God doesn’t always remove the storms of life, but He gives us peace in the middle of them.

you know worry in this country is at an

all-time high and a

a doctor at the mayo clinic said

a few weeks ago quote worry affects the

circulation the heart

and the glands and the whole nervous

system and profoundly affects the health

and jesus is promising all the time to

replace the worry

with joy his joy he said that your

joy may be full you remember

when the hurricane bell was pounding its

way up the atlantic

the national weather map if you remember

showed a 25-mile

swath of complete calm precisely in the

center of that hurricane

and that’s exactly what jesus said he

said in the midst of the hurricane of


in the midst of the storms of life i can

give you peace

he said in the world ye shall have


but i’ve spoken unto you that in me ye

might have peace

in the center of the hurricane

is a place of calm

and that’s what christ brings in the

middle of your life he doesn’t remove

the hurricane

but he gives peace in the middle of it