In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson teaches how God’s plan is to heal the planet, not destroy it, and that His plan is to bring healing through His sons and daughters. The Gospel we received is a gospel of healing and redemption, and Jesus promised that miracles, signs, and wonders would follow those who believe. Let the Holy Spirit empower you and fill with the boldness of the Gospel as you co-labor with Him to walk in Jesus’ footsteps, to bring redemption and healing to a hurting world.

God actually plans on healing the planet

he actually values this planet

after he made everything everything he

made he said it’s good and after he made

you he said Ah that’s very good

verse 15 he said to them go into all the


preach the gospel to Every Creature I

like that it says every creature not

that I

intend to lead

the mule dear to the Lord before

they’re harvested

that was rather brutal sorry somebody


that God actually plans on healing the

planet yes

he actually values this planet

after he made everything everything he

made he said it’s good and after he made

you he said Ah that’s very good

he recognized the quality of his own

work and everything that he made

and his desire isn’t to destroy it

his desire is to revive and to renew and

the gospel that we carry is supposed to

Encompass a vision to Bringing healing

to a planet

if only the unbeliever has the vision

for taking care of the planet

they will always make it a god

if only the unbeliever

carries the message of bringing healing

to a planet then will serve the creation

and not the Creator

The Church Must recover our assignment

not in in uh in contempt not in uh you

know not in a fight but just stewarding

what God has given to us

preach the gospel to Every Creature

verse 16 he who believes and is baptized

will be saved don’t ever underestimate

the power of water baptism

he who does not believe will be

condemned and these signs will follow

those who believe

in my name they will cast out demons

they will speak with new tongues they

will take up serpents if they drink

anything deadly like coffee it will by

no means hurt them

thank you Lord

Grace was extended over coffee

it will by no means hurt them they will

lay hands on the sick and they will

recover stuff right there for a minute I

was yesterday I was uh uh looking at

actually listening to a

a YouTube video but it was just audio

there’s nothing to watch on uh John

Wesley on somebody reading out of his

personal Journal

and he was I don’t remember all the

details but he was extremely sick very

very ill

and he this verse came to mind that

these signs will follow those who

believe now John Wesley is the father of

the whole Methodist movement

he has this verse come to mind these

signs will follow them who believe and

he prays

and he experiences a bizarre

Supernatural healing of something that

was derailing him from his extensive

travels in preaching the gospel and he

was able to step step back into the

pulpit because of the miracle of healing

that he experienced in his own body I

love reading the stories of some of

these these Saints of old who believed

in this

but somehow it got removed from the

history books

it’s true

the shantung Revival in China One of the

most bizarre

Baptist revivals ever

had almost every manifestation in that

Revival that happened in Toronto

but in the reprint of the book all those

things are removed

to make it clean

Randy Clark printed the original

so you can find it

the point is

these signs follow those who believe

you know when we have a healing meeting

people will say well you’re not supposed

to follow signs

signs are supposed to follow you well my

response is if they’re not following you

follow them till they follow you

know you know if if you’re in the

environment long enough it’ll get on you

all right let’s wrap it up verse 19 and


after the Lord had spoken to them he was

he was received up into heaven

sat down at the right hand of God

and they went out and preached

everywhere the Lord working with them

confirming the word through the

accompanying signs amen read verse 20

again this is fascinating to me and I’ll

tell you why before I read it most of

the time we will emphasize find what God

is doing

enjoying what he is doing but in this

verse the emphasis is different he said

the Lord worked with them

and they went out and preached

everywhere the Lord working with them

confirming the word through the

accompanying signs

sometimes nothing happens because we

haven’t said anything

let me rephrase it

anyone can boldly make a decree after

God has shown up and is performing


but show me the person who will make the

Bold decree before he comes and I’ll

show you where he’s going to come

the Bold decree

attracts him into an environment to

confirm his word remember this is his

word people become offended through

history because somebody who’s living an

immoral lifestyle you know prays for the

sick and they get healed well I don’t

like it either but God’s confirming his

word he’s not confirming the person

it’s never okay but he still will

confirm his word actually no years ago a

a woman part of this church her husband

was not a Believer and someone at his

workplace asked him how to get saved and

this unbeliever led his work mate to the


that shouldn’t be right

but he can do whatever he wants in

Psalms 115 God does as he pleases

this passage reminds me of

the one in Acts 4

was in verse 23 he says take note of

their threats

Peter just been released from prison so

he’s praying says God take note of their

throats they’ve threatened that if we

ever preach in your name again they’ll

harm us take note of their threats and

Grant that your bond servants can speak

your word with all boldness

now the previous chapter said they were

arrested because they preached with


boldness got them in trouble now Peter’s

saying increase that that got us in


apparently we did it with partial

boldness we now want to go all in with

all boldness

the church tends to dumb down the

message so that we don’t offend Peter’s

saying let’s amp it up a little bit here

I didn’t give you permission to be


take note of the threats grant that your

bond servants can speak your word with

all boldness while you extend your hand

to heal and signs and wonders take place

through the name of your holy servant


I I just want to encourage you I want to

challenge you

that the message of the resurrected

Christ boiling you until you cannot help

but speak because the Bold Proclamation

is what attracts the hand of God into

impossible situations

the decree releases the hand of God we

don’t control him by any means but he’s

already revealed his heart to us and

he’s looking for a people who will

boldly declare it and so this verse ends

the chapter and ends our message this

morning they went out preached

everywhere the Lord working with them

confirming the word through the

accompanying signs amen

every time

every time

you talk stop and talk to a friend

about the Lord every time

you take just that moment at work or at

home in your neighborhood whatever

just to pray for a friend who’s

going through hell every time you take

any one of those moments

what you’re doing

as you’re declaring Jesus is Alive

and I want now to introduce you to the

resurrected one

everything in our relationship with the

Holy Spirit is about discovering and

manifesting the resurrected Christ

everything is connected because without

the resurrection there is no forgiveness

of sin it is all connected to the


you and I are alive to illustrate he’s


well I understand

Jesus came

to God


gave himself

as a sacrifice

to pay a price none of us could afford

he paid it so that the power of

self-destruction would be broken off of

our lives forever

he paid it he took my place in death so

I could take his place in life

he conquered death he rose from the dead

and now we make the proclamation

Jesus is here to save

he is here to deliver

is here to heal yeah I’m so glad that

you watched this video I do pray that

it’s a great great strength and

encouragement to you and I’ve got a

verse that it really is My Cry for all

of us and it’s Psalms 20 it’s verse 4.

may he grant you your heart’s desire and

fulfill all your plans

that’s my prayer that’s my prayers that

this would be the season of rich rich


thanks for joining us