Have you wondered what your divine purpose is? You and I were created to follow in Jesus’ footsteps in revealing the Father. What better way to reveal God as Father than to live in our true identity as sons and daughters? In this full sermon, Bill Johnson teaches on how we do that and walk in our divine purpose.

is not the result of strength and

determination it’s the result of

surrender it’s a yieldedness to his

Divine Purpose that you are left here on

planet Earth because you’ve been given a

responsibility to reveal the father

well good morning

so uh so wonderful

to see how many of you are at the bazaar


was it bizarre or what it was it was

bizarre I I love that event I love it I

I have learned though you have to come

you have to have a lot of cash

and you need to come hungry

because like every other booth there’s a

food booth

and maybe it doesn’t happen to you but

food talks to me

it it calls me by name very tenderly

very tenderly and and I I ate well

yesterday so it was very fun I love

seeing all the creativity of the Arts

and everything you guys do very very fun

there’s a picture of a big basket of

eggs and it says boneless chicken


Common Sense is a flower that doesn’t

grow in everyone’s Garden

or so I’ve heard

so I’ve heard it’s not that diabetes

heart disease and obesity runs in your

families that nobody runs in your family


all right

that one just snuck up on me I didn’t

know it would touch a nerve as deeply as

it did

even duct tape can’t fix stupid

but it can muffle the sound

there should be a calorie refund for

things that didn’t taste as good as you


that just makes sense to me there should


I accidentally I accidentally went

grocery shopping on an empty stomach and

now I’m the proud owner of aisle four

my favorite childhood memory is not

paying bills

I don’t understand why people say

hurtful things like you want to go for

Iran or here try this kale yeah

anyway all right all right


last April I was actually going to

promote uh one of our own put this book

together called Legacy letters

and um I don’t know what happened I

don’t remember now since it was last

April but I think something happened

with Benny where I needed to skip a

Sunday that I was actually scheduled to

be able to promote this and I remembered

recently and asked for permission to do

it now especially going into the

Christmas season

um this is the most fascinating Journal

that helps to record specific details of

your family’s Legacy in fact I just

brought one to my mom here just a couple

weeks ago

and it’s uh it captures high points

challenging points and asking questions

and so it’s a guided it’s like going on

a tour guide for the most meaningful

Journey that you could leave your family

it’s the kind of Journal that everybody

in this room will wish you had for your

family that you inherited from your

parents or grandparents or whatever and

it asks a Carrie actually put it

together after her uh recently but with

questions she wished she would have

asked her dad before he died he died

early in her life and so she put these

questions together and in turn I went

through them with her mom but I just uh

I’ve just really been we have such

strong emphasis on Legacy on inheritance

that I thought you know what I want to

do what I don’t normally do I really

want to encourage you to consider this

book Legacy letters and uh and what you

do is you give it to a parent or

grandparent or whatever and encourage

them to write down some of the detail

cells so that you we can Steward well

the Legacy that we’ve been given it’s a

very very purposeful and I love it is

there anyone here 80 years old or older

that would like to do this right oh

there’s two in one row down here so all

right I’m sorry for all the other 80

year olds that I missed uh

Chris will buy one for you just uh just

go into the bookstore and tell them

it was a different Chris I met was that


yeah that’s right all right grab your

bibles if you would open to the Gospel

of John

and chapter 15 it will take me a little

bit of time to get there


but uh put a piece of paper there or

something let me take some time

I actually uh

a little off subject here I actually

felt a week ago I was supposed to

announce something

and I I was hesitant uh not for any

reason except I just missed my


and I was reminded again this week

and it’s a word

um that I was given

in I believe it was October of 1989.

