good morning

hey guys

I’m gonna let you all Gather in

let me know what you’re tuning in from

I am actually in

the Big Apple

they don’t make buildings that big

nowhere else I’m in the Big Apple

um before my uncle passed away my

husband had planned like a date trip for

us and so I am enjoying that day trip

and also waiting to to get back to my


and family and support them through this

transition I was sitting here though

Ashley I am in your city and what’s

crazy is I was in the hotel all day

yesterday because I was like

I don’t know nobody here but that’s not

true I do know people here I just the

way my introvert is set up I’m not able

to be like hey

how do extroverts do it we’ll talk about

it later but how do you all do it

a conversation for another time but also

how do you all just move here I am it’s

not me I’m like very anyways listen

um I am sitting here


um next week in Dallas we’re going to be

having hey you live for the very first

time since we started it during the

pandemic and you know I was wondering I

was thinking about like what is the

impact going to be who’s going to come

and I realized something that happens

when I’m thinking about things that um I

want to share with you and see if it

resonates with you I won’t be on here

long so if you can stay on stay on

because I want to read our mail for a

minute maybe it’s just my mail and you

can just pray for me but um

I am wondering do you ever have moments

in your life where you’re going after

something you have a big opportunity

coming up you’re meeting someone for the

first time and you say to yourself I

don’t want to get my hopes up

I don’t want to get my hopes up so I am

not going to expect much from this

moment I don’t want to get my hopes up

so I am not going to allow myself to

dream about the possibilities I don’t

want to get my hopes up how many times

in the last six or seven opportunities

that you’ve had whether they’re new

relationships new job opportunities

entrepreneurship whatever it is how many

times have you had a moment where he’s

like I don’t want to get my hopes up

I don’t need my hopes up

now I want to ask you

what does it mean to live a life where

you are intentionally suppressing your


I’m sitting here and I’m thinking about

this thought going through my mind of

like I don’t want to get my hopes up

and I am wondering

how suppressed how intentionally

suppressed My Hope Is

and if I am intentionally suppressing My


why should I expect to even have any

level of optimism or expectation I want

to present to you oh my girl said a few

times this year already I’m with you I’m

with you this ain’t the Judgment see I’m

recent beside each other

if you are constantly saying to yourself

I don’t want to get my hopes up then

you’re also saying I don’t want to get

my faith up

so I I don’t want to have hope which

means I don’t want to have faith because

faith is the substance of things hoped


so if you don’t have hope or you are

intentionally it’s not even that we

we’re too we’re like too good to say

like oh it’s not that I don’t have any

hope I just don’t want to get my hopes

up but if faith is the substance of

things hoped for and I don’t want to get

my hopes up that means that my faith is

not made up of anything I don’t even

have the faith for the very thing I am

pursuing because I don’t have enough

hope to create the substance for the


did that make sense it makes sense in my

head and I just wanted to share that

with you I’m thinking about the Hope

Revival tour so as you know hope is like

my word for the year

um I believe that after years and years

of having hope suppressed hope rejected

hope abandoned that hope is exactly what

we need and I’m like God how do we get

to this space where the Christ in US is

the Hope for Glory that this world is

going to change our family is going to

change our lives our soul is going to

change by activating the Christ in us if

we constantly live with a mentality that

says I don’t want to get my hopes up

and so I’m sitting here and just as soon

as I had the thought I I intentionally

captured it I captured that thought I

dissected that thought and then I took a

minute to ask myself who would who would

join forces with the Enemy

to attack their own hope

I feel like honestly

maybe you were like thinking that the

enemy is after certain things and I said

this and my message is crazy I think

it’s just continuing to like

manifest and take root in my life is

that like at the end of the day I really

believe that the enemies after our hope

when I experienced any trauma in my past

any trauma you can name it left me

feeling hopeless and if I am hopeless

then I am faithless and if I am

faithless I am stagnant I cannot move I

cannot exist I cannot create I cannot

even position myself to activate the

word of God in my life because I don’t

have faith for it so if I receive a

message from God and that message

resonates with my spirit that message

resonates with what I believe God is

trying to show me for a season in my

life I have to allow it to get my hope

up and so I’m talking to you

on the other side of this no matter

where you are I’m letting you know that

it’s time for you to get your hopes up

again if you’re in any of the Cities I

think I think like two or three of the

cities that we’re doing the Hope Revival

touring is already sold out I think it’s

Charlotte Memphis and DMV but we may

have more seats for the DMV but I don’t

know we’re going to pray about it but I

just want you to know like if you are in

need of a boost of hope I want to invite

you to come kick it with us for the Hope

Revival tour I am excited about us

getting our hopes up again I was looking

at the word Revival and I think whenever

we use the word Revival most of us think

about it I think about it going from

dead to alive again but when I was

