The spirit of entitlement often hides in the need for justice. Bill Johnson teaches on the battleground over our hearts. We must not lose our values when we are loving the world around us.

uh man i i miss being together

so bad i just i feel like running up and

hugging everybody i see in a grocery

store you know

or the gas station or wherever yeah yeah

you can’t do that either i guess

i i don’t always remember however some

of you have been

attacked by me in a various locations

and i apologize

already if i see you somewhere and i

start coming towards you and you don’t

want to hug

just kind of go like that and i’ll i’ll

keep my distance but

really there’s a couple of things i want

to say as we get started first

the generosity and the faithfulness of

this church family

if you would have told me a year ago

that we would have like eight months of

not being together

and you’d be as faithful as you were and

supporting this ministry

i would have said that’s impossible

first of all i would have said it’s

impossible for us to survive this kind

of nonsense

but the the second thing is to have that

kind of support from this church family

has just has been one of the most

encouraging things i’ve ever seen

and that’s absolutely true when we meet

together as a team and

uh the board and we check over how

things are going

your faithfulness is extraordinary and i

do sincerely pray that god would return

to you

a hundred times over every

s every small measure of sacrifice or

large that you’ve ever had to make that

he’d return it to you

and uh so i’m i’m so thankful so so

grateful for you

also uh this week is election we’ve

already talked about that

let’s don’t forget to vote just just

vote just don’t be stupid vote

don’t be stupid vote and uh and vote

smart i

i saw somebody said this week uh we’re

we’re we have the lesser of two evils if

you think that then you’re not hearing

from god don’t

don’t cancel out your capacity to hear

from god because he’s

his sheep hear his voice and he’s not

mixed in his opinion about what’s


and uh just be bold be confident be

courageous and let’s

let’s vote values into our nation and

let’s pray when we do it

because every act of obedience that we

have as a believer is not just

it doesn’t live by itself it’s not like

if i

take food to a neighbor it’s wonderful

but it doesn’t live by itself as just a


act it prophesies the nature of god into

a situation

there’s the angelic participation in all

that we do they render service for those

who inherit salvation

so every time we take a bold

decision to do something we may not even

clearly know what to do but we’re

acting in obedience the lord

lends his hand his voice his breath into

that action so i want to encourage you

take advantage of your moment to believe

in what god is doing in this nation and


and and pray pray pray pray pray pray

and then be courageous and vote so

father we just i just prayed for that i

prayed that there would be

an awakening all across this land to


charge and to take responsibility that

you’ve offered to us as a gift

many don’t have it but you gave it to us

and so we pray let it be with insight

let it be with clarity of heart and mind

and conviction

and let there be righteous values

restored to our nation

we thank you for what’s happened in

recent days we just say more lord

more lord more lord more lord amen amen

amen all right

so i want to talk to you out of the book

of james and that’s so scary all by


any time somebody opens james uh it’s

it’s with fear and trembling

and uh so if you would uh open to james

chapter four i’m actually going to read

a verse or two out of chapter three

and we’re going to read a little longer

portion than i normally do

just because just because just because i

i need to do it to get where

i feel like we’re supposed to go this uh

what we’re going to talk about today is

the battle over the heart we often talk

talk about the battleground of the mind

and we know that

the enemy works so hard to bring

confusion or distraction or wrong values

or all kinds of crazy things

and the battleground is over our thought

life we’ve said that for many years and

it’s absolutely true

but i believe that what the enemy is

targeting is not just my thought life

he’s actually targeting my heart

um i had a a friend of mine oh it would

be 48 years ago and it might even be 48


to this month 48 years ago i think close

to this

month share a verse with me and uh you

know you don’t always remember when a

friend shares a verse with you 48 years


but this one in a good way just punched

me upside the head

and god just deposited something in me

that has been one of my life verses for

the last 48 years

and it’s been a primary verse i would

say i have three but this would be

the primary initial verse and it’s out

of proverbs 4 verse 23

where he says watch over the heart with

all diligence

for from it flow the issues of life