I have this word actually on my bed

stand next to my bed those little stack

of cards that I like to review of words

that the Lord has given me through the

years and this one is October of 1989 it

was actually from Mario

and in this word uh very specifically

among other things that he addressed he

specifically declared that in this

particular era that we’re living in

right now there would be a dramatic

increase of Miracles through preaching

through the preaching of the word

I just felt I was supposed to declare it

I’ve seen it happen through the years

we’ve had it happen here I remember a

lady with uh

esophagus cancer esophageal cancer right

back here just during worship anointing

Just Came Upon her and it just

disappeared over here a gentleman in the

preaching of the word uh his the Bible

turned blurry and it wasn’t until he got

home removed his glasses he found out

his eyes were healed and so we’ve seen

things through the years we’ve had many

many many of them two numbers to record

or to mention but I I feel like I’m just

supposed to say

come expecting because both the presence

and the word really is healing and I

believe it’s going to be uh tapping into

the gift that God has given us in the

presence where do we get that Romans 8

says the holy spirit will give life to

your mortal body specifically the

indwelling holy spirit will give life to

your mortal body the second passage is a

concept is repeated often in the Book of

Proverbs that there’s healing in the

word of God that the word of God will

actually give health and healing to your

body I’m saying this because I I want to

invite you to join with me on a journey

I want us to discover Divine health

I’d like for us to discover what Israel

enjoyed in the wilderness while they’re

in Rebellion they’re not born again

they were not filled with the spirit of

God and yet they experienced Decades of

divine health and if God did that for

them those under a superior Covenant

should have access to the same so it’s

just an encouragement

um let’s let’s figure it out let’s just

pray into it and I believe the two key

components for us will be the presence

of God and the word of God and taking

communion I know is a is a regular part

of that that exercise so all right

John 15.

