You’ve been looking at things a certain way, but God’s about to flip it

whatever you went through that did not
destroy you God is now going to use to

deliver you it’s not meant to kill you
it’s meant to kill your enemies

for many years I thought salvation was just what
we were saved from but the big picture

of God’s purpose for your life and my
life is what we’re saved to and so on

this journey to freedom not just from
sin but freedom to they’re uh they’re

going they’re going this is the crazy
thing about God when he brings you out

of something he does not let you choose
your escape route because I should

probably talk about this because there
is a Bible verse that says God will not

allow you to be tempted beyond what you
were able that with the temptation he

will provide the way of escape but it
promises he will provide the way of

escape it does not promise that he will
let you pick the way of escape

it is not a multiple choice it is not a

escape route so God’s way of escape is
not up for debate when God calls you out

he leads you sometimes in strange ways

which is why they must have been so
disappointed when Moses took them on

those back country roads
to camp out right in front of the Red

Sea because it would have been shorter
even the Bible says it would have been

shorter it wasn’t just their opinion the
Bible says it would have been shorter if

they would have gone through Philistine
country but they weren’t ready for war

yet a lot of times when God brings you
from point A to point B he takes you on

a zigzag because he knows and I don’t
mean to hurt your feelings how fragile

your faith is even if you don’t so he
brings them out on a way of escape that

to them must have seemed long but they
could deal with it they didn’t

complain about that what
must have seemed really weird to them

was when they heard the wheels
of the chariots the horsepower of the

engines of Pharaoh’s 600 chosen chariots
coming up behind them when they thought

they had left Egypt and they were done
with that

now we’re at the text in verse 26 where
the Lord said to Moses stretch out your

hand I’m so excited to share this with
you God showed me something this week

that was so cool because the first time
Moses stretched out his hand which had a

staff in it the sea parted so that the
Israelites could go through so that they

could walk through what they shouldn’t
have been able to walk through now there

are some things that God did in your
life this year with a strong east wind

that if he didn’t do those things you
wouldn’t have been able to go through

within yourself come on admit it within
your own strength with your DNA and with

your dad and your mom and their genes
still kicking around in a cage fight

inside of you you would not have gone
through it you would have stopped in the

middle of it and you would have drowned
but one thing about

God is he is only known by the evidence
of what he does he is not experienced

directly the Bible says that the reason
they went through is because a wind blew

from the east and made the waters stand
at attention so that the people could go

through now you can’t see wind you can
only see the effects of the wind you

asked me how I know God is real I can’t
point to his nose or his ears I’ve never

heard his audible voice but there are
just some things in my life that don’t

make sense unless there was a wind
blowing there are just some things how about

you there are just some things that I went
through that I know me and I would not

have had the grace to go through it if
there hadn’t been something working with me

now let’s get into the text this is the good part touch somebody say come

through so Moses is stretching out his
staff so the people can come through I’m trying to get

you tonight

I’m trying to get you tonight to come
through I think it would be a shame for

you to be stuck in an inferior version
of yourself clutching on to a beta

blessing when there is an update
available in this house tonight by the

Spirit of God so I’m trying to get you
to come through but by the time verse 26

hits they’ve already done that and now
they’re on the other side and so it

seems strange that God would tell them
to do anything other than run but he

tells Moses to do something that God
wants you to do tonight and he says I

want you to take the instrument in your
hand as a symbol of your past that

is a symbol of the mistakes that you
made when you killed the Egyptian Moses

and ran and hid him in the sand and then
hid yourself the staff that is the

symbol of your potential the same one
that you used to turn the Nile River to

blood and those ten plagues of Egypt I
want you to take that that same

instrument and before you leave Egypt
stretch it back over what you just went

through and when you do you will
understand the purpose of what you went

through God brought you here tonight I
can be so bold as to say that I believe

this applies to everyone in the room who
will have the faith to receive it

because he wants to use what you went
through that’s the good news

can I tell you the whole thing God wants
to use what you went through and so does