watch over the heart with all diligence

for from it flow

the issues of life let me put it into

the context of how

jesus dealt with the subject jesus on

one hand


adulteries murders jealousies

all these things come from the heart

to the other extreme he said blessed are

the pure in heart for they shall see

god so we have the capacity for either

i heard a statement from richard roberts


this would be a long 30-some years ago

he made this statement it went something

like this i don’t know if i have exactly

right but you’ll get the just of it

god will not change your mind you cannot

change your heart

but if you change your thoughts god will

change your heart

interesting thought that the the

thinking process that we have

in our lives actually contributes to the


of our hearts and that’s the whole point


so what we’re going to talk about today

we’re going to read in chapter four but

let me

go back to verse 14

and 15 of chapter three because i need

to set a context because

james is actually writing in this

sequence of thoughts where he’s trying

to address

the possible corruption of the human


the possible corruption of believers as

it pertains to the character of christ


when a believer chooses

characteristics that are not godly

they’re actually evil

seldom do they do it because it is

founded on a lie

it’s usually because it’s founded on

misapplied truth

and to discern the tactics of the enemy

as he tr if he can’t keep you from truth

he’ll get you to overuse truth

or to misapply it’s it’s like the ephod

when they begin to worship this item

that god provided for them they took

something that god gave them and they

put it above its intended position in


and that’s really where idolatry takes

place it starts in those small decisions

where we carry the thoughts and the

principles of god and we apply them

according to our own wisdom our own


and not in conjunction with the working

of the holy spirit that’s the beginning

of the breakdown and the real building

of a wrong character and a believer so

this is on a

on a negative side but i’m not mad i

just want to point out a few things and

say hey watch out for that watch out for

that all right everybody’s happy

yes we’re happy all right verse 14 of

chapter three says if you have bitter

envy self-seeking in your heart

do not boast and lie against the truth

this wisdom does not descend from above

but is earthly sensual and demonic

just stop right there this wisdom this

is what fascinates me about this verse

and this

gives us a huge key on how

we can protect ourselves from things

like jealousy

self-promotion that sort of stuff he

says jealousy selfish ambition exists

there’s every evil thing there’s

disorder and then he says

this wisdom doesn’t come from above so

what is he saying

he says it’s wisdom it’s just inferior


what does that help us with it helps us

to understand

that jealousy self-promotion those kinds

of things

come out of human reasoning that

the unrenewed mind in other words it’s

going to appeal to the logic of the

unrenewed mind

it is reasonable which means it is


i’ve never met a jealous person that

thought they were jealous

suspicion veils and hides itself

in this nonsense called jealousy

it’s often called discernment in fact

let me throw in

another thing that will help us as we

get into chapter four

entitlement the spirit of entitlement

often hides

in the need for justice

the spirit of entitlement often hides in

the need for justice

and we’ll that’ll become more clear

hopefully in chapter four

entitlement is where i have a right to


and misapplied passion for justice

is often times where entitlement is is

established in a believer’s life

entitlement is a birthplace for so many

things including jealousy

and other things you have something that

i should have had

you had opportunity for something that

was supposed to be mine

you were raised in a certain kind of

family i was not it’s not right it’s not


and when you have the pursuit of


kingdom principles misapplied truth

which is justice

it’s misapplied then it gives birth to

so many other things jealousies

covetousness and ultimately according to

chapter four is war

all right nice easy little conversation

we’ll have here

all right so he says wisdom is

it’s not wisdom from above it’s wisdom

from below but it

it is called wisdom so that means it it


an appeal to the intellect and the need


justice and for right things is just as


absolutely the foundation of god’s

throne is righteousness

and justice righteousness and justice

oftentimes as a church especially in

circles like ours we fight for

righteousness but we don’t fight as hard

for justice

justice is vital justice is critical but

don’t tell me you have a passion for

justice if you don’t speak for the

for the unborn the ones with the least

voice in our nation that are plundered

and stolen and killed on a daily basis

by the millions now

are the unborn and it’s not okay you