if I were to choose one verse out of the

whole Bible

that best summarized or addressed my

walk with Christ it would be the verse

we’re going to read today

or read it in a minute but it’s abide in

me and my word abides in you ask

whatever you will and be done

I don’t understand

how this happened or why it happened

but the Lord actually


everyone in this room to be a co-laborer

with God to actually partner with him in

the dance so to speak so that his

purposes are accomplished in the Earth

and he Jesus the Eternal Son of God

never stopped being God

Eternal Son of God

chose to live with limitations while in

his Humanity

we know that because he said it he said

referring to himself he called himself

the son of man the son of man can do

nothing of himself

but what he sees the father doing or

here’s the father’s side so the point is

is Jesus himself lived with self-imposed

restrictions we have to ask the question

why as God he could have performed

anything but he chose to set an example

for us of what life could be like to

anyone who was forgiven of sin number

one number two empowered by the Holy

Spirit he modeled that lifestyle

and then he invites us into that

specific Journey

there’s a secret that he gave you know I


you read you read the the gospels and

you see what Jesus did he would speak

and people would say

he speaks different than anybody we’ve

ever heard speak before he speaks as one

who has Authority not as the scribes and

Pharisees which is a real

punch under the belt so to speak he uh

the the people would just point to the

fact that he speaks with authority what

he speaks things change atmosphere


Jesus revealed what actually happens

whenever he spoke in John 6 I think it’s

verse 60 63 where he says my words to

you are spirit and they are life in

other words when I speak to you my words

become presence and that presence gives


Jesus at the beginning of his ministry

before he had performed any Miracles

picture this

he’s just one of the citizens of a

community Nazareth

Nazareth he um as a citizen of the

community is given the opportunity to

read in the synagogue on their daily uh

reading of scripture their weekly

reading of scripture he stood and he

begins to read out of Isaiah 61. now

remember he’s not multiplied food he’s

not healed anybody’s nothing’s happened

it stands to read it’s his turn and it’s

he says the spirit of the Lord God Has

Come is upon me

to preach gospel to the poor to release

captives recovery of sight to the blind

so he’s making this decree over himself

and because when he spoke he only said

when you heard the father say words

became presence so here’s a group of

people they are the tenth generation of

people who had not had a prophetic word

or a dream no encounters with prophets

nothing of the living presence happening

among them as was in their history and

is now common for you in me today they

were void of that so ten generations of

nothing Jesus stands up and he says the

spirit of the Lord God is upon me and if

you can imagine everybody in the

synagogue goes

because something just happened

something was just released in that

moment over them that they’ve never

experienced before in their life nor do

they know anyone who’s ever experienced


because all the generations before them

10 Generations nothing 400 years

so he speaks and suddenly there’s this

atmospheric shift presence fills the

room and he announces what he will be

doing with his life

if Jesus made that kind of a confession

that kind of a decree over his own life

as the Son of God perhaps maybe

it might be useful if you and I took on

the same thing and started making

decrees of what God Said is supposed to

happen in our life making the decrees

the spirit of God is upon me say that

with me the spirit of God is upon me to

release captives

recovery of sight to Blind

set captives free

prisoners free

that’s what we were born for we were

born for this and Jesus makes this

decree before anything ever happened

which is extraordinary

but he gives us a secret

he gives us a key it’s tucked away in

one little verse I’ve only been able to

find it one time in the whole new


it’s in John 3. we won’t look there now

but I believe it’s verse 13 where Jesus

basically says I Ascend into heaven

to be with the father

can I just think with with me on this

this is early in his Earthly Ministry

he’s got three and a half years of

Earthly Ministry this is early

in that season

and here he announces no one has

ascended to Heaven except he that


that is the son of man who’s in heaven

so he makes this very unusual claim

that he actually spends time in Heavenly

Realms with the father while standing on

planet Earth

teaching on this gives opportunity for

people to get really weird

but it’s worth the risk because if I get

12 of you to get it right it’ll be good

we’ll shape the course of history with


the Lord has made it possible to live in

Heavenly Realms towards life towards

circumstances in life for most of us our

walk with Christ Is Us persuade trying

to persuade him to invade Earthly

problems and repair them

but Jesus didn’t Minister that way and

that may be the reason the son of man

everyone he prayed for was healed

everyone the father directed him to was


every situation of a a funeral was


even his own

every situation turned out differently

and I think it’s because he’s given us a

secret and he gives it in this one verse

he ascends

into the realm of heaven with his father

while standing on planet Earth

it’s not something you sweat and groan

for it’s something you you ask for

it’s not the result of Labor it’s the

result of surrender

it’s already in the purpose of God for

us to experience heavily Realms while on


later Jesus would die

he was resurrected

he ascended to the right hand of the

father and he was glorified

later he would ascend

but this tells us

I’ll put in my words because he was


he could appear before the father as the

son of man

the disciples watched his lifestyle

you know they had to be

overwhelmed and floored by the

extraordinary Miracles the creator of

Miracles the walking on water all the

things he was not afraid when there was

a life-threatening storm and they were

scared to death he was not intimidated

by the need of a of a fifteen twenty

thousand people crowd that were hungry

and they had no food none of those

moments ruffled him he moved in such

confidence and faith

they saw the Miracles they saw the

walking on the water they saw him speak

and this is one of the things that

really arrested the heart of a nation

was that whenever he talked

everything was different

was different suddenly people who didn’t

believe now believe

people were resistance are now hungry

extraordinary thing whenever he would

speak so the disciples the 12. they all

saw that but there was only one thing

they asked him to teach

them to do

said teach us to pray they watched him

go to the Mountaintop spend the night

there come down the next day knowing he

had prayed all night and watched

everybody in the crowd get healed they

watched the result of the mountain they

watched the result of the encounter they

watched the result of him spending time

with the father he came down and was

able to implement the heart of the

father in the Earth

I remind you

Jesus’s main purpose in coming to Earth

was to reveal the father

you say well he came to die and that’s

true but that was to reveal the father

he came to destroy the works of the evil

one that’s true but that was to reveal

the father he came to make an open

display of the foolishness of the powers

of Darkness but that was to revealed

father all of those things were had one

Target in mind and that was to come to a

planet of Orphans and reveal the ache of

their heart although they lacked the

language for it and he revealed the


his absolute seamless partnership with

his father made it possible for him to

anything he prayed for

what’s done

John 15 verse 7 and 8 two verses that

we’ll read

how did I end up in John 16. it’s a real

good chapter it’s just not what I wanted

you to go to so let me see if I can find

it here

what’s that

yeah yeah John 15 is

but I ended up over actually I was in

17. all right

sorry about that I’m back I hope you

missed me I I missed you

verse seven if you abide in me

and my words abide in you

you will ask what you desire and it will

be done for you

by this my father is glorified that you

bear much fruit

so you’ll be my disciples verse 8.

