In this Q&A video, Pastor Bill shares his thoughts on why some healing doesn’t seem to last. We’re reminded of the importance of stewarding the authority God has given us and filling our lives with His presence in the wake of a miracle.

somebody has a question about folks who

experience a healing but the healing

doesn’t last

or the pain that goes away in the moment

comes back

and this person was asking do you have

some thoughts on

why you know some healings don’t seem to

last what’s going on

how can we address that situation and

everybody i know that’s ever been

involved in praying for the sick has

that question

i mean all of us are riddled with that

one yeah there are answers

but there’s not a cure-all yeah you know

i can point at some principles one

is the passage in luke where jesus said

uh the evil spirits are driven from a

house the house is clean and swept

that evil spirit comes back basically

sees there’s nothing in its place he

brings seven

of his friends yeah and the last state

of that man is worse than the first

there are several things that it implies

to us one is when the enemy is vacated

from a place he seeks reentry

and so it ought to be a given now

by this i don’t mean every sickness or

every physical problem is demonically

inspired but i do think more

than we give credit for and so because

of that when something’s broken off of


we know automatically from that from

that passage that

says he seeks re-entry yeah so it’s it’s

not demons it’s just a one-time victory

and it’s over

yeah yeah it’s there’s maintenance yeah

you know you you

you won the battle uh you drove the

enemy from the

place yeah and now we set up the

necessary protection so there’s

so there’s no re-entry yeah he he has to

use legal means

you know for any so if there’s a broken

spot in a person’s life

you know that has to be fixed

unforgiveness you know issues like that

sometimes people it’s strange but


um you know a person lives with a sense

of responsibility for

other people’s mistakes sins bad choices

and and they have no responsibility but

they they feel that weight

yeah i think it has the same effect on

the body as unforgiveness

i think i think they’re related


and so sometimes people just carry the

i’ve i’ve actually walked people through

uh where they had to forgive themselves

or they had to

they had to repent from self-examination

uh deep self-examination because they

were so critical of themselves

yeah you know i’ll ask them i said are

you critical of other people no

i said well what gives you the right to

be critical of yourself to be critical

of one god is forgiven

you would never do that towards somebody

else why would you do that towards


and it actually brings people into into


so i think that’s one i think the other

that paul talked about was

had to do with communion that the person

who partakes

of the bread in an unworthy manner

um the whole the cup in the in the bread

unworthy doesn’t mean i’ve qualified

because i’m good

it just means i’m i’m out of alignment

with what he’s saying

what he’s doing i’m either showing

disrespect to the people of god

i don’t value what’s in my hand the


i don’t recognize that it’s the body of

christ that’s being imparted to me

there’s something supernatural that’s

taking place

that there that ritual sometimes people


draw stuff on themselves spiritually


sometimes ignorance but oftentimes a

disrespect at the table of the lord

or the table of the lord in the sense of

the people of god that

place of value that i have for you yeah

if i don’t discern the body correctly

you’re the body if i don’t recognize and

value you

as a favored son of god then i’m going

to miss out on what you bring

to my life and so it’s a it’s actually a

testimony against us

when we segregate and reject and despise


so anyway that’s a part of the that’s a

part of the healing package too

in the context is kind of when when

something returns or something happens

again and like

you know in our healing model and and we

don’t we’re not looking for those things

at the beginning

of the journey you know we’re not we’re

not generally looking for those things

and so

a lot lots of times we’re not uh

thinking that the the

breakthrough and healing has is going to

come because of this we’re just we just

expect the breakthrough to come

but so but when it keeps coming back or

the enemy keeps

trying to get re-entry these are some

places that you learn to look exactly

think about

it talks about that that whole idea of

um but the the goal of

war is to it you know is to uh to win

the battle but then there has to be an

occupying of

the land in some ways yeah it seems like

people’s inner world isn’t

they don’t occupy it again with holy

spirit or

with a different kind of thought life or

a different sort of perspective

or expectation yep and um that house has

to be filled once there’s a

that’s the real point yeah is is is

something was broken that brought it

about sometimes it’s not something

they’ve done sometimes it’s done against

them but the point is there’s something

broken and it needs to be fixed jesus on

at least one occasion i think it may

have been two

when he brought about a healing and a

deliverance he forbid

it to return i don’t know

he didn’t do it every time so i don’t

know that we’re supposed to do it every


but i but i i tell you what i feel i

feel like there’s sometimes people are

so broken

that they they don’t know enough to stay


they just don’t know enough and as

fathers we come

in and say listen no more no more i


a re-entry of this affliction i’ve done

this on a few occasions where i felt


no i i don’t we can’t see it for three


and talk through all the issues that

need to be fixed in their life

they’re just a broken individual and

certainly god’s grace covers this

and so it’s the the problem’s never on

his end

and so it’s it’s stewarding the

authority that god’s given to so when i

pray for them i say

all right spirit of affliction you’ll

not re-enter again this

this person is now off limits and again

i don’t know if

if we have the liberty to do that every

time i wish we did but

but at least from jesus’s lead uh i

don’t know that we do but i

but i think there are times we can say

this person’s self-limits and i’ve seen


yeah i’ve seen people that you know

they’re as broken afterwards

but it never comes back and uh and the

lord just

he just puts that grace around him so i

think that’s an option maybe it’s one of

those other times where you’re

what’s the presence of the lord doing in

this particular moment is he leading


the sort of deal or yeah or not you know

we oftentimes

want to just make a formula and uh

yeah well in our own healing rooms i

think our our

teams they they’re they enjoy the

