Sometimes you look up and find yourself just going with the flow. Allow SJR to remind you that the steps you are walking in are ordained. Start getting comfortable with being confrontational, especially when the enemy’s grips are so tight on your mind that you begin to believe that his voice is yours. It’s really not! Get out of your head and back in position where God is waiting to meet you. ___________________________________ Watch the full “Push Through” Sermon on the TD Jakes Ministries Youtube page. REGISTER for WE23: Stay plugged into the Woman Evolve community: download the app from any mobile device’s app store, first 7 days are FREE! Want to support this ministry? Text GIVE to (833) 611-9066 or click here FOLLOW US ON THE SOCIALS: Instagram: Women Evolve and Sarah Jakes Roberts Twitter: Woman Evolve and SJakesRoberts Facebook: Woman Evolve and Sarah Jakes RobertsWoman Evolve TV app!

we think often that the problem with

what happened with Eve in the garden is

when she ate from the fruit

and that is not what the problem is

the problem started and she told us out

of her own mouth in Genesis 3. she says

the serpent deceived me and then I ate


the serpent found an opening and he did

not give her a command he gave her a



I don’t have to tell you to sin

I don’t have to tell you to betray

yourself I don’t have to tell you to

give up on your destiny the serpent

doesn’t even have to tell you to kill

yourself he just has to give you a

thought that this world would be better

without you in it I just have to give

you a thought your thought life is more

powerful sometimes than even your prayer

life because your thought life if you

don’t get a hold of it real good then

you’ll end up in a situation where the

thoughts of the enemy have taken root

and produce fruit in your life and then

when you recognize that your fault life

is under attack you go into your prayer

closet with a different strategy God I

don’t need you to change I need you to

help me get my head together God I’m

about to walk away from the very thing

that you called me to cause something

got in my head I got to be careful in

certain Seasons because

you in my head oh God the one place you

cannot be is in my head because I’m

trying to be transformed in my mind if I

let you in my head my mind is so

malleable that it can turn in the

direction of Destiny or it can turn in

the direction of Destruction and all of

a sudden I’ll go from thinking I’m

called and anointed to thinking that

there is no use for my voice in the

world all of a sudden I think that I can

do this but because you got in my head

get out of their hair

get out of their minds God we claim it

back we lay it at the altar sometimes I

gotta lay my spirit out sometimes I

gotta lay my mind out my mind is telling

me that I’m not fearfully and

wonderfully made my mind is telling me

that the weapons has prospered my mind

is trying to tell me that there is no

use for me but Satan I rebuke you in the

name of Jesus say that I served you in a

fiction notice we don’t have to wait

till the end of a sermon to get to an

altar call I hear God saying I’ll call

out your mind right now I want to talk

to somebody whose mind has been playing

tricks on you I want to talk to somebody

whose mind has been making you think

that you are not called and anointed for

your destiny your mind is making you

believe that the gift doesn’t matter

your mind is making you believe that you

cannot break the generational curse but

I came here to tell you


let this mind be in you

that was also in Christ Jesus I feel

like going to war in this place I got on

this dress and I’m trying to be pretty

but I feel like going to war with the

without all God baby


scripture says

that the weapons of our Warfare are not

carnal but they are Mighty through God

for the pulling down of strongholds that

word stronghold actually means a

fortified argument that means that the

weapons of our Warfare are not carnal

but they are Mighty through God for the

pulling down a fortified arguments ever

since you was little they’ve been in

your head that argument is so fortified

but I came here to tell you I got weapon

stronger than the argument I got a

weapon stronger than what they say


I got a weapon for that I got a prayer

for that I got a worship for that I got

it Jesus for that I know what you’re

said about me but do you know what Jesus

did for me Jesus said something that a

volcano do Jesus did something











oh God

that’s why the serpent has to get in

your head

because if he gets in your head he can

separate you

and if he can separate you from God he

can separate you from you

you don’t even know who you are

that’s why I had to attack your mind

when you were young

because if I started when you’re young

you may not ever find out who you really


I thank God that he still closed his

doors because even though you got me

when I was young God says I’ma close the

door but then I’m gonna open the door so

I can show him anyway

imma show him with an Open Door who they

are I’ma show you with an Open Door what

I think about you you’re blessing not my

thoughts and I thank God for that the

ways are not my way




all right

that’s what happens right

the serpent

separated them

the enemy separated you

with one thought

two thoughts

echoed by people

who had their own thoughts


I still got a long way to go so I don’t

Adam and Eve

are in the garden and they’ve been


and what they do with this separation

that’s what so many of us do

they move into

and avoid an attachment


they say to themselves

imma just keep pushing through

imma avoid who I should have been

I’m gonna avoid what I should have done

and I’ma just push through

what they call pushing through

is actually

pushing away


they got their fig leaves

but when God is walking through the cool

of the garden and he asks where are you

it lets us know that they were avoiding

having to be in relationship with God

but they were not avoiding being in the

place that God had put them I wish I

could say that


you see some of you

are patting yourself on the back

because you’re still in the vicinity

even though you aren’t in position


I’m attached but I’m not

connected the way I once was

I’m in the marriage but I’m not

connected the way I’m just pushing


in the business but I’m not connected

I’m just pushing through but you’re not

pushing through you’re actually pushing


because pushing through requires an

element of Confrontation

and if you think pushing through is how

can I avoid it

or how can I punish it

then you never offered the opportunity

to be secure again

because you’re pushing away and not


and God gave me this message

because he told me that we are coming

into a point in the Earth

where we need people who understand the


between pushing through and pushing away

God help me

he showed me

that until we’re willing to have a


with what happened to us when we were


that we cannot become secure enough to

be in position


everyone talks about how Martha was so

busy that she couldn’t serve Jesus well

Martha was so busy that she couldn’t

receive from Jesus

so busy serving that she couldn’t


they don’t give her enough credit


for when her brother was dead