I believe

because of the context

he’s saying the father is glorified

through answers to prayer

and that the fruitfulness of the

believer’s life is answers to prayer

let me take it a step farther

I believe

you and I owe the father

answers to prayer

it’s awkward to put it that way because

we think that he’s the one

who is going to answer what he has

already determined to answer and we need

to step into the river if you will the

flow of what he’s already accomplished

and that’s what answers to prayer are we

step into the flow of what he’s already

intended to do

answers to prayer are actually

the most practical one-up the most

practical evidences of an ongoing

relationship with God

it’s an Evidence of his involvement in

me and my surrender to him

So In this passage he says if you abide

in me my words abide in you you will ask

whatever you want so what do we have in

this verse we have the three main parts

of our life number one abide in me it’s

the presence number two

your word abides in my heart

the value of scripture

so the presence scripture and number

three is purpose

our purpose is revealed in answers to

prayer we were actually designed if you

can picture it this way

every person in this room was created

once forgiven of sin

created to live in a seamless connection

with the Holy Spirit

you were designed for him

Everything About You from personality to

unusual gifts perceptions everything

that’s not defiled by sin

is actually a part of the design of how

you relate to him some of you relate uh

through Concepts and insights others

through tangible Sensations that you

feel in your own body he works so

differently and so diverse and by the

time you get it figured out he changes

the lesson you know so you get to learn

a whole new one but the whole point is

is he is discipling training us to

respond seamlessly

to this holy spirit so that he can be re

so that he can enable us to reveal the

father in the Earth how is it done it’s

through answers to prayer

it’s not just answers to prayer

it’s this something happens in the

presence and the intentional embracing

of whatever God says that shapes the

capacity in me to dream Beyond human


that was really good let me say it again


I need to

there’s something about the abiding in


this one who knows no limitations

and his word which is filled with hope

and promise and purpose those two things

being activated in me as a gift and


releasing me the capacity to dream at a

level that is beyond human expectation

to dream at a level that actually

influences the outcome of history and

influences the destiny of humanity

what he says whatever you desire will be

done he is not saying

dream of whatever car you want and I’ll

provide that for you I’m thankful that

kind of stuff happens

but that’s not the purpose here he’s not

looking to to create you know people

with mansions on the hilltops you get

one awesome enjoy it but the purpose of

this prayer is a lot different than that

it’s actually the kind that shapes the

course of history it literally shapes

the course of history you can read the

record of intercessors during World War

II and you can find specific prayer

meetings that happen at specific times

when battles turned and changed in a

moment because people were standing they

got praying very specifically we’ve

watched it throughout history where the

Lord has moved upon certain individuals

to show them what exactly to pray for

what exactly to do

and I believe we’re at a critical hour

where all of our of our nice ideas of

what God would want to do in the Earth

as good as they are

until they’re breathed out of his mouth

they do not shape history I don’t know

if that makes sense to you I can pray

for Revival every day of my life till I

die but it’s not until the spirit of God

empowers that prayer to shake heaven if

you will it’s not until that kind of a

prayer is prayed that something happens

because there’s there’s there’s

something about the yielded soul in

prayer that Delights the heart of God

because he created us for the purpose of

co-laboring to work with him to be

partners in the dance where he leads in

the dance we simply demonstrate who he

is and what he’s like


if you abide in me there’s two classic

books uh one uh probably is more well

known than the other practicing the

presence of God by Brother Lawrence

father Lawrence he he lived uh every day

of his life

um in this particular season to uh to

live aware of the spirit of God on him

24 7 or all of his waking hours and he

he says he never arrived at at never

losing awareness of him but he got

better and better at it so much so that

his times were in the monastery always

washing pots and pans the presence of

God was this manifest in those moments

as when he was in solitude praying in

the temple so he had cultivated and

developed an awareness of the spirit of

God that was ongoing and it made every

menial task

filled with eternal purpose

it took every menial boring part of life

and energized it with Divine Purpose

the second book is by um

George Peck and it’s called Throne life

and it basically says this in fact let

me just use Paul’s scripture in Romans 6

where he talks about our water baptism

he says if you then being baptized

let me rephrase it in the same way that

Jesus was raised from the dead when you

