he was going to redeem me. I had
hoped he was going to heal me.” Could it be

that we miss God because we look for him in the
dreams but he is found in the disappointment?

Their faces were downcast. Their hopes were
dashed. From their standpoint, the story was over.

Since I’m your tour guide
on this seven-mile journey,

let me give you a professional travel tip.
Don’t judge the journey before it’s over.

I don’t know who that was even for.

Don’t judge the journey of seven miles
when you haven’t even been two yet.

See what the end will be. If you trust
his promise, you have to trust the path.

It might be winding, and it might lead to a cross,

and it might not feel good, and it might be
confusing, but he is the God of the detour.

It might not be spectacular, and he might
not prove himself to you with signs you can

see or sense or feel, and there might not
be a goose bump that proves his presence.

He might show up in the details, the little
things. It might be in the little ways.

He’s right there on the road. He’s walking
with them. They almost can’t recognize him

because what’s happening is so common.
He looks like just another guy. They

are standing next to resurrection. They
don’t recognize it, and it’s right there.

He’s right there. He is here now. He is, he was,
he is to come, and he’s with you in this moment.

“We had hoped he was the one. What is more,” Cleo
says. “To make matters worse…” Look at verse 21.

“…it’s the third day.” Y’all don’t know that’s
funny. I’m sorry. I’m just a nerdy little pastor.

I get kicks out of weird stuff. It’s the third
day. The whole time he was on the earth he said,

“This is going to go badly on Friday, but
come Sunday, don’t look for me in the tomb

they buried me in. I’m getting up out of
here.” What they thought was the dead end

was really just the beginning. Do you want to
see him in 3D? Look for him in the detours.

Do you want to see him in 3D, not this flat little
coloring-book Jesus with a lamb on his lap, but

the living, risen Son of God, under whose feet all
things have been placed and who is now seated at

the right hand of God? Do you want to see him like
that? Don’t look for him in just the dramatic;

look for him in the details, that little
thing God has been doing in your life.

Do you want to see the Son of God? Do you want to
see Jesus? How many of you want to see him? How

many of you want to see God active in your life?
I mean, with the eyes of your heart, to know him.

He can be found at the dead ends,

when you used to hope and now it’s hard to hope.
That’s where he meets you on your Emmaus Road.

I’m glad they can’t find Emmaus, because
that means we each get to have our own.

That means I get to have my own Emmaus. I’m
on my own journey. I’m on my own path, and

I’m not alone. I don’t even like walking
very much. I don’t have a Fitbit.

Everything about this seems backwards, doesn’t
it? He spent his whole life telling people,

“Follow me,” and now he’s following them.

He has come down out of heaven, and instead of
people making their way to God, now God has come

to us. He has reversed the search. You weren’t
even looking for him, and he was looking for

you. You weren’t even seeking for him,
and he was showing himself all along.

Cleopas said, “We had hoped he was the one.

In addition, some of our women amazed us. They
went to the tomb early this morning…” Wrong place.

He’s not in the tomb; he’s on the road.
He’s not in religion; he’s in relationship.

Please help me preach this. I need
to know you’re receiving it, because

God told me some of you are going to come out
of tombs of tradition and really experience

the presence of God. How many want to
experience his presence? You’ll find it

on the road.

“Our women went to the tomb but didn’t find
his body. They came and told us that they had

seen a vision of angels, who said he was alive.
Then some of our companions went to the tomb…”

This is still Cleo talking,
telling Jesus about Jesus,

still not recognizing what’s right beside him.

“Some of our companions went to the tomb
and found it just as the women had said,

but…” This is the most ironic verse in all
of Scripture. “…they did not see Jesus.”

He is telling Jesus about other
people who didn’t see Jesus,

and he doesn’t know it’s Jesus. Have
you ever realized how easy it is to

judge somebody else’s journey and not even
recognize what God is doing in your own?

Jesus said to them, “How foolish you are,
and slow to believe…” That’s the problem.

Look at me. Every location, watching on
television, watching online, I want you

to look at me. If you can’t look at me, look at
the screen. Look at me. It starts in the heart.

He said, “You’re slow to believe.” You keep
trying to make sense of things in your life

with your head. You keep trying to figure
out the reason for what’s happening to you,

and when you can’t figure out the
reason, you want to jump off the road.

You want to stop following. You want to
stop trusting when you can’t figure it out,

but if you would reverse the search and
believe in your heart what you have not yet

seen with your eyes and believe the goodness
of God, if you would get it in here…

This journey doesn’t start with making sense.
This journey starts with faith. Have faith in God.

He’s with me on this road. “Did not
the Messiah have to suffer these things

and then enter in his glory?” You
keep wanting to see the glory,

but you’re only going to see it in the suffering.
He is the God of the detour. He is the God of

the detail. He is the God of your dead end,
and he has brought you to this moment today.

The Spirit of God is in this place. I
am preaching out of my mind for somebody

who has been on the road. Watch this.
“Beginning with Moses and all the Prophets,

he explained to them…” He took it all the way back

to show them that the one the prophets had looked
forward to was standing right in front of them.

“He explained to them what was said in
all the Scriptures concerning himself.”

He broke it down, on the way, on the road.
That’s where you learn: on the journey.

You don’t wait until you understand to get
started. You grow as you go. You know as you go.

Keep walking. Keep walking. Keep walking.
You’ll understand it better by and by.

Give him a chance. Give him a chance to show
you who he is. Hold on to his unchanging hand.

Trust his heart, even if you can’t trace his hand.

“God, I don’t get this, but I’m
going forward.” It’s a decision.