the devil
and the question in this moment is will

you allow God to use what you went
through watch this and when he had

finished leading an entire nation all
night long in the dark with

water that could collapse on them at any
moment don’t you think they moved fast

through this tunnel of supernatural
miraculous potential death that at any

moment could sweep them away and they
make it to the other side

and God says stop before you take
another step I need you to stretch your

hand back over what you just went
through the water that you just went

through was not sent to destroy you can
I tell you something everything that

made you afraid this year was not the
devil everything that made you cry this

year was not the devil
everything that broke your heart this

year was not the devil everything that
you lost this year was not the devil

everything that didn’t go according to
plan this year was not the devil

some of the stuff that was sent against
you was not sent to destroy you at the

time it felt like it would at the time
you felt like you would never be happy

at the time you felt like you would just

drive away and never come back at the
time you felt like you would never find

that love that passion that feeling
again at the time it felt like it would

kill you but the thing that you went
through was not meant to destroy you and

when you stretch your hand over what you
went through what you went through is

going to deliver you from what you just
came out of

let me see if I got this right what I
went through could have killed me but it

didn’t hit somebody say but it didn’t
it didn’t I could have laid down and

died in what I went through touch them
say but I didn’t tell him I could have

lost my mind but I didn’t I don’t know maybe
you did but here’s the point of the

message here’s the point of the message
whatever you went through that did not

destroy you God is now going to use to
deliver you come to this side to see if

you believe the Word of God it’s in the
b-i-b-l-e he said what you just went

through if you will stop at this moment
at this juncture in this time in this

season and stretch your hand over what
you went through it’s not meant to kill

you it’s meant to kill your enemies

it was never gonna kill you no
weapon formed against you shall-

now I know why I went through there were
some things that God had to kill so they

wouldn’t kill me that’s why I went through

that’s why God had to deal with some
things in me enemy enemy God had to

drown some of my enemy that’s why I went through so
when I look back over at what I thought

I wouldn’t get through and I see
look at verse 30 I didn’t give you that

did I I forgot to get you verse 30 I’m so
sorry and so when they look back that

the Lord saved Israel from the hands of
the Egyptians and Israel saw the

Egyptians lying dead on the shore now
what do you want to look at this year

what you went through or what God did in
you through what you went through

God deliver me yeah you know he’s not
gonna do that in a cute comfortable

convenient place some stuff that
you went through this year now if

you don’t if you don’t process it
correctly if you just are in a hurry to

get out of 2018 don’t be surprised when
you hear the chariot wheels in 2019

we’ll be right back here in 365 days
shouting over nothing all over again and

the Lord gave me this word it’s more
like an image from the text it said that

Moses the way I saw it in my mind was
that the water had done something

supernatural all night long so the
Israelites could get through God kept

stuff away from you this year so you
could get through but when the time came

for them to leave God said stop and
before you’re in such a hurry to get out

turn around and stretch what’s the verse
verse 28 stretch your staff and the

water flowed back and covered the
chariots the water flowed back so it had

been like this and then it went like
that and then the enemies went like that

and the people of God went like that so
God said to tell you it’s time for you

to flip the flow touch the person on
either side of you and see if they can

get it say flip the flow
it’s been going this way it’s been going

this way all year long it’s been going
this way but tonight we came to flip the

flow and everything that was against me
this year

now Romans 8:28 says oh I got a New
Testament verse too that all things work

together for the good of them that love
the Lord is that you do you still love him

is he still your friend do you still
trust him after what you went through

if that’s you then all things work together high five
18 people say flip the flow flip the

flow flip the flow

instead of concentrating on all the
moments that it didn’t go your way this

year flip the flow what went right what
did work out who did stay who did

give you a hug how did he meet your
needs how did he come through did he

come through for you flip the flow stop
focusing so much on what you did or

didn’t get maybe it isn’t about what God
wanted to do for you this year as much

as it is about what he wants to do
through you in the future

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thanks again for watching