Familiarity can create resistance in our understanding of what God is doing. Bill Johnson challenges us to return to what brought us to where we are today. Let us continue to be hungry for more of God.


all right is it still morning yes it is

good morning

nice to see you guys it is just


to have humans in the room it’s

it it is amazing i i’ve told you in

recent weeks i have discovered i am

addicted to humans

and it’s a very serious addiction it’s


it’s so good to be here i uh

how many of you remember when you were

kids and they would sing that little


liar liar pants on fire

anybody remember that i saw a meme again

this week that i

thought was worth repeating it said

if liar’s pants really caught on fire

the news would be more fun to watch



that’s when i wish i would have made up

i wish i could take credit for that one

all right in fact i’d record it

i better stop right there before i get

in any more trouble

why don’t you open your bibles to the

gospel of luke

chapter 10 and then uh

we’re not going to read the poem sunday

the the story

although it would certainly be worthy of

our time it’s just

the time that we have and and what i

feel i needed to do but what i want to

do is just take you on a mental journey


to the gospel of john so just walk

through this with me

in chapter 11 lazarus

is resurrected at the beginning of

chapter 12

mary takes the costly ointment

and pours it over jesus following that

is the triumphal entry where people lay

down clothing

and palm branches as jesus enters the


don’t ever underestimate the value of

abandonment in your worship

and how it affects and impacts the

atmosphere and climate of an entire city

it was following that priceless

act of worship that we have people

crying out hosanna

passion translation passion translation


jesus be our savior hosanna

be our savior an entire atmosphere of a

city changes

i’d like to suggest in response

to an offering of one person because it


everything it impacted the atmosphere of

a city

we’re going to move from that into the

subject of prayer which has been

um been on my mind a lot just from what

the lord’s doing

here i had somebody say to me

i i want reformation

not revival

of course you do we always want a

resurrection without a cross

is where we experience the holiness of


the power of god and it’s costly to live

in it

it’s where you die it’s where

i’ve watched as people have said yes to

what god was doing in them

and it cost them everything i watched

years ago

25 years ago last month when outpouring

began here

and family members left and some stayed

it cost them everything

they had to make a decision whether or

not they wanted the more of god

or they wanted something else

i don’t say that to in any way point a

finger criticize

anyone who would have left because

that’s that’s not the intent and

and a lot of really good people left for


my point is is that revival is expensive

moves of god are expensive they’re


it requires people to die

and see what revival does is it

introduces you to the holiness and the

power of god where reformation

introduces you to the mind and heart of


and what happens in revival in revival

your yes is so significant significant

and so big

that you obtain favor with god at a new

level now i understand everybody has


but do you understand that favor grows

it can grow or decline

and well-used favor is the way you

increase favor

but here’s the point the lord said

that when we have found favor with god

he makes even our

enemies to be at peace with us the point


is that the way you get you obtain favor

with man

is by first obtaining favor with god

when you pursue the favor of man instead

of the favor of god you get neither

you get political agreement you get

social interaction

but you don’t get favored the kind of

shapes history

if i pursue the favor of men and i’ve

watched people compromise their


in order to obtain favor with man

but it’s not the kind of favor that will

change the shape the course of history

what the lord has called us to is

honestly to be a people

that experienced the ongoing fires of

revival the costly experience

of saying yes to god chris shared a word

with us

a couple months ago and it’s it’s been

echoing in my heart and mind for quite a


in fact andrew mason uh sent a little

video clip

it’s of the rocky 3 movie and uh

i’m not even danny silk and i’m talking

to you about movies i

of course if i were as good as danny i’d

have the clip up here for you

but um it it really is a moving scene

it’s really affected me

uh deeply the scene let me take you

through it

rocky three he’s wealthy he’s powerful


successful he’s had ten fights where

he’s fought

young guys coming up and he beat them

all and he wants to fight this one guy

that he’s heard of this up-and-coming


who is so hungry and he goes to his

trainer he says i want you to train me

for one more fight

and he says i won’t do it i quit and he

says what do you mean

he says you’ll lose what do you mean

i’ll lose i beat all these 10 people he

says they were hand-picked

he says you mean those fights were raped

he says no you beat him but they were


and he goes on in his dialogue and he


he says well i want to fight this guy

and i want you to train me again he says

he’ll kill you to death which is the

worst kind of death

is to be killed all the way to death but

that’s what he says in the womb says

he’ll kill you to death

you will lose and so the scene goes on

and on they have this exchange finally

the music dials down into this this very


uh score and they sit down on a couch


and the trainer turns to rocky

because rocky asked him how come how

come you say i won’t win

and he says this one line

the trainer says we’ve become too


we’ve become too civilized you see

favor gives you opportunity

