Bethel Church in Redding, CA, is a congregation rooted in the love of God and dedicated to worldwide transformation through revival. It’s our goal for God’s love to be manifest in signs, wonders, and miracles. The atmosphere at Bethel is charged with faith and exuberant joy, which manifests in all we do. We believe we’re on the edge of the greatest revival of all time. It’s our vision to see history become His-story as the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of our God. We welcome you to join us in this adventure!

uh jesus talks about healing ten lepers

only one

had enough character change to come back

and give thanks but the other nine were

still healed so does that disqualify

that as a work of god

the absence of fruit in their life no

the fruit was the healing

yeah the transformation is our response

to his work


so hey bill let’s uh speak about

manifestations and just to define that

word it’s like the making plane of the

holy spirit or the making plane of


in general when something is shown so

when we say the holy spirit hits


we can see the holy spirit’s on it by

the manifestations by the behaviors that


would that be accurate yeah yeah there’s

there’s a response when you’re touched


power or by peace or by sadness or by

whatever there are physical responses

yeah and and yeah and so we got physical

responses and also behavior in action

you’re touched by love you bring grocery

to your neighbors you are exactly so

there’s a responsiveness to the presence

of god across the board that we would be

uh be looking into so sometimes folks uh

they’re wondering what so what are

manifestations we would say they’re

they’re assigned the lord’s on somebody

or at work and how do you know it’s the

person the holy spirit or the demonic

i’ve seen i’ve seen people shake for

example under the power of god

actually shake

i’ve seen them shake

because of a demon i’ve seen them shake

because they needed attention

and they all look the same

yeah they all look the same it’s the

fruit yeah

if you grade everything by the


then you will accept some things that

are not necessarily right for example

somebody who’s pondering are they

are they deeply considering and praying

or are they

resisting what the holy spirit is doing

yeah it’s a manifestation but it’s

acceptable it’s an acceptable one


when you have someone who is resisting

the holy spirit and they’re in a quiet


i can’t accept quiet posture because

it’s good in this case and it’s not good

here it’s the same with tears

it’s the same with uh joy it’s the same

with all these things it’s uh

uh the the uh i i can’t just have a list

and say well this is god and this isn’t

god because every one of them can be


it’s the this is the important part yeah


yeah it’s the snake thing yeah you

mentioned you know so it’s like people

can go you can’t do that because it it

looks like something else and you’re

like oh well you know moses created a

snake and then soda pharaoh so like you

should have made the snake because

pharaoh can make the snake

you know other religions fast so we

shouldn’t fast other religions pray so

we shouldn’t pray in other words

shouldn’t sing praises so we shouldn’t

sing praises otherwise nations you know

practice and our religions practice

virtue so we shouldn’t i just it’s an


stance yeah it’s it’s because it looks

like something just uh therefore it

might be bad i’m like i don’t know how

you do anything or you know you know

live at that particular point but we’re

talking about the um

how do you know it’s a person so i mean

partly this we’ve been on a journey with

this as well as and i would say like

it’s always the person

at some level

it’s the holy spirit hitting a person

this is the same person who was there

five minutes before with all their

wounds and wonderfulness and all their

past experiences and their current

thoughts and so it it’s always the

person that that helped me at some level

because again that idea if it’s god it

has to be pristine

and without human defilement like

nothing in the bible except jesus


it looks like that so it’s always got a

human component or wrapped up in it

and um so that that part like it’ll

always be the person at some level and

sometimes it’ll be more than less and

when we teach people like hey listen

just be responsive you don’t don’t

overdo it i and and i ideally i i don’t

ever say fake it to make it you know we

never kind of go just practice it like

speak gibberish and you’ll start

speaking in tongues like that’s not our

way uh start manifesting and it’ll come

like it i i do

understand that people will use that

sort of thinking that’s not something we

teach or that i do at all no but it’s

like if it is a i will be responsive to

the least

touch of his presence exactly

yeah it’s it’s how how hungry are you

yeah i don’t want to hype i don’t want

to make anything up i want to respond to

him yeah you know i i don’t know why

we’re so shocked that we manifest when

he touches us

we should we’d be we should be shocked

that we don’t die when he touches us

you know i mean let’s let’s be honest


the all-powerful one

does something to a person’s life some

people say well i don’t sense anything i

just have peace

that’s not too bad yeah peace is amazing

there’s a whole lot of people who don’t

