Bill Johnson teaches how to make your life a continual feast. Proverbs 15 states that for the merry heart, life is a continual feast. How can you steward a happy heart? The wisdom in Proverbs teaches that the words you speak actually play a significant role in the level of joy you walk in. Learn to surround yourself with good news and guard your words and experience life as a continuous feast as you trust in the Lord and His goodness. This is session 18 of The Pursuit of Wisdom devotional series. Join Bill Johnson for a journey through the book of Proverbs. This weekly study will take you through Proverbs, focussing on a new chapter each session. Learn keys for walking in biblical wisdom so that you would reign in life, leading and serving those around you well. Growing in divine wisdom is key to walking in the fullness of God’s purposes for our lives. Subscribe for the full series. The Pursuit of Wisdom Series (new videos added weekly)    • The Pursuit of Wisdom Devotional | Bi…   Subscribe for weekly videos: Connect with Bill Johnson Ministries: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Mailing List: Additional Resources:… Scripture References: Proverbs 15 Proverbs 18: 21 Bill Johnson is a fifth-generation pastor with a rich heritage in the Holy Spirit. He is senior leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and is passionate about seeing Revival and God’s Kingdom established and revealed in the lives of individuals, families, communities, and nations. Bill’s teaching on the Kingdom of Heaven, hosting the Presence, and the renewed mind has helped thousands around the world to step into their true identity in Christ, God given purpose, and walk in a supernatural lifestyle displaying both purity and power. #BillJohnson #BethelChurch #Perspective #Joy #Happy

all of you that would say I just I

really need more joy in my life well

here it is a person has Joy because of

the answer of their mouth you’re

presented with a challenge a question a

problem a difficulty what’s the answer

your answer determines your measure of

Joy I think it’s a big deal for us to

take responsibility for managing our own

soul in that realm that healthy area of

joy you and I were designed for great



hello again welcome back uh once again I

really am thrilled that that you’re able

to join us in this quest for wisdom

chapter 15 is where we’re going today so

let’s just get let’s get started verse

four is where we’ll start um today a

wholesome tongue is a tree of life but

perverseness in it breaks the

spirit a wholesome tongue is a tree of

life the tree of life is mentioned three

in three books of the Bible in Genesis

in Proverbs and in Revelation Genesis is

what was Revelation is what will be but

Proverbs reveals what is a present tense

reality and the thing you need to

remember about the tree of life is it

marked it marks whoever touches it with

their Eternal purpose so when it says a

wholesome tongue is a tree of life that

means it is possible through our our

speech I don’t want to say to create the

reality but to agree with the reality

God has created for us that we get to

tap in now to our Eternal purpose we get

to speak life and death is in the power

of the tongue we get to speak life and

death over our children our

grandchildren our friends we are able to

speak even over cities over businesses

things that bring great strength and

great courage and more importantly help

to Define

or help people to realize God’s Eternal

purpose in each of these things and so a

wholesome tongue is a tree of life you

have the ability to speak the words of

God that Mark people with the reason

they were created that’s a pretty

significant task let’s move on to um to

verse uh

13 verse 13 says a merry heart makes a

cheerful countenance but by sorrow of

the heart the spirit is broken now I

want to take verse 15 as well because

we’ll put these two together verse 15 is

all the days of The Afflicted are evil

he who has a merry heart has a continual

feast all right so let’s read these two

together 13 and 15 a merry heart makes a

cheerful countenance but by sorrow of

the heart the spirit is

broken all the days of The Afflicted are

evil but he who is of he who is of a

merry heart has a continual feast all

right here’s here’s the deal if The

Afflicted versus the merry heart or the

sorrow that breaks the spirit is

compared to a cheerful countenance if if

those are just this is your lot in life

you’re just born with a a happy nature

versus an Afflicted nature then that

this would be cruel this this would be a

cruel conf confrontation of the

realities that you and I are stuck with

the only reason it’s brought in here is

because these are

choices it’s actually decisions that we

make and what we think and what we talk

about we actually help to determine the

nature of the prosperity of our own soul

we draw from truth and make that our

confession our prayer Our decrees

sometimes we just need to stop and just

just declare things like God I trust in

you I don’t know what’s going on in this

situation but my trust is in you

sometimes it has to be spoken it can’t

just be a nice happy warm fuzzy thought

it’s got to be a decree and you and I

need to take responsibility for the

moment that God’s put us in and make the

Divine creas why because we are the ones

who decide do we have the cheerful heart

that actually becomes manifest did you

know in scripture the Bible actually

teaches that Nations will turn to God

because of the joy that is in the heart

of the believer it’s actually in the

Psalms that Nations will turn because

they see what God has done for his

people and the joy that’s in their on

their countenance that captures their

attention that’s where we’re at and I

believe that uh uh Joy is expected when

you just won the lottery Joy is expected

when you just got the raise or you just

had a healthy baby child Joy is expected

when you have joy in the middle of

adversity that’s when you capture the

attention of the people around you so

let’s determine we’re going to be tree

of life people people that decree what

God is saying all right let’s move on


um here’s an interesting one verse 23 I

we we keep getting back to this thing

about our speech but it’s because it’s

all through here and this one stands out

to me strong it says a man has Joy by

the answer of his

mouth is it possible that the joy level

that we live in was determined by our

conversation and our

decrees is it

possible all of you that would say I

just I really need more joy in my life

well here it is a person has Joy because

of the answer of their mouth you’re

presented with a challenge a question a

problem a difficulty what’s the answer

your answer determines your measure of


I think it’s a big deal for us to take

responsibility for managing our own soul

in that realm that healthy area of joy

you and I were designed for Great

Joy amen I’m about ready to preach here

how we doing for T well look at that we

got all kinds of time all right let’s

see let’s move on and um I like verse 28

I was just pondering this uh last night

because it caught me off guard it says

in verse 208 it says the heart of the

righteous studies how to answer and and

it was the word studies that caught me

off guard so I looked it up and it’s the

same word that’s used in various places

in the Old Testament for the word

meditate it means to murmur or to mutter

and so biblical meditation if you’ve

been to the Wailing Wall or you’ve seen

pictures of of the Jews who stand at the

wall and they’re they’re bouncing back

and forward that’s actually a physical

it’s almost like a physical Act of

meditation where they they are reciting

and repeating and uttering muttering

certain statements and

phrases the righteous do that in their

heart of hearts on how to answer on what

to say on how to phrase things I want to

make sure that I communicate well I want

to make sure that I communicate

accurately and the righteous do that

right there they rehearse what to say

now let’s go to the last

verse all right um it’s verse 30 the

light of the eyes rejoices the heart and

a good report make the bones healthy

there’s another one I don’t know you

just can’t get too much good news that

it actually affects our health it

actually affects our health their bones

become healthy we have to take this as

the word of the Lord and sometimes you

just have to go out of your way

sometimes things are so challenging

we’ve got uh things that we’re facing in

our home right now healthwise that are

quite serious quite significant and so

we go out of our way to find the good

news the report of the Lord why because

a good report makes the bones

healthy I pray that for you again this

issue of divine Health this issue of

good news bringing life to every part of

our being I pray that it would be

multiplied to you over and over and over

again yep amen amen bless