presence of god and that that

the you know the pre-prayer room

soaking room it’s getting bigger now so

i’m not sure we have two different rooms

anymore but

they do they do okay so then they have

that and then um but they have a time

that they teach them afterwards like hey

here’s how to walk in this miracle that

you’ve received today and so

just trying to kind of give them the

things to think about and how to fill

the house again

it’s one of the best things that the

healing rooms do

is that follow-up meeting where they

begin to teach them

i had i hired someone wants to to do

research for me on the healing homes

of john alexander dowie and they found

records for me on we have these

newsletters that he put out every i

think every couple weeks and they found

for me

times where people would be healed and

they would stay in the homes where they

actually lived

for a period of time they would stay

there for up to 13 days

after they experienced their healing

because dowie and others would come

every day

and would teach them and they needed to

be taught

what happened the biblical basis so that

they could be a part of their own

healing and sustaining what god had

given him i think that’s that’s

incredible wisdom i think they

they no doubt figured that one out

through trial and error that they were

getting breakthrough and then

losing it and uh so i think i think what

our healing rooms are doing is really

wise i really think the lord’s gonna

help us we gotta do something we gotta

do something to help you know they’re


they’re not projects you know they’re

they’re people that we want to see

with sustained blessing on their life

that’s right and uh so i think it’s a

real cool thing

i’m happy about it yeah you know as

we’re talking just

it strikes me i deal with this with my

own family a little bit i have one of my

uh children who has a skin issue and

we’ve seen a powerful breakthrough

and then we’ll you know then the

breakthrough’s not there yeah and so

it’s an interesting

journey as we’re talking i just want to

be careful we don’t come under

self-condemnation again you know which

in this whole thing i like i i have to

kind of walk with a bit of mystery like

you’re my good daddy you love me

i’m doing everything i know to do and

this thing’s still going on

yeah and um i i need a breakthrough from

you but i know what i’m not going to do

is take on some sort of condemnation for

me for my family or my

my kids so there’s this this kind of

dance of kind of going

i’m listening i’m looking and i don’t

have a breakthrough but i’m not going to

walk in

in any sort of condemnation at all it’s

a real hard one when somebody asks a


i have this a lot when i’m one-on-one

with people

i’ll say i’ll tell them they’ll ask me a

question i’ll say i can answer if i can


generally yeah if i’m answering

specifically about what you’re facing

i could give you the wrong answer and i

could send them into a tailspin where

they go oh i’m not spiritual

i’m not discerning i’m not that’s just a

wrong place to go

i can talk i can talk all day long on


but application in the individual’s

lives i mean it’s

you know the things we have to face is

number one god gave the gift

the miracle to the person he didn’t take

it back number one

so it came out of his goodness he didn’t

change his mind yeah number one number


if it came back there’s a reason number


it doesn’t mean that we have done

something wrong it doesn’t mean that i

failed in my job as a dad or as a

husband or a pastor or whatever it might

be does

it that’s not the only option yeah there

are other options and

and it’s i don’t know if it helps

anybody else but it’s helped me a lot

sometimes i have to come to the

conclusion that there are realities

surrounding this problem that i don’t

yet perceive

because of that i don’t know how to

unravel i don’t know how to

to deal with accurately and so if we can

get into a mode where we say god we know

you have answers

you know and we know that they’re

practical and if we can go

after solutions without doing the

introspection and the self-condemnation


then we’re going to be better for it

because we’ll go on the journey and

we’ll get a breakthrough that we can

then impart to somebody else

or teach instruct to somebody else yeah

and so we need we need

you know i’ve got the same deal going on

uh different issues but the same process

and if we can just get people people

have got especially

especially leaders but anybody you know

let’s let’s get into the secret place

and find some answers yeah you know


the answer isn’t i’m a jerk

i already knew that there’s got to be a

better answer than that

so so get in there and and stay it’s

what the disciples did when they prayed

for the child

and they couldn’t get the healing or the

evil spirits out of the child so after

jesus brought deliverance they took him


and asked him all right what happened


which is really cool because they’re

basically saying we’re not used to this

we’re used to this working

yeah and this time it didn’t why and

that’s what we have to do

it’s we gotta we gotta go aside and find

it all right what’s that what’s going on

absolutely and and we we worked together

on i mean we had this dialogue around

like i’ve talked to our healing rooms

teams about how they want to be cautious


people you know even in the carefulness

of their words that people don’t


you know somehow get a weird message

that you didn’t have enough faith or

this is still your problem or all those

sorts of things

and we have some i think people are you

know gracious listening to the holy

spirit and

yeah good to each other talking to the

lord each other yeah

yeah it’s it’s it’s crazy how often

someone will hear you say something

that tells them they’re doing something

wrong yeah when

when it’s not what you meant yeah you

know i work hard to

choose my words carefully to not imply

or to indict

and yet i’ll get an email later i just

realized that

you know there’s an enemy out there too

that’s just trying to twist words and

and so we’ve got to teach people not

just in the immediate counsel i’m giving

you regarding this problem

but in life don’t go there yeah just

don’t go there just don’t

don’t there’s no answers there you’ll

you never you’d never come out filled

with faith so just don’t go there

you know i i mean self-condemnation

never leads to anything can you believe

that i know that’s new

i’ll ask crowds i say all right how many

of you have been introspective and they

all raise their hands i see

how many of you came out of that season

of introspection just encouraged

they always laugh because everyone of us

you know why do we keep doing it yeah if


if we keep coming out going uh yeah


that’s good that’s good