have inner people and they’re just they

live in mental turmoil the kingdom of

god is righteousness peace and joy

you’ve got a third of the kingdom right

there you’re doing pretty good yeah yeah

so it’s it’s uh i i don’t like uh i

don’t like um grading someone by their

manifestation you know that’s not good

either i don’t like well boy they were

so powerfully touched

let’s see how their life has changed

afterwards well and we try not to judge

our culture by who’s really anointed

who’s not through manifestations like

you know i

uh we don’t see a ton from from you all

the time or from chris or from you know

various ones and so it’s

it is not a sign and i’ve seen people

have a powerful manifestation of the

spirit and then make colossal mistakes

like just exactly quickly after so some

you know fruit is helpful but it’s not

always sometimes the fruit has been not

right after the fact it’s not beautiful

that’s the truth yeah so fruits um uh

because that that life of character that

ongoing relationship with jesus is

essential not this

i shook one time

at a uh you know at a bill johnson

meeting it’s like oh no if you live i

shook at the i i had a counter of joy at

a meeting like what’s the lord doing


what’s he saying today yeah

is partly how we need to kind of be


in ongoing connection with him

i i agree i really value what he does i

i just don’t think we always understand

what he’s doing yeah you know sometimes

it’s an extreme manifestation i mean i

love it when i see incredible power

and a person’s you know we see

people are so powerfully touched

you know or people who have never heard

in their life their deaf ears are open

in a in a power encounter our marriage

is healed these kinds of things i love

that but i i what i don’t want to do is

devalue the more subtle things that he


i’ve had i’ve had two

life-altering encounters with the lord

in my life the first one was over a

scripture that he opened up to me

every day of my life has been affected

since then it was very subtle there was

nothing dramatic

but i can say 40 some years later

i have never been the same since that

moment where he opened up scripture and

the other was a power encounter so it’s

it’s both

both are valuable

and this one happened to me first the

the very subtle but i it’s like moses it

says uh when he stepped aside the

burning bush when he stepped aside the

lord spoke

he stepped aside to what god was doing

and that’s when god unloaded on him and

and let him hear and see what he needed

to see

this subtle moment that i had with the

lord i stopped i could take you where i

was in the church facility in weberville

i can take it where i was i stopped i

turned aside and then he began to speak

and it’s affected every day of my life

very subtle wasn’t dramatic but i i

leaned into it and that’s what it

enlarged everywhere and so i have lived

in the light of that and in consistency

absolutely absolutely it’s affected how

i think it affects everything uh just

that just that one moment and so that

wasn’t a great power encounter in the

sense of you know trembling or falling


weeping or whatever

but okay so that most the church loves

the first one the subtle one from the

bible they love that

no you’re right they don’t like the

second one you know where you are hit

with the lightnings of the lord and what

felt like to you electricity it it’s

it’s as important yeah it’s as important


in october of 95 i had an encounter with

lord three o’clock in the morning and i

just you know you’re never the same

again you

it’s throughout the scriptures you know

where he encounters with somebody and

how they manifest it from time to time


is is completely different but the the

point is is they were touched by him and

their lives are never the same yeah we

got we have to value those things yeah

you have i mean um

you did a book defining moments where

you kind of just captured those the in

their own words the author’s

self-description from finney and from

wesley and various ones these sorts of

god encounters that had manifestations

and again

well there’s so much to say i mean we

are it’s interesting to me how that we

would love tears at the altar but

despise laughter at the altar it’s just

like wow that’s weird like that’s weird

that’s very human yeah yeah at some

level it makes us very uncomfortable and

there’s joy and working through the

psalms right now there’s tons of joy

and tons of joy yeah in his presence

this fullness of joy yeah you know

people where’s laughter in the bible

well is laughter a tiny part of joy


because it says in his presence as

fullness i have a theory like i think

it’s the the church is dumbing down of

joy we have made joy inner peace

and uh you know and it’s almost like we

it’s like no no it’s actually that it’s

that thing when your team wins the super

bowl is that like out of control you

know you do a summer soft salt off the

couch sort of joy

that this ecstatic place which is

actually quite marvelous you know if

you’ve ever had the privilege of having

your team win the super bowl but yeah

but this uh this human capacity for

choice is so much larger than

this inner this inner um satisfaction

that is quietly expressed it’s true it’s

true i i like to do i define

peace as quiet joy and joy as peace out

loud all right oh