create a reason where that’s okay

and if that doesn’t stand out to you

then then you

i i don’t know any other way to put it

it is not okay

it is not okay that that doesn’t matter

it must

provoke us if we can look at that and it

doesn’t provoke us to this

outrage of righteous

justice in the land i i don’t mean


people’s lives that vote for that i’m

i’m just saying we’ve got to write

something that is wrong

so you cannot tell me that you have a

value for justice if you don’t speak up

because what justice does is it speaks

for those who have little to no voice

and there is no one who has no voice as

much as the unborn

and there are many other parts of our

country where uh

the poor for example have very little

voice well they need to be protected and

spoken for i was reading

proverbs this week where a righteous


has the fear of god where he protects

the rights is the biblical word the

rights of the poor or the rights of the


and so that has to be a part of our


of righteous governmental expression as

that we

sacrificially speak on behalf

of those who don’t have as much

influence as the land as you do

that’s what authority is is authority is

the proper use

the proper use of god’s favor on your


to work for somebody else and

specifically it’s for those who have

little to no voice

back to my start here it’s a little

tangent but i feel better from it

and that is speaking on behalf of those

that have no voice and there is no group

in the nation that has less of a voice

than the unborn

and it must must matter i believe votes

let me tell you i believe natural things

writing the letter voting those kinds of

things are important

but the big thing we must do is second

chronicles 7 14 if my people who are

called by my

name will humble themselves and pray

i’ll hear from heaven i will forgive

their sin and i’ll hear them heal their

land we need

our land healed it’s been raped

and plundered out of injustice for a

long time

a lot of different people groups so all

right let’s get back

see if we can actually get into the


all right so we’re spinning off of the

word jealousies

and inferior wisdom and we’re now going

to flow into chapter four and there’s

warnings here

so i’m going to read 11 verses at one

time which i hardly ever do

because the attention span is

challenging but i’m gonna i’m gonna

challenge you listen to me look

in your bible let’s read these verses

verse one for where do wars

and fights come from among you do they

not come from your desires for pleasure

that war

in your members you lust and do not have

you murder

and covet and cannot obtain you

fight and war yet you do not have

because you do not ask

you ask and do not receive because you

ask amiss

that you may spend it on your pleasures

i like new american standard better in

on that verse it says you ask and do not

receive because you ask with wrong


so there’s the heart issue now in the

communion with god heart issue is


verse four adulterers and adulteresses

this is a charge

you do not know that friendship with the

world is enmity with god

whoever therefore wants to be a friend

of the world makes himself to be an

enemy of god

do you not think that the scripture says

in vain the spirit who dwells in us


jealously i really don’t like that one

um again new american standard is is

quite a bit better

it says that he speaking of the father

jealously desires the spirit who lives

in us

so it shows this relationship between

the holy spirit being entrusted to us

and the father himself longing for or

being jealous over that holy spirit that

lives in us

all right yes bill amen all right verse

6 he gives more grace therefore he

says god resists the proud but he gives

grace to the humble

therefore submit yourself to god here’s

a key verse that

many of us have memorized submit

yourself to god

resist the devil and he will flee from


draw near to god he will draw near to

you cleanse your hands you sinners


cleanse your hands you sinners and

purify your hearts you double-minded

lament and mourn and weep let your

laughter be turned into mourning your

joy into gloom

in other words don’t let your repentance

be this surface little

oh yeah sorry about that this service

will approach go

deep if it’s deeply planted into your

personality nature then go that deep in

your repentance

it’s really what he’s dealing with here

he said this thing the war that’s going


inside of you needs to be dealt with and

you’re not going to deal with it lightly

that’s why in revivals you see

you see massive moves of repentance and

it’s never casual

it’s always costly it’s always costly

because when a person comes before the

lord on that level

they know they are yielding everything

everything and that’s really the word of

the lord all right

humble yourselves verse 10 in the sight

of the lord he will lift you up

first half verse 11 is all we need for

this one do not speak

evil of one another brethren he who