to settle

and it’s not that the favor is wrong

it’s not that the favor

is isn’t a gift from god it’s just it


a purpose different than what we are

accustomed to what typically happens is

people pay this great price for revival

they experience the move of god

they see the miracles i tell you what i

would have come today for that song

in fact as far as i’m concerned we can

start with that and end with that i just

for two hours let’s just sing that song

i’m already a mess i cried my eyes out


service and i’m still a little bit


i’m damaged merchandise from that song

wow don’t tell me he can’t do it

don’t tell me he can’t do it come on

come on

you know hotel back east and

just two weeks ago week and a half ago

and a gal

who worked at the hotel behind the desk

one of the i think managers or whatever

she said i’m concerned

i fear she said for the people who

who listen to you

because that we were talking about what

god is doing and

and i believe that god is still do in

fact don’t tell me he doesn’t do that

stuff that’s that’s what i’m saying

and she was saying that he doesn’t do

that anymore

she said i fear for you and i said well

i fear for you

and so when i checked out she followed

me she says why do you fear for me

i said because you’ve made it spiritual

to disobey jesus

he’s the one who said heal the sick

raise the dead cast

out devils

cleanse the lepers

so what if you stink at it you don’t

have the right to change the assignment


our conversation was hospitable so i

well when you hear one side it and i

don’t i don’t

mean to do that it wasn’t dishonoring

but it was honest

what happens is people die

so to speak they say no to everything in

their life and yes to god and something

takes place where

things happen that you’ve only dreamed

about things that i i never knew i’d get

to see my lifetime

and yet i get to see them and and i’ve

seen just in the last couple weeks

hundreds and hundreds of people

been completely healed set free from so

many different things hundreds of people

seeing what i never know i never knew

i’d get to see

but what happens is it opens up favor

which is a gift from god the challenge


favor opens up doors that you’re not

supposed to go through

i know it opens right doors too so

anything i say today

you will have the opportunity to

completely abuse

i i i say just enough to give permission

to people to be weirder than they

already are so if that’s your ben

i will give you permission today but

it’s worth the risk because maybe

somebody will get it right

so here favor brings you into this place

of blessing

of breakthrough of things happening that

you’ve never seen happen before

suddenly start moving into reformation

which is what it’s where life works

people want their families to be healthy

they want their businesses to succeed

they want the educational system to

actually function well they want

children to grow up with dreams and

all these things are a part of

reformation well what happens in

reformation you get favor

why because life works but what happens

is we forget that in that season of


it’s easy to become too civilized

and forget what got you there forget

that it was the painful yes it was the


everything else it was the willingness

it was the willingness to be

ostracized criticized abused all

all the stuff i i hardly ever ever ever

talk about this stuff

but i’m i’m i’m feeling something so


in this season not just today but in

this season

we have we have prayer meetings out


cold oh goodness a couple weeks ago how

did it get so warm all of a sudden

somebody’s prayer worked i’ll i’ll call

you next time we’re in need i’ll tell


man one of the last ones i was in was so

cold perfect i was in the school of

ministry teaching i was freezing

wrapped up i should have had a big old

goose down blank uh

sleeping bag around me mummy you know

talking about the top of it

just freezing but you know what i kind

of like it

i i’m not into self punishment self a

basement call it spiritual

but something’s happening right now

where i feel like

i i really don’t want to make anything

easy for anybody

not into punishment i’m not into any of

this stuff but i just i remember

weaverville we had a prayer meeting it

started at 11 at night

because i didn’t want to make it easy if

you wanted to pray

starts at 11 show up

and i’m i’m sorry but i’m in that mood

again i just feel like

i feel like i know what it’s like to

work out in the old gym and i also know

what it’s like

to stay in the five-star hotel

and i’m thankful for the journey

but i fear what happens if we forget

what got us here

and sometimes you just need to train in

the old gym

sometimes it’s just it’s just a hardcore

inconvenience it’s the it’s the no to

everything but what god’s doing

in this absolute moment is worth my

entire life

because what happens is clatty keith

gave us an example years ago how many

how many of you were here when cletty

keith was here oh not very many oh well


blame claddy if you don’t like the

example i’m not a gambler and he used a

gambling example so

i’ll just blame him he’s such a great


but he talks about you know you start

with so little in life

these chips and you put them all to the

middle of the table and then you win and

you get this pile of chips

it’s time to put them all in the middle

of the table again and you keep winning

and you don’t ever want to find that

place where you level off

and live off of your most recent


but you continue to invest in what might

be possible

that the world has never seen

think about this the lord has promised

to do a new thing is it possible

he is actually thinking of a new thing

is it possible that he’s actually

thinking of something that’s not been

done before

see the way things work throughout

