In this new series Mobilizing the Church, by Dr. Bill Winston, you will discover the truths that God has called the church together to advance the Kingdom of God. Once you have gained revelation of who the body is and why we were sent to earth, you can join the revolution of winning the world for Christ. Ordering Information: BW 2167-2 Receive GOD’s Miracles – Mobilizing The Church Series Series Number 47…

the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for

by Bill Winston Ministries partners and


up next on the believer’s block of faith

they need to see your you debt-free now

they need to see your new home paid for

now they need to see your auntie that

was in fourth stage healed now they need

to and if they do they’ll flock in the

church because it’s time for miracles


big problem in the church

is that

the people of God are trying to be their

own source

watch this

and trying to be

take the place

of Jehovah Jireh

T and he never did tell you to take

Jehovah jireh’s place

is saying that I

one days the Sabbath gonna bring you all

the bay way back around to the place

where you can rest in God’s provisions

thank you

so if you have a need I don’t want you

to fret

in this case of the feeding of 5 000

plus women and children give me some


so God’s way

of providing

if so I’m gonna give some seed the

little boy said hey he heard the message

uh I got two fish and five lows and and

the guy and one of the disciples says

well here’s a young lad here he’s got

two fish and Five Loaves but what is

that among so many come on

is that that’s enough bring it here

see Jesus knew the father

was his source

and when he had all these miles to feed

he wasn’t gonna fret he wasn’t gonna

sweat he wasn’t gonna worry or get it

all been out of shape he was just going

to sow a seed and let the source provide

thank you

don’t follow what I’m saying and I think

this is what Obadiah didn’t do Obadiah

kept trying to go in his pocket and get

enough so he can feed them oh that makes

you feel good that to help them but

you’re going broke

and because why because that’s not God’s

best God’s best is that you sow a seed

and you saw a seed here comes some more

for the need


so I’m saying what the church is trying

to do is they’re trying to take the

place of the provider when I say that I

mean the individual members we’re trying

to do it in a way that God didn’t have

us one to do as the Lord have mercy look


at what we’ve built out look at

look at that didn’t come because I had

all the money that came cause I had good

sense that that came because we kept

sowing come on you want to go up you

gotta show up and some people have well

you’re talking about money again so

forth you don’t have none if you don’t

have none you need to hear me talk about

it all the time and I’m saying the

reason why you don’t is cause you’re

trying to be your own provider you are

not God you are little G not Big G Big G

is responsible for Liturgy give Big G

something to work with

now if we go on can I go on here

we’re about to step out

into a place

where you’re not no longer your source

and there’s no way

that you can meet that need

now I’m about to go somewhere now

because think about it this is what kept

the church small because the church is

waiting long have mercy you

you’re going to step out

and you’re going to step out into

something you can’t afford

see that that

now I am not talking about living some

reckless life I’m talking about living a

life of faith

if you can afford it

or can do it



is not at work

you say this the best way I can


you don’t need Faith

so if you can find a way that you can

get it you can find a way you can do it


then faith is not at work


that’s going to give you something

and you can’t afford

on purpose

because he wants you to see he’s got you



now I know some of you wonder well now

wait a minute what is he talking about

I’m talking about living out of your

spirit and not out of your natural mind

and not out of what you can make on that

job listen folks you didn’t come to the

planet to work a job you came to this

planet to make people free you came to

this planet to fulfill the commission of

God to bring Heaven to Earth you came to

this planet to let the world know who

Jesus really is

oh man

you able to say it now if you look at

this and look at

what you do is make a list

of what you want


what you need or what you can’t afford

and ask big

don’t limit yourself

to what you can do and what you can pay

for that’s right

should I come over here okay don’t don’t

you limit yourself listen

buy that shopping mall now watch David

now watch David and watch

the results of David now this is found

in first Samuel and chapter 17. I want

to read verse 45 first and then I want

to read verse 46 put it up there please

ready read




all right now now watch this

he is about to do something he can’t do

you got to get me now he’s not doing

something he can do you’re not buying

something you can’t afford you’re

getting something you cannot afford you

get it because that’s when faith is

about to go to work now look at this now

I’m not calling anybody to be Reckless

I’m we’re going to talk about that let’s

look again at the same scripture but

let’s look at verse 46 verse 46 in the

cev translation ready read


and I’m happy


this is one of the biggest reasons why

God wants you to do that so that the

world will know that you have the true

God he wants the world to come to you

and say I want to know the god that you

know so that he can meet my needs like

he’s meeting yours that I can win every

battle like he’s winning them for you

come on that I can be successful like

he’s making you I want to know your God


he told Goliath the first thing I’m