speaks evil of her brother

and judges his brother speaks evil of

the law and judges

the law let’s start with that last

phrase we’re going to go back and work

our way through this

um work our way through this chapter

because listen to me the lord is doing

us a favor whenever he brings you and me

a command

it’s never restrictive in the sense of


it is always an invitation to life all

of his commands lead to life all of his


lead away from what destroys and invites


into what sustains us he does not give

commands you know like a

dig a hole and now fill it back up just

because he’s trying to think of things

to keep us busy

he gives us commandments because he has

this dream

over our lives that we would enter into

the fullness of joy

the truth will set you free it’s not

just knowing

a truth it’s living in experienced truth

is where true liberty and freedom comes

from in every aspect and part of our


so the lord gives us these commands and

in this case he’s talking to a group of

people that have been

filled with compromise and james is

absolutely going head-to-head with them

confronting them which how many

understand we need

when when we are in that kind of error

we need somebody that cares enough

to stick with us and stick it to us and

say listen

this so there

there’s there’s this whole demand if you

will for

for repentance so let me get back to uh


11. we’ll start then we’ll go back

towards the beginning it says do not

speak evil of another brethren

he who speaks evil of a brother and

judges his brother speaks evil of the

law and judges the law

if i judge somebody if i pass judgment

if i criticize and pronounce judgment on

a person

i am judging the law of god what is the

law of god the law of christ

is the law of love if i pass judgment on

a person i am

judging the law because i’m announcing

it’s inferior to my own opinion

don’t do that when you pass judgment on

a person it’s very easy especially in

this political climate to just point

fingers and do all kinds of stuff

in fact i took some time uh in the last

two weeks i don’t remember how many

times now just to read

over isaiah 58 over and over and over


and in there he says if you stop

pointing the finger

that’s that judgment thing that’s that

accusation that’s that criticism thing

if you stop pointing the finger if you


you know try to nail somebody else and

prove they’re wrong that you’re right

if you knock off that nonsense there’ll

be a real

really a restoration of heart and mind

and god will put us back into a place

of blessed abundance and uh so that’s uh

just really

really big on my heart right now go back

to verse one now

where do the wars and fights come from

among you

do they not come from your desire for

pleasures that have worn your members

you lust and do not have you murder and

covet and cannot obtain you fight in war

and you do not have because you do not

stop right there

i doubt i i was looking uh this up and i

doubt very much

that that you’re looking at a

a group of believers that that have a

reputation for killing each other

there’s no record of that in in of that


here uh in church history you don’t you

don’t have

groups of believers that incite wars

what james is doing

is he is identifying something that we

need to see covetousness

is at the root of every war

read history wars will start

because this nation thinks

they deserve better agricultural land

this nation has it

and so they go to war because they want

what they have

this nation wants better sea routes

trade routes

and they don’t have seaports so they go

to war with this one

to take their seaports so they have

better trade routes

sometimes there’s the oil fields there’s

the resource of minerals there’s all

these different things

in other words i want what you have and

what james is doing he’s doing us a


if you allow that thing to reside in you


those are the seeds of war

that’s why there’s so much conflict in

our own soul

when we get into that mode of operation

and if you if you can imagine

god has god has blessing

in line for every person that responds

to his word

i i’m i don’t believe that your income

shows your spirituality i don’t like


but i i don’t like the lack of things

proving spirituality either

i think both are just horrible horrible


misapplication of truth the whole of


testifies that when we obey the lord

and all these things will be added unto


he likes the blessing to be the addition

to the life

not the pursuit of the life and that’s

the deal

is see as long as i’m seeking his face

first as long as i’m giving myself

completely anything you want god you’ve

got all of it then he can trust me

so i told his own disciples who left

everything to follow him he said in mark


he said and i will give you a hundred

times as much of what you left back into

your life with persecution

in other words because you left it for

me i can trust you with it