emerge out of the water you raise up in

newness of life so think about this in

the same way in the same measure

to the degree that you believe Jesus

rose from the dead to that degree

you have been born again transformed and

the spirit of God lives in you with

nothing impossible it’s it’s he links it

to the reality of the death and

resurrection of Christ

Throne life

when you’re born again

you are put literally in Christ

who is seated at the right hand of the

father that means you’re operating your

residence of operation

is at the right hand of the father

implementing his purposes on the Earth

your prayers matter

but they are the result of surrender to

presence and surrender to word

something happens in the heart of the

person who becomes energized with

presence who becomes ignited with the

promises of God’s word something happens

in that person’s heart where they pray

things that actually

make a difference

I ended the first years earlier trying

to think of a way to put it if if

nothing’s happening when you pray

if his word

doesn’t matter to you

your word won’t matter to him

it doesn’t mean we aren’t of value to

them but to shape the course of history

requires a surrender

it’s not the result of strength and

determination it’s the result of

surrender it’s a yieldedness to his

Divine Purpose that you are left here on

planet Earth because you’ve been given a

responsibility to reveal the father how

is it done one of the primary ways

is through answers to prayer

and so he says if you abide in me that’s

actually living in the felt realization

of his presence

everybody in this room has a let’s just

call it a muscle it may not be developed

but it is there it’s a gift it’s a

muscle uh a a capacity an awareness an

ability to live aware of God

everyone has it for some it’s


for some the fear of being an extremist

has kept you from exploring a gift that

he gave you he gave you an invitation

theology is not to make you smarter it’s

the invitation for encounter so that we

once again through our lifestyle

illustrate and model what this Living

Word looks like

if you abide in me

living in the felt realization of


you don’t you can’t develop that in

busyness you have to shut things down

and spend time in quiet

people come to me they say I’ve really

prayed about this that’s awesome Have

you listened thank you

everybody complains to God

and call it prayer that’s right

Have you listened

cultivating the awareness of the spirit

of God I think corporate worship is one

of the main ways that God teaches us to

recognize his presence

the beautiful thing is is we are not

left with the need for thousands once we

leave the building because we’ve learned

to interact with the spirit of God we’ve

learned what it’s like to honor him and

to celebrate somehow the anxieties and

the fears and all the junk that we came

in with just peels off and we stand

there in this place of absolute delight

and peace that can and must be

maintained throughout the week you lose

it don’t worry next week is coming

we’re here to recalibrate get back to

due north and find out how to live this

life but the life is to live with

constant awareness of the spirit of God

number one number two he said if my word

abides in you

it’s an intentionality

it’s a

it doesn’t happen by accident there

actually has to be an intentionality on

my part that says God spoke to me

it means a lot to me

I’m going to have it typed out on a

three by five card

I’m going to stick it next to my bed

for 33 years

I’m going to ponder it often

I’m going to pray it

I’m going to declare

if you abide in me

and my word abides in you

the best example was Mary the mother of


the words that were given to her by the

Shepherds and the wise men and Anna and

Simeon the whole group they would speak

things to her and it said she there’s

two words that they used that that were

used to describe this part of her

journey number one says and she would

treasure these words in her heart

another word that was used is she would


she would she would bring out of

concealment if you will Treasures you

you hide away

not because

you don’t want anyone to know

but because you’re a steward of

something divine

and it’s not open for human trafficking


shared his dreams

at an inappropriate time and created

problems for himself they didn’t

necessarily have to face

Psalms 105 says until the time Joseph

until the time that his word came to

pass the word of the Lord tested him

his word was the dreams

given from God but spoken out of season

and so that whole season he was being

tested by the word of the Lord to get

him now ready to inherit what he had

declared over his own life


took the treasure and then she’d bring

it out and ponder it

review it consider it think over it

if you have a

a vase that’s worth a million dollars

first of all I want to know where you

got it

you have a vase that’s worth a million

dollars you don’t put it on the coffee

table where the children are playing

right why well it makes no sense it’ll

break for sure

it’s if you treasure it if you value it

you’re going to put it where it’s safe

it doesn’t mean you put it in a safe

never bring it out but you only bring it

out in safe environments

I believe in broadcasting the good news

to anyone and everyone

but there are some things that he has