beautiful you’re so pithy that’s the


and then also just say our bodies are

designed to

uh respond in some ways like we you know

if my wife’s mad at me which hardly ever

happens but i can feel like in my body

like somebody’s mad at me at some level

so we are we are designed like so if

we’re physically cold we shiver if we if

you know we we get hit by actual

physical electricity we you know we

shake so i mean like our bodies are

wonderful instruments to

discern what’s happening in the

environment discern what’s happening

internally and then be responsive to it

so the idea that the lord would hit us

physically super normal and um and all

through scripture yeah and unusually all

through scripture yeah again go look at

it under yourself it’s you just you will

find it everywhere the bible brothers

and sisters the bible is full of spooky


and scary stories i mean saul wants to

go kill david he sends a man to kill

david and he he walks through a bunch of

people who are prophesying

is hit by the power of the holy spirit

and is unable to go and fulfill

this this command this assignment to go

murder david yeah and he ends up

prophesying so saul gets fed up with him

and goes himself

i’ll kill him those prophets aren’t

going to impact me he

he’s on a murder assignment and he

goes into the into the environment the

atmosphere the area again people like

why is it the spirit here and not here

like i don’t know but saul and the bible

had this experience he’s he walks

through the area where the people of god

are prophesying an ecstatic prophecy and

he himself is

suddenly prophesying in ecstatic

prophecy so the people are saying that

is now is saul now numbered among the uh

the prophets yep yep that’s amazing the

guy who doesn’t want it hit by power and

again the fruit of his life he was

wasn’t permanently changed he actually i

think did dial back his pursuit of

trying to kill david for a while but but

uh but there was fruit but he didn’t

sustain he could have been here yeah he

certainly could have been yep but uh but

his response it’s that’s it is we have a

responsibility to steward how god

touches us what he does to us

the outcome is not guaranteed

you know

jesus talks about healing 10 lepers

only one had enough character change to

come back and give thanks but the other

nine were still healed so does that

disqualify that as a work of god

the absence of fruit in their life no

the fruit was the healing

yeah the transformation is our response

to his work and the one responded

that’s powerful yeah

so hey let the lord touch us with all

our heart soul mind body and strength

and then sometimes people have thought

what uh that

this idea how do you know it’s the holy

spirit versus another spirit a demonic

spirit some uh the internet again has uh

created uh something i’ve never heard of

the the or hadn’t really heard of the

kundalini spirit and somehow that that’s

in operation here


uh again i

i never heard of it until i was actually

i didn’t even know that’s another

another deal like that again you could

the the critic could say well you can’t

just because you’re ignorant doesn’t

mean it’s not true whatever else but the

the basic idea is a fallacy because it

looks like something else it is

something else and so again we’re

talking about the fruit of our life and

then this idea that we’re actually in

relationship with this divine being the

with the lord i’m talking about yahweh

the covenant god of the old testament

we’re in relationship with him so we are

not afraid and we know his voice my

sheep know my voice so yeah i i know

like this is this spirit of love and

truth and integrity this this being whom

i’m experiencing his presence at the

moment this is holiness this is perfect

goodness there’s no there’s no i don’t

wonder allow like might this be a demon

in those moments never uh it doesn’t

cross my mind because of the integrity

of the experience exactly that’s

happening so exactly

i think we’re supposed to learn to

recognize the presence of the holy

spirit just in our own personal life not

just in a ministry context but just in

life because when i learn to recognize

his presence it’s much easier for me to


the authenticity of maybe somebody’s



the decision they’re about to make

maybe the manifestation of them

physically you can you start to

recognize him when he’s doing something

and it’s a lot easier i was in a

situation way back at the beginning

where i was surrounded by what appeared

to be chaos just because of the numbers

of people i closed my eyes so that i

could cancel out what i was seeing

and i and i became overwhelmingly

overwhelmingly aware

it’s the same presence of the holy

spirit that i experienced in my in my

worship time with the lord


and as long as i

wasn’t offended in my mind

by what i didn’t understand

i was anchored if you will i was i was

anchored in a recognizing

this is god and then i was able to

to then begin to respond more

positively appropriately towards what

was happening around me yeah and this is

just a portion of our walk with jesus

this isn’t in every meeting it’s not in

every devotional time it’s not in every

uh you know recession of school by any

stretch of imagination we have folks who

have profound physical experiences and

then don’t for a long time um or

you talk about turning aside there are