but the persecution will keep you honest

and if you don’t understand that level


well a friend of mine calls the

persecution he calls an income tax

i said what do you mean income tax he

says the more income the more tax and

that’s just the way it works in life

so jesus promised his own disciples a

hundred times as much

he wasn’t talking about mansions and and

that sort of stuff he was

he was truly talking about what paul

would later testify of

says i’ve learned how to abound and i’ve

learned how to be a base i’ve learned

to i learned what it’s like to have too


all right man the last thing in the

world i wanted to do today is at make

this about

about money but it kind of comes down to

that in this sense

sometimes sometimes a believer

will look at another believer and want

their position

want their favor want their title want


gift want their blessing it’s legal

to use the breakthrough of other

christians to inspire you to seek the


but if i want what chris has and i begin

to lust or

jealously uh covet what he has

that what i am done what i’ve done is i

have broken the cycle of blessing

and i’ve moved into the spirit of war to


out of divine sequence see when god

provides for us proverbs says this makes

it clear

when the lord blesses you there’s no

sorrow to it

but when we fight for it on our own it

always comes

with a balloon payment of sorrow there

are many

leaders in our country political let’s

just take a

business there are many business leaders

who have

all the money and more that they ever

wanted but they lost their family in the


they were willing to sacrifice

relationships personal integrity

they maybe started with these great

values but they sacrificed them

in order to have personal gain and they

have great sorrow

in every day of their life they’ve got

to shove down this thing called a


where they know they violated their

design to obtain

something that is the nature of war and

that’s the warning of james

these things wage war within your body

and it doesn’t matter to me if it’s

wanting somebody

else’s house car or title or if it’s


jealous over the fact that they have

favor and you don’t

or they are recognized and you don’t it

doesn’t matter to me what slot you put

it in it is all the same thing

it is the spirit of war and right now in

this nation we have the spirit of

war robbing the souls of many bull

people many people on both sides of the


it’s it’s not a political matter it is a


issue it’s a righteous issue of what

will we let

feed and fuel our hearts and to allow

ourselves to be careless in a time

where we point the finger accuse or

desire a plot

or do any of the stupid stuff that that

we’ve been known to do

it actually fuels that spirit

of war see covetousness makes me

take outside of divine sequence god has

a sequence

faithfulness and small things i learn to


great things there’s a sequence and

when it’s his turn to release something

into my life

it comes without sorrow but if i take it

out of course i’m actually

in war and i’m fighting as a thief to

take something that’s not mine

it does not mean that it’s not in the

heart of god

see god is interested in process i’m

interested in outcome

i like you know i fasted for three days

i prayed this and that i cried out to

god i got up in the middle of the night

i walked

the my living room and cried out to the

lord for this breakthrough and the

breakthrough came

i like the breakthrough he likes the

process he liked the fact that

you actually skip food and you talk to

me you know he

actually likes the fact you didn’t lay

there in bed just toss and turn you

actually made a decision to get up and


that’s what he likes i like when you did

that song see he likes the journey i’ve

i value outcome he values journey

and so when we talk about the outcome

let’s just take it

a material thing just because it’s so

easy to monitor to gauge

so i want somebody’s possession their

home i

lust and covet and pursue and i do all

these things to obtain

i’m taking out of divine sequence

i’m taking out of divine sequence and

i’m actually even though i maneuver and

manipulate and end up with the item

i have i have functioned as a thief

because a thief

steals what is not theirs and that’s the

issue of covetousness is it’s at the

root the foundation of all wars all

right that’s enough on that

verse four is very fascinating

uh verse three as a new american

standard says that you ask but you don’t

receive because you ask with wrong


the heart is the issue of everything the

purity of heart

is what governs the true direction of

our life

you can have all the right words you can

have all the right outward actions but

when the heart is corrupt

it’s going to end up in failure but when

we do things as

unto the lord truly as yielded obedient

to the lord

then the outcome is uh the process is

holy and the outcome is holy

so here he says uh verse four it says

adulterers and adulteresses that’s a