gonna do with you is knock you down

cause I’m too short to reach you right

now so I’m Gonna Knock You down and then

cut your head off

man that’s gangster talk

I’m just saying when you’ve got that

kind of courage in your spirit that’s

when the anointing starts pouring out

now here’s the deal when he tells you to

do something you don’t know exactly how

you’re going to do it however when he

turned down Saul’s armor and said I

can’t do this and then after that God

showed him five smooth Stones didn’t he

didn’t he so God is going to work it in

a way that you don’t know now if you can

figure out how to do this or how to pay

for this you are not in faith I will say

it again if you can figure out how to do

this or how to pay for it you are not in

faith however when Joseph gloated to God

when when did when David came to all of

a sudden when he turned down Saul’s

armor then God shows him some Stones now

those stones you know and I know you get

hit by a rock it’ll hit you and in my

itch is so hard you fall out but it

didn’t say that according to what

happened to Goliath it said that the

rock went in his hand

now I’m saying to you that God has a way

of delivering you that is not it’s it’s

Lord have mercy

don’t try to figure it out

walk by faith and not by sight you

purposely choose something that’s too

big for your pocketbook you purpose it

Nancy you’re still with me

now I’m I’m not saying be Reckless I’m

saying God is pointing it out here’s

what I want you to do make a list of

what you want


can’t afford I don’t want to know that I

want to know what you want watch this

and get your believer ready


are we okay

so what happened here’s Goliath he fell

out now my point to you is

here’s the man

trying to pay for all these prophets

he’s hiding

out of his own ability God never

intended for you to do that because he

wants to be Jehovah

in your life he wants to be your source

and your sustainer say Amen to that and

that’s the way I got here do you do you


that when pressure comes on you like

that I heard a man talk the other day a


he said the nerve system

it’s probably one of the most vital

systems in the body

because whenever stress comes

it comes and affects the nerves

and as you know nerves control

everything nerve control your bladder

nerves control you’re you’re walking

nerves control uh your movements nerves

controls your muscles nerve control the

central nervous system is vital

and stress

affects the nerves

to the point that it can affect the body

and God never intended for you to have

one ounce of stress

said not one ounce of Flesh so what I

said to you last time is here’s the

widow woman so she cried to the man of

God what you’re going to do now my

husband dead what am I going to do he

said all right here’s what I want you to

do you go in that house you go into what

you got in there a little oil go borrow

some vessels don’t borrow a few go in

there none of that made sense he gets

you had to lay them out and then once

you got done with that she didn’t know

what to do she went back to the man of

God she said go sell the vessels pay

your debt and live you and your kids on

the rest are you following what I’m

saying I’m saying if you know what to do

you don’t need faith

that’s right

he said buy that shopping mall did I

know what to do no no I had to go to God

and let Faith direct me as to what to do

are y’all following what I’m saying

well let’s go to this next section




now why am I saying that

because whatever God’s

going to do for you

well I almost gave you something he is



let’s go to Isaiah chapter 46 verse 9

and 10 please

ready read


whatever I said

is going to come to pass

all that I spoke is going to come to

pass say Amen to that he said over in

Isaiah chapter 55 verse 11 so shall my

word be that gold forth out of my mouth

it shall not return to me void but it

shall accomplish that’s what I please

it’s your prospering thing where I sent

it now I’m saying to you right now that

God’s word is not going to return to him


I said God’s word is not to turn

unless Miracles win

see Miracles now and when you got a

situation here was David and they had

been up there facing Goliath for how

many days anybody know 40 days 40 days

but David went up there and said what

this day come on this day why because

while you’re waiting on a miracle if

it’s already done you don’t have to wait

I said if it’s already done you don’t

have to wait see the prodigal son caught

a little Glimpse to this thing when he

told the father over in Luke chapter 15

verse 12 he told the father I want my

inheritance now I don’t want to wait I

want mine right now well you can take

Faith and go out into your future and

get whatever God has for you and bring

it back into the

bring it back into the

time for you to get your stuff now see

the Saints are delaying things they

waiting on to feel better about it

waiting on a little bit more teaching

waiting on a little bit more of this but

the prodigal son says I want mine now

and I’m saying to you you don’t need to

wait on healing to get better you can

get it all now come on you don’t need to

wait on your paycheck you can bring the

paycheck to the now and I’m saying over

in your life I don’t know what you’ve

been waiting on but God’s got a man

ready for you now come on he got us come

on now I’m just saying now don’t be

putting it out all God has for you he’s

already done it so you don’t need to

wait on God and if you don’t need to

wait on God oh you need is some Faith so

you can bring from the future Into the



the world is waiting on Miracles they’re

waiting on them sit down the world is

waiting on Miracles why because they’re

in trouble and the only thing they can

come up with is is green deals and so