revival history is he pours out his

spirit upon people who usually don’t

know anything

they don’t know enough to resist it’s

true you read history it’s true

just a bunch of young people just

started praying they just started

walking the street they didn’t know

enough to know how god moves they just

got so hungry they were

unwilling to live without it and they

begin to pray

i remember when i was a teenager here

my late teens early 20s i remember

about 18 19 years old we’d ask for the

keys to the church

just so we could come and pray all night

we just get people together just pray

we didn’t know what we were doing our

prayers were pretty pitiful

you know i i we didn’t know the the

effect of worship we didn’t know the

effect of any of that stuff

but we had seen caught a glimpse of what

might be possible in our lifetime

and we just met to pray we just did the

best we knew how we stayed here all

night we prayed

we asked god to do something significant

we’re in that moment again

in luke chapter 10 i almost forgot

i’m going to blame it on the song

don’t tell me he can’t do it


it happened verse 38 it happened

they that they entered a certain village

a certain woman named martha welcomed

him into her house

she had a sister called mary who also

sat at the feet of jesus

and heard his word this is the one who

really in some ways

ushered in a movement in jerusalem

through her sacrificial worship

she sat at jesus’s feet and heard his

word but martha

was distracted with much serving say

that with me martha

was distracted with much serving

you know you’ve heard the statement that

good is the enemy of best

and if ever there was an illustration

for that it was here

martha was distracted with serving

busyness is artificial significance

it gives you the illusion

of importance

some of our greatest accomplishments

actually come out of rest

if we knew that we’d fight for it more

martha was distracted with much serving

i’ve heard people say if we didn’t have

martha’s in the church nothing would

ever get done

that statement was invented by a martha

who needed to legitimize her

labors that jesus never instructed

dick joyce our dear friend dick joyce is

in heaven now would say

martha was making sandwiches or tacos as

he would say

tacos that jesus never ordered

she was distracted with much serving

and she was wanting to pass her gift of


under her sister

most people who have dysfunction that

want to share

okay let’s just read it you can see it

for yourself verse 40

martha was distracted with much serving

she approached him saying lord do you

not care that my sister

left me to serve alone therefore tell

her to help me

it’s awesome i just thought first

service this morning wouldn’t it be good

to do a bible study on all the bad


that people gave jesus like when peter

said man don’t die that’s not a good

plan don’t die

here’s another good one right here tell

her to help me

jesus answered and said to her martha

martha you are worried and troubled

about so many things

but one thing is needed mary has chosen

a good part which will not be taken away

from her

my goodness i’d like to suggest that it

was that one thing right there

that impacted the climate the atmosphere

of an entire city

that brought in what we celebrate today

palm sunday

chapter 11 verse 1. it came to pass

as he was praying in a certain place

when he ceased that one of his disciples

said to him lord teach us to pray

as john also taught his disciples to


stop right there for just a moment we’ll

read through it you’re very familiar

with the prayer

but just walk through this with me for a

moment the disciples i don’t know of any

other thing they asked jesus to teach

them now let’s put ourselves in their


if you see him multiply food if you see

jesus walk on water if you see

jesus raised the dead if you see

jesus calm storms there probably would

have been a lot of things on my list i

would have had him teach me

but for some reason all that stuff

in their mind they could trace back to

this one thing

and the only time they asked for jesus

to teach them

was in this verse where he said teach us

to pray

there’s a place where john the baptist

is beheaded he’s killed

and they uh they come and report it to


and jesus is impacted remember he has

all the same feelings and

temptations that we as as people have

although his was without sin

but he still experiences the

disappointment the loss those kinds of

things to deal with

i i personally think that joseph

probably died prematurely

because you don’t see him in the picture

later in life

it was something that jesus had to walk


but at least in this case we see john

the baptist dies

jesus looks for a place to pray by


he searches for a place to pray by

himself but the crowds follow him

and when the crowds follow him he’s he’s

torn and so he’s moved with compassion

he ministers to the crowd but then it

comes to the place where he has to go


and he sends them away the crowd and

then he goes up to a mountain to pray

what the disciples noticed is when he

came down from the mountain

every single person that was sick in the

crowd got healed

so they are seeing the miracles but

they’re not asking teach me the miracles

they’re asking teach

me to pray because in their observation

there was one source for all the stuff

they ached for

there was one source that drew the

crowds there was one

source that set the standard for

everything jesus was and everything that


did and taught and it was prayer and so

they said teach us to pray

and so jesus taught them a prayer that

is commonly called the lord’s prayer

not real accurate title because it’s not

a prayer he could have prayed

because and it is the confession of sin

and he had none but go through the

prayer with me in verse 2.