strange thing to

to term to use to talk to a group of


adulterers and adulteresses there’s

there’s no reason to believe that they


actually sleeping with other men’s wives

and other

women’s husbands the context

is in the scripture

adultery is frequently mentioned

in the same phrase as idolatry

idolatry is spiritual adultery

and paul identifies greed the

covetousness thing

as idolatry so he’s dealing with this

this war that’s going on inside of them

i want your position i want your title

i want your favor i want your open door

i don’t i’m not getting what i deserve

things are not right around here and

there’s that that entitlement thing

slips in in the passion for justice and


i’ve actually moved outside of the

spirit of christ and james says you’re

an adulterer

why because you’re moving in

covetousness not in obedience to the

process that god has created for you

i hear your amens all over the city all

over the world and it’s

encouraging to me all right adulterers

and adulteresses do you not know that

friendship with the world is enmity with

god whoever therefore wants to be a

friend of the world makes himself an

enemy of god this is a fascinating

statement now the world is probably many

things in scripture but i understand

three first of all

the world in scripture is what he has


the earth all that it contains that is

the world he owns it all

the second thing the world is it is it


a cis excuse me it is the people of the

world for god so

loved the world that he gave his only

begotten son

so we have the creation itself we have

humanity and then the third one which is

the one he’s addressing here

is an order of things void of christ

it is the cosmos it’s the order of

things without jesus at the center

and many believers in order to appeal

to non-believers embrace a worldview a

wrong worldview

in fact it’s my conviction that many

christians will vote

in a horrible way to justify

their twisted world view there is a

world view that god has it’s not what

it’s not what i think that matters it’s

not what you think that matters what

does he say he has a certain value for


a certain process the way we go about


this whole thing of misapplied justice

is destructive

and yet that’s how the enemy hides

himself as he hides himself around

misapplied truth

and that’s where we we have to get

before the lord and in his word

the clarity of heart and mind so that

our authority

is used in a right sense to bring people

into freedom to bring them into liberty

to bring them into life

it’s not about your opinion or mine or

this group or that group it’s worthless

my opinions don’t impress me at all but

i love the mind of the lord i love the

mind of christ and i love when he speaks

and here he says to love the world

again that order apart from christ to

love the world

is to be at war with god so this

whole message is really choose your war

choose your war do you want to be at war

with god or do you want to be

at war with the things that are seeking

to spoil

and and destroy and weaken your own

stance before the lord

it’s a battle over the heart

amen bill amen whoever therefore wants

to be a friend of the world

makes himself to be an enemy with god

yeah i don’t do that that’s that’s not a

smart decision

um i i know that in times past the

church has so reacted

because of statements like this for the


the end result would be there’s no

interaction with unbelievers

that’s not smart we’re not to hole up

into a

modest uh monastic lifestyle and call

that love not the world that’s not it

jesus so loved the world that he gave

his own

father loved the world gave his only

begotten son jesus loved the world he

sacrificed his own life

we must love the world in that same way


never to embrace their worldview or

their order of things apart from christ

at the center

i i don’t know if i said that well

but i feel like it’s a point that needs

to be hit pretty hard

because i watch through the years as

more and more christians

have a genuine heart of compassion for

someone they don’t know

and they compromise their personal

values in order to be accepted by that


you lose your authority you lose your

power when you become like your audience

there’s a difference between having

genuine value for a person that you

listen you hear you respond to them

you have compassion for their stuff

and then there’s a difference between

that and actually mirroring

the people you’re trying to minister to

and there’s a

number of believers around the country

that i watch all the time they look more

and more like the people they’re trying

to minister to

in their worldview and they’re becoming

so twisted in their approach to

righteousness and serving god

they all hide it they hide it under this

thing called grace

and grace that doesn’t lead to righteous

living isn’t grace

all right so i’m actually quite happy on

the inside i’m just

you know i just sound mad on the outside

