David heard with his own ears the threats of Goliath against Israel and said, “This day the LORD will deliver you into my hands and I will strike you down and cut off your head,” (1 Samuel 17:46). David took dominion over the enemy, defeating him and an entire Philistine army. As believers in Christ, we carry that same authority and power today. Dr. Bill Winston’s new series, The Dominators, will empower you to frustrate every attack and win every battle facing you. Ordering Information: BW 2151-2 You Are Fearless part of “The Dominators” series Series Number 469 https://store.billwinston.org/the-dom…

the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for

by Bill Winston Ministries partners and


up next on the believer’s block of Faith

you don’t have to beg another person for

another thing



your days are begging are over your days

of toiling over

days of worry are over your days are

being without over all things are yours



here’s Adam and he’s putting Adam in the

earth and he’s blessed him

then he said be fruitful now Adam

is going to produce something

from the superior by the superior method

of the spirit Realm

now what is he going to produce

he’s going to produce something in the

earth that came from heaven

Jesus said thy kingdom come come on thy

will be done in earth as it is now so

he’s going to do that

now I had to do it too

let me give you my time we needed an


and Lord we don’t have an airplane

I need one

so he had a man come here and speak on a

Wednesday night from Africa

and is that pasta Winston your airplane

is in Ecclesiastes chapter 10.

well what do you think I did

I thought look it

because I need some seed

see God already knew I needed the

airplane yes

but I got to bring It Forward

and I’ve got to bring it forth starting

with a seed

I’ve got to get a seat Luke chapter 8

verse 11 the seed is the word of God I

got to get some seed first

Adam I’m giving you

herb Bearing Sea

and as God established some seed first

so I get some seed from God from a man

who carried it from Africa


and I look at verse 20 a bird of the air

shall carry your voice


it’s called see

so God gives C

to the soul


so I

sow that seed now Matthew chapter 12 and

verse 35 a good man

out of the good

deposit of the heart he said out of the

good what do you say up there out of the

good what treasure let’s substitute the

word deposit a good man out of the good

what deposit of the heart what is he

going to bring forth good thing so God

is making it so no man can keep me from

my airplane

because my airplane is not in their

hands it’s in my heart


do you hear what I’m saying see nobody

can keep you from your business no but

come on nobody can keep you from your

rent money nobody can keep you because

it’s not in their hands


it’s in your heart

and the sower soweth the word

and over in uh the Mark chapter 4 and

verse 26 he goes on down source of the

word and he sleepeth night and day and

the seed Springs come on and grows up

keep going keep going he doesn’t know

how you don’t need to know how this come

he’s coming forth that’s right you don’t

know how this come forth and if you

don’t know the devil don’t know that’s

right and I’m take God may have you to

do this do that stand on one foot and

Shout that you don’t know how it’s

coming forth but he’s going to bring it

forth and the seed carries the


for manifestation


so it doesn’t matter you don’t have to

beg anybody for anything because your

your blessings come from home your

blessing come from another realm I’m

talking about a spiritual realm that

nobody can stop it it’ll come up through

concrete it did nobody can touch it

nobody can have it so you’re you’re

black you’re white you can’t do that you

can’t none of that has crossed your

table you don’t even need none of that

all you need is a mouth and some soil

blah blah blah

hear what I’m saying that all you need

is a mouth and some soil

God’s got your seed he knew you were

gonna need that before you got that and

he’s got plenty of seed for you if the

devil’s trying to stop you from your

seed God will bring it through a person

from Africa God bring it from a person

from Australia now somehow y’all will

meet up and he said God told me to tell

you that their seed is in Ecclesiastes

and chapter 10 verse 20. all you got to

do is believe once you believe in sow it

you sleep and Rise night and day the

seeds brings and grow up you don’t know

how but the instructions are in the sea


this airplane came from California I

didn’t know this airplane from anything

but I do know this and a point of that

seed development the instruction said to

me pick out your interior what you want

it to look like on the inside I took it

and I thought looking online and I said

this is too complicated let me just get

a picture of one I like I got the

picture of the one I liked and do you

know what happened the one I like came

from California I did and no one’s in

California but God doesn’t it don’t make

no difference cause all the ice belongs

to God










I know



on Earth

it’s all it is

Now understand

that you’re the ones that are

responsible for this and

that if you don’t understand this

picture that I just painted here

it’ll be a really hard difficult

for you to fulfill the things that God

has planned for your life

because that’s the way the kingdom works

that’s it right there

it works

as a seed no


God be true

so when they came back from spying out

the land of Canaan in Numbers Chapter 13

and verse 33

they said wait a minute

we’re like grasshoppers

in their eyes and so are we in our sight

now notice what the

the two spies said

over in Numbers Chapter 13 Verse 30.