looking at the definition for the word

Revival it’s about improving from a

better into a better condition if I

wasn’t on Instagram I would read you the

exact definition but it doesn’t have to

be dead in order to need Improvement and

I’m thinking about the many areas of Our

Lives where we would like to experience

a boost a magnification of Our Hope and

I’m letting you know right now that

there is nothing more powerful than

getting in a room full of other people

who are calling on Hope who believe in

hope it is contagious I have seen women

come into the rooms depressed defeated

coming by themselves thinking to

themselves this is my last straw you

know I don’t do church or church has not

been working or I haven’t felt like

myself in a long time and you come into

this space and it offers you Joy and

transparency and vulnerability in the

presence of God and hope is magnified

I want to invite you to join me for the

Hope Revival tour because I believe now

more than ever that it’s time for us to

get our hopes up I’m looking at this

great big old city and I’m thinking to

myself how many people are walking

around hopeless and we’re the answer may

we never ever forget

that when we see a headline that when we

experience a heartbreak when we

experience grief that it is our call

to respond with hope

to respond with faith when someone has

given up on all Humanity we’re the ones

that say don’t give up on us we’re still

dishing kindness We’re still praying

we’re still believing we’re still

trusting in God to make all things work

together I am

I’m passionate about Hope for this year

and I may I honestly I’m protecting my

own hope I think that that’s been the

greatest call for me this year it’s like

not just because you know it’s January a

lot of folks be like hoped up in January

right hoped up hoped up in January but

um I am learning to protect my hope to

protect it from season to season so we

received some tough news and it’s easy

to be like oh Lord this year’s going

down it’s going down the drain already

like I don’t even trust you but like no

I’m protecting my hope and in protecting

my hope that means me saying God if you

allow this to happen

and then I’m going to allow your joy to

be my strength

you said okay so I’m gonna say this then

I’ll get off the joy of the Lord is my

strength like so churchy we say it all

the time but when I really think about

it when I really think about that

scripture I’m like why is the joy of the

Lord my strength like that’s his

enjoy that you don’t have nothing to do

with me but the fact is that like the

joy of the Lord is my strength because

if the Lord can have joy in the middle

of the thing that is making me feel weak

if the Lord can have joy and the thing

that is making me feel stretched if the

Lord can have joy in the midst of the

most overwhelming season of my life then

the Lord must know something about this

moment that I don’t know and so instead

of tapping into the frustration of this

present moment I’m gonna dare to trust

that if the Lord has Joy then I can have

strength because when I get to whatever

it is that God sees when I get to the

moment where the Lord’s Joy becomes my

joy it’ll all make sense the joy of the

Lord is my strength

because when I’m weak he has Joy because

he knows what is producing in me when

I’m frustrated he has Joy because he

knows what’s on the other side of it

when I’m crying my eyes out the Lord can

still have joy because the Lord knows I

know who you’re going to be at the end

of this and so if certainly I have hope

my things said Slow connection so I hope

you guys are getting this but it means

that I have hope based off of the Lord

having Joy

my hope is in the Lord’s Joy

and yeah I’m excited

um I’m nervous about it the enemy’s been

playing with my mind like just so you

know if you think that like I you’re the

only person who has you know a moment of

inspiration and they’d be getting to

second guess yourself I’m telling you

right now like we in this thing together

because I’m like having second thoughts

which I always do I always have second

thoughts but I’m like how are you going

to revive hope for women we’ve got 15

000 women coming so far 15 000 women

coming so far in different cities and

it’s like girl

girl how you

gonna be Reviving hope for these women

and I was praying and the Lord’s like is

you’re not going to do it I’m gonna do


just stay sensitive stay open and keep

your hope up

the next time you have a how am I going

to do it moment you can have a hope

Revival before you even come into the

room you can have a hope Revival if we

aren’t even coming to your city because

the next time you have a moment where

you’re like how am I going to do it get

your hopes up

and start talking to yourself like how

am I not going to do it God gave me the

vision the people are coming with

expectation when we get in this room

together it’s going down like four flats

like how am I not going to show up in

this relationship as someone who is

whole and healed when I’m taking therapy

and I’m making sure that my heart is

connected with God and I’m being

spirit-led how am I not going to raise

these children when God gave them to me

and God’s given me strategy on how to

communicate to make sure that they’re

raised into people who are reflecting of

God’s grace like how am I not going to

be the one how am I not going to do it

my hopes are going to be so high my

hopes are going to be so up that

whenever I start having these thoughts

about like how am I going how am I going

to do this I’m just going to remind

myself that if I’m in it

is producing Grace it’s producing

strength it’s producing purpose

and so I just want you to get your hopes

up I see you Mickey says I feel so weak

for the first time in my life I feel

like I’m falling apart I listen

I think that this is exactly why we need