times when i i won’t have any but i’ll

get into a prayer ministry time when

suddenly i can experience his presence


and emotionally in like a deeper more

dear way than kind of in my own quiet

time you know alone


and then i think they’re part of how do

you know it’s not the enemy we do ask

that like when we’re pastoring

environments so you’ve got to know how

to pastor the environment but i’ll see

some manifestations where i’ve kind of

walked up to people introduced myself

told them my role so that i have

authority and you know they’re not and

i’m not we’re not afraid of wrecking

what god’s doing when the lord’s in it

you’re not going to wreck it because i’m

not coming as a mocker or you know to an

accuser i’d be like hi i’m dan one of

the pastors here this looks very intense

what you’re experiencing

is this the lord

you know and then

sometimes they can they have told me

they’ve just nodded yes you know and um

because they can’t speak it’s so intense

experience like exactly and like so

you’re physically fine you’re not having

a stroke or anything and you know be

like yeah they’ll nod yes and i’m like


other times i’ll talk with them and say

hey you know are you doing all right are

you scared and they’ll nod yes you’re

like do you feel is this the lord or the

demonic so we’re actually pastoring in

that moment that’s huge um and again i

don’t have to do it all the time because

all of our meetings are not nearly

anything like this but you do have to

have leadership in the environment and

some conversations happen in the moment

uh there and then some happen afterwards

like hey your response to the lord’s

presence is i know it’s meaningful to

you it’s incredibly distracting to the

rest of us so we’re going to need you to

to to dial in to cooperate with the holy

spirit in a way that actually doesn’t

distract from the meeting

you know at this time or that isn’t

drawing so much attention even though

your heart might not be to draw

attention that is what’s happening so

exactly it’s um in our in our culture

we’re not afraid to confront those sorts

of things as we need to so we’ll let

them go a little long like we’ll just

let them go a little longer i remember

one time we’re in a um

we’re in a a joy-filled meeting and um a

woman was on her knees she came to the

middle of the altar sorry the middle of

the aisle the center altar and she is on

her knees crying out it’s the blood it’s

the blood it’s the blood and worship’s

going it’s loud there’s joyous praise

everywhere but i remember that moment

thinking the

it wasn’t an act of praise that she was

involved in in that moment but i’m like

lord this could be you like she could be

the lone person we could all be in a

mode like it’s time to experience joy

let’s do our thing

and she could have been the lone person

actually like i’m this the lord’s i’m

interested in you prepondering my

sacrifice tonight i’m mentioning you

pondering the sacredness of myself

giving love so i’m listening and trying

to like how do you do it i don’t know

how to describe what i’m doing am i

trying to do more than my mind and more

than my taste more than my preference

and more than my emotions

and try to listen like lord is this you

are you on this young woman taking us in

a direction

so i just let her go on for a while now

other people were noticing but they saw

me like 10 feet behind her and they’re

like okay good leader a leader is paying

attention and um so then she i come up

and i say you know at the end my

discernment was like this isn’t what the

lord’s doing tonight and so i kind of

just sat down and introduced myself we

had a great conversation about what you

know what the lord was doing with her

and i kind of said it i love what the

lord’s doing um it it doesn’t seem to be

quite what’s corporately happening

so you know if you’d like to kind of

continue in this maybe uh just in a less

obvious place or less quiet in a more

quiet way yeah i’d love to facilitate

that or or it might be that your

assignment’s been done and and it’s time

to join the lord in praising for his

glorious sacrifice you know so just like

letting her process that’s beautiful

what she was up to in that moment that’s

beautiful and um and and not getting uh

not getting

kind of locked up and what are people

going to think and yeah and this is

exactly what the group’s doing and i i

just recommend that sort of benny has a

fun story i don’t know if you remember

where there was a

i’m going to take the time to tell the

story so as a young woman dancing in the

front in a somewhat provocative fashion

close to you during worship

yeah that was actually that was actually

my story oh yeah she was dancing in

front of me in a very strange way yeah

and i it got cold around me physically

cold and i

so i walked about 10 feet away

to see uh if that if the room was just

cold i got about 10 feet away and it was

normal i got back close to her i

remembered an experience that my brother

had in a

horrible spiritual time with his

ministry in san francisco and stuff

and it reminded me of his description of

that encounter

and so i went over to summer who is our


and i said summer i need you to dance

before the lord we need to break

something and then i turn to my wife and

i said honey i

i need you to pray for her.