forth and so on I’m just saying put a

lot of pressure on the people causing a

lot of chaos and then here’s the cities

are waiting on on more policemen so to

take itself but I’m telling you the

church has the answer the church can

stop crime now the come on the church

can get this atmosphere better now I’m

saying the power of the church is to

clean up the atmosphere the power of the

church is coming up with a fossil fuel

that has no residual it can be as clean

as air I’m saying see and the world is

coming up with AI you better watch it

because now they’re calling it a

putting God they’re saying that we’re

going to try to be like God we’re going

to take some computers and make

computers do some things that God can do

no no no they can’t reach that but see

they’re trying to reach it because they

got no alternative you see when people

don’t see Miracles they go to dead gods

they try to do it themselves and try to

but if you can show them one miracle

I said if you can show them one Miracle

Miracles now

they need to see your you debt free now

they need to see your new home paid for

now they need to see your auntie that

was in fourth stage healed now they need

to and if they do they’ll flock in the

church because it’s time for miracles



all right let me just close this




prayer thank you

when you’re in prayer


a miracle

see you’re not willing to wait anymore

the weight is home everything you

promised me

already done

I want it right now I want it now I want

it now




all right now let me just finish this


so here’s prayer


and when you pray



every time you pray


I’m talking about expect something

to be done

that can’t be done


there’s nothing

that has happened

to somebody and there’s nothing

that they have gotten into

that prayer can’t get them out of

prayer can get someone out of anything

on this planet

this planet

this Hezekiah

there was no way out for him the syrians

had closed in on him

now they’re taking all his money

and he’s a king of

taking all the money and everything

king of Judah

what happened


sent them

his people to Isaiah’s

I said go get a word for me

and they went to Isaiah

and he sent him a word back wrote it out

they came back

Hezekiah the king took the word

went up into the house of God and spread

it before the Lord

putting him in remembrance

of what he said

my word shall not return

but it shall accomplish

and so what did he do he prayed the word

and then in verse 20

a runner came from Isaiah said tell him

what he has prayed

the Lord has heard

and what happened then


he went to bed

and that night

verse 35

God sent one angel

and he slayed


000 enemy soldiers

do you hear what I’m saying

and when

Hezekiah woke up that next morning he

and the people

all the enemy

was dead

the women how about the Apostle how

about Peter Peter was in jail

and that’s Acts

and chapter 12.

but the Bible says in verse 5

that prayer was being made for him

without ceasing

and next thing you know an angel came

say expect a miracle

and that angel came hit him on the side

and woke him up

you see he wasn’t under no pressure

because he knew that many are the

afflictions of the righteous

but some way God’s going to deliver them

come over you help them

and the next thing you know

he led Peter out and Peter ended up

coming to the house where they were

praying knocked on the door

and a young girl named Rhoda came to the

door and she heard his voice his

salutation and she ran back said Peter’s

at the door he said oh no he ate that’s

his age see they were praying without

expectation but I believe Rhoda was the

only one in praying with expectation


what am I saying I’m saying God will

deliver you no matter what you’re going

through right now expect



mobilizing the church in its entirety to

receive the full two-part series

available on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4 to

order contact us at

1-800-711-9327 or online at get your copy of this

powerful series

operation tent city is a 10 City

campaign empowering communities of

people across challenge metropolitan

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providing resources and imparting

entrepreneurial education operation 10

City features a free mega event with

programming for Youth and Next

Generation leaders business owners and

entrepreneurs centered on community

outreach Business and Entrepreneurship

and faith

operation tent city has impacted

thousands to date in St Louis Detroit

Cleveland Los Angeles Philadelphia and

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true economic prosperity and

self-sufficiency through wealth building

and ownership



it’s a lot of single parents like myself

that’s doing everything by themselves

and this actually is a big help in these

days and times the way it is in this

world today it is very hard you know and

people are doing what they can to take

what they have to make it some of us are

like swamped in bills and and property

taxes and then um this is excellent um

we appreciate the blessing


I am here because I would love to

expunge my record I have made several

mistakes at a young age me having my

record expunged will be the most

powerful impactment in my life because I

plan on getting my CDL so I can be a

truck driver I have a future when I came

here I felt the presence of God it was

so powerful when praise and worship

started I just felt the anointing and if

you’re looking for change and you just

want to change your life this is a place

to come when they come to your city

thank you

now remember you need Faith to get to

your destiny so don’t forget to

subscribe and click on the notification

Bell so that you don’t miss any of our


this is Bill Winston I love you and keep

walking by faith