a hope Revival sis

maybe now more than anything what you

need is to borrow someone else’s hope

so if you’re watching this right now and

you’re like listen I’m not going through

a hard season My Hope Is I’m so excited

I just want you to be reminded that you

have the opportunity to be someone’s


that you have the opportunity to be

someone’s overflow and if you’re in this

and you’re tired and you’re frustrated

and you’re disappointed and you feel

like you don’t know how to make it I

want to encourage you to reach out to

borrow someone’s hope to say to a friend

to say to a family member this day to

Jesus like the joy of the Lord is my

strength is supposed to be the scripture

Lord I’m gonna need to borrow some hope

buy some help and then I want you to pay

attention to the small signs in which

God allows you to see

there’s something worth hoping for

something worth hanging on for

sometimes we want Hope to come in big

waves like if I just get this big moment

it’ll fill me up with hope but I am

being convinced as I start this year

in a slower Pace with a more intentional

presence that hope is often activated by

the small jolts

when our heart feels like wow

that felt good that felt like something

worth hanging on to that felt like

I was seeing that felt like I was heard

that felt like I’m not alone

I want to invite you guys to come to the

Hope Revival tour come by yourself don’t

worry about your friends bring a group

of friends do what you got to do just

know when we get in that room together

the Christ in US Christ in US is the

hope of glory

you may come into that room and you

don’t even know who Jesus is you may

come into that room and you’re like I

don’t know about Christ or it might be

Christ and a few other things for you

don’t worry about it Sis the holy spirit

will work everything out just come into

the room

and allow us together to allow the

christiness to produce glorious

encounters and from those glorious

encounters may we look at the world

differently I got a word I’ve been

studying for this and I think it’s going

to be helpful for those who are with us

I love you all I hope something I said

here helped you guys and look at the

comments for a minute

let’s link The Hope chain Lord I need to

be let me tell you something we have all

types of

hope things that we’re going to be doing

throughout the evening to help women who

are in need sometimes you need your hope

is down because you have a practical

need that needs to be fulfilled we’re

thinking about all of the practical ways

we can be the hands and feet of Jesus to

be allow the Christ in us to show up and

so some practical giveaways in a way

that we haven’t done before generational

hope I don’t know about you but I’ve

been thinking in terms of generations

and I’m thinking about how hope has been

suppressed throughout generations with

mothers or aunties and uncles and and

fathers telling that and don’t get your

hopes up don’t get your hopes up don’t

get your hopes up and now hope feels

like a betrayal to the family system now

hope feels like a betrayal to the

culture in which we were raised but I

believe that we’re going to break

generational curses and in the process

of breaking those generational curses

we’re going to introduce generational

hope into our families when the

generational Paradigm is don’t get your

hopes to oh hopes up don’t get your

hopes up we can feel restricted by

thoughts that aren’t even ours that say

if I dare to hope then I am going to be

going against the way things have been

done in my family I’m going to be called

foolish I’m going to be called ignorant

I’m going to be a black sheep of my

family for getting my hopes up guess


sometimes it takes one person to change

the tide of the family so get your hopes

up get your hopes up get connected with

people who massage and facilitate more

hope in your life and believe like never

before that as you get your hopes up the

world’s coming up everything with me

coming up when my hopes up

um okay I love you all I’m headed back

to Dallas you guys continue praying for

my family

and my mother in particular during this

tough season


we need it we need it I’m I’m gonna be

going back to my childhood City for this

farewell for my uncle and

um I’ve been pretty like I feel like

I’ve been pretty settled pretty strong

he was my favorite uncle growing up


but I’ve been so concerned about my mom

that I don’t think that I’ve like really

processed fully

um and I’m okay with that um because I’m

trying like to have moments when they

come uh and I anticipate that I will be

a snotty mess when it’s finally time to

say goodbye but right now I feel like I

am best used to help support and cover

and pray for my mother and when the time

is you know time for me to fall out I’ll

do that but I’m really grateful honestly

my uncle has been told so many times

that like this you know this things

aren’t looking good things aren’t

looking good you need to come and say

your goodbyes I mean I will say at least

maybe three times honestly like in the

last I’ll say five years it’s looked

like there have been close calls and he

defied those odds every single time and


um I’m blessed by his fight and blessed

by his willingness to say not my time

not my time and for him to go peacefully

I think speaks a lot he wasn’t in a

fight he went peacefully and um so

that’s what’s been carrying me I love

you guys thank you for your time thank

you for your prayers you guys bought

badges thank you you I appreciate that


I can’t wait generational hope

for our families generational hope for

our children

that’s what it is are you moving to

Dallas I actually live

in between Dallas and L.A but I spend

more time in Dallas these days

I guess the answer is yes


blessings to you all hope to you hope in

you hope through you

hope to you