spoken so deeply and Tenderly to you

that your stewardship over that word is

the willingness to share it with no one

I know that goes against so much of what

we believe and say but I hope you

receive it in the context there is a can

he say something to you that you will

not broadcast because it is intimately

for you

sometimes we work to gain notoriety by

sharing what God has shown us when in

fact we’re supposed to sit on it

so he says if you abide in me there’s

living in that felt realization of

presence and my word abides in you you

take that which is an absolute treasure

and you bring it out at the most

appropriate times to review to ponder

those two things working in you will

qualify you to pray the most extreme

things and watch them happen and he says

whatever you desire will happen

what he doesn’t say is that if you pray

when I tell you to pray I’ll answer your


that’s how it’s commonly taught

and I I get it the you know us praying

holy spirit-led prayers is huge and the

Holy Spirit leads us to pray something

then that’s what we do

I remember years ago we were having

leaders uh uh conference

and we had just received news that our

friends were down in Fiji and our

earthquake had happened in the ocean

there was a tidal wave headed towards

Fiji do you remember this Chris we began

that we began to pray as a group we had

just gotten the news on the front row

here we just began to pray as a group we

started to pray that God would protect

them and we specifically prayed it’s a

weird prayer God put a block wall a

brick wall between that wave and that


strange way to pray I know but it was a

really Holy Spirit anointed prayer and

somebody found a painting that was

painted here prophetically the night


they went and got it and put it up and

it was a wave with a brick wall and an


and they’d painted it the night before

how do you know that gives you

confidence in your praying you know

suddenly this prophetic imagery takes on

meaning and power and it was an

intensity it took place in our prayer

and the news that we received just a

little while later is the title we’ve

had dissipated completely the point is

there’s none of that stuff that cannot

that there’s not a Divine answer for

if if we just step into the place of

praying the heart of God over a matter

I know we’re supposed to pray as he

leads us

but I think

I think there’s a certain amount of


I don’t know it feels to me like God has

put himself at risk to the desires of

his surrendered people

four times in three chapters he says

whatever you ask for

four times

this is the same context where he says I

no longer call you servants I call you


singing I Am A Friend Of God doesn’t

make you a friend of God

it’s a good song

but it requires time

I remember when Brian and Jen

the Haley was

first born actually

but Haley was due I think the day or two

later it’s a Sunday morning and I was at

the back door and she stopped by and she

was great with child ready ready to

convert to their first child

she stopped at the door and said I’m

ready and so I had to spontaneously laid

hands on him prayed she instantly went

into labor don’t come to me if you’re

pregnant because it hasn’t worked one

time since then but it worked then

and come to find out she was in a real

uh critical shape condition

and when she was born it’s very very


period of time but I just remember all

of us being up in the hospital room in

the waiting room praying now I remember

Benny separated herself from the whole

group that was praying

and she got along with God

and this is what she said she said


what are we doing

all she wanted to know is what is he

doing because she would do that

and he spoke something very simple to


buy or sell

she took that step did what he said

prayed accordingly

and the thing turned within a very very

short period of time it all it altered



it’s co-laboring it’s

it’s doing what he’s doing it’s saying

what he’s saying

it’s discovering his heart it’s like

surrender will take you everywhere you

need to go

surrender will take you everywhere you

need to go everywhere that your heart

aches for surrender will take you there

so that your faith can be demonstrated

something happens in these moments and I

believe that the Lord is um

you know here’s what I think I think I

think Peter learned this can’t prove it


I think Peter learned it I think that’s

why his shadow healed

I think it’s why his shadow healed your

your Shadow will always release whatever

overshadows you

if you live in the felt realization or

presence everything about you even

Shadows become important significant and

meaningful everything

I’ve seen it happen walking by somebody

and the shadow heals

we’ve seen these things happen through

the years

but they’re exceptions

I think he’s inviting us into a


what would it be like

to have one hour of your day

just one hour where every thought you


was a thought from him

every perspective you had in that one


was a perspective that he had

I’ve got this sense that it would become

so addicting

that we would want to press it on to two

hours a day

and three

in Genesis it says

that there was night and it was day

which made up the first day

our day begins at night

for the believer

Monday starts when you crawl into bed


and I think what we do

when we crawl into bed at night that we