so he said to them when you pray say our

father in heaven

hallowed be your name your kingdom come

your will be done on earth as it is in


give us this day our daily bread forgive

us our sins

as we also forgive everyone who is

indebted to us

and do not lead us into temptation but

deliver us from the evil one okay stop

right there

sometimes familiarity almost creates a


to the freshness that god has on a

particular passage

sometimes i’ll get a different bible so

i see it on a different part of the page

oftentimes i’ll get a different

translation i’ve got to do something to


my my sense of oh i know it’s here i’ve


i’ve gotta change that sense that i

actually know what he’s talking about

and come back as a child to relearn


i i think it’s i think it’s one of the

most safest ways that we walk with jesus

is to do

whatever we can to stop at the hard


re-examine have the word examine us

and so here we have this incredible

prayer this prayer

if you can look at it this way is a


that reveals the values of god if there

would be some way that we could take

this prayer and put it as a template


our thinking what would happen is it

would shape the kinds of values

that are natural for us to have stirred

up inside of us

it’s like this this template this


anything that doesn’t survive that

template shouldn’t be in our life

in the first place he gives us this


and this prayer i like what jack hayford

says about this prayer he said

he said this prayer is not a formula for


worship is to be longer than a sentence

petitions are not confined to bread

forgiveness is to be requested in

specifics not generalities

prayer for the entry of god’s kingdom

into present earthborn

situations is not accomplished in a

momentary utterance

the whole point is is this is much more

than a prayer that is recited

it is a template it is a pattern for

prayer yes but for values

for thinking because our our it’s

it’s our if you can look at it this way


pattern for thought gets where the mind

of christ becomes evident in us

and out of our own christ-like nature we

think what he thinks and we pray

what he would pray if he were standing

in our shoes not just religiously so

we know enough to make ourselves

dangerous we know for example there’s no

cancer in heaven so automatically there

shouldn’t be any cancer here is that

true it is absolutely true

but how do you pray to get rid of it

it’s the part that’s not asked as

as we we come out of just guns blazing

thinking that we know exactly how to

deal when we don’t always

because jesus every situation he handled


because he’s paying attention to the

father it wasn’t that he needed to

figure out

is it the father’s will to heal this

blind person that was a given

that’s why he healed every person who

came to him he just needed to know how

ah this one i spin in the dirt i put mud

in the eyes

and then i tell him to go find this lake

sounds like the most cruel way to get a

blind guy healed

but he never does anything out of

cruelty he always does stuff

to build something in us and in this guy

who had to rely on other people who

knows the issues of his life

but he had to rely on other people to

get to that pool of cylon

so he could cleanse his eyes to discover

he could see

it was a process that built a man

and the lord has invited us into a

relational journey

where his value system as revealed in

that prayer

kingdom of god come fact jack taylor

taught us

this years ago he said it’s not actually

a petition the original language isn’t

you know god we want your kingdom to

come it wasn’t a petition it’s a decree

it’s kingdom of god come

will of god be done it’s the absolute

confidence that this is the heart and

mind of god and living with that’s

that template over our thinking changes

our options

changes how we approach any given


kingdom of god come

it’s the absolute cry for the expressed

realized felt discovered measurable

lordship of jesus in any given situation

when we pray for the kingdom to come

we’re not praying about heaven we’re

praying about the reality of the

lordship of jesus

to be felt and realized here

the rest of the prayers various


that are all important obviously

but what i’m feeling in this particular


as i’ve i’ve i’ve watched now this is

we’re soon be going into my 48th year

in ministry

and i’ve seen the waves of prayer i’ve

seen the waves of breakthrough

and i’ve seen the settling into the


that breakthrough provides