and uh and literally the moment summer

began to dance before the lord this guy

collapsed right in front of me and it

was a

horrible demonic thing very

subtle but horrible she collapsed in

front of me

benny my wife leaned forward and began

to pray for her just brought her through

great deliverance into salvation and it

ended up being a very amazing thing but

it started by

not just visually uh what she was doing

it started because of a temperature

change interesting and and then it

reminds me of hebrews 5 have your senses

trained to discern good and evil that

there was actually something triggered

that seemed to be more biblical than my

experience was

historically yeah that that had never

happened before well and then the folks

who were that were part of that story

from the outside they were just offended

at what she was doing and that she was

so you know

sure so so much in your environment and

doing that so there’s a moment where we

didn’t act in utter response to that

offense but act actually acted in hey

let’s let’s uh move with spiritual

authority in this area and with kindness

in this order yeah there’s a redemptive

solution yeah so when’s the devil

you know it uh often times yeah no

that’s that’s that’s the truth


so to be clear not everybody has to

manifest and not every denomination not

every church has to have these

manifestations going on that’s not what

we’re saying to be truly spiritual or

truly connected to god or truly

represent you got to do it like us


no no it’s just hunger for god let him

do what he does you know so we would say

everybody should be hungry i hope so

absolutely yeah absolutely

yeah you can’t have god offer something

that extreme that extravagant that

extraordinary and sit and do nothing you

know he welcomes us to come and to seek


he’s already here yes but to seek him

more diligently to set our face towards

him and to seek him more diligently it’s

a great privilege of life yeah so

cultivating the hunger and then

responding to his presence in the way

that he comes just with as much

authenticity as you can bring to that

yeah so the great revivals of the church

oftentimes had these manifestations of

various kinds and um we don’t we don’t

quite talk about them a lot we talk

about their fervent prayer but you can

go back into the record if it hasn’t

been sanitized or you know they haven’t

kind of changed the stories a little bit

and the old revivals are

full of unusual

signs and wonders manifestations of the

lord’s presence on the meeting on the


you’re good yeah


denominations tend to

want to clean up the record of the moves

of god that they’ve experienced the

shantung revival in china is a great


um there is a book out on the shenternal

bible that will bore you to tears

because it tells you about all the

maybe outcomes of this these this number

this church this missionary but not the

process and the process is where god

radically touched this family radically

touched this church this child

and and it brought about incredible

fruit for his name

and uh and so there are two versions of

that book randy clark our dear friend uh

republished the book uh in the original

content so you can see what actually

happened and this is that’s dialogue

between missionaries of what’s happening

in their part of the world

and uh it’s extraordinary to see the the

the mighty outpouring wow the holy

spirit the cain ridge revival went on

for many many years and it was very

unusual but

but it was it was so powerful so

legitimate and oftentimes what happens

is these great moves of god

they have a an offensive element to it

that’s that always seems to be the case

the lord does not mind offending it

no he doesn’t


one one of our

friends from years ago said uh he will

offend your mind to reveal your heart

and that happens so much but these these

great moves of god they will actually so

position society and culture to advance

in the years following the revival that

really really is quite extraordinary the

real transformation takes place so

it’s a glorious thing but

but it doesn’t do any of us favors to

whitewash history to to

until it looks like what we want it to

look yes it’s just not honest no


that’s been part of the journey i

mentioned like discovering that

spiritual discernment wasn’t just

my taste or past experience

like those really feel very similar

inside what i my taste what i prefer and

my past experience does like i discern

brother that’s the devil so i have to be

really cautious


and it’s an arrogant position it’s like

well ouch build it yeah

well i’m getting better for all of us

i’m talking about me come on

where you look at something and you go

well that can’t be god and basically the

judges he didn’t do it to me first so

why would he do it to you yeah yeah

absolutely it’s just a poor standard of

judging things yeah so look at look back

at past revivals find the find the first

sources if you can and not the later

ones where each other they were

sanitized and by sometimes we we took

out the spooky stuff the unusual stuff

that isn’t quite in the scripture but

not forbidden from scripture you know

and but unusual experiences

and almost always in every greek

movement of god there have been these

experiences which is true so what about

if you come from a church though that

doesn’t like you know there’s lots of

traditions i i was i came from a

non-charismatic church and