have that moment of Stillness of


to activate

an affection for God

to activate an awareness

I in those moments I’m not wanting to

intercede for the Nations I want to go

to sleep you know I’m not trying to

think of the next song I’m just saying

you know in bed I’m it’s not that it’s

just this moment of seamless connection

to the spirit of God in this place to

have a Burning Heart of affection for

him that in those last moments of my day

the first moments of my next day

they began


and his word abiding

somehow it positions me it Crips me if

you will

to reveal the father

on Monday

through answers to prayer through acts

of obedience through stepping into

places of Courage simply because

of that felt realization of presence and

the intentional embracing of anything

God says

and I believe that the Lord is giving us

opportunity for this verse


he opens things up like this to us

so that they matter

so that they so that they matter so that

so that

it it doesn’t matter that I can quote

points from a message what matters

as I see through his eyes and I feel

different about my situation

I sense his heart over this impossible

thing and I don’t fear it any longer

because I now realize it’s no longer


that the felt realization of presence

has bolstered up this gift of Courage

that is a part of the Christian Life

it does not mean it’s not up in ups and

downs what it means is our lifestyle

continuously improves by increasing the

awareness of God in our life and the

awareness of his word what he said over

our lives

I think it would do all of us

a real good thing to

confess over our own lives the spirit of

God is upon me

say that with me the spirit of God is

upon me

the spirit of God is upon me

why don’t you stand

the spirit of God is upon me

he’s anointed me

to release captives

recovery of sight to the blind

preach the gospel to the poor

see the spirit of God is actually upon

us for this purpose

I think I’m going to try that tonight I

like that when I get into bed I I don’t

want to pray for the Nations but I think

I would like to just make a declaration

over my Monday

the spirit of God is on me

seamless connection with the heart of


nothing can interfere without my


let me rephrase that the only things

that can interfere

interfere because I gave them permission

so father I pray uh

goodness I prayed this 100 times about

through the years

but I ask again that you would gift us

with an awareness of you that actually

wakes Us in the night

where we actually become

stunned in our awareness of the almighty

God who is with us

and that you’d give us the determination

of heart to Value whatever you say

to write it to quote it to sing it

to confess it

whatever you say over our lives

and then I pray that the next 12 months

13 months

would be the most

incredible months of breakthrough to

answers to prayer the scariest largest

request we could ever come up with that

in this next season they would be

fulfilled because we abide in you and

your word abides in us I ask this in

Jesus name amen amen all right

good son

before anyone leaves I want to make sure

I give opportunity to anyone here who

has never made

a personal confession of faith in Christ

you’re here because God brought you

even if somebody drug you here you’re

still here because God brought you

and I believe and I’m going to ask

there’s no moving around at this moment

this is too holy of a moment for uh

for anything else

I want to give opportunity for anyone

here who has never made a public

confession of faith

of what we would call surrendering your

life to be a follower or disciple of

Jesus Christ

if that’s not been a part of your life

you’ve never been what the Bible calls

born again

but you can tell by the own discomfort

of your own soul that you’ve got to get

things right with god well he’s made it

possible for you to actually be born


Everything Changes in a moment of faith

and if that’s you I’m going to ask you

to acknowledge that by just putting your

hand up saying that’s me I don’t want to

leave the building bill I don’t leave

the building until I know I have found

peace with God and I know what it is to

be born again put your hand up high

anybody put your hand up high if that’s


okay right back over here is one

wonderful thank you


beautiful I bless you in the name of the

Lord anybody else real quickly

all right here’s what I’m going to ask

we’ve got trusted friends anyone over

here that wants to pray with people

about your relationship with Jesus we’ve

got a group over here I’m going to ask

this one gentleman to raise your hand

come on down come right over here we

have trusted friends that will talk with

you pray with you if you brought this

guest uh then walk him down I would like

Ministry team to come forward today is a

day of Miracles and if you’ve come

needing a miracle this is the place to

be who’s taken my place you are would

you please come on up here and tell them

what they’ve won yeah I’m so glad that

you watched this video I do pray that

it’s a great great strength and

encouragement to you and I’ve got a

verse that really is My Cry for all of

us and it’s Psalms 20 it’s verse 4. may

he grant you your heart’s desire and

fulfill all your plans

that’s my prayer that’s my prayers that

this would be the season of rich rich


thanks for joining us