let us go up

at once keep going for we are well able

to overcome them was that the truth yep

because God said over in Joshua chapter


and verse 5 no man come on

no man will be able to stand before you

of the days of your life whether you’re

young or whether you’re old they ain’t

gonna be able to stand before

is that the truth see if I stand on the

truth everything got to change it’s got

a change in me it’s got to change

outside of me it’s got to change

do you believe that


now let’s keep going


one of them gave a fact and the fact was

what he could reason in his natural mind

they’re Giants they’re more experienced

than we are we’ve been in slavery they

they’ve been fighting Wars uh that all

the things that look


and then they eventually said well let’s

make a decision

it’s going back to Egypt

and because of which faces facing us

they’re going to kill us take our women

children so forth

all that sounded reasonable didn’t it

sound reasonable

and that’s what they could see with

their natural lives you I’m talking

about the X-ray you can see it with your

natural light you you can see it but God

said by his stripes come on


I’m not saying that the doctors are not

good I’m just saying that there’s a

reason why God

has spoken the truth

because only the truth is going to make

us what free

see you look at that TV enough it’ll

tell you who you are

God said that are you not gods

are you not God’s that you’re being

God’s some that this is this is the uh

the foundation of the supernatural in

your life to know that you’re not a

natural person

all right let me keep going here

y’all with me so far

all right so no

the lie all right so the devil just

tells a lot he just tells a lot all

right now let’s take an example

somebody born they’re born a male

okay now God says he created

two denominations

over in Genesis 1 27 he created them

male and female all right now that’s the


but now here comes somebody and they’re

going to use these uh


and they gonna change

their sex

now I’m not talking about people I’m I’m

hearing love Say I’m in Love

and they’re going to change their sex

now now notice what’s happening now a

fact is taking place because that’s what

you’re telling people now I’ve changed

my check I’m not him anymore I’m her

Now understand

that this Chris poses a real situation

because in Psalm 139 and verse 16

God said now from the beginning

I wrote your members in a book

I wrote who you are from the beginning

it’s not better than that he sent

Jeremiah to say something in Jeremiah

chapter 1 verse 5. he said before you

even came into the womb I knew you I

knew what you were I knew what you gonna

die being I knew everything about you

now somewhere you don’t listen to some

voice that was not the voice of truth

and you don’t took a fact and trying to

change yourself but here’s the good news

first John chapter 3 verse 8 says that

get the devil sentence from beginning

but the reason why Jesus came was to

undo the works the devil had done that I

don’t care how far going you are God can

turn it around I’m saying I don’t care

what has happened in your life God can

reverse it

proof of that is you sitting up in here

right now giving God praise that was one

time you was running away from God say


now I’d say I don’t care what the enemy

has done to you I’m that he didn’t mess

with our minds people had abortions here

and had distance but I got good news for

you if you came to Jesus any man that’s

in Christ any woman it is a brand new

creature all things are passable


now all you got to do is renew your mind

to What God Says and let God be truth

and every man be alive


you don’t have to carry around guilt and

shame and all of that because God can

make itself that you never did what you

did he he can cover you he can make

itself that the blood of Jesus cleanses

your mind cleanses your heart and you

say I’m free I’m free indeed


thank you

is anything too hard for the Lord no no

no no no we all mess up why because

we’re listening to the wrong voice

the Devil Comes To Kill

steal and so on that’s what he does

so I can’t you can’t be hard on people

who are listening to that voice you’re

in the world to win the world

we all had some crazy stuff

but God is good matter of fact his Mercy

is new every morning every morning you

get up said Lord forgive me for going

off on him Lord forgive me for that God

said I forgive you let’s go come on

say I’m forgiven

in the name of Jesus


last name

the last thing is

fear not

say fear not


the Bible says God has not given us

spirit of fear

but of



are you

you can fear not



God is with you

here’s what David said

the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want

he making me to lie down in green passes

he leadeth me besides Still Waters he

restoreth my soul he leads me into path

of righteousness for his name’s sake yea

though I walk through the valley the

shadow of death I will fear no evil for

thou art with me thy rod and thy staff

they comfort me

thou prepares a table before me in the

presence of my enemies thou anointed my

head with all my cup runs over surely

goodness and mercy shall follow me all

the days of my life

and I shall dwell in the house of the



David knew that nothing could separate


from the love of God

he said if

I make my bed in hell

there you are

if I take the wings of the morning

experience missing God

but it’s good news

his Mercy is new

every morning

so what would Faith fear do


came on job

said to think that I feared Moses come

upon me Job chapter 3 and verse 25 watch


took my health

and my wealth

it took my family

it’s a joke this is what fear can do

the next saying fear

will stop

a person from increasing

he said in First Kings chapter 17 here

at the woman

and the prophet said feed me and she

said I only have one more meal left one

meal left

and then he said well feed me with that

one and fear not

fear not

feed me

see fear not can’t you see what I’m

saying it’ll keep you from increasing

because if she would just feed him then

I always the food would start to

multiply I’m saying if you just give