and the biggest danger to me

maybe for me

is to settle into the favor

that breakthrough provides

see the problem is is revival you get

opposed you get used to it

reformation you start getting favor you

get used to it

and it’s just easy to forsake

what got you here what got you here it

was the fire of god’s presence

what got you here it was the risky

obedience what got you here

it was the fasting the cries the all

nights in prayer

what got you here it was that stuff

but now we’re in breakthrough i know but

i feel like i’ve got to get back to the

old gym

i i it feels like it feels like i’m

it almost feels like i’m not allowed to


out of what i’ve learned that’s probably

not 100

true so just take it as a thought

if it feels at least in measure that i’m

not allowed

to live from what i learned up to this

point it almost feels like

a child that for the first time has

picked up a baseball bat against

a child who for the first time has

picked up a tool or whatever it might be

in it

and the point is is relearning

things his way because

the fires of revival

were never meant to be abandoned

for the greater thing

because when the fire is abandoned for

reformation the reformation is


it’s the cross it’s the it’s the

willingness to

to to withstand whatever comes whatever


i’m i’m going to obey jesus it doesn’t

matter what i’m going to be kind

i’m going to be honoring i’m going to do

whatever i’m supposed to do i’m going to

make sure that i

protect and guard my relationships but

bottom line is

i’ll do what he says

and i know what it is

to pay that price i know what that one

looks like

and i don’t want to have the t-shirt

that says been there done that

the way i oh i don’t know if this is

making sense to anybody

else it’s i i may be talking to me this

morning i had about three things i felt

to talk about and i’ve been confused all

day so

sometimes you get it right sometimes you

just you know

it’s just goulash you just take

everything in the kitchen put it in the

pan and heat it up

yeah thanks i’m i’m not looking for but

thank you i’ll i’ll take i’ll take

whatever i’m

i’m processing chris’s things jumping on

me i’m processing out loud so

i’ll blame i’ll blame chris here i got

to get on this side over here

maybe maybe dan say help me

i don’t want external no there’s several

things i do not want to externally


i i saw i saw one thing and said you

want to walk in my a mile in my shoes

that would be boring spend 30 seconds in

my head that’ll scare you to death

not me that’s uh somebody else’s

so here here we’re repositioning for

a next season it is different it’s just

every i don’t know what it’s going to

look like

i mean i i believe that all the things

we’ve been able to experience and see

and witness i i just believe they

continued i’ve not seen any slow down


where i’ve been going it’s only


but i also have this sneaky sense

that um

the simple is better

simple is better


if your eye is single your body will be

full of light jesus said

if your eye is single the word singles

is the number one the word voyage

if your eye is set on one reason for

being alive it’ll affect

everything about you and i feel like

the lord’s let us taste of so many

wonderful things and i’m thankful for

every one of them but it just feels to

me like

at least for me i have i’ve been

finding my way to the old gym again

it’s just

yeah the tears

cried my eyes out first service of that

song don’t tell me

don’t tell me he can’t do it sheesh

i couldn’t have had a better song for me


i probably should have just sat in the

front row and just had them sing that

for about 45 minutes and that would have


clear and a clear enough message

i want you to stand because we’re going

to pray and talk as we

pray and wrap this up

i guess i feel somewhat like a broken


and that it would be pretty redundant

for me to emphasize prayer again we’ve

been hearing that for weeks and weeks

and weeks and probably months actually


so i know that i how many of you have

felt really challenged in your own

personal prayer life what for here’s

here’s what my prayer life looks like if

i have 10 minutes to pray

i’m probably going to spend about six or

seven minutes in worship

if i have an hour it’s going to be

probably 40 45 minutes in worship

i the heartfelt connection the awareness

of god

and the heartfelt intimate connection is

more important to me than any of the

things on my list