and um so you know always wanted the

lord to do whatever he wanted but you

know i was just taught that this is what

church is like and this is what’s normal

and yet you know we were hungry for the

lord and we would have said we were

hungry for the lord some of us more

hungry than others you know at some

point sure but you have a sense of like

why some churches move uh have

experiences of these manifestations and

other places don’t

i don’t know i think the risk element is

a part of it so if you don’t like risk

you probably won’t yeah yeah

usually i mean the lord can cross the

line and

and touch you anywhere you want

it’s all through scripture you know

um but typically typically our hunger

precedes a great outpouring not always

not always but typically hunger

or hunger for more just that realization

there is so much more to walking with

jesus than what i know

and i’m just hungry and there are

a whole school that would throw up

alarms at that point and say you have to

be careful for deception but jesus made

that pretty clear he said you know

he’s not going to give you a stone

instead of bread he’s not going to give

you a scorpion instead of a fish he’s

not going to

you’re not going to pursue him and then

have him trick you and allow you to get

into a

deceptive thing unless you’ve got

personal issues that you’re unwilling to

repent of then of course there are other

factors completely outside community and

can’t have can’t have any interaction

exactly you know with them sometimes

that’ll happen so yeah the other um you

know maybe why doesn’t happen is

sometimes we you know you kind of get

what you teach like we

we don’t we used to have more public um

uh public prophecy accompanied with

tongues because we would teach on it yes

we were smaller we had a microphone

up at the front forward right and people

would take the risk and they’d they’d

speak to us i feel like the lord’s

saying this and then they would jump up

but we don’t know now we have church

full of visitors we can’t quite take the

risk in our main meetings it doesn’t

make sense to we don’t know everybody

that’s in the room

um so we and we don’t teach into that so

when you don’t teach something you kind

of don’t get it yeah at some point so

that’d be part i would say part of what


my own experience too is i i as being a

you know kind of a not very charismatic

leader in a charismatic church in the

early 90s here i

i just found that my comfortable like

first of all i didn’t know what the

anointing was like the idea of the

anointing like i really didn’t have a

grid for it it wasn’t something we

talked about

um we if we did it was purely emotional

like that you just that’s a code word

for your your an emotionless you know

your new emotions

um but i remember like i was

uncomfortable leading my people in

anything i couldn’t sustain

so like if i get super hungry

i might not be super hungry in three


wow so like i’m not i don’t want to take

you to the edge and go i actually can’t

follow through with that so i i i stuck

with my skills

with my gifts what i knew that i could

do for the lord’s glory like why venture

into some place that i’m not comfortable

yeah i i’m totally depend on the lord to

show up you know i can actually prepare

a pretty decent sermon even if he

doesn’t show up i’m not being critical

but i mean like you know it’s from the

bible it’s accurate everybody can go

amen but i i remember some of the the

signs and wonders and the manifestations

they were uncomfortable to me as a

leader hey i’m not throwing a rock at

any leader i’m telling you my own story

is like i was like i don’t i can’t

sustain this so i don’t know

i’m afraid to move into it and uh

aggressively so that might be something

that some of our our leaders are like i

don’t i’ve never been trained in this

and i’ll tell you going through bible

school and stuff i wasn’t trained in

this how to lead a meeting in faith

how to experience holy spirit and power

you know um you know how to prophesy

these were not these were not seminary

classes on how to prophesy

but you know when i first came here i

must say see peter wagner i took a

couple classes from him yeah and it’s

fuller and i you know i did yeah i

didn’t get

some insight into that when i first came

you remember

certain things began to happen yeah

within a short period of time yeah i


and and alan ray one of our key guys on

staff came to me privately he said you

know he said we want to help you pastor


but we’re learning at the same pace as

the people yeah

can we meet privately yeah and i thought

brilliant idea so i brought a team down

from weberville and hayfork and

and met in uh yeah in a home yeah and

then our teams just prayed for and all

all that happened was the presence of

god showed up the power of god showed up

in a very

wonderful way yeah and it just put our

lead or our staff yeah you know two

weeks ahead of everyone else yeah and

that’s all we need yeah

it was just

maybe like two


that’s the point is it it gave us a

point of reference together where

literally we’re learning together you

have to you have to become a novice to


uh you know jesus

he said i’m so glad you didn’t reveal

these things to the educator to the wise

the lord that you reveal it to babes and

sometimes you have to become childlike

to really get what god is saying what

he’s doing and that’s what happened to

all of us

as we were reduced

positively to being charlie