and she was the first one to come up to


and she said to him had you been here my

brother would not have died she got

confrontational with Jesus because it is

better to be confrontational than to

avoid him all together you see some of

us are in here not because everything is

going the way we want it to we’re in

here because I need to have a

confrontation because I trusted you and

I want to understand can you bring this

thing back to life I want to understand

what your next plan is for me some of us

came in here to celebrate others of us

came in here to have a confrontation

because Martha says I gotta push through

what I’m feeling right now so that I can

have a confrontation

with Jesus

she’s confronting him

because connection is more important

than separation

and God cannot comfort

what you will not confront

can’t fix it in the marriage

I can’t fix it in your mindset

I can’t fix it and the kids if you don’t

confront it I can’t Comfort it I know

you’re insecure and I know you want

everyone to think that you have it all

together but I’m telling you I cannot

Comfort it if you are not willing to

confront it because that same Jesus told

Martha that your brother is going to

live and she says no he’s not alive but

he could have been alive I know that

you’re still able and he says listen you

dropped the gun if you just stay in this

tension with me you’ll see

that I have a plan outside of this

this element of


requires that we

push through

instead of pushing away no one

got anything done in the Bible

without pushing through

not avoiding it

going right up the gut of it that’s so


you got to go right up the gut of this


you gotta face it head on you say

greater is he that is in you than he

that is in the world but if you don’t

put that greatness in a position to be

great then how can you ever understand

that greatness is working on your behalf

you got to push through

the woman with the issue of blood had to

push through blind Bartimaeus had to

push through there are people in this

room who’ve had to push through and push

through it wasn’t that it was easy but I

pushed my way through I had to lose a

few friends I had to have some hard

conversations but I pushed through

because I believe that on the other side

of my push was a miracle I believe that

on the other side of my push was God’s

presence I believe that on the other

side of that push was a new revelation

of my identity and who I am in God I

didn’t just get up here I pushed my way

through somebody else may have strolled

but God I’m pushing my way I’m pressing

my way towards the Mark it’s not easy

for me to do it but I’m pushing

not just for what I want

but what I’m pushing for is connected to

God’s presence

when we find

Jesus in the text

he is pushed through


he was 12 years old in the temple

but Luke tells us

that when Mary had Jesus

that he grew in wisdom and stature and

favor with God and Men

you don’t get wisdom and stature in

favor with God and Men unless you push

through some things


I have to tell you I find this


because I think we have done such a good

job at

exalting the Divinity of Jesus

that we miss out on what makes him our

Kinsmen Redeemer

that he like you

had to grow with wisdom and stature and

favor with God

and Men

he had to push through some immaturity

Mary had to go back and get him

he had to push through understanding who

he was in the context of the world he

had to push through

18 years of something before he could

even be used he had to push through some


And yet when we find him in the text

this push is different

this push

is a defining push I believe God gave me

this message

because there is someone

and maybe it’s just me


at one of the most pivotal pushes


in their life

they’re having to push through in a way

that they’ve never had to push through


this push is different because if Jesus

pushes through this moment it’s going to

break open a damn if Jesus pushes

through this moment it’s going to

establish his ministry this is not the

same push of a 12 year old boy this is a

push of a 30 year old man this is a push

that will determine whether or not he

can be hit the Savior this is the push

that will determine whether or not he’s

qualified for the call this is the push

that will determine if the devil that

got Adam and Eve will be the devil that

got him this is the push that will break

the generational curse this is the push

I don’t know who you are but I wanted to

let you know that this is the push

that’s going to Define your family this

is the push that is going to Define how

you connect and how you engage this

is push

oh God

Adam and Eve

are in the garden with the serpent in


Jesus is in the wilderness with Satan

and Matthew

from the outside looking in the scene

probably looks the same

but before Jesus could step into his


he had to fight a devil that wasn’t even

his own

cause he had to let the devil know that

you cannot use the same trick on me that

you used on them I’m not going to let

you in my head some of you are not even

fighting your own devil some of you are

fighting the devil of those who came

before you but I hear God saying you had

to fight them now so that when I release

you that devil would know as you took

your first step that this is not the

same kind of woman this is not the same

kind of man I gotta use something

different cause I’m not gonna let the

same thing that took them out

it’s not the same


you can’t step into Destiny until you

pass the test of defeating a devil that

don’t even belong to you you cannot step

into Destiny until you pass the test of

recognizing what this is this is not

about you this is about Devils that were

here before you but baby when he would

ran into you they ran into a rock





when Satan

when Satan ran up on Jesus

Jesus was armed

because he already knew the devil’s


I already knew he knew he wanted in his

head he already knew he wanted him to

stumble you better study that

generational curse you want to break if

you don’t study it you don’t know where

the openings are



you know



the good Jewish boy that he was

understood what happened in the garden

so before he could launch his ministry

he had to defeat

the devil that was there

before he said yes oh God

you’re right

there have been Devils waiting

for you to get in position you are right

oh hell it’s breaking loose I’ve been

waiting for you to get here said the


but the devil didn’t know I was waiting

to get here too


I was waiting to get here too I better

my word I said in my prayer I was


for this cause the weapons of my Warfare

are not carnal but

but I was waiting

I fasted for this I prayed for this I

was waiting on you I got a word for a

cup here that you all on the way





I was



we almost done

we gotta go

Jesus was waiting on me

I Pastor for this

I prayed for this

I already know what you do

but I already know who I am

he didn’t just run up on the devil he

had the Holy Ghost how could the son of


the Holy Spirit to follow on him because

even the son of God needed the spirit of

God to follow on him because the devil

he had to fight was going to require

everything he had and things he didn’t

even know he had