your tithes can’t you see what I’m

saying fear got you blocked

not a man it’s not about somebody’s

tricking you it’s fear yes

he said I’ll open up the windows of


I’ll pour you out a blessing your name

will be known all over the world

but fear says you better not do it

I was at that crossroads with this

shopping mall

God said so four hundred thousand

fear tried to come in only that’s one

person what shall I do he said don’t do

it another person who said obey God

I said okay

fear get out of the way

I’m going for it one two three four and

look at it now


fear can keep you from your destiny

oh they were going over the other side

on the ship but look what happened

here comes the wind and here comes this

this storm coming

and the Bible said they woke up Jesus

and accused him that he didn’t care

about him he rebuked the wind said to

the Sea peace be still and then he

turned to them and said why are you so


how is that that you have no faith

fear can keep you from being all God

called you to be


from the Devil

I’m sad

Davis men

they call them Mighty Man

they came to him broke busted and


or something like that but look what

David did

he turned them into such Fearless men to

one of them could slay 800 men

I’m telling you your potential is locked


and we gonna unlock

it no it’ll it’ll keep you from

receiving your healing that’s what fear



but the biggest thing fear will keep you

from is your miracle

it’ll even keep person

from being saved

if Satan could work it in somebody’s


and try to hold them in fear

see being saved is the biggest miracle

in the book

but I declare it will not hold you

say no fear here

in the name of Jesus

here’s what David said

I sought the Lord

and he heard me

and delivered me from

she getting getting old can bring fear

come on not knowing what tomorrow might

bring could bring fear poverty brings

fear there’s a lot of some things that

bring fear some people don’t like to

swim because it brings fear

but David said all my fears

say I want all my fears gone

in the name of Jesus

so the last thing

is fear

and fear can be cast out in the name of


fear can be eradicated by revelation

over in second Kings chapter 6

when geez I could see the angels

around him

fear left

you can get rid of fear by knowing about


vengeance is where God moves on your


and he taught



he taught him


Sarah he told Sarah don’t tell him

you’re my sister

because they may kill me but God had to

show him

that the Judgment of God would come

and protect him say Amen to that

and also fear

perfect love cast out

what am I telling you your days of Fury

that fear

has run your life for the last time

that today

you are being totally delivered amen

amen of fear

well praise the Lord I trusted you

enjoyed that now again this is a series

called the dominators now what I

highlight in this particular teaching is

no fear

not a little fear

no fear David said this I sought the

Lord he heard me and delivered me from

all my fears see when fear is gone faith

is left and look what David did he

slayed a line and a bear and then it

killed a whole Army now let me tell you

that’s what no fear can do if a person

fears it can rob you of your joy

of your family

of your finances that’s what fear can do

but if you stay in faith you’ll get

victory in every situation so from now

on I’m saying to you

know more fear say it no more fear in

Jesus name praise God well get that

teaching you will enjoy it well this is

Bill Winston saying we love you and keep

walking by faith

blessed by today’s message order the

dominators in its entirety to receive

the full teaching this three-part series

is available on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4

to order contact us at

1-800-711-9327 or online at

billwinston.org as Believers in Christ

we carry Authority and power this

Dynamic series The dominators will equip

you with the weapons needed to win every

battle and live a Victorious Life on

this Earth


thank you

I can’t thank Dr Bill Winston enough for

being a blessing in my life I am so glad

I decided to partner with this ministry

in 2018 I was drowning emotionally and

financially I was often filled with

anxiety and fear I went to see my doctor

and she referred me to a psychologist

now the psychologist was booked for the

year and wasn’t seeing new patients so I

turned to my Bible I often found myself

reading for hours a few weeks later I

was in the hair salon and heard my

stylist listening to a minister I turned

to her and asked who is that

he is bold she replied Dr Bill Winston

you can find him on YouTube before long

I had listened to all of Dr Bill

Winston’s teachings on YouTube and was

hungry for more I began donating to the

ministry and then became a partner why

because I was getting so much out of Dr

Bill Winston’s teachings my soul was

prospering I no longer felt fearful I

was filled with joy and peace late 2019

the devil stepped in and tried to invade

my body with cancer but God said

otherwise I stood on God’s word in

Matthew 15 13 I went through with the

surgery to you know appease my doctor

the pathology report came back negative

no cancer was found in my body before

long I was out of debt house car doctor

bills and many more bills all paid in

full since partnering with your ministry

I have paid off close to one million

dollars in debt again thank you for your

men history you have truly been a

blessing in my life

thank you Partners through your support

we are transforming lives and teaching

people how to use the word to manifest

the best of God in their lives not a

partner sign up and become a partner at

billwinston.org partner or call

1-800-711-9327 and together let’s make

an impact on the world that cannot be


the mission of Bill Winston Ministries

is to preach the gospel of the Kingdom

throughout the world thank you Bill

Winston Ministry partners and viewers

for your continuous support of the

believer’s Walk of Faith broadcast


now remember you need Faith to get to

your destiny so don’t forget to

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this is Bill Winston I love you and keep

walking by faith