as valuable as they are that’s where i

live from is that

and i i’ve been having this sense that

i talked to you a couple uh weeks ago

about the

the war that’s involved in prayer

and um i’m i’m becoming more painfully


of the atmosphere and climate that we

live in things that are happening

in our nation at such a dramatic pace


um i’ll tell you what to not praise to

be stupid

and prayers of authority prayers of

absolute abandonment to the purposes of

god are essential in this

and this season uh they always are but i

i feel it so deeply and so strongly that

i it’s it’s going to take

you know any time in my life for me to

say this nation would be saved it would

take a miracle it would have always been

true but it’s never been truer than


it just got multiplied and uh

but don’t tell me he can’t do it

so that’s that’s right that’s my new

t-shirt right there don’t tell me he

can’t do it

that’s right

you know i don’t think there’s probably

not a person in the room that would

question what he can do

where we question is what he wants to do

what he’s willing to do what he’d be

willing to do through

me through you

so father i ask that you would cause



the willingness to go back to the gym

the old gym

the simple ways of just deep affection

the simple ways of crying out in the


the simple things it just it’s

it’s all laid out in front of us because

all we want is for jesus to be exalted

what i thank you i pray for our online

community i pray the same thing

that there would be a mighty visitation

of god in our online community

our believers all over the world that

joined with us day after day

god i’m asking that you would teach us

how to pray

that you would teach us how how

to come off the mountain and to see

everyone impacted

in the same way that jesus did we hunger

for that

we hunger for not just routine and

formula we hunger for the reality of

presence the glory of god

the days that are that are directly

ahead of us

if we’ll yield to it will be

demonstrations of the glory of god

unlike anything we’ve ever seen or heard

of before

it will rewrite our understanding of

god’s intentions in the earth

god i pray that you would actually teach

us by the glory

by the manifest presence of jesus you

would show us your heart and that this

template for prayer would actually

filter all the things out of our life

that have no value

and empower the things that do i pray

this in jesus name

i know there’s always a chance when

there’s this many people in a room

that we could have somebody here that

doesn’t have a personal relationship

with jesus

and that’s important it’s the most

important reason

for our being here today is that anyone

who cannot say i am a true disciple of


i am a true disciple of jesus i have

been born

again and forgiven of all sin

if there’s anyone that’s outside of that

and you would say bill i don’t want to

leave the building until i know

i have peace with god and i have truly

been changed and transformed

anyone here in that shape all i want you

to do is to put a hand up

and just say that’s just that’s me and

i’ll just acknowledge you right where

you are just want your eyes to catch


and we’ll just come into agreement

together online

uh we have a bunch of people online

we’ve had so many people saved

online lately it’s just been amazing so

i encourage you

put it in the chat box we have teams of

people that will be there to pray with

you to talk with you

we’ve had extraordinary miracles online

yeah crazy

tom last week in our prayer meeting here

our prayer meeting sunday afternoon we


with two guys that were professional


they were professionals

they were not church brats they were

professional sinners from another city

that heard that something was going on

in a tent up here and i drove from

another city they came here

they sat through a two-hour prayer

meeting and at the end tom had the

courage to stand up

to a bunch of christians and say does

anyone need to get saved and these two

guys said that’s me

that’s me so we prophesy that

online or here i just encourage you

listen i don’t know i don’t know how

this works

but time is getting shorter

somebody asked vernon tompkins is this

the last generation

she said i don’t know but it’s my last


that’s probably what we ought to

remember is that uh we really need to

use this time well so

tom why don’t you come on up are you

wrapping it up come on up and

bless yeah you’re welcome