you guys have been patient enough with

me for a long time so all right verse 5

or do you not think the scripture says

in vain

he jealously desires the spirit who

lives in us

but he gives more grace move on god

resists the proud

god he gives grace to the humble

here’s verse seven therefore submit to

god resist the devil and he will flee

from you i guess it goes without saying

it seems to

seems to be common sense it’s common

sense as we read it’s not always

common sense as we live it out submit to

god comes first resist the devil come


you know you can yell and scream at the

devil all you want if you’re not fully

surrendered to jesus your yelling has no


has no authority whatsoever it’s it’s

the place where we start our day it’s

the place where we start

you know the assignment of god on our

life is that we yield to his purposes

this is really a big deal it’s so

ridiculously simple

but once you start tasting of the

blessing and the success of the lord

it’s easy to forget i still need to

submit everything to him

but it’s true we sometimes grow out of

our need to submit

and that’s not true maturity

therefore submit to god resist the devil

he will flee from you draw

near to god he will draw near to you

that’s a fascinating statement how do

you get closer to the one who’s in you

he’s all around me he’s here how do i

get closer you understand it’s not

proximity it’s heart

again it’s back to the heart one of the


verses in the bible is that depart from

me i never knew you

so that verse tells me there’s one thing

in my life more important than knowing

god and that’s him knowing me

so when i worship god i worship in

spirit means it’s a spiritual activity i

do it with the help the assistance the

direction the empowerment of the holy


but in truth basically means nothing

hidden i come to him

completely open to him to rule and run

everything i don’t hide this i don’t

hide that i’m an

open book before him you may say well he


in fact i’ve had people call me a

heretic because of statements like

like uh that god you know you have to

open up for him to know you

he knows all about me he can tell you

how many hairs i have on my head he can

tell me which ones are going to fall out


you know he can tell you everything he

can tell what every cell of my body

what’s happening

but for him to know me in an

experiential way a relational way


my response why open to him and that’s a


that’s this thing right here draw near

to god which means what

god i’m opening up everything about me

and you said seek your face

and my response is your face i will see

what happens in that moment he’s already


but he comes so deeply into that inner

place in us it’s

all a battle of the heart and when i

open myself completely to him


vulnerable need thankfulness

rejoicing celebrating victory all the

stuff that goes on in our life

all that i direct towards him there’s a

tenderness there’s a nearness

there’s an awareness of him in my life

that i didn’t have five minutes earlier

you know it’s it’s this uh this verse

out of john 15 has become

increasingly important for me in my own

personal walk

and that’s a verse i’ve taught of many

times that i love it so much but it’s


it’s haunting me in the right way

haunting is the wrong word but give me

some grace here

it’s it’s following me hard in a right


remove that from the tape now to too


it’s the passage out of john 15 verse 7

where he says

abide in me and my word abides in you

you’ll ask whatever you want what is he


he’s not wanting me to be a self-willed

believer he’s wanting

me to be a co-laborer who in prayer

implement his purposes in the earth

that has to happen for his purposes to

be manifest in the earth

i have to have a co-laboring role you

have to have a co-laboring role

but the goal the goal is the prayers

that make a difference

but he didn’t start there he said abide

to me so there’s this acknowledged

manifested presence of the spirit of god

that my heart

is in full acknowledgement of and

engagement with

abiding the illustration of context is a

branch in a vine

you can’t tell where the branch begins

and where it ends where the vine

begins it’s not a flat surface it is

the intertwining of fibers so deeply and

so profoundly

that it was the best illustration for

abiding in christ

that you can’t tell where i end and

where jesus begins because it all

is so saturated in and among itself by

acknowledgment of his presence the

spirit of god upon me

and the engagement of heart to heart is

so intertwined

i’m abiding in him and his word is all

that matters to me what does god say

about the matter

i’ve laid down my right to an opinion

what does god say about the matter and

that thing just courses through my heart

where i bring it up in biblical

meditation god gave me insight from this

and it’s in that posture of absolute

surrender he says all right

ask for whatever anything you want i’ll

do it

that’s what he’s wanted he’s wanting a

family of

co-laboring believers that are so

yielded and surrendered to the manifest

presence of god that he can trust them

with any prayer

and it will be done just like he did

with solomon

solomon was the only one that got his

the one wish

except for the church the church gets it

countless times every day

and we oftentimes spoil the opportunity

to ask for whatever

we want we’ve got to learn abiding

we’ve got to learn the indwelling word

and in that position something that

moves us

knowing it’ll move him if it doesn’t

move me

it doesn’t move him

verse 10 is where we’ll end

humble yourself in the sight of the lord

and he will lift you up

i in fact i just released a book here

recently called born for significance

and the whole reason

for that book was

we we don’t we don’t know how to handle

blessing well

you know it either leads people to

corruption or you know selfishness or

i mean it’s crazy old and new testament

i like it it

the same happens and it’s it’s the

proper stewardship of blessing

that actually equips it and enables us

to impact the world around us culturally

is through managing resource blessing


it doesn’t matter if it’s money or favor

position title doesn’t matter to me what

it is

and this verse here illustrates a point

that i like to make says humble yourself

unto the mighty hand of god he’ll exalt

you at the right time we love it when

people humble themselves

under the mighty hand of god we’re not

always as happy with them when god

exalts them

we don’t know what to do with an exalted


i mean let’s be honest we don’t know

what to do why because we don’t have a

theology for that

there’s the passage that says that you

pray in secret he rewards in public

all right we seek him in secret he

rewards us in public so we see people

rewarded in public and become suspicious

as to how they got there

not realizing that god’s the one who

called the shots because he saw them

in the quiet time the quiet place of

their life so we don’t have a theology

that allows for someone

to be openly extravagantly blessed

before our eyes because of jealousy

because of covetousness this is at the


of what god is going after in this hour

we love it when people seek first the

kingdom of god

we don’t always like it when he has

added everything

back into their life and so this is a

moment where we

learn to monitor the pastor if you will

the attitudes of our heart we see

we little things creep up like we start

thinking oh if only that was mine

or maybe it’s a it’s a sharp word

towards somebody it’s impatient

it’s critical it’s the pointing finger

those little moments when those things

begin to surface

god has sent up a flare he’s given us a

warning saying this is not who you’re

designed to be

you could forsake that way of life now

you can forsake that as an approach to

your life now you can abandon you can

cleanse your hands from that influence


and he invites us into this lifestyle

where god

there’s nothing apart from the heart of

god that i want in my life

i remember when my my kids were were


and and uh obviously all at home and and

i would

speak impatiently and i’d get i’d get

the family together so you guys know

all i want with my life is to honor

jesus that’s all i want

will you guys pray for me and they put

their little hands on me when they got

older they were still doing it

but praying pray praying for me i would

become impatient with the situation and

and confess to them and and they would

just pray i would tell ben and say

listen honey you know all i want to do

is honor jesus if you see an attitude

forming in me that i’ve not yet


please do me a favor i’m inviting you

i’m begging you point it out to me

why we’ve got to stay that kind of


to avoid the disaster that james warns


and we step into the promise

that he prophesied over us humble

yourself under the mighty hand of god

he’ll exalt you and when he exalts you

remember solomon’s word

god has highly favored you solomon from

the queen of sheba god has highly

favored you because he loves the people

around you

the favor on my life has to benefit

people around me or it’s misused favor

if you are one who is watching this and

you’ve never surrendered your life to


he doesn’t come in just to tickle your

fancy and fulfill all your dreams

he comes as god his lord of all

and he is worthy of being served and

loved because he is the source of all


if that’s you please just dial somebody

on bethel tv

or youtube just let in the message

section let them know

you want to receive jesus and this will

be the beginning

of the change and the transformation of

the rest of your life let’s just pray

father father let us live with holy fear

of the coming days as well as a holy joy

for what you’ve done what you’re doing

and what you’re about to do

we yield all of this to you and we just


it is all for your glory

everything it is

all for your glory

